Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If same sex attraction counselors weren't supplying a service that didn't provide positive results for their patients (and as shown in previous posts, what patients want from this kind of counseling varies),then the demand for those services would dwindle and those therapists would, like any other business or professional practice, be forced to shut down due to financial failure.

As we're seeing time and time again through personal testimonies of people who have left homosexuality behind and gone on to live healthy and happy lives, therapy for same sex desires (and gender confusion) is working extremely well.

Er, they are being forced to shut down, they don't work and are just places of abuse. They're not working 'extremely well' at all and even former 'therapists' have come forward, apologized for the harm they've caused and admitted as much.

One must keep in mind that the LGBTQueer movement relies on the lie that people can't change their same sex desires (hate crime laws are based on that lie). Since there is no 'gene' that causes homosexuality, the LGBTQueer movement must recruit children into their ranks (either through physical molestation or indoctrination) so that the lie can continue to prosper.

Typical non thinking, non scientific fundamentalist rubbish.

Which you're taking extremely hard.

I know you'd love to believe that, just as you bizarrely and desperately seemed to wish I was gay but sorry doofus, neither are true. This blog is a joke, one that it's sometimes "fun" to dip in and out of just to point out how much of a joke it is...

Exactly! Me telling a sexually confused person that "Jesus has a better way for you my friend" WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

You're finally catching on.

Well, no, if you try to proselytize in the workplace and you continue to do so even when your 'witness' is unwanted and you've been told to stop then you're harassing people, just as if a gay person did the same in turn and made inappropriate remarks about your faith.

Corporations are pushing the LGBTQ agenda on their employees. A good portion of them who haven't caught on to embracing sexual perversion, stay silent for fear of losing their job.

Here's just one example of businesses promoting homosexuality here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North.



Workplaces don't tolerate homophobia, intolerance, prejudice and bullying, as it should be.

Proud and unrepentant homosexuals owe a ton of gratitude to the LGBTQ movement. Without their physical and verbal harassment, including death threats to those who don't goosestep to the LGBTQ agenda activism, things like unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys would be a dream that never came true.

More lame drivel...

Since you specialize in child indoctrination, let's talk about this one:

Never indoctrinated a child in my life. Silly little man.

Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son's kindergarten class.





Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If same sex attraction counselors weren't supplying a service that didn't provide positive results for their patients (and as shown in previous posts, what patients want from this kind of counseling varies),then the demand for those services would dwindle and those therapists would, like any other business or professional practice, be forced to shut down due to financial failure.

As we're seeing time and time again through personal testimonies of people who have left homosexuality behind and gone on to live healthy and happy lives, therapy for same sex desires (and gender confusion) is working extremely well.

Er, they are being forced to shut down,

As shown, through laws backed by the LGBTQ movement who has everything to lose if it can be shown that with God's free will, man can overcome anything.

they don't work and are just places of abuse. They're not working 'extremely well' at all

Take it up with this EX homosexual, Richard Cohen, who has done 'extremely well' at being a husband and a father, and as shown in the link below, helping others escape the homosexual deathstyle.



Coming Out Straight

and even former 'therapists' have come forward, apologized for the harm they've caused and admitted as much.

Besides receiving an enormous amount of pressure from the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement to do so, I surmise that many (if not all) were EX homosexuals themselves and after relapsing, decided that if they aren't strong enough to do it, why should others be?

One must remember that many of these people are dealing with horrific abuse that stemmed from their childhood. I can't begin to imagine what being raped as a child would be like, but without a doubt it most certainly would skew ones outlook on God's beautiful gift of human sexuality.

I'll keep praying that you someday overcome your HATRED of those who have had the courage to seek help for their unnatural sexual desires (or gender confusion), but as a peace offering between us here's something that can make your HATRED more vocal (rumor has it that this is the exact bullhorn that Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen has used in the past)



Since we're on the topic of Christians and LGBTQueerers 'co-existing', let's talk about this case:

Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son's kindergarten class.



What's the term that your allies in the LGBTQ Trump movement call it when they don't want to discuss the truth?

"Fake news"?

