Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Eagles Wings

New member
Do you know why Christians focus on the sin of Homosexuality?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."
Romans 1 and 2 must be read carefully.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

Romans 1 and 2 must be read carefully.

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Ezekiel 16:

48 “As I live”—the declaration of the Lord God—“your sister Sodom and her daughters have not behaved as you and your daughters have. 49 Now this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, plenty of food, and comfortable security, but didn’t support the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before Me, so I removed them when I saw this.[h] 51 But Samaria did not commit even half your sins. You have multiplied your detestable practices beyond theirs and made your sisters appear righteous by all the detestable things you have committed. 52 You must also bear your disgrace, since you have been an advocate for your sisters. For they appear more righteous than you because of your sins, which you committed more abhorrently than they did. So you also, be ashamed and bear your disgrace, since you have made your sisters appear righteous.

The place in Romans 1 and 2 is about temple prostitution. Paul references this in speaking at other times of joining the body to a prostitute, but even if the modern spin is correct, God holds mercy sovereign to everything.

Note Sodoms 1st mentioned failure was having plenty and not caring for the poor?

Are not spiritual lepers in need of the Mercy of Jesus?

Are they not the 1 lost sheep?

And also, Paul goes on in Chapter 2 of Romans and warns to not judge, because ALL have fallen short.

Do you not know know that by invoking fleshly judgment from scripture, you join yourself to the old covenant and thus become an adulterous to Gods covenant of Love?

Read ALL of James!

You have become guilty of violating the Sin of favoritism, and thus transgressed the Royal Law mentioned in James.

Consider the Good Samaritan.

You surely know how despised the Samaritans were in Jesus time!

The other people that moved away from the waylaid man were following Law, but the Samaritan embraced the stranger as a brother.

Consider the parable of the tax collector and the Pharasee?

Didn't the reformist teach Jesus parables and what they meant in revelation of the Holy Spirit?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In other words you would lie to the child and not tell them the truth about homosexuality.

What does that make you (besides a HATER of God) ?

We are all children of God.

You genuinely don't understand what that millstone parable is about, for if you had, you would be stricken by the quickening warnings of frustrating the grace of the gospel...

I asked you a question: When you purposely lie to a child and don't tell him or her about the deadly health risks that goes along with homosexual behavior; the fact that teen suicide runs rampant amongst youth who are sexually and gender confused (the sodomite movement calls them "gay and transgender youth"), and from a spiritual aspect tell them things that would make them think that God approves of homosexual behavior, what does that make you?

I can't emphasis enough to the people following this thread how important it is to the LGBTQueer movement not only to indoctrinate youth, but to rewrite Holy Scripture so that it fits their selfish agenda. Remember, these people HATE God with a passion, most likely because they think He allowed terrible things to happen to them.

I've linked the sad sad story of aikido7 in page 1's index. I can't even begin to fathom the sexual confusion this poor lost soul has after going through what he did as a child.

But we must remember, while we need to have compassion for people like aikido7 and his fellow child indoctrinators because of what they went through as children, he and the movement that he represents are enemies of God and everything good and decent and have to be dealt with sternly by once again legislating righteous laws.


12 ways homosexual adults endanger children


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I asked you a question: When you purposely lie to a child and don't tell him or her the deadly health risks that goes along with homosexual behavior; the fact that teen suicide runs rampant amongst youth who are sexually and gender confused (the sodomite movement calls them "gay and transgender youth"), and from a spiritual aspect tell them things that would make them think that God approves of homosexual behavior, what does that make you?

I can't emphasis enough to the people following this thread how important it is to the LGBTQueer movement not only to indoctrinate youth, but to rewrite Holy Scripture so that it fits their selfish agenda. Remember, these people HATE God with a passion, most likely because they think He allowed terrible things to happen to them.

I've linked the sad sad story of aikido7 in page 1's index. I can't even begin to fathom the sexual confusion this poor lost soul has after going through what he did as a child.

But we must remember, while we need to have compassion for people like aikido7 and his fellow child indoctrinators because of what they went through as children, he and the movement that he represents are enemies of God and everything good and decent and have to be dealt with sternly by once again legislating righteous laws.


