Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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It appears that (Libertarian leaning) actor James Woods got sexual degenerate Doogey Howser's attention by speaking the truth.

James Woods Fires Back After Neil Patrick Harris Diss Over ‘Gender Creative’ Tweet


James Woods will not tolerate any suggestion that he's intolerant.
The "Once Upon a Time in America" actor took to Twitter on Wednesday and issued a multi-tweet defense of himself, after fellow actor Neil Patrick Harris blasted him for being "ignorant and classless."
Former "How I Met Your Mother" star Neil Patrick Harris went after Woods on Tuesday, over a tweet Woods published earlier in the week.
Woods was commenting on a photo of two parents with their child. One parent was holding a sign reading, "I love my gender creative son!" while the other held a sign reading, "My son wears dresses & makeup ... get over it!!"
Woods said of the image, "This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you've done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage."
Woods' comment struck a nerve with Harris, who fired back, "Utterly ignorant and classless, Mr. Woods. I'm friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself."
While Woods' series of tweets Wednesday didn't mention Harris by name, the message was clear.
"Using one's child as a social justice propaganda doll is tantamount to child abuse...



Ephesians 6:4

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i.e. Art Brain is taking this 4 part thread extremely hard.

(If someone saw a denunciation by Art Brain of accused child molesters Terry Bean and Ed the Ped Murray, would they please come forward and point it out?).

This isn't a thread, it's your personal, pet blog...

My position on child molesting has been consistently zero tolerance, but do waffle on some more.

I guess that you have to take your mind off of all of the child molestation/indoctrination, disease, misery and death that permeates your LGBTQ movement somehow ey Art?

Got some questions for that LGBTQ activist Castle yet?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
i.e. Art Brain is taking this 4 part thread extremely hard.

(If someone saw a denunciation by Art Brain of accused child molesters Terry Bean and Ed the Ped Murray, would they please come forward and point it out?).

This isn't a thread, it's your personal, pet blog...

My position on child molesting has been consistently zero tolerance, but do waffle on some more.

Since you still haven't stated that accused pederasts and devout homosexual activists Terry Bean and Ed the Ped Murray need spiritual and psychological counseling, how about we talk about the parents in my latest post that hate their child so much that they not only allow their son to act and dress like a girl, they encourage it?

I imagine in this case (as long as perversion, disease, misery and death are involved) you're all for 'parental rights' ey Art?

Got some questions for that LGBTQ activist Castle yet?

My candidate, Ted Cruz, who I enthusiastically backed in the last primaries (as seen throughout Part 4), is keeping pretty busy in the Senate trying to rollback the socialist healthcare bill that the previous Sodomite in Chief was responsible for.

Speaking of sodomites in politics: You've never shared what pro abortion, pro LGBTQ/PIE candidate that you back over in the UK (surely Art didn't write in Peter Tatchell?).


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Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently met with the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a Christian law firm, and promised that the Trump administration would "actively find a way to accommodate people of all faiths", using the (democrat backed) Religious Freedom Restoration Act as guidance.


Being that Obergefell v Hodges

according to Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions is "settled law", and Lawrence v Texas

is as well, my question is this:

How can the federal government protect the religious freedom of Christians who refuse to accommodate a homosexual 'marriage' or employ or rent to someone who is openly homosexual because it goes against their religious beliefs when homosexuality (including marriage) is legal?

Any legal minds out there that can explain how the above is possible?

I'll keep tabs on this and follow up as events happen.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since you still haven't stated that accused pederasts and devout homosexual activists Terry Bean and Ed the Ped Murray need spiritual and psychological counseling, how about we talk about the parents in my latest post that hate their child so much that they not only allow their son to act and dress like a girl, they encourage it?

I imagine in this case (as long as perversion, disease, misery and death are involved) you're all for 'parental rights' ey Art?

You'll not find me advocating "counselling" the likes of which you refer to, just like you won't find me tolerating child molestation. Your hyperbole notwithstanding, I think any parent that forces a sexual identity on their child is abusing them.

