Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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I see that Donald the degenerate Trump is vetting NJ Governor Chris Christie as a Vice Presidential pick.


Birds of a feather...


Homosexualist Crucible writes:


Yes, it would. But only a vestige of homosexuals want to get married...

So signing a faux marriage certificate all of the sudden would keep people who engage in an extremely unhealthy behavior disease free?

Speaking of sodomites that 'married':


Elton John and his fellow child indoctrinator/molester 'husband' David Furnish with two of their toys.

David Furnish, Elton John sex scandal: British media forbidden from covering couple

April 18, 2016

The alleged story goes something like this: Elton John‘s partner and now-husband of 23 years, Canadian David Furnish, has been having a longtime affair with British businessman Daniel Laurence.

According to multiple salacious reports from sources like the tabloid National Enquirer, Furnish had unprotected sex on numerous occasions with Laurence, and Furnish joined Laurence and his husband Pieter Van den Bergh for a Dec. 2011 threesome in a kiddie pool filled with olive oil...

Apparently Mr. and Mrs. John (or is it Mr. and Mrs. Furnish?) don't want their children to know about one of their daddy's being involved in a threesome.

So engaging in homosexuality is ok, but not engaging in homosexual threesomes?


Eagles Wings

New member
Interesting article. I've said many times before throughout this 4 part thread that the reason those who engage in homosexual acts partake in extremely harmful behaviors (alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, etc.), is because they know that the behavior that they're engaging in is inherently wrong.

Of course the LGBTQ movement and it's allies (including the CDC) will say that it's due to "homophobia", which of course is a lie.

Feel free to discuss the article.
The bottom line is that God is so offended by this behavior that His wrath and judgment is worse than any punishment of the state, for it is eternal.


The bottom line is that God is so offended by this behavior that His wrath and judgment is worse than any punishment of the state, for it is eternal.

Without getting deep into theology (this is a political forum): Jesus will forgive as long as the person's heart asks for it.

God abandoning an entire nation is something else...


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

Now I will be clear. I don't feel that Homosexuality should be made illegal.

But I do believe that the LGBTQ movement is one of the most dangerous movements for gay rights that has ever existed.

I believe the liberal media has seduced the minds of people that believe in equality and human rights to believe its agenda is conserned with said human rights.

If you give the Milo at the Orlando shooting massacre video a watch, you will hear this gay Christian explain that the liberal agenda has no concern for human rights. You will hear him explain that it is the enemy of our freedom, lulling us to be in disunity, and unrepentant to the consequences of disarming its citizens.

He is from London and explains how the same liberal agendas that promoted LGBTQ movements, systematically gave up rights under pressure to an Islamic influx.

I don't hate Muslims, but I assure you that it isn't Homosexuals that are threatening our country.

The Blind, Godless Liberal movement is self seeking and has no concern but any but self. This is not a movement of people, but a way of redistributing the weight of government.

The end result can be seen in London.

I don't know how people could let this happen, but I assure you that it happens.

The shooting at Orlando is nothing. Under Sharia, gays are killed in many terrible ways.

I know I came here an irritant, but I assure you, the weak need to be encouraged. Islam is the enemy of the Gospel, but the Muslims that bring its anti human rights onslaught with them are our enemies to Love.

However, if we turn a blind eye to the potential governmental disaster that will cost many innocent people their lives in the liberal empowerment of Islam, we are certain to lose America.

I pray that God uses America to aid the weak and bolster true human rights.

I indeed understand why you are a warrior.

We obviously are not called to violence as Christians, but we also are called to never turn a blind eye to evil!

I pray for a different cause and get called a loveless biggot for saying Islam is a danger to America.

I love each Muslim good and bad, but I refuse to turn a blind eye and keep my mouth shut that all Americans are in severe danger of becoming like London and many other countries.

I may sound like a liberal puke theologically, but I genuinely understand your call to culture war.

Perhaps I just unloaded my personal bigotry, or perhaps you can make sense of my madnesses.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Now I will be clear. I don't feel that Homosexuality should be made illegal.

I'm glad that you made that clear, as your ultra pro sodomite posts had me confused on how you stand on the issue.

But I do believe that the LGBTQ movement is one of the most dangerous movements for gay rights that has ever existed.

Who do you think started the "Gay Christian" movement?* Who do you think made the indoctrination of children to accept sexual perversion as something normal an accepted practice? You owe the LGBTQueer movement a big thanks for giving you the opportunity to openly push perversion on society.