12 ways homosexual adults endanger children

I will not trouble your post anymore.

But by the Grace of God there go I.

I go in peace to maintain peace.

My words remain as spoken from scripture.

Please remember, straight and Gay alike harm literal children in such an awful way.

But the Children of God are called to Love all Children of God.

I leave by reminding you lastly that the Father does not judge, for all judgment is cast upon the Son.

May your decree be led by the Mercy of Christ.

I pray that you Love above all callings and find what your heart is looking for in your burden for this cause.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


I will not trouble your post anymore...

I hope that you'll continue to follow it from a distance and make use of one of the many therapy organizations found on page 1's index.

I pray that you Love above all callings and find what your heart is looking for in your burden for this cause.

It truly is heartbreaking for me to know that you don't realize how terribly sick you really are and other than prayer, in this morally corrupt society we live in, that there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it.


I hope that you'll continue to follow it from a distance and make use of one of the many therapy organizations found on page 1's index.

It truly is heartbreaking for me to know that you don't realize how terribly sick you really are and other than prayer, in this morally corrupt society we live in, that there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it.

I am heterosexual, but I have homosexual friends.

I hope this clearifys.

Otherwise, I'm not sure what you are implying?

If you deem me sick in the soul, then that is your judgment and you have the right to speak as you desire.

Peace aCW

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


American is and has always been a secular state - not a Christian theocracy!

A secular state is under no obligation to pass legislation based on "aCultureWarrior's" conservative Christian agenda.

If a government can legislate laws as to determining the accepted "sexual orientation" of its citizens, what's to prevent it from intruding into other aspects of their personal lives - accepted religion, accepted choice of spouse, accepted choice of friends, accepted number of children, accepted choice of occupations, etc.

As to whether a same-sex sexual orientation constitutes a "sin" is best left to the judgment of God - to my knowledge, that authority has not been extended to "aCultureWarrior" or secular states to act as designated representatives.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

American is and has always been a secular state - not a Christian theocracy!

A secular state is under no obligation to pass legislation based on "aCultureWarrior's" conservative Christian agenda.

If a government can legislate laws as to determining the accepted "sexual orientation" of its citizens, what's to prevent it from intruding into other aspects of their personal lives - accepted religion, accepted choice of spouse, accepted choice of friends, accepted number of children, accepted choice of occupations, etc.

As to whether a same-sex sexual orientation constitutes a "sin" is best left to the judgment of God - to my knowledge, that authority has not been extended to "aCultureWarrior" or secular states to act as designated representatives.

In light of your words I can't resist this one sarcastic comment to compliment your words.

Thank Goodness there isn't a religious Theocracy that wishes to use Law to persecute people based on religious beliefs gaining constant global momentum.

Thank goodness that democracy isn't being weakened by religious fervor that desires to unify church and state past the humanitarian plight of Jesus Christ.

Thank goodness people of the Stone, scriptural Law aren't giving power to the Beast that desires to globally dominate in the name of religion and denies the sacrifice of Jesus for ALL sins!


Oops... Gotta go... My Isis watch alert just popped up!

Something about a restaurant in Bangladesh.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


American is and has always been a secular state - not a Christian theocracy!...

In light of your words I can't resist this one sarcastic comment to compliment your words.

Thank Goodness there isn't a religious Theocracy...

This is a common term used by homosexualists and the LGBTQueer movement (look back a few pages and you'll see that annabettenni used it as well).

Legislate and enforce laws that protect children from child molesters and what do you have?

"A Christian theocracy!"

Legislate and enforce laws that protect the unborn and what do you have?

"A religious theocracy!"

Legislate and enforce laws that protect society's invaluable institutions and what do you have?

"A Christian/religious theocracy!"

Legislate and enforce laws that protect the disease ridden sexually confused from themselves and others and what do you have?

"A Christian theocracy!"

Being that both jgarden and aikido7 N.I.G. are God-HATING secular humanists, they wouldn't know that you cannot have a Christian theocracy for the very simple reason that you can't force salvation on anyone (you can promote a Godly society by having righteous laws and cultural mores', but can't force anyone to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior).

Better luck next time boyz.


This is a common term used by homosexualists and the LGBTQueer movement (look back a few pages and you'll see that annabettenni used it as well).