In any event I wanted to thank you again for proving my point that people of faith and the LGBTQueer movement cannot 'co-exist'.


I see that Donald Trump's good friend drag queen turned genital mutilator/LGBTQ activist Caitlyn Bruce Jenner is considering running for the US Senate on the Republican Party ticket (the new Republican Party embraces sexually and morally confused people like Donald Trump and Caitlyn Bruce Jenner don't cha know).

Caitlyn Jenner might run for U.S. Senate to promote LGBT issues

July 17, 2017

Former Olympic athlete and transgender, Caitlyn Jenner, has announced that she is thinking of running for a seat in the United States Senate from California on a Republican ticket, and wants to put LGBT issues on the agenda.

The Kardashian patriarch, who famously transitioned from a man to a woman, is pondering a U.S. Senate run – presumably a challenge to Democrat Dianne Feinstein, who’s up for re-election next year.

Speaking to John Catsimatidis on the radio on Sunday, Pink News reported Jenner stating she was investigating whether she could do more good as an elected official or work to enact change from the outside.
“I have considered it. I like the political side of it,” Jenner told a radio interviewer. “The political side of it has always been very intriguing to me.” Can I do a better job from the outside?
Kind of working the perimeter of the political scene, being open to, you know, talk to anybody? Or are you better off from the inside, and we are in the process of determining that,” she said. “And yeah, but I would look for a senatorial run.”

She will take her decisions in 6 months time.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As shown, through laws backed by the LGBTQ movement who has everything to lose if it can be shown that with God's free will, man can overcome anything.

They're backed by anyone who opposes abuse and practices that are insidious. You still gonna deny the barbarism of some of the "techniques" used in these places? They don't work, they're havens of humiliating abuse and they have no place, especially where it comes to children.

Take it up with this EX homosexual, Richard Cohen, who has done 'extremely well' at being a husband and a father, and as shown in the link below, helping others escape the homosexual deathstyle.

Wow, a guy who practices "therapy" himself, no thanks. Where are the reams of accredited scientific evidence that supports how "therapy" works? Oh, that's right, there isn't any...:rolleyes:

Besides receiving an enormous amount of pressure from the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement to do so, I surmise that many (if not all) were EX homosexuals themselves and after relapsing, decided that if they aren't strong enough to do it, why should others be?

Or, and rather more sensibly and realistically, they simply admitted what most people already know, that you can't 'cure gay' and that their practices were useless and even more to the point, abusive and harmful. Kudos at least to those who were prepared to acknowledge that.

One must remember that many of these people are dealing with horrific abuse that stemmed from their childhood. I can't begin to imagine what being raped as a child would be like, but without a doubt it most certainly would skew ones outlook on God's beautiful gift of human sexuality.

Neither can I and one can only be empathetic to anyone who's suffered such abuse. It would be a disservice to those people to argue that abuse in itself causes homosexuality, not that you especially care.

I'll keep praying that you someday overcome your HATRED of those who have had the courage to seek help for their unnatural sexual desires (or gender confusion), but as a peace offering between us here's something that can make your HATRED more vocal (rumor has it that this is the exact bullhorn that Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen has used in the past)

Typing 'hatred' in caps just makes you look like you're going on a rant, and it certainly doesn't make it true. I'd sooner people weren't abused in these nasty little centers is all and they ain't gonna cure them of being homosexual.

What's the term that your allies in the LGBTQ Trump movement call it when they don't want to discuss the truth?

"Fake news"?

In any event I wanted to thank you again for proving my point that people of faith and the LGBTQueer movement cannot 'co-exist'.

No point in linking to nutty little far right blog sites, not interested. You might like to be spoon fed but I don't, and of course they can. So are you unless you're living a completely self sustainable life so stop kidding yourself.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown, through laws backed by the LGBTQ movement who has everything to lose if it can be shown that with God's free will, man can overcome anything.
They're backed by anyone who opposes abuse and practices that are insidious. You still gonna deny the barbarism of some of the "techniques" used in these places? They don't work, they're havens of humiliating abuse and they have no place, especially where it comes to children.

