Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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I was kinda hopin that you'd link that factsheet from the CDC showing the statistics on gonorrhea.

Can the readers of this thread expect that anytime soon MrDante?

In the meantime I went to my good ole trusty index on page 1 and came up with this link from the CDC:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer.

My my, according to the CDC those who engage in homosex are prone to all kinds of nasty diseases.

What should we as a nation do about something like that MrDante?

So do those who engage in heterosex.

At the same rate?

Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread glassjester. Perhaps you could do me a favor and be a second set of eyes for me and let me know if you see in MrDante's latest post that CDC link I've been asking the homosexual activist in denial to produce?


Well-known member
Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread glassjester. Perhaps you could do me a favor and be a second set of eyes for me and let me know if you see in MrDante's latest post that CDC link I've been asking the homosexual activist in denial to produce?

What link?

according to the CDC the increase in cases of gonorrhea has largely been in individuals over the age of 50.


All I could find was this:
According to http://www.cdc.gov/std/stats13/gonorrhea.htm:

In 2013, persons aged 15–44 years accounted for 93.6% of reported gonorrhea cases with known age.


Throughout this 4 Part thread I've talked quite a bit about the homosexual-pedophile-pederasty connection, as well as how the LGBTQueer movement has permeated every major institution in our society, including the Church.

A couple of times in the earlier threads I talked about homosexuality in the Catholic Church and how it was allowed due to the liberals inside of the Church.

The following link is disturbing, showing what these homosexuals and bisexuals did to innocent children (and in some cases women, but it must be shown.

It can also be found in page 1's index under "pedophilia/pederasty".

Database of Publicly Accused Priests in the United States




New member
Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread glassjester. Perhaps you could do me a favor and be a second set of eyes for me and let me know if you see in MrDante's latest post that CDC link I've been asking the homosexual activist in denial to produce?

It was in the post immediately following your post presenting all that evidence showing that Adolf Hitler and a large majority of his brutal SS were homosexuals.


New member
Exactly. MrDante was asked to supply a CDC link backing his statements. Where's the link?

Like all other STD's, MSM's (male sex with male) are disproportionately represented when it comes to contracting gonorrhea.

On that note:

Moving on...

Well according to the CDC that claim cannot be made: "However, most jurisdictions do not routinely report sex of sex partner or site of infection for gonorrhea cases, so trends in gonorrhea rates among MSM over time cannot be assessed."


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Welcome to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread glassjester. Perhaps you could do me a favor and be a second set of eyes for me and let me know if you see in MrDante's latest post that CDC link I've been asking the homosexual activist in denial to produce?

It was in the post immediately following your post presenting all that evidence showing that Adolf Hitler and a large majority of his brutal SS were homosexuals.

Feel free to check the index on page 1 for Scott Lively and Kevin Abram's "The Pink Swastika". The evidence was presented and discussed ad nauseum in a couple of earlier threads, along with other sources such as an openly homosexual writer stating it as well. The modern day LGBTQueer movement learned much from the gestapo, hence being referred to as the "gaystapo" by many.

Once you go through the well researched link, you can present anything that you feel isn't true and we can discuss it further.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Exactly. MrDante was asked to supply a CDC link backing his statements. Where's the link?

Like all other STD's, MSM's (male sex with male) are disproportionately represented when it comes to contracting gonorrhea.

On that note:

Moving on...

Amazing, absolutely amazing. The CDC records disproportionate amounts of HIV/AIDS, syphilis, anal cancer, tobacco use, alcohol abuse, recreational drug use, etc. etc. etc. amongst MSM, but can't do the same with gonorrhea?

The things that I learn from homosexual activists in denial.


New member
Feel free to check the index on page 1 for Scott Lively and Kevin Abram's "The Pink Swastika". The evidence was presented and discussed ad nauseum in a couple of earlier threads, along with other sources such as an openly homosexual writer stating it as well. The modern day LGBTQueer movement learned much from the gestapo, hence being referred to as the "gaystapo" by many.

Once you go through the well researched link, you can present anything that you feel isn't true and we can discuss it further.
Are Lively and Abram the guys who claim that all the nazi concentration camps were staffed and run by Jews?