My candidate, Ted Cruz, who I enthusiastically backed in the last primaries (as seen throughout Part 4), is keeping pretty busy in the Senate trying to rollback the socialist healthcare bill that the previous Sodomite in Chief was responsible for.

Yeah, not talking about Cruz, but rather your gay rights activist candidate.

Speaking of sodomites in politics: You've never shared what pro abortion, pro LGBTQ/PIE candidate that you back over in the UK (surely Art didn't write in Peter Tatchell?).

I surely didn't. You strange person...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you still haven't stated that accused pederasts and devout homosexual activists Terry Bean and Ed the Ped Murray need spiritual and psychological counseling, how about we talk about the parents in a recent post that hate their child so much that they not only allow their son to act and dress like a girl, they encourage it?

I imagine in this case (as long as perversion, disease, misery and death are involved) you're all for 'parental rights' ey Art?

You'll not find me advocating "counselling" the likes of which you refer to, just like you won't find me tolerating child molestation. Your hyperbole notwithstanding, I think any parent that forces a sexual identity on their child is abusing them.

It goes without saying that if you encourage an 8 year old child to "think for herself" when it comes to moral issues:

by golly you'd encourage an 8 year old (who is gender confused) to tell his or her parents that he or she is going to dress up in the opposite genders clothing and start hormone blockers to prepare for genital mutilation surgery down the road (and if the parents refuse, bring them up on "child abuse" charges).

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of sodomites in politics: You've never shared what pro abortion, pro LGBTQ/PIE candidate that you back over in the UK (surely Art didn't write in Peter Tatchell?).

I surely didn't. You strange person...

I can see the headlines now:

"Newly elected Prime Minister Peter Tatchell has promised to work very closely with his 9 year old Deputy Prime Minister to advance the LGBTQ agenda here in the United Kingdom".


Have I mentioned that homosexuality MUST be recriminalized! to protect innocent children from perverts?

I really need to go delouse...

patrick jane

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So tell me Art, how many deaths do you think Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers are responsible for?


Tens of thousands?

I was being conservative in my numbers: Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ/culture of death free will deniers
are behind hundreds of thousands of deaths, if not millions in the past decades since homosexuality was legally and culturally applauded as a normal lifestyle.

(2014 statistics)





That's a whole lotta disease, misery and death that you free will deniers are responsible for Art.

(And now Art Brain goes to his same ole tired bag of lies and says that homosexual desires 'just happen').

As we've seen throughout this 4 part thread, primarily through the testimonies of homosexuals and EX homosexuals, their same sex desires were brought on by unmentionable things that happened in their youth (being raped by a homosexual elder, psychologically abused by parents, etc.)

As we've also seen through written and video testimonies by EX homosexuals, they've come to grip with what caused their desires and did something to overcome them.

My advice to Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers:

Keep trying until you're successful, as the alternative is downright 'deadly'.


Have you been tested?


So, a whole load of the usual bloated waffle and stuff that's been addresses ad nausea on your blog as it is.

Ho hum,

Vote Castle!

Now that it's once again been shown what happens when LGBTQ'ers are allowed to be around children, let's talk about something that you must be extremely proud of:

The suppression of religious (i.e. Christian) freedom by the LGBTQ movement (or as you so eloquently call people who believe in God's Word: "fundies").

Can we both agree that there is no way that laws that protect homosexuality and the homosexual agenda can coexist with religious freedom? (i.e the freedom to standup for God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture, i.e. one man, one woman, united in matrimony).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now that it's once again been shown what happens when LGBTQ'ers are allowed to be around children, let's talk about something that you must be extremely proud of:

The suppression of religious (i.e. Christian) freedom by the LGBTQ movement (or as you so eloquently call Christians who believe in God's Word: "fundies").

Can we both agree that there is no way that laws protecting homosexuality and the homosexual agenda can coexist with religious freedom? (i.e the freedom to standup for God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture, i.e. one man, one woman, united in matrimony).