In your own words, using your new method of communication Wayne Art:



Tell the people who are following this thread, many who have same sex desires and don't want to continue to live a life that is nothing but a lie, tell them why they can't change.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Take it up with this EX homosexual, Richard Cohen, who has done 'extremely well' at being a husband and a father, and as shown in the link below, helping others escape the homosexual deathstyle.

Wow, a guy who practices "therapy" himself, no thanks.

Who because of therapy is happily married and is the father of 4 beautiful children. Just think Art, if Richard Cohen hadn't pursued therapy, he very well might be a 45 year old bachelor who spends all of his time defending homosexuality and homosexual causes on internet websites (if he were lucky enough to still be alive at 45).

Where are the reams of accredited scientific evidence that supports how "therapy" works? Oh, that's right, there isn't any...

It's been established that those supposed "accredited" organizations (both the American Psychological and American Psychiatric Associations, as well as others) have been permeated by LGBTQ activists, some like the late Frank Kameny, even spoke to NAMBLA or belong to pedophile organizations.


Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of*Disorders

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Besides receiving an enormous amount of pressure from the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement to do so, I surmise that many (if not all) were EX homosexuals themselves and after relapsing, decided that if they aren't strong enough to do it, why should others be?

Or, and rather more sensibly and realistically, they simply admitted what most people already know, that you can't 'cure gay' and that their practices were useless and even more to the point, abusive and harmful. Kudos at least to those who were prepared to acknowledge that.

I'm not aware of organizations that have willfully shut down other than Exodus International
(Exodus Global Alliance http://exodusglobalalliance.org/
is still going strong, as well as many many other organizations and private counselors that help people with their unwanted sexual desires).

Would you please supply a list of those organizations that willfully closed? (not organizations that were forced to close due to LGBTQ legislation/harassment).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
One must remember that many of these people are dealing with horrific abuse that stemmed from their childhood. I can't begin to imagine what being raped as a child would be like, but without a doubt it most certainly would skew ones outlook on God's beautiful gift of human sexuality.

Neither can I and one can only be empathetic to anyone who's suffered such abuse. It would be a disservice to those people to argue that abuse in itself causes homosexuality, not that you especially care.

Aside from your empathy for sexual abuse victims almost bringing me to tears, sexual abuse is a big factor behind homosexuality; both practicing and EX homosexuals admit it. Other factors are involved, as seen on page 1's index.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What's the term that your allies in the LGBTQ Trump movement call it when they don't want to discuss the truth?

"Fake news"?

In any event I wanted to thank you again for proving my point that people of faith and the LGBTQueer movement cannot 'co-exist'.

No point in linking to nutty little far right blog sites, not interested. You might like to be spoon fed but I don't, and of course they can. So are you unless you're living a completely self sustainable life so stop kidding yourself.

Once again you've failed to show that your LGBTQueer movement and followers of Christ can 'co-exist'. Will that post showing that it's possible happen anytime soon?
Last edited:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In your own words, using your new method of communication Wayne Art:



Tell the people who are following this thread, many who have same sex desires and don't want to continue to live a life that is nothing but a lie, tell them why they can't change.

Wow, you really are 20 slices of bread short of a loaf aren't you?

"Therapy centers" are places of abuse, as has been investigated and proved. They do not 'cure' being gay. You wanna lie to people and tell them they can be "counselled" out of it, you go ahead but you're doing nobody any favours.

Who because of therapy is happily married and is the father of 4 beautiful children. Just think Art, if Richard Cohen hadn't pursued therapy, he very well might be a 45 year old bachelor who spends all of his time defending homosexuality and homosexual causes on internet websites (if he were lucky enough to still be alive at 45).

Hmm, given that you spend a lot more of your time than anyone else on this forum obsessing about homosexuality then I'm gonna take this as projection. You should really drop the act of being a happily married man dude.


Oh, and no accredited scientific evidence for how "therapy" works either I notice.

It's been established that those supposed "accredited" organizations (both the American Psychological and American Psychiatric Associations, as well as others) have been permeated by LGBTQ activists, some like the late Frank Kameny, even spoke to NAMBLA or belong to pedophile organizations.


Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of*Disorders

Oh geez, more far right bonkers conspiracy blogs...


I'm not aware of organizations that have willfully shut down other than Exodus International
(Exodus Global Alliance http://exodusglobalalliance.org/
is still going strong, as well as many many other organizations and private counselors that help people with their unwanted sexual desires).

They're not helping anybody.

Would you please supply a list of those organizations that willfully closed? (not organizations that were forced to close due to LGBTQ legislation/harassment).

Not interested. As long as these abuse centers are closed I could care less whether they did it willfully or not. They shouldn't be open to abuse people full stop.

Aside from your empathy for sexual abuse victims almost bringing me to tears, sexual abuse is a big factor behind homosexuality; both practicing and EX homosexuals admit it. Other factors are involved, as seen on page 1's index.

Many, many admit to no such thing so unlike your crocodile tears, I'm not going to do a disservice to those who genuinely suffered abuse and lie about it being a constant factor in people being gay.

Once again you've failed to show that your LGBTQueer movement and followers of Christ can 'co-exist'. Will that post showing that it's possible happen anytime soon?

I'm not part of any 'movement', and I already have in regards to homosexuals and Christians more than able to co-exist. Happens every day dude. Even you, unless you live off the land and don't buy anything...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In your own words, using your new method of communication Wayne Art:

Tell the people who are following this thread, many who have same sex desires and don't want to continue to live a life that is nothing but a lie, tell them why they can't change.

Wow, you really are 20 slices of bread short of a loaf aren't you?
"Therapy centers" are places of abuse, as has been investigated and proved. They do not 'cure' being gay. You wanna lie to people and tell them they can be "counselled" out of it, you go ahead but you're doing nobody any favours.

(I guess Art doesn't want to explain to sexually confused people why they can't use the free will God gave them to overcome their unwanted desires).

I don't need to tell anyone that spiritual and often times psychological therapy can help them with their unnatural same sex desires, thousands of EX homosexuals are already doing that.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Who because of therapy is happily married and is the father of 4 beautiful children. Just think Art, if Richard Cohen hadn't pursued therapy, he very well might be a 45 year old bachelor who spends all of his time defending homosexuality and homosexual causes on internet websites (if he were lucky enough to still be alive at 45).

Hmm, given that you spend a lot more of your time than anyone else on this forum obsessing about homosexuality then I'm gonna take this as projection. You should really drop the act of being a happily married man dude.

Like every proud and unrepentant sinner in the LGBTQueer movement, your issue is with God, not me.

Oh, and no accredited scientific evidence for how "therapy" works either I notice.

And here I thought posting a long list of LGBTQ pedophiles showing how therapy doesn't work was good enough.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorn
It's been established that those supposed "accredited" organizations (both the American Psychological and American Psychiatric Associations, as well as others) have been permeated by LGBTQ activists, some like the late Frank Kameny, even spoke to NAMBLA or belong to pedophile organizations.

Homosexual Activists Intimidate American Psychiatric Association into Removing Homosexuality from List of*Disorders

Oh geez, more far right bonkers conspiracy blogs...

I post these links for others to read, others who are actually interested in the truth.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not aware of organizations that have willfully shut down other than Exodus International
(Exodus Global Alliance http://exodusglobalalliance.org/
is still going strong, as well as many many other organizations and private counselors that help people with their unwanted sexual desires).

They're not helping anybody.

I can't imagine the pain that you're going through seeing others that had suffered from same sex attraction now being whole again.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you please supply a list of those organizations that willfully closed? (not organizations that were forced to close due to LGBTQ legislation/harassment).

Not interested. As long as these abuse centers are closed I could care less whether they did it willfully or not. They shouldn't be open to abuse people full stop.

Of course you're not interested because organizations that once helped people with same sex desires that closed down willfully are rare.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Aside from your empathy for sexual abuse victims almost bringing me to tears, sexual abuse is a big factor behind homosexuality; both practicing and EX homosexuals admit it. Other factors are involved, as seen on page 1's index.