*Not to be confused with the "Incestuous Christian" or "Adulterous Christian" movements.

I believe the liberal media has seduced the minds of people that believe in equality and human rights to believe its agenda is conserned with said human rights.

In other words the liberal media has seduced the minds of their fellow liberals?

If you give the Milo at the Orlando shooting massacre video a watch, you will hear this gay Christian explain that the liberal agenda has no concern for human rights. You will hear him explain that it is the enemy of our freedom, lulling us to be in disunity, and unrepentant to the consequences of disarming its citizens. He is from London and explains how the same liberal agendas that promoted LGBTQ movements, systematically gave up rights under pressure to an Islamic influx.

Does "the Milo" happen to mention that the guy who murdered 49 homosexuals was himself a homosexual whose motive was not terrorism, but hatred of homosexual Puerto Ricans, one of who might have infected him with HIV?

I don't hate Muslims, but I assure you that it isn't Homosexuals that are threatening our country.

Tell us again how you're in a heterosexual marriage and you only avidly defend the LGBTQ movement because you have a few friends that engage in same sex sodomy.

...The shooting at Orlando is nothing. Under Sharia, gays are killed in many terrible ways.

Both Islam and your LGBTQ movement are cultures of death. If we were to sit down and compare the type of deaths homosexuals experience at the hands of Muslims verses the deaths that are brought on by the homosexual lifestyle itself, the LGBTQ movement would win hands down.


I know I came here an irritant, but I assure you, the weak need to be encouraged. Islam is the enemy of the Gospel, but the Muslims that bring its anti human rights onslaught with them are our enemies to Love.

I can honestly say that they don't come any sicker than you aikado7. Seriously, seek legitimate spiritual and psychological help.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

I'm glad that you made that clear, as your ultra pro sodomite posts had me confused on how you stand on the issue.

Who do you think started the "Gay Christian" movement?* Who do you think made the indoctrination of children to accept sexual perversion as something normal an accepted practice? You owe the LGBTQueer movement a big thanks for giving you the opportunity to openly push perversion on society.

*Not to be confused with the "Incestuous Christian" or "Adulterous Christian" movements.

In other words the liberal media has seduced the minds of their fellow liberals?

Does "the Milo" happen to mention that the guy who murdered 49 homosexuals was himself a homosexual whose motive was not terrorism, but hatred of homosexual Puerto Ricans, one of who might have infected him with HIV?

Tell us again how you're in a heterosexual marriage and you only avidly defend the LGBTQ movement because you have a few friends that engage in same sex sodomy.

Both Islam and your LGBTQ movement are cultures of death. If we were to sit down and compare the type of deaths homosexuals experience at the hands of Muslims verses the deaths that are brought on by the homosexual lifestyle itself, the LGBTQ movement would win hands down.


I can honestly say that they don't come any sicker than you aikado7. Seriously, seek legitimate spiritual and psychological help.

I'm not this name you keep suggesting .

I am genuinely new here.

Just a little over 7 days now.

I'm a follower of Jesus that sees hate dividing this world.

Dude, I'm trying to tell you.

The devil has snowed the left and the right over!!!

Plain English.

If Christians were Loving ALL as they were commissioned by Christ, they would discern the Beast is indeed Islam!!!!

We have time to hold back the true tides of the devil a little while longer, but we have to put down our spiritual prejudices to get there.

I'm not joking.

I'm seriously new to this site and I've talked with you about this thing I haven't outright talked with any one else about.

Lay down your beef with gays brother.

Islam is the real threat!!!

The Left and Right are so busy fighting, the real spiritual threat to this country is moving.

Maybe I figured you would understand my words because you are trying to make a cultural change!!!

I'm a person that believes the Devil is dividing to blind all eyes.

And yes, Gods will will be done, but I have spoken to you warrior.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."
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Lay down your beef with gays brother.

Islam is the real threat!!!

You're neither my brother from another mother nor a brother in Christ. Get that straight.

I've pointed out continuously in this 4 part thread that Islam and your LGBTQueer movement are inseparable allies in this on-going culture war. The common denominator is their HATRED of Christianity and of course Judeo-Christian doctrine.

Another common denominator between Islam and the LGBTQueer movement (which I've shown numerous times) is pedophilia and pederasty.

Islam's false prophet (Muhammad) was a pedophile, as were practically all of the modern day LGBTQ's so-called "leaders" :Harry Hay, Frank Kameny, etc. etc. etc. (some liked post pubescent boys, making them pederasts: Harvey Milk, Terry Bean, etc. etc. etc.).