Legislate and enforce laws that protect children from child molesters and what do you have?

"A Christian theocracy!"

Legislate and enforce laws that protect the unborn and what do you have?

"A religious theocracy!"

Legislate and enforce laws that protect society's invaluable institutions and what do you have?

"A Christian/religious theocracy!"

Legislate and enforce laws that protect the disease ridden sexually confused from themselves and others and what do you have?

"A Christian theocracy!"

Being that both jgarden and aikido7 N.I.G. are God-HATING secular humanists, they wouldn't know that you cannot have a Christian theocracy for the very simple reason that you can't force salvation on anyone (you can promote a Godly society by having righteous laws and cultural mores', but can't force anyone to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior).

Better luck next time boyz.

No sir.

I was referring to the upcoming Islamic theocracy.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
This is a common term [Christian theocracy/religious theocracy] used by homosexualists and the LGBTQueer movement (look back a few pages and you'll see that annabettenni used it as well).

No sir.

I was referring to the upcoming Islamic theocracy.

Uh huh, except that you wrote this in your earlier post:

Thank Goodness there isn't a religious Theocracy that wishes to use Law to persecute people based on religious beliefs gaining constant global momentum.

Our laws and culture mores are either based on God's or secular humanist mans'. While you think of righteous (Judeo/Christian based) laws as persecuting those who engage in homosexual behavior, in reality it's a way to help them out of their living hell.


Uh huh, except that you wrote this in your earlier post:

Our laws and culture mores are either based on God's or secular humanist mans'. While you think of righteous (Judeo/Christian based) laws as persecuting those who engage in homosexual behavior, it's a way to help them out of their living hell.

No disrespect, but as a straight person I have a hoopty hoop, so I like woo hoo.

I would be really irritated if someone tried to force me to either like hoopty hoop or not have any fun at all.

You know what I mean!

So if I was into hoopty hoop and some one was telling me that I had to like woo hoo, well that would be awful.

What does hoopty hoop and woo hoo have to do with legislation?

If I told you that there is a right wing gay man out there would you believe me?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Excellent article on Conscience, relating to the issue of homosexuality.


Interesting article. I've said many times before throughout this 4 part thread that the reason those who engage in homosexual acts partake in extremely harmful behaviors (alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, etc.), is because they know that the behavior that they're engaging in is inherently wrong.

Of course the LGBTQ movement and it's allies (including the CDC) will say that it's due to "homophobia", which of course is a lie.

Feel free to discuss the article.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
This is a common term [Christian theocracy/religious theocracy] used by homosexualists and the LGBTQueer movement (look back a few pages and you'll see that annabettenni used it as well).

Uh huh, except that you wrote this in your earlier post:

Our laws and culture mores are either based on God's or secular humanist mans'. While you think of righteous (Judeo/Christian based) laws as persecuting those who engage in homosexual behavior, in reality it's a way to help them out of their living hell.

You are in fear for them because Paul uses the word homosexual in the NT.

I understand.

Look up those verses on any trustworthy interlinear Greek NT online.

No joke.

Also, research temple prostitution preached against by Paul.

This is a real deal.

I understand you culturally fear that God is thinking America is becoming Sodom and Gomorrah, but the modern use of the word Sodomy is deceitful.

Again, type the search string:

The Sin of Sodom

Read the chapters that this returns.

Perhaps pulpit teachings are propagating hate.

Perhaps the very churches that teach hate are infiltrated by the hater of haters.

Only God is infallible.

Jesus told us to not judge.

This is considered Whitney, liberal prattle.

But I am a gun owner, and I served in the military.

I'm no whining liberal.

I genuinely believe the deceiver is on the move amongst all, and trying to overthrow the work of the cross, so that law may prevail.

Consider 1 Cor. 15:55

It will show you the devil is angry that Jesus defeated him at Calvery.

Perhaps the devil is trying to recapture this that God purchased by purchasing everyone's debt, or canceling everyone's debt on the cross.

If I'm an irritating whiny hiney, and you want me off your thread, I will go.

Just please dismiss me respectfully.

I have actually connected with your perspective, value you and simply wanted to express theological things that have been covered up.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."
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