Dude, your 'standards' for being an 'LGBTQ'er' include the candidate you supported. By your criteria, anyone who doesn't go along with your loopy obsession of re-criminalizing it 'fits that bill'. You have the freedom to your opinions, to air them as you do on here, you just don't have the right to enforce your dogmatic beliefs on everyone else. Laws protecting people from discrimination and prejudice aren't there to vilify zealots by way of.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that it's once again been shown what happens when LGBTQ'ers are allowed to be around children, let's talk about something that you must be extremely proud of:

The suppression of religious (i.e. Christian) freedom by the LGBTQ movement (or as you so eloquently call Christians who believe in God's Word: "fundies").

Can we both agree that there is no way that laws protecting homosexuality and the homosexual agenda can coexist with religious freedom? (i.e the freedom to standup for God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture, i.e. one man, one woman, united in matrimony).

Dude, your 'standards' for being an 'LGBTQ'er' include the candidate you supported. By your criteria, anyone who doesn't go along with your loopy obsession of re-criminalizing it 'fits that bill'. You have the freedom to your opinions, to air them as you do on here, you just don't have the right to enforce your dogmatic beliefs on everyone else. Laws protecting people from discrimination and prejudice aren't there to vilify zealots by way of.

Sigh, and here I was hoping that you'd be half as good at articulating LGBTQ legal issues as you are at indoctrinating children (for those of you that don't read rainbow: Art just agreed with me that religious freedom and homosexuality/the homosexual agenda can't 'coexist').

The Libertarians at my good friend Aaron's Cato Institute seem to think that Christians and LGBTQueerers can coexist, but then in order for that to happen, as I've mentioned many times before: Christians or LGBTQueerer's would have to be seen as 2nd class citizens.

How Can Gay Rights And Religious Liberty Coexist? With Free Association

...We at Cato have long supported both religious liberty and gay rights, insofar as the agenda of each is consistent with the liberty of unlimited constitutional government,” Roger Pilon, founding director of the Cato Center for Constitutional Studies, said."

Yes, leave it to the Libertarians at the Cato Institute to say that God and Satan can 'coexist' (I guess God didn't get the memo).



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sigh, and here I was hoping that you'd be half as good at defending LGBTQ legal issues as you are at indoctrinating children.

Are you high? I've never indoctrinated any child you strange little man.


The Libertarians at my good friend Aaron's Cato Institute seem to think that Christians and LGBTQueerers can coexist, but then in order for that to happen, as I've mentioned many times before: Christians or LGBTQueerer's would have to be seen as 2nd class citizens.

How Can Gay Rights And Religious Liberty Coexist? With Free Association

...We at Cato have long supported both religious liberty and gay rights, insofar as the agenda of each is consistent with the liberty of unlimited constitutional government,” Roger Pilon, founding director of the Cato Center for Constitutional Studies, said."

Yes, leave it to the Libertarians at the Cato Institute to say that God and Satan can 'coexist' (I guess God didn't get the memo).

So, you don't get to impose your beliefs on everyone but you still have the right to express them. Discrimination laws are there to protect people, even the likes of you. So either go full blown martyr again or get a grip.


CATO? Libertarian?

ACW is equating Cato with libertarians

Someone needs to read up on his movement's history.

From Lew Rockwell.com (and who are we to doubt Lew Rockwell?).

Cato and Rothbard

For some time, the Wikipedia entry for the Cato Institute bore the statement that the Institute was: “Founded in San Francisco, California in 1977 by Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard (who was later purged from Cato), and initially funded by Charles G. Koch”.

Apparently Cato didn’t like this. On Dec. 7, 2005, Will Wilkinson, a Cato employee, edited the entry to delete the mention of Rothbard as one of Cato’s founders. His explanation was that he was “Elimat[ing] extraneous, innacurate, and editorializing material.” I suppose this implies the mention of Rothbard as being a founder of Cato was inaccurate. But it is not. As I noted in the entry and on the comments page, Rothbard was one of the founding members (one of the original 3 board members in fact) and even came up with the Cato Institute’s name.See, e.g., this piece by David Bergland, a prominent libertarian (Rothbard was “a founding board member [of Cato] who even named the institute”); see also chapter 5 of Justin Raimondo’s biography of Rothbard, An Enemy of the State, which details the Cato Institute’s origins; and Rothbard’s article about his purge from Cato.

