I see that Donald the degenerate Trump is vetting NJ Governor Chris Christie as a Vice Presidential pick.
Birds of a feather...

Birds of a feather...
Yes, it would. But only a vestige of homosexuals want to get married...
The bottom line is that God is so offended by this behavior that His wrath and judgment is worse than any punishment of the state, for it is eternal.Interesting article. I've said many times before throughout this 4 part thread that the reason those who engage in homosexual acts partake in extremely harmful behaviors (alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, etc.), is because they know that the behavior that they're engaging in is inherently wrong.
Of course the LGBTQ movement and it's allies (including the CDC) will say that it's due to "homophobia", which of course is a lie.
Feel free to discuss the article.
The bottom line is that God is so offended by this behavior that His wrath and judgment is worse than any punishment of the state, for it is eternal.
Now I will be clear. I don't feel that Homosexuality should be made illegal.
But I do believe that the LGBTQ movement is one of the most dangerous movements for gay rights that has ever existed.
I believe the liberal media has seduced the minds of people that believe in equality and human rights to believe its agenda is conserned with said human rights.
If you give the Milo at the Orlando shooting massacre video a watch, you will hear this gay Christian explain that the liberal agenda has no concern for human rights. You will hear him explain that it is the enemy of our freedom, lulling us to be in disunity, and unrepentant to the consequences of disarming its citizens. He is from London and explains how the same liberal agendas that promoted LGBTQ movements, systematically gave up rights under pressure to an Islamic influx.
I don't hate Muslims, but I assure you that it isn't Homosexuals that are threatening our country.
...The shooting at Orlando is nothing. Under Sharia, gays are killed in many terrible ways.
I know I came here an irritant, but I assure you, the weak need to be encouraged. Islam is the enemy of the Gospel, but the Muslims that bring its anti human rights onslaught with them are our enemies to Love.
I'm glad that you made that clear, as your ultra pro sodomite posts had me confused on how you stand on the issue.
Who do you think started the "Gay Christian" movement?* Who do you think made the indoctrination of children to accept sexual perversion as something normal an accepted practice? You owe the LGBTQueer movement a big thanks for giving you the opportunity to openly push perversion on society.
*Not to be confused with the "Incestuous Christian" or "Adulterous Christian" movements.
In other words the liberal media has seduced the minds of their fellow liberals?
Does "the Milo" happen to mention that the guy who murdered 49 homosexuals was himself a homosexual whose motive was not terrorism, but hatred of homosexual Puerto Ricans, one of who might have infected him with HIV?
Tell us again how you're in a heterosexual marriage and you only avidly defend the LGBTQ movement because you have a few friends that engage in same sex sodomy.
Both Islam and your LGBTQ movement are cultures of death. If we were to sit down and compare the type of deaths homosexuals experience at the hands of Muslims verses the deaths that are brought on by the homosexual lifestyle itself, the LGBTQ movement would win hands down.
I can honestly say that they don't come any sicker than you aikado7. Seriously, seek legitimate spiritual and psychological help.
Lay down your beef with gays brother.
Islam is the real threat!!!
Spoken like a true Warrior. Tough words from such a pudgy wimpYou're neither my brother from another mother nor a brother in Christ. Get that straight.
What part of McCain the traitor, and of "you're an idiot" don't you understand?Since I don't do drugs, I'm unable to understand your posts.
Just quit with the intentional misrepresentation of others already ... if you are incapable of providing a direct quote, no one should take anything you say seriously.
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you've refused to state the following, I can only assume that you voted for pro abortion Barack Hussein Obama and the pro abortion Democratic Party, and I can only assume that you'll be voting for the pro abortion Hillary Clinton..
What part of McCain the traitor, and of "you're an idiot" don't you understand?
Now stop spreading homosexuality with your supposedly anti-gay propaganda.
This is my biggest problem with aCW. He thinks he is (cleverly) reading between the lines, when in actuality he is making illogical inferences and spinning straw man arguments, also known as being dishonest. The fact is, I agree with many of aCWs positions; it is more the dark spirit with which he approaches others that concerns me. Christians need to speak truth, but they also need to do so in love, something aCW has not learned yet.
A perfect example of your problem. No, aCW you do NOT get to assume you know facts that have not been stated explicitly. It is neither logical nor fair minded. Learn to reason from statements of fact, not from silence. You will be a better minister when you can learn this lesson,
Remember - Hitler and the Nazis also thought that being Jewish should be criminalized . . . . . . . .