Many, many admit to no such thing so unlike your crocodile tears, I'm not going to do a disservice to those who genuinely suffered abuse and lie about it being a constant factor in people being gay.

That's right, homosexual desires "just happen", right Art?

On that note: The subject of therapy for those with same sex desires has obviously added years to your already shortened life expectancy, so I'll close this subject (until we talk about again in a week or two) and let you wallow in your HATE.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Once again you've failed to show that your LGBTQueer movement and followers of Christ can 'co-exist'. Will that post showing that it's possible happen anytime soon?

I'm not part of any 'movement', and I already have in regards to homosexuals and Christians more than able to co-exist. Happens every day dude. Even you, unless you live off the land and don't buy anything...

I guess I should have been more specific for the morally and mentally impaired:

The two ideologies cannot "co-exist", and when those ideologies are put into practice, it's been shown that they definitely can't "co-exist".

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(I guess Art doesn't want to explain to sexually confused people why they can't use the free will God gave them to overcome their unwanted desires).

I don't need to tell anyone that spiritual and often times psychological therapy can help them with their unnatural same sex desires, thousands of EX homosexuals are already doing that.

I just ain't gonna lie to and condescend homosexuals aCW. That would be as bonkers as some cranks insisting that I could "choose" to become gay. Not happening, and there are not "thousands" of 'ex homosexuals' testifying to the 'magic powers' of therapy. That's just you and your usual exaggerated bunk.

Like every proud and unrepentant sinner in the LGBTQueer movement, your issue is with God, not me.

I'm not in any 'movement' so that's your fail for the umpteenth time.

And here I thought posting a long list of LGBTQ pedophiles showing how therapy doesn't work was good enough.

Oh, if only you did think on occasion. Either supply accredited, corroborated scientific evidence for 'positive' results from this "therapy" or don't bother. So, effectively, just don't bother as there isn't any.

I post these links for others to read, others who are actually interested in the truth.

Or rather your distorted and bizarrely obsessive 'version' of it.

I can't imagine the pain that you're going through seeing others that had suffered from same sex attraction now being whole again.

Nothing to imagine on that score, literally.


Of course you're not interested because organizations that once helped people with same sex desires that closed down willfully are rare.

Why did even these 'rare' ones shut down willingly? Could it possibly be because they weren't helping anybody and were culpable of the abusive practices prevalent in such places? Of course you won't even entertain that...

That's right, homosexual desires "just happen", right Art?

For a lot of people, that would sure seem to be the case.

On that note: The subject of therapy for those with same sex desires has obviously added years to your already shortened life expectancy, so I'll close this subject (until we talk about again in a week or two) and let you wallow in your HATE.

Oh dear, the gay projection thing again? Real sorry to disappoint ya again but I'm straight dude and honestly, quit with the all caps and the drama will ya? I don't hate anybody, even you're kinda entertaining in the clownish way. :D

I guess I should have been more specific for the morally and mentally impaired:

The two ideologies cannot "co-exist", and when those ideologies are put into practice, it's been shown that they definitely can't "co-exist".

And yet here we are, where Christians and homosexuals can co-exist in the same society without world war III kicking off...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess I should have been more specific for the morally and mentally impaired:

The two ideologies cannot "co-exist", and when those ideologies are put into practice, it's been shown that they definitely can't "co-exist".

And yet here we are, where Christians and homosexuals can co-exist in the same society without world war III kicking off...

I can see the smug look on your face from here.

Sure, you and your LGBTQ movement can 'co-exist' with people of faith as long as you're the ones legislating laws, redefining invaluable institutions and setting the standard for cultural mores.

Jesus' two greatest commands Matthew 22:36-40 aren't suggestions.

I can't love God if I don't acknowledge that civil laws have a purpose: Romans 13:4

I can't love God if I don't acknowledge the necessity of and fight for His institutions (marriage, the family, the Church) and others that have the utmost importance to society (youth mentoring, Education, the military, etc.).

I can't love my neighbor as I love myself if I sit back idly and watch him or her self destruct through a behavior that is changeable.



