Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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People who think a woman aborting a fetus from rape a murderer has reached what is called a 'moral rubicon'. You must be 100% right, or else be 100% wrong.
In which case, they do a pretty flimsy job even showing that abortion is 'murder' at all- the Bible seems to tell otherwise being that fetuses were property and had literal worth in gold if they were male or highborn.


People who think a woman aborting a fetus from rape a murderer has reached what is called a 'moral rubicon'. You must be 100% right, or else be 100% wrong.
In which case, they do a pretty flimsy job even showing that abortion is 'murder' at all- the Bible seems to tell otherwise being that fetuses were property and had literal worth in gold if they were male or highborn.

Add abortion to the list of things that 'conservative' Crucible is for.

1). Legalizing prostitution.
2). Legalizing marijuana (if not all recreational drugs).
3). Keeping homosexuality legal/allowing homosexuals to adopt children.
4). Keeping abortion legal.

With 'conservatives' like Crucible, who needs liberals?


Hall of Fame
There ya have it Rusha: words from a real sexual anarchist ("It's MY body and I can damn well do with it as I please!")

And? What is your point? Oh wait ... that's right, you don't have one. IF Shagster is pro-abortion, he knows I vehemently disagree with him, as does any pro-abortion person. Just as I vehemently disagreed with you that it should be legal under the circumstances of the girl who was gang raped. (I provided the link a few posts back).

Do not attribute the beliefs of other to me when I have stated the complete opposite. It's lazy thinking and flat out dishonest.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

There ya have it Rusha: words from a real sexual anarchist ("It's MY body and I can damn well do with it as I please!")

And? What is your point? Oh wait ... that's right, you don't have one.

Shag's not wishy washy when it comes to the culture of death, he's consistent.

IF Shagster is pro-abortion,

Shag once said: "How do you murder something that hasn't been born yet?" No IF about shag when it comes to defending and promoting abortion.

...he knows I vehemently disagree with him, as does any pro-abortion person. Just as I vehemently disagreed with you that it should be legal under the circumstances of the girl who was gang raped. (I provided the link a few posts back).

Do not attribute the beliefs of other to me when I have stated the complete opposite. It's lazy thinking and flat out dishonest.

Since you've refused to state the following, I can only assume that you voted for pro abortion Barack Hussein Obama and the pro abortion Democratic Party, and I can only assume that you'll be voting for the pro abortion Hillary Clinton.

I, Sandy, have never voted for that disgusting baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Barack Hussein Obama and the baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Democratic Party, nor will I vote for the baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Hillary Clinton in this upcoming election."

Since we're on the topic of aborting a baby in extremely rare circumstances to save the mother's life, can we establish that you (as a make believe pro lifer) are against abortion even when medical professionals state that the mother's life is endangered? (Because by gosh it's better to have two dead human beings than one ey Sandy?).


Hall of Fame
Since we're on the topic of aborting a baby in extremely rare circumstances to save the mother's life, can we establish that you (as a make believe pro lifer) are against abortion even when medical professionals state that the mother's life is endangered?

Oh that's convenient ... trying to divert attention away from the fact that you promoted abortion in the circumstance of rape,. I have already provided the post.

Abortion ... a medical procedure that is done for the SOLE PURPOSE of ending a pregnancy ... aka ending the life of the unborn child. YOU are coming up with the same type of scenarios that other pro-aborts have been using for years.

Considering the fact that you made an exception in the case of rape, you are the last person who should refer to anyone else as "make believe pro lifer".

No one who is truly anti-abortion would ever make this statementt:

Because by gosh it's better to have two dead human beings than one ey Sandy?


Abortion is not murder, because the tiny mass isn't the finished person- it fact it will be entirely replaced. There is no soul which exists within, and is not murder. Something must be among the living to die. Therefore it is not killing either.

The Levites treated fetuses as property- property doesn't magically become life simply because you think it ought to be. The early Romans couldn't make a proper dictation on where the sin lied, they presumed it was in taking out a fetus when it was really about their disdain for a woman's reason for aborting one.

And that is something that has continued to this day- as there is nothing new under the sun.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since we're on the topic of aborting a baby in extremely rare circumstances to save the mother's life, can we establish that you (as a make believe pro lifer) are against abortion even when medical professionals state that the mother's life is endangered? (Because by gosh it's better to have two dead human beings than one ey Sandy?).

Oh that's convenient ... trying to divert attention away from the fact that you promoted abortion in the circumstance of rape,. I have already provided the post.

Abortion ... a medical procedure that is done for the SOLE PURPOSE of ending a pregnancy ... aka ending the life of the unborn child. YOU are coming up with the same type of scenarios that other pro-aborts have been using for years.