If your LGBTQueer movement isn't a threat to Christianity and to those who aren't believers but simply believe in decency, perhaps you could refute these 300 examples of homofascism?

300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’


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I've always tried to placate TOL's homosexualists by showing that there are many perverts/child molesters that are heterosexual.

I'd mentioned the name of Jeffrey Epstein on at least a couple of occasions and his Lolita Express.

All aboard the 'Lolita Express': Flight logs reveal the many trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private jet with anonymous women.

It appears that Donald Trump partook in Epstein's 'hospitality'.

What You Should Know About The Child Rape Case Against Donald Trump


As has been well-documented — often by himself in his own stump speeches and media appearances — Donald Trump is no stranger to lawsuits and courts. Amid the flurry of litigation the candidate has been embroiled in, though, one case in particular stands out: Trump has been accused of repeatedly raping a teenage girl, according to a case recently filed in federal court. The case was initially dismissed in April due to procedural errors, but was re-submitted and accepted in late June. The new filing includes a much stronger legal claim, and there’s much about it the voting public should perhaps be aware of.

In short, Trump is accused of sexually assaulting the plaintiff, who has filed as Jane Doe, four times during the summer of 1994. According to the complaint, the victim explicitly asked Trump to stop during the fourth encounter, and he struck her in return. Trump is also accused of threatening the young girl, claiming that a 12-year-old named Maria “disappeared” after she complained about Trump’s sexual assaults, and that the same could happen to the plaintiff, who at the time was 13 years old.

The suit states that the young girl was held at the apartment of shady financier Jeffery Epstein, and that Epstein also sexually assaulted her, and that she was one of several girls Epstein kept on the premises to have sex with powerful men.

Read more: http://uproxx.com/news/donald-trump-child-rape-case-jeffrey-epstein/

Yes, false claims are made all of the time against high profile people, but these words from the accused child rapist himself makes the case look valid:

Donald Trump Manages to Involve Himself in Two Skeevy Sex Scandals


...To say Trump has a history of commenting inopportunely on skeevy sex scandals would be an understatement—in 2002...Trump described Epstein as a "terrific guy."

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


Have I mentioned that child molesters are the scum of the earth?

Surely this won't jeopardize Donald Trump getting the Evangelical vote?


This article goes into more detail about the accused child rapist Donald Trump, along with a copy of the court document:

Donald Trump Accused of Rape in Federal Court Lawsuit

The assaults are alleged to have taken place at the home of billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

June 21, 2016

A new lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal Court alleges that Donald Trump repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl a little over 20 years ago. According to the now-adult woman’s filing, the sexual assaults took place at parties held by Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire former hedge funder who pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges involving soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.

In the filing, the woman states the assaults took place in 1994. She said Epstein lured her to his Upper East Side home—then dubbed Wexner Mansion—with promises of a career in modeling and large sums of money. Once there, Jane Doe says she was violently raped by Trump, according to Death and Taxes:

In the court filing, “Defendant Trump” allegedly “initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.”

In the next section, she adds that “Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened Plaintiff that, were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed.”...

Read more: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/donald-trump-accused-rape-federal-court-lawsuit

Based on Donald Trump's sociopathic behavior before and after the Republican debates, I don't doubt for a second that every word in this complaint against him is true.


New member

Just quit with the intentional misrepresentation of others already ... if you are incapable of providing a direct quote, no one should take anything you say seriously.

This is my biggest problem with aCW. He thinks he is (cleverly) reading between the lines, when in actuality he is making illogical inferences and spinning straw man arguments, also known as being dishonest. The fact is, I agree with many of aCWs positions; it is more the dark spirit with which he approaches others that concerns me. Christians need to speak truth, but they also need to do so in love, something aCW has not learned yet.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since you've refused to state the following, I can only assume that you voted for pro abortion Barack Hussein Obama and the pro abortion Democratic Party, and I can only assume that you'll be voting for the pro abortion Hillary Clinton..

A perfect example of your problem. No, aCW you do NOT get to assume you know facts that have not been stated explicitly. It is neither logical nor fair minded. Learn to reason from statements of fact, not from silence. You will be a better minister when you can learn this lesson,


What part of McCain the traitor, and of "you're an idiot" don't you understand?

