Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Smart people focus on policy, not personality.

First we have this:

QUOTE: During a speech to fire up supporters in Omaha, it sounded like Hillary Clinton said she would raise taxes on the "middle class."

She was joined at the event by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who endorsed Clinton late last year and supports higher taxes on the wealthy.

“Because while Warren is standing up for a fairer tax code, Trump wants to cut taxes for the super-rich,” Clinton said


Then, we have this:

Larry Kudlow: Trump Tax Plan Will Bring ‘Tremendous Movement of Capital and Labor Back to the United States’


"Economist, radio host, and CNBC senior contributor Larry Kudlow appeared on Breitbart News Daily Friday morning to discuss economic issues in the presidential race, including his support for Donald Trump’s economic platform, with some disagreement about the best way to handle unfair Chinese trade practices.

Breitbart News executive chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon asked Kudlow to comment on the rise of “populist, nationalist” economics, as personified by Trump and his supporter Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, and the challenge this movement presents to free-trade orthodoxy, which Bannon described as a “fetish” in certain intellectual quarters.

“Well, I may be part of that fetish,” Kudlow said with a chuckle. “Free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity.”

Kudlow said he found Trump’s platform very agreeable to free-market growth: “He has a very good corporate tax-cut plan, across the board, for large companies and small companies. He’s got a 15 percent rate — we’re about 35 to 40 percent now.”

“So let’s say that became law,” Kudlow continued. “You’d see a movement, a tremendous movement, of capital and labor back to the United States, that’s in China and overseas, because we’d have a more hospitable business tax environment. You include immediate deductions for new business investment, and you include repatriation, which is all in Trump’s plan, and you’ve got yourself a powerful incentive to move back to the USA.”

Kudlow thought such “incentive economics” were better tools than the tariffs Trump has proposed for punishing businesses that move overseas, preferring carrots to sticks. However, he agreed that stern measures were needed to deal with China, which Bannon described as a “mercantilist society” — the government actively harming foreign competition to give native industries an edge


Now that the Log Cabin Republican/GOProud faction of the Republican Party has done it's little Trump cheerleading routine (is anyone else amazed that Catfish Crusader can say absolutely file and disgusting things and still be posting in a Christian forum? I just remind myself that's how homosexuals talk) I suppose I should do the Christian thing and post some links so that he can get the help that he's so desperately crying out for.




“Well, I may be part of that fetish,” Kudlow said with a chuckle. “Free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity.”

Yes it is Larry; now tell us how Trumpcare (i.e. socialized medicine), the tax payer paying off college loans and government paid child care is "free market"?



What brought the Catfish Crusader to this point in his life where he has so much HATRED inside of him and embraces a secular humanist candidate that has as much or more HATRED?

I can only speculate that Catfish was a Catholic altar boy.

Leave the rest to your imagination.

Catholic Pedophile Priests:
The Effect on US Society

The many flaws and omissions in official reports
cannot hide that this is a crisis of historical proportions.


Quote: Originally posted by aCulureWarrior
What basis is your claim that heterosexual promiscuity leads to homosexuality? Sure, some people experiment with homosexuality, but it's traumatic life experiences that damage a persons outlook towards normal sexual activity.

I think I understand what you're attempting to say now.

A society that allows immoral behaviors to exist without government interference (adultery, cohabitation) will eventually allow sexual depravity as well.

Well said.

Think about this. The Muslim that chained a boy to his bed for repeating rapes that was body slammed by an American GI. The girls being sold for violent raping by Isis.

This is why those fr's are faggots as well. Total reprobate perversions.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


I've posted articles showing the high suicide rate of 'gay' youth, genital mutilators/drag queens and homosexual adults. Here is a new study showing that those homosexuals who mock God's institution of marriage are committing suicide at high rates as well:

People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide: study

August 5, 2016

Homosexuals who “marry” each other are almost three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, even in very gay-friendly Sweden, according to a study published in the May issue of the European Journal of Epidemiology.

The authors of the study noted that social intolerance of homosexual behavior could not so easily be blamed for increased suicide risk, given that Sweden is known for its accepting attitude towards same-sex relationships.

“Even in a country with a comparatively tolerant climate regarding homosexuality such as Sweden, same-sex married individuals evidence a higher risk for suicide than other married individuals,” the authors note.

The study, “Suicide in married couples in Sweden: Is the risk greater in same-sex couples?” used the government of Sweden’s detailed databases to compare a population of over six thousand homosexual “married” couples to the larger population of heterosexual couples who married during the period between 1996 and 2009, following them until 2011.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/p...-almost-3-times-more-likely-to-commit-suicide


For those of you that have been following this 4 part thread, you might recall that I had a segment in Part 1 entitled

"Sweden: The Perverts Paradise".

