Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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More on the secular humanist that is representing the Republican Party as it's Presidential candidate:

Like I've said before: If you don't like what Donald Trump currently says, wait 30 seconds and that very well could change.

Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for 'Extreme Vetting'

July 18, 2016

Donald Trump is once again shifting the parameters of his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, calling Sunday for "extreme vetting" of persons from "territories" with a history of terror — though not explicitly abandoning his previous across-the-board ban.

In an interview with "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Trump zeroed in on people from suspicious "territories" as those who will receive deep scrutiny when trying to enter the United States. He did not directly repudiate his previous call for an outright ban.

"Call it whatever you want," Trump told CBS when asked if he was changing his previously released policy.

"Change territories, but there are territories and terror states and terror nations that we're not going to allow the people to come into our country," he said.

Read more: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/201...ifts-muslim-ban-calls-extreme-vetting-n611276


New member
More on the secular humanist that is representing the Republican Party as it's Presidential candidate:

Like I've said before: If you don't like what Donald Trump currently says, wait 30 seconds and that very well could change.

Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for 'Extreme Vetting'

July 18, 2016

Donald Trump is once again shifting the parameters of his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, calling Sunday for "extreme vetting" of persons from "territories" with a history of terror — though not explicitly abandoning his previous across-the-board ban.

In an interview with "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Trump zeroed in on people from suspicious "territories" as those who will receive deep scrutiny when trying to enter the United States. He did not directly repudiate his previous call for an outright ban.

"Call it whatever you want," Trump told CBS when asked if he was changing his previously released policy.

"Change territories, but there are territories and terror states and terror nations that we're not going to allow the people to come into our country," he said.

Read more: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/201...ifts-muslim-ban-calls-extreme-vetting-n611276

Trump is not part of the religion of godless Secular Humanism. He is essentially areligious. It is Obama/Clinton who lead the godless Secular Humanists in attacks on Christian values.They are the ones who advocate the killing of unborn babies.


Trump is not part of the religion of godless Secular Humanism. He is essentially areligious. It is Obama/Clinton who lead the godless Secular Humanists in attacks on Christian values.They are the ones who advocate the killing of unborn babies.

This is the third time (the other two in different threads) that you've made that statement. I'll copy and paste what I told you in another thread just yesterday:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

... Let's look at what secular humanism is so that you don't continue to make that false statement:

The basic philosophy behind secular humanism is as follows:

Any set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines.

areligious is defined as:

1. unconcerned with or indifferent to religious matters.

The two definitions are inseparable.

Donald Trump stated in a debate and in an interview that he has "New York values" (people in New York evidently 'value' things like abortion, homosexuality and other things that Holy Scripture speaks out against).

Trump earlier in the year during an interview stated that he never has asked God for forgiveness. If those things don't paint the unrepentant pathological liar as a secular humanist, nothing does.

I've covered Donald Trump's stance on abortion in numerous posts in this thread.

1)He's unapologetic about defending Planned Parenthood. If you would like to discuss Planned Parenthood and how it not only is the leading abortion provider in this country, but how it promotes the LGBTQueer agenda, I'll gladly do so.

2)Trump has changed his stance on abortion 3 times in one day alone, taking a hardline saying that women who have abortions should be prosecuted. After that didn't go over well with his so-called Christian base, he changed his mind on that.

3)Trump, early in his campaign said that his sister would male a great Supreme Court Justice. His sister in a book defended partial birth abortion.

If you need more proof that Trump supports the culture of death, just ask.

patrick jane

More on the secular humanist that is representing the Republican Party as it's Presidential candidate:

Like I've said before: If you don't like what Donald Trump currently says, wait 30 seconds and that very well could change.

Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for 'Extreme Vetting'

July 18, 2016

Donald Trump is once again shifting the parameters of his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, calling Sunday for "extreme vetting" of persons from "territories" with a history of terror — though not explicitly abandoning his previous across-the-board ban.