Considering the fact that you made an exception in the case of rape, you are the last person who should refer to anyone else as "make believe pro lifer".

No one who is truly anti-abortion would ever make this statementt:

"I, Sandy, have never voted for that disgusting baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Barack Hussein Obama and the baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Democratic Party, nor will I vote for the baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Hillary Clinton in this upcoming election."

Say it Sandy.

And based on your post, I can only assume that you're against saving the mother's life in extremely rare cases where an abortion would be necessary? (because in Sandy's make believe pro life world, two dead human beings are better than one).


And now a few more brilliant words from a defender of homosexuality, prostitution, recreational drug use, and now abortion:

Abortion is not murder, because the tiny mass isn't the finished person- it fact it will be entirely replaced. Therefore, there is no soul which exists within, and there for is not murder. Something must be among the living to die. Therefore it is not killing either.

The Levites treated fetuses as property- property doesn't magically become life simply because you think it ought to be.


And now a few more brilliant words from a defender of homosexuality, prostitution, recreational drug use, and now abortion:

I'm a defender of none of those things. You know what you do, aCW? You label anyone who doesn't agree with you, point by literal point, fine tuned in the exact replica of your bias.

That's your problem.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

And now a few more brilliant words from a defender of homosexuality, prostitution, recreational drug use, and now abortion:

I'm a defender of none of those things. You know what you do, aCW? You label anyone who doesn't agree with you, point by literal point, fine tuned in the exact replica of your bias.

That's your problem.

I had this discussion with the Jr. Libertarian (aka Christian Liberty) and his widdle Libertarian-in-denial friend WizardofOz in Part 2.

When you're in favor of legalizing an extremely harmful and deviant behavior that for good reasons had been criminalized for centuries, you're a defender of that behavior because you don't want civil government to punish those who engage in it.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

"I, Sandy, have never voted for that disgusting baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Barack Hussein Obama and the baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Democratic Party, nor will I vote for the baby murdering/child molesting/sodomite loving Hillary Clinton in this upcoming election."

Say it Sandy.

And based on your post, I can only assume that you're against saving the mother's life in extremely rare cases where an abortion would be necessary?.

INTENTIONALLY killing an unborn baby is never necessary.

Please remember those words when you fill out your ballot this November.

Unfortunately there have been cases where a terribly distraught female after a brutal rape took her life because she couldn't fathom the thought of child birth.

But what am I doing here having a discussion with someone who votes for abortion on demand?

Now that the abortion and homosexual movements have once again been tied together ("The right to privacy" and "The Limits of Consent"), it's time to...

move on...


Yet you defend a movement that embraces males that dress and act like women, and even mutilate their genitals. Why are drag queens and transsexuals so afraid and ashamed of their body that they have to pretend that they're a member of the opposite gender?



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Hall of Fame
Unfortunately there have been cases where a terribly distraught female after a brutal rape took her life because she couldn't fathom the thought of child birth.

So being distraught is a valid reason to kill a child? I am fairly certain Andrea Yates and Susan Smith's lawyer would have used the same DEFENSE. That is exactly what you are doing ... defending abortion in the case of rape.

The action of rape IS brutal. All rapists are monsters. All children conceived out of rape are innocent and deserve to be loved and cared for. Either stop making excuses for women who abort based the circumstances of the pregnancy OR get use to being seen as a hypocrite.


Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

The LGBTQueer movement has made momentous gains since I started this now 4 part thread just over 3 years ago:

The military: Instead of focusing on a strategy to defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism in general, the Obama administration concentrated on allowing proud and unrepentant homosexuals into the military. With the repeal of DADT, some of these sexually deranged people are holding high ranks (Brigadier General Randy S.Taylor introduced his 'husband' at the Pentagon's 2015 Gay Pride event).


If that doesn't scare the holy jihad out of the Muslim barbarians, the Pentagon is heavily weighing in on allowing cross dressing/genital mutilated transsexuals to openly serve in the US armed forces.


The Boy Scouts: Not only has the US military allowed proud and unrepentant homosexuals into their ranks, one of our country's largest youth mentor organizations, the Boy Scouts of America which was founded on biblical doctrine, just over 2 years ago allowed 'gay' (sexually confused) youth into their organization.

Since pedophilia/pederasty was a huge problem in the Boy Scout organization (as it was in the Catholic Church due to liberal policies allowing homosexuals into the priesthood), it made perfectly good sense to ban homosexual adults from mentoring youth, which amongst other things kept innocent young boys safe from sexual predators in venues like overnight campouts. Throwing common sense out the proverbial window, the Boy Scouts of America in July of 2015 put huge smiles on the faces of the 'Man/Boy Love" faction of the LGBTQueer movement and voted to allow adult homosexual leaders into the organization.