Sweden, up until a decade or so again, legalized child pornography; legislation that was heavily backed by Sweden's LGBTQueer movement.


New member
I've posted articles showing the high suicide rate of 'gay' youth, genital mutilators/drag queens and homosexual adults. Here is a new study showing that those homosexuals who mock God's institution of marriage are committing suicide at high rates as well:

People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide: study

August 5, 2016

Homosexuals who “marry” each other are almost three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, even in very gay-friendly Sweden, according to a study published in the May issue of the European Journal of Epidemiology.

The authors of the study noted that social intolerance of homosexual behavior could not so easily be blamed for increased suicide risk, given that Sweden is known for its accepting attitude towards same-sex relationships.

“Even in a country with a comparatively tolerant climate regarding homosexuality such as Sweden, same-sex married individuals evidence a higher risk for suicide than other married individuals,” the authors note.

The study, “Suicide in married couples in Sweden: Is the risk greater in same-sex couples?” used the government of Sweden’s detailed databases to compare a population of over six thousand homosexual “married” couples to the larger population of heterosexual couples who married during the period between 1996 and 2009, following them until 2011.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/p...-almost-3-times-more-likely-to-commit-suicide


For those of you that have been following this 4 part thread, you might recall that I had a segment in Part 1 entitled

"Sweden: The Perverts Paradise".

Sweden, up until a decade or so again, legalized child pornography; legislation that was heavily backed by Sweden's LGBTQueer movement.

Politifacts would rate this as "pants on fire"

The study looked at 6,548 married same sex couples beginning in 1996 and ending in 2011 in that time frame 3 same-sex married women and 9 same-sex married men committed suicide.

As for
The authors of the study noted that social intolerance of homosexual behavior could not so easily be blamed for increased suicide risk
This is a complete lie.

"Possible explanations of our findings include that sexual minority individuals experience anti-gay stigma and are at higher risk for depression than their heterosexual peers, which is the most prominent risk factor for suicide. According to Meyer’s minority stress model, the experience of prejudice events, expectations of rejection,hiding and concealing of one’s sexual identity, internalized homophobia, and ameliorative coping processes are associated with the increased levels of mental ill health and suicidal behavior among sexual minorities."


Politifacts would rate this as "pants on fire"

Welcome back Tracerbullet, MrDante has been extremely boring.

The study looked at 6,548 married same sex couples beginning in 1996 and ending in 2011 in that time frame 3 same-sex married women and 9 same-sex married men committed suicide.

As for

This is a complete lie.

It doesn't take a study to show that those who disproportionately are afflicted with deadly diseases, abuse drugs and alcohol and live a dead-end lifestyle would take the fastest way out:


There are links in the index on page 1 showing how those who engage in homosexuality and are gender confused are more prone to suicide.


This shouldn't come as any surprise to people, as a good many leftwing organizations have founders that are homosexuals.

The Marxist Lesbians who Founded #BlackLivesMatter

July 24, 2016

“BLM is a gay group. It was started by two lesbians and its most prominent spokesman is a gay man.” Of course Ann Coulter’s revelation of the homosexual/lesbian/queer/bi-sexual/transsexual bent of #BlackLivesMatter Founders and VIPs may not apply to Charles Wade, BLM activist and Co-Founder of Operation Help or Hush, the organization which attempted to posthumously transform Ferguson thug Michael Brown into an abused Teddy Bear. Wade was arrested in College Park, Maryland this past April for sex trafficking—that is, pimping—a 17 year old girl in the motel where he was staying. No doubt Wade was raising funds for the cause...

Read more: http://www.thecoachsteam.com/2016/07/the-marxist-lesbians-who-founded.html

Then there's the George Soros connection (this article is written by a "Black Nationalist") :

Investigating Black Lives Matter: A Black Homosexual Movement Directed by Imas (Whites)

When in doubt, ask the homosexual movement itself:

NCLR [National Center for Lesbian Rights] Honors Black Lives Matter Co-Founders, a Transgender Youth, and Lesbian Mom who Fought for Her Parental Rights at its Saturday Anniversary Celebration



Dkyes on Bikes aint got nuttin on BLM lesbos.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What brought the Catfish Crusader to this point in his life where he has so much HATRED inside of him and embraces a secular humanist candidate that has as much or more HATRED?..........

I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of repentance and forgiveness. You do not.

Trump is not the same man he used to be. You on the other hand are still a lying sack of crap. Trump will get to heaven before you do. He has changed - you have not. Changing is what repentance is all about.

As for your childish "Catfish" name-calling, that just further proves my point. Grow up you snotty little jerk. Try acting like an adult for once.