In any event, the information has since been restored.

For those of you that followed Part 2 of this 4 part thread where I exposed Libertarianism, Murray Rothbard was "Mr. Libertarian" until his expiration date came up and he is spending eternity in damnation with Satan.

Many might recall that Murray Rothbard was a strong proponent of parental rights, i.e. according to Rothbard, parents had the supposed "right" to starve their handicapped infant child to death.

"Applying our theory to parents and children, this means that a parent does not have the right to aggress against his children, but also that the parent should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights. The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child, and the law properly outlaws a parent from doing so. But the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child, i.e., to allow it to die.2 The law, therefore, may not properly compel the parent to feed a child or to keep it alive.3"
...This rule allows us to solve such vexing questions as: should a parent have the right to allow a deformed baby to die (e.g., by not feeding it)?4 The answer is of course yes,..

(And people wonder why I constantly mock these evil barbarians).
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Libertarians at my good friend Aaron's Cato Institute seem to think that Christians and LGBTQueerers can coexist, but then in order for that to happen, as I've mentioned many times before: Christians or LGBTQueerer's would have to be seen as 2nd class citizens.

So, you don't get to impose your beliefs on everyone but you still have the right to express them. Discrimination laws are there to protect people, even the likes of you. So either go full blown martyr again or get a grip.

For those of you that still don't read rainbow, what Art just said is that it's ok for Christians to whisper their homophobic bigoted (i.e. biblical) views, just keep them well hidden in the closet where they can't be seen or heard.

Thanks for expounding on this very important subject Art.


Well-known member
Someone needs to read up on his movement's history.

From Lew Rockwell.com (and who are we to doubt Lew Rockwell?).

Cato and Rothbard

For some time, the Wikipedia entry for the Cato Institute bore the statement that the Institute was: “Founded in San Francisco, California in 1977 by Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard (who was later purged from Cato), and initially funded by Charles G. Koch”.

Apparently Cato didn’t like this. On Dec. 7, 2005, Will Wilkinson, a Cato employee, edited the entry to delete the mention of Rothbard as one of Cato’s founders. His explanation was that he was “Elimat[ing] extraneous, innacurate, and editorializing material.” I suppose this implies the mention of Rothbard as being a founder of Cato was inaccurate. But it is not. As I noted in the entry and on the comments page, Rothbard was one of the founding members (one of the original 3 board members in fact) and even came up with the Cato Institute’s name.See, e.g., this piece by David Bergland, a prominent libertarian (Rothbard was “a founding board member [of Cato] who even named the institute”); see also chapter 5 of Justin Raimondo’s biography of Rothbard, An Enemy of the State, which details the Cato Institute’s origins; and Rothbard’s article about his purge from Cato.

In any event, the information has since been restored.

For those of you that followed Part 2 of this 4 part thread where I exposed Libertarianism, Murray Rothbard was "Mr. Libertarian" until his expiration date came up and is spending eternity in damnation with Satan.

Many might recall that Murray Rothbard was a strong proponent of parental rights, i.e. according to Rothbard, parents had the supposed "right" to starve their handicapped infant child to death.

(And people wonder why I constantly mock these evil people).

I'm well aware who and what CATO are....they were at one point a libertarian organization...They can call themselves libertarians all they want, doesn't make it so...but still wonders if you learned the difference between libertines and libertarians...probably not

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For those of you that still don't read rainbow, what Art just said is that it's ok for Christians to whisper their homophobic bigoted (i.e. biblical) views, just keep them well hidden in the closet where they can't be seen or heard.

Thanks for expounding on this very important subject Art.

Says the guy who's been running his own public blog on the subject, for what, 5-6 years? Been censored yet? Threatened with legal action for expressing your views? Sure, you would have homosexuals treat as z class citizens but you don't get to do that, you never will and nor will society. In turn, you're not being discriminated against so stop whining.
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