Marriage: With the invaluable institution of marriage limping along due to the decriminalization of adultery, cohabitation laws and the legislation of no-fault divorce decades ago, all of the pawns were in place to mock God's institution of marriage even more by the LGBTQueer movement. The US Supreme Court, following in the footsteps of the 1973 Roe v Wade decision, in late June of 2015 ruled in Obergefell v Hodges amongst other things that "the right to privacy" gave two people of the same sex the constitutional right to marry.


In Part 4 I'll review some past subjects that were discussed in Part's 1, 2 and 3 (Link to Part 3 of "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!")

I will continue to discuss current topics as they come up, and will go into detail other areas that haven't been covered extensively (Education, pedophilia/pederasty, 'gay' Christianity, African AIDS hoax, Transgender movement, etc.). I'll continue to promote therapy for sexually confused youth and adults alike, using their own testimonies to see that change is possible, as the LGBTQueer movement is doing everything it can do to ban therapy that has helped enormous numbers of men, women and youth leave homosexuality behind.

With yet another important election coming up in 2016, I'll show how people who want to return to a society that embraces decency can get involved in the political process at the grass roots level to help nominate and get God fearing men and women elected to public office (and get their friends and like minded church congregates involved as well).

While I'll continue to post a table of contents every 20+ pages, I'm also adding an extensive index which will allow the readers of this thread to click on direct links to things like disease, disorders and early death: "D"; homosexual "culture": pride parades, film festivals, etc. "C"; causes of homosexual desires: "C", Pedophilia/Pederasty: "P", LGBTQueer bigotry, intolerance, tyranny and terror tactics: "T", and the indoctrination of youth: "Y".

I'll be adding links frequently, so come back to page 1 to check for updates.

While the prognosis for turning things around currently looks grim, remember that it took decades for the sexual anarchist movement to get where they are today, and never forget:

"With God, all things are possible".

I forget the verses... Which verses of the Law Of Moses condemn homosexuality? I know they are in there, but I can't find them.
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So being distraught is a valid reason to kill a child? I am fairly certain Andrea Yates and Susan Smith's lawyer would have used the same DEFENSE. That is exactly what you are doing ... defending abortion in the case of rape.

The action of rape IS brutal. All rapists are monsters. All children conceived out of rape are innocent and deserve to be loved and cared for.

How about all of those children whose mind's are 'raped' at gay pride parades Sandy, do you care about them?



Either stop making excuses for women who abort based the circumstances of the pregnancy OR get use to being seen as a hypocrite.

Back to why you vote for abortion on demand candidates yet pretend to be pro life on an internet forum:

There are plenty of pro-life candidates who run on the pro life Republican Party ticket. Granted, neither they nor the Republican Party is pro LGBTQ, so I can only assume that is why you voted for the abortion on demand/extremely LGBTQ friendly Barack Hussein Obama and will vote for the abortion on demand/extremely LGBTQ friendly Hillary Clinton in November.

BTW: Of the 1,200,000 surgical abortions performed here in the US each year, do you know who the culprits are?

People who have your mentality:

Two, consenting adults (whether they are heterosexual or homosexual) are not having sex because they wish to kill another person.

Abortion is more than often the result of unmarried consenting heterosexual or bisexual adults having sex, HIV/AIDS and a long list of other diseases well known to the LGBTQ movement is the result of consenting homosexual adults having sex.

Reasons women have abortions:

• 21% Inadequate finances
• 21% Not ready for responsibility
• 16% Woman’s life would be changed too much
• 12% Problems with relationships, unmarried
• 11% Too young and/or immature
• 8% Children are grown; she has all she wants
• 3% Baby has possible health problems
• <1% Pregnancy caused by rape/incest
• 4% Other

You promote a culture of death Sandy, shame on you.
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I forget the verses... Which verses of the Law Of Moses condemn homosexuality? I know they are in there, but I can't find them.

Welcome to the thread N.I.G.

If you're confused about what God's design for human sexuality is, borrow a legitimate Bible (one without pretty rainbow colors on it) and read Genesis 2: 18-25 for a start.


Welcome to the thread N.I.G.

If you're confused about what God's design for human sexuality is, borrow a legitimate Bible (one without pretty rainbow colors on it) and read Genesis 2: 18-25 for a start.

Good point.

But seriously, isn't there writing in the law of Moses that condemns homosexuals. I'm trying to find it. Could you help please?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."
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