In an interview with "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Trump zeroed in on people from suspicious "territories" as those who will receive deep scrutiny when trying to enter the United States. He did not directly repudiate his previous call for an outright ban.

"Call it whatever you want," Trump told CBS when asked if he was changing his previously released policy.

"Change territories, but there are territories and terror states and terror nations that we're not going to allow the people to come into our country," he said.

Read more: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/201...ifts-muslim-ban-calls-extreme-vetting-n611276
It shows that Trump is a thinker and a negotiator. Trump can change his view and tweak policies to make them better, nothing wrong with that - Go Trump !!!!


New member
I don't agree that Trump follows the religion Secular Humanism. He is indifferent to any religion( including Secular Humanism).
I do not try to defend Trump's views. My main concern is the attacks on Christian values by Secular Humanism led by Obama/Clinton.
In my opinion , Secular Humanism is the majority de facto state religion with no tolerance for Christianity.

So, we seem to have totally different views of the world. I see the Secular Humanists led by Obama/Clinton as the real threat to Christianity.
I see Trump as a bad man , who will not attack Christianity.
I prefer neutrality on religion to hostility and attacks.
Clinton is the threat that I am concerned about.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It shows that Trump is a thinker and a negotiator. Trump can change his view and tweak policies to make them better, nothing wrong with that - Go Trump !!!!



New member
Welcome to the 4 Part thread MrDante. If you're not trolling, come back and we can discuss Hitler's homosexuality and more importantly the modern LGBTQ movement's tie to the Nazis.

I can only surmise from your response that there is no evidence that "Adolf Hitler and a large majority of his brutal SS were homosexuals"

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I can only surmise from your response that there is no evidence that "Adolf Hitler and a large majority of his brutal SS were homosexuals"

Farbeit from me to side with aCultureWarrior because I find him vile and obnoxious. However, a number of high ranking Nazis were homosexuals. As for a majority, I don't think so, but some were.


New member
With homosexuality/bisexuality on the rise, this comes of no surprise:

Cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea skyrocket

July 15, 2016

Antibiotic-resistant cases of the sexually transmitted illness gonorrhea have more than quadrupled in the United States.

This new data, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, should serve as a warning that "the future of current treatment options may be in jeopardy," the agency said in a news release issued Thursday.

"The confluence of emerging drug resistance and very limited alternative options for treatment creates a perfect storm for future gonorrhea treatment failure in the U.S.," said Dr. Jonathan Mermin, who directs the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention

History shows us that bacteria will find a way to outlast the antibiotics we're using to treat it," Mermin said. "We are running just one step ahead in order to preserve the remaining treatment option for as long as possible."

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/drug-resistant-gonorrhea-increase-in-us/

I wonder if "acceptance of 'drug resistance gonnorhea' has increased among all generations"?

Evolution in action.

Drug resistant strains of gonorrhea have been common since the 1960's when the bacteria began developing resistance to penicillin.

According to the CDC website the small increase in cases of gonorrhea has largely been in individuals over the age of 50.


New member
Farbeit from me to side with aCultureWarrior because I find him vile and obnoxious. However, a number of high ranking Nazis were homosexuals. As for a majority, I don't think so, but some were.

That is difficult to immagine as in 1941 Hitler ordered the death penalty for any SS and police members who were gay.


Hall of Fame
I see Trump as a bad man , who will not attack Christianity. I prefer neutrality on religion to hostility and attacks..

There is only one reason Trump is not *currently* attacking Christianity. He NEEDS Christians to vote for him. For me, it would be worse for someone to *use* something I cared about (as Christians should care about their beliefs AND honoring their deity, the Christian God) as a way of getting ahead.


New member
I don't see Trump ever attacking Christianity. It is the religion of godless Secular Humanism that attacks Christianity now, and I expect them to turn on their ally Islam after they deal with Christianity.