If we're talking about John McCain as a US Senator, yes, he has sold out the Constitution of the United States, which makes him a traitor. While a POW in Vietnam, he did nothing of the kind.

Now if you want to defend the accused child molester Donald Trump for badmouthing McCain because he was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, then do so.

Now stop spreading homosexuality with your supposedly anti-gay propaganda.

So telling the truth about homosexuality helps "spread" homosexuality"?


This is my biggest problem with aCW. He thinks he is (cleverly) reading between the lines, when in actuality he is making illogical inferences and spinning straw man arguments, also known as being dishonest. The fact is, I agree with many of aCWs positions; it is more the dark spirit with which he approaches others that concerns me. Christians need to speak truth, but they also need to do so in love, something aCW has not learned yet.

A perfect example of your problem. No, aCW you do NOT get to assume you know facts that have not been stated explicitly. It is neither logical nor fair minded. Learn to reason from statements of fact, not from silence. You will be a better minister when you can learn this lesson,

I've asked the defenders of homosexuality from the very beginning of this 4 part thread to refute anything that isn't true.

In the event you don't know the definition of refute:



More on the Donald Trump child rape civil suit:

Why the Donald Trump child rape lawsuit is credible and can’t be dismissed

June 30, 2016

On June 20, news broke of a civil lawsuit filed against Donald Trump, who is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl some 20 years ago at the Upper East Side apartment of Jeffrey Epstein. Trump has largely been able to ignore the story, which has not been seriously investigated by major news outlets. But that may soon change.

Trump is no stranger to rape and sexual assault allegations. During divorce proceedings, Ivana Trump described under oath how the Republican presidential nominee once tore her hair out with his fists and brutally raped her because her plastic surgeon gave him a painful scalp reduction. After the divorce was finalized, Trump released a statement saying his ex-wife did not use the word “rape” in its “literal or criminal” sense.

In a separate lawsuit, business partner Jill Harth accused Trump of attempting to rape her multiple times, culminating in an incident where he “forcibly kissed, fondled, and restrained (her) from leaving, against (her) will and despite her protests,” according to court filings. The case was settled out of court, but Harth stands by her accusations. After The New York Times published a lengthy investigation into multiple instances of sexual misconduct against women by Trump, including Harth’s, Trump countered that the allegations were “made up.” Harth responded on Twitter:

“My part was true. I didn’t talk. As usual you opened your big mouth.”

While those accusations have received plentiful coverage, the latest, and if possible, most nauseating, has been mostly ignored by the mainstream media. A lawsuit filed against the Republican nominee by an unnamed accuser — referred to as “Jane Doe” in the filings — alleges that Trump raped her repeatedly at 13 years of age while she was tied to a bed, and that he beat her while she pleaded for him to stop, to no avail.

According to the suit, when Trump finished raping her, he allegedly told her “were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed.”

The assault allegedly took place in 1994 at the mansion of Jeffrey Epstein, who is also named in the suit and accused of “anally and vaginally raping” the defendant, as well as beating her and threatening her and her family. Known as the “billionaire pedophile,” Epstein is similarly no stranger to rape and sexual assault, but while he was able to settle many cases out of court by paying hush money to “scores of alleged victims who said he serially molested them,” in 2008, one stuck. After being convicted of soliciting sex from an underage girl, he had to register as a Level 3 registered sex offender — a “threat to public safety.”

Read more: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/295335/donald-trump-child-rape-lawsuit-jeffrey-epstein-jane-doe/


WARNING! Profanity and sexual violence!

Publisher too scared to reprint Trump book with wife’s rape allegation

June 7, 2016

In 1990, Ivana Trump gave a sworn deposition as part of divorce proceedings against her then husband Donald Trump, citing the Republican nominee’s “cruel and inhuman treatment” of his then wife. The content of the deposition was summarized by reporter Harry Hurt III in his 1993 book “Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.” While the book has long been out of print, in 2015 The Daily Beast reported on Ivana’s harrowing account of abuse and rape Donald subjected her to (emphasis mine):

After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.“Your ******* doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried. What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants. “Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’” Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there. “As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.

Donald denied the account in 1993, referring to Hurt as “an unattractive guy who is a vindictive and jealous person,” and he and his lawyers had Ivana — whose divorce from the Republican nominee had by that time been finalized — write a statement about her deposition, which Hurt included on the first page of “Lost Tycoon”:

“During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the Ivana Trump statement said. “[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”

Read more: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/292892/lost-tycoon-donald-trump-ivana-rape/
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