New member
(Why do I waste my time on people like MrDante? I guess I a have a soft spot in my heart for the ignorant).

Since it appears that you have problems locating page 1's index, I'll link the website to "The Pink Swastika".

If you are reading and quoting a book like "Pink Swastika" then I would have to agree you do have a soft spot for the ignorant.

I'm still left wondering if Lively and Abram are to have us believe the Nazi concentration camps were staffed and run by Jews. (It's actually a more reasonable idea than the whole Hitler and the SS were all gay.

I Suppose I could have asked if Lively and Abram were flat-earthers but flat earthers have much better evidence to support their position.


Well-known member
what's that to do with anything?

You equated the risk of STD between hetero- and homo- populations, with this exchange:
ACW: those who engage in homosex are prone to all kinds of nasty diseases.
Mr.D: so do those who engage in heterosex.

ACW was implying that homosexual activity is bad for society and a dangerous practice. Mr. D. was equating homosexual activity to heterosexual activity, thereby defending the practice.

But isn't that misleading?
Here's a similar (unfair) comparison:
Person A: Those who engage in drunk driving are prone to nasty car accidents.
Person B: So are those who engage in sober driving.

Person A is implying that drunk driving is bad for society and a dangerous practice. Person B is equating drunk driving to sober driving, thereby defending the practice.

Does Person B make a valid argument? Why/why not?


New member
You equated the risk of STD between hetero- and homo- populations, with this exchange:
ACW: those who engage in homosex are prone to all kinds of nasty diseases.
Mr.D: so do those who engage in heterosex.

ACW was implying that homosexual activity is bad for society and a dangerous practice. Mr. D. was equating homosexual activity to heterosexual activity, thereby defending the practice.
No, I was pointing out that unprotected sexual activity can result in any number of STD's no matter what sexual orientation of the participants.

“I am reminded of a colleague who reiterated "all my homosexual patients are quite sick" - to which I finally replied "so are all my heterosexual patients.” ― Ernest Van den Haag

But isn't that misleading?
Here's a similar (unfair) comparison:
Person A: Those who engage in drunk driving are prone to nasty car accidents.
Person B: So are those who engage in sober driving.

Person A is implying that drunk driving is bad for society and a dangerous practice. Person B is equating drunk driving to sober driving, thereby defending the practice.

Does Person B make a valid argument? Why/why not?

Since you labeled the comparison "unfair" you already know it's not a valid argument


Well-known member
No, I was pointing out that unprotected sexual activity can result in any number of STD's no matter what sexual orientation of the participants.

Agreed. And among which population is the occurrence more frequent?

Similarly, Person B was pointing out that driving can result in a car accident no matter the BAC of the participants. Fair?

Since you labeled the comparison "unfair" you already know it's not a valid argument

So which practice has proved more damaging?


Well-known member
Why would that matter?

It matters because when you're determining whether a particular practice is a social good or a social ill, you have to consider not just whether it can cause damage, but also how likely it is to cause damage.

This is why driving is considered a social good (although it can cause damage), but drunk driving is considered a social ill (because it's much more likely to cause damage).

In theory, people can have sex without spreading disease - whether hetero or homo. Just like there are lots of people who drive perfectly well even when drunk! But most people are not likely to practice safe driving while practicing drunk driving.

Homosexuals can practice safe sex. Drunks can practice safe driving - but they don't.

So in actuality - which practice is more damaging?
Homosexuality or heterosexuality?


New member
It matters because when you're determining whether a particular practice is a social good or a social ill, you have to consider not just whether it can cause damage, but also how likely it is to cause damage.

This is why driving is considered a social good (although it can cause damage), but drunk driving is considered a social ill (because it's much more likely to cause damage).

In theory, people can have sex without spreading disease - whether hetero or homo. Just like there are lots of people who drive perfectly well even when drunk! But most people are not likely to practice safe driving while practicing drunk driving.

Homosexuals can practice safe sex. Drunks can practice safe driving - but they don't.

So in actuality - which practice is more damaging?
Homosexuality or heterosexuality?

So you are saying that a higher rate of STD's among gays is an indication that gays are harmful to society. Does this work as a justification for discrimination?
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