New member
It doesn't take a study to show that those who disproportionately are afflicted with deadly diseases, abuse drugs and alcohol and live a dead-end lifestyle would take the fastest way out:


There are links in the index on page 1 showing how those who engage in homosexuality and are gender confused are more prone to suicide.

and the study you brought up tells us this is related to: "the experience of prejudice events, expectations of rejection,hiding and concealing of one’s sexual identity, internalized homophobia, and ameliorative coping processes"


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What brought the Catfish Crusader to this point in his life where he has so much HATRED inside of him and embraces a secular humanist candidate that has as much or more HATRED?..........

I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of repentance and forgiveness. You do not.

Anyone that has been following this 4 part thread would know that I've stated many many times that repentance with faith are the key factors to the Christian faith.

Trump is not the same man he used to be.

Yet several months ago Donald Trump stated in an interview that he's never asked for God's forgiveness.

Don't take my word for it:

I've also talked about Trump's pastor "the great Norman Vincent Peale":

Yet as a Christian minister he denied that God was a being, saying “Who is God? Some theological being? He is so much greater than theology. God is vitality. God is life. God is energy. As you breathe God in, as you visualize His energy, you will be reenergized!” (Plus: The Magazine of Positive Thinking). As a Christian minister he told Phil Donahue, “It’s not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God, I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine … I’ve been to Shinto shrines and God is everywhere. … Christ is one of the ways! God is everywhere.” He denied the very heart of the Christian faith and replaced it with his doctrine of positive thinking.


"Christ is one of the ways..."?

You on the other hand are still a lying sack of crap.

I suppose that is an improvement over you calling me a "pederast". I won't talk about the absolutely disgusting thing you said about me doing a homosexual act.

Did you learn this kind of talk from one of the Catholic Priests that...ahem...mentored you Catfish?

Trump will get to heaven before you do. He has changed - you have not. Changing is what repentance is all about.

As for your childish "Catfish" name-calling, that just further proves my point. Grow up you snotty little jerk. Try acting like an adult for once.

Tell the followers of this 4 part thread again why in your opinion homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (and feel free to use any food group besides Catfish as a substitute, i.e. 'If a society recriminalizes homosexuality, the next thing they'll be making it unlawful to eat brussel sprouts!!!")

Not being a big fan of brussel sprouts....


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It doesn't take a study to show that those who disproportionately are afflicted with deadly diseases, abuse drugs and alcohol and live a dead-end lifestyle would take the fastest way out:


There are links in the index on page 1 showing how those who engage in homosexuality and are gender confused are more prone to suicide.

I've pointed out in past posts that the homosexual friendly Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that a main factor behind all of the diseases and disorders that afflict those who engage in homosexual behavior is due to 'homophobia'.

For those of you that can't read between the lines: It's Bible-believing Christians that are responsible for the extremely unhealthy lifestyles of homosexuals.

Of course the only solution to that is to eradicate (destroy completely; put an end to) Bible-believing Christians;

right TracerBullet?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

I can sum up every post that ACW has ever posted: "Homosexuals, homosexuials, homosexuals... ...they're everywhere. And all you Republicans are Commie-Pinkos. I am the only real conservative."

I think that sums it up.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It doesn't take a study to show that those who disproportionately are afflicted with deadly diseases, abuse drugs and alcohol and live a dead-end lifestyle would take the fastest way out:


There are links in the index on page 1 showing how those who engage in homosexuality and are gender confused are more prone to suicide.

I've pointed out in past posts that the homosexual friendly Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that a main factor behind all of the diseases and disorders that afflict those who engage in homosexual behavior is due to 'homophobia'.

For those of you that can't read between the lines: It's Bible-believing Christians that are responsible for the extremely unhealthy lifestyles of homosexuals.

Of course the only solution to that is to eradicate (destroy completely; put an end to) Bible-believing Christians;

right TracerBullet?

You are a strange and sad little man.

Just admit that the claims made by lifesitenews regarding the study were just so many lies.


New member
Trump is not the same man he used to be. You on the other hand are still a lying sack of crap. Trump will get to heaven before you do. He has changed - you have not. Changing is what repentance is all about.

The funny thing about this "Trump saw the light and received Christ" thing is that it puts him under more heat, not less.

Paul is very clear in his letter to the Corinthians (chap 5) that we are to leave those outside the Church to be judged by God, but it is those who claim to be inside the Church that we have to judge by their fruit.

"...you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people."

I have no idea about Trump's personal relationship with alcohol and "idolater" would take some justifying, but he seems to not only be unrepentant, but proud of every other category.



I can sum up every post that ACW has ever posted: "Homosexuals, homosexuials, homosexuals... ...they're everywhere. And all you Republicans are Commie-Pinkos. I am the only real conservative."

I think that sums it up.

Like many who have posted in this 4 part thread and viciously attacked me, I can't help but think that they as well as you are taking the truth about homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda 'personal'.

There are many people that have been helped by these wonderful organization, you really should look into a few of them.

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