New member
Secular Humanism as a religion( vs. just a philosophy).
… "Secular Humanism, then, can be defined as a religious worldview based on atheism, naturalism, evolution, and ethical relativism. But this definition is merely the tip of the iceberg. A more complete discussion of the Secular Humanist worldview can be found in David Noebel's Understanding the Times, which discusses (in detail) humanism's approach to each of ten disciplines: theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, psychology, sociology, law, politics, economics and history.

Read more at: http://www.christiananswers.net/q-sum/sum-r002.html


Hall of Fame
I don't see Trump ever attacking Christianity. It is the religion of godless Secular Humanism that attacks Christianity now, and I expect them to turn their ally Islam after they deal with Christianity.

Absolute rhetoric. ANY version of religion that practices extremism would never be supported by the nonreligious.


New member
Absolute rhetoric. ANY version of religion that practices extremism would never be supported by the nonreligious.

But, the godless Secular Humanists are very religious in their practice of the religion of Secular Humanism. They essentially consider Christians as heretics and band together with Islam temporarily to fight Christianity.


Hall of Fame
But, the godless Secular Humanists are very religious in their practice of the religion

Not only are completely wrong, but you are also going off topic. If this is a discussion you wish to pursue, it would be better to open your own thread.


New member
Not only are completely wrong, but you are also going off topic. If this is a discussion you wish to pursue, it would be better to open your own thread.

If you see secular humanism only as a philosophy(which is how the Secular Humanists want to be viewed), you will not see the danger that the religion of godless Secular Humanism poses in the USA.
This does have a bearing on how to view Clinton and Trump, but I will not respond further to your posts.


I don't agree that Trump follows the religion Secular Humanism. He is indifferent to any religion( including Secular Humanism).
I do not try to defend Trump's views. My main concern is the attacks on Christian values by Secular Humanism led by Obama/Clinton.
In my opinion , Secular Humanism is the majority de facto state religion with no tolerance for Christianity.

So, we seem to have totally different views of the world. I see the Secular Humanists led by Obama/Clinton as the real threat to Christianity.
I see Trump as a bad man , who will not attack Christianity.
I prefer neutrality on religion to hostility and attacks.
Clinton is the threat that I am concerned about.

You had stated that Donald Trump isn't a secular humanist, I showed you by definition that he is.

Granted, being the pathological liar that Donald Trump is, he has many people believing that he's on the side of Christians and those who stand for decency, but as I've shown, he isn't.

Take for instance the North Carolina so-called "bathroom bill": Donald Trump instead of defending the elected officials who stood up for women and little girls who don't want to be subjected to mentally ill cross dressing males or sexual deviant males using the same restrooms or gym locker rooms as them, said that the bill was "a bad business decision".

Either Trump or Clinton will be the next president of the USA. I prefer Trump.

Then you want business as usual, except that Trump is much more liberal than any of the previous RINO's (Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole) that represented the Republican Party before him.

I don't see Trump ever attacking Christianity. It is the religion of godless Secular Humanism that attacks Christianity now, and I expect them to turn on their ally Islam after they deal with Christianity.

Did Donald Trump ever stand up for any of the 'religious liberty' (i.e. Christian) legislation that legislatures in several states attempted to pass?

If your memory fails you, let me help you restore it with this Dec. 2015 article from National Review written by conservative Maggie Gallagher:

Will Trump Protect Christians Here at Home?

Dec. 18, 2015

Three out of the top four GOP candidates just committed to passing the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) in their first 100 days in the White House. Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Trump: Which one would you guess refused to make that commitment? Donald J. Trump.

The pledge request to prioritize FADA was made by Heritage Action, FRC Action, and the American Principles Project (APP, where I work). FADA would protect gay-marriage dissidents from punishment by the federal government or its regulatory arms, including the IRS: “The Federal Government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person, wholly or partially on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man or one woman, or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” Christian schools, charities, individuals, and small-business owners would receive guarantees of equal access to charitable tax deductions, contracts, loans, accreditation, and employment.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428738/donald-trumps-religious-liberty-weakness

Don't be fooled by the sociopath (or is Donald Trump a psychopath?).
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