I'd ask you again to invite some of your liberal friends here on TOL that have the audacity to call themselves followers of Christ to come into the thread and debate me, but as we both know, if they had a leg to stand on with their false doctrine, an invitation wouldn't be necessary, they'd already be here making their case.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I guess I should have been more specific for the morally and mentally impaired:

The two ideologies cannot "co-exist", and when those ideologies are put into practice, it's been shown that they definitely can't "co-exist".

I can see the smug look on your face from here.

Sure, you and your LGBTQ movement can 'co-exist' with people of faith as long as you're the ones legislating laws, redefining invaluable institutions and setting the standard for cultural mores.

Jesus' two greatest commands Matthew 22:36-40 aren't suggestions.

I can't love God if I don't acknowledge that civil laws have a purpose: Romans 13:4

I can't love God if I don't acknowledge the necessity of and fight for His institutions (marriage, the family, the Church, etc.)

I can't love my neighbor as I love myself if I sit back idly and watch him or her self destruct through a behavior that is changeable.



I'd ask you again to invite some of your liberal friends here on TOL that have the audacity to call themselves followers of Christ to come into the thread and debate me, but as we both know, if they had a leg to stand on with their false doctrine, an invitation wouldn't be necessary, they'd already be here making their case.

Dude, the case has been made against your loopy, obsessive blog for the past five years. You've had your head handed to you on a plate more times than restaurant staff could keep up with. Frankly, if you didn't keep propping this car crash up it would have withered and been forgotten about a loooooong time ago. As it is, I'm gonna get off the 'miserable go round' so have fun doofus.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I'd ask you again to invite some of your liberal friends here on TOL that have the audacity to call themselves followers of Christ to come into the thread and debate me, but as we both know, if they had a leg to stand on with their false doctrine, an invitation wouldn't be necessary, they'd already be here making their case

Dude, the case has been made against your loopy, obsessive blog for the past five years. You've had your head handed to you on a plate more times than restaurant staff could keep up with. Frankly, if you didn't keep propping this car crash up it would have withered and been forgotten about a loooooong time ago. As it is, I'm gonna get off the 'miserable go round' so have fun doofus.


"What two consenting adults do in private... ever your "thing" is, it's your human right to do it".

Yeah, that's some "case" Art.

Since new people are viewing this thread on a regular basis, would you be so kind as to show "the case" for sexual anarchy? (it's for my benefit as well, as I must have missed it the first time around).


In "LGBTQueer-Christian 'co-existing'" news :

Christian demonstrators attacked, injured by liberals waving gay pride flag

CALGARY, Alberta, July 18, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — A "Defense of Christianity" demonstration in front of Calgary's City Hall turned violent.

Street Church had a valid permit and was ready to begin when angry members of Calgary's "Anti-Fascist Action" group started screaming in the faces of demonstrators.

The "Street Church" demonstrators screamed back, "Jesus loves you and wants to save your soul," and similar messages. Confrontations escalated, culminating in the "Anti-Fascist" group starting several mixed martial arts fights.

The rally disintegrated into a mass brawl quickly as counter-protesters cursed at, pushed, threw down, kicked, and began punching Street Church members.

The demonstration was scheduled to feature pro-life and pro-marriage activist Bill Whatcott. He is facing a $104 million lawsuit for "sharing the Gospel surreptitiously at the Toronto homosexual shame parade," and another lawsuit from the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal for "referring to a gender-confused biological male who was running for the NDP as a male."

The fights spilled into the street at one point and there were several minor injuries.

Police have made no arrests.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/anti-fascists-attack-christians-at-city-hall-demonstration

WARNING! As with anything related to the LGBTQueer movement, there will be foul language used.


Have I mentioned before that good and evil cannot 'co-exist'?


Let's see what Donald Trump's 'Gay Ole Party' is up to when it comes to the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym:

24 Republicans Vote To Preserve Transgender Ideology in Military

July 14, 2017

Twenty-four Republicans banded together on Thursday to defeat an amendment which*would have ended former President Barack Obama’s 2016 policy of funding “gender-reassignment” surgery for soldiers who want to live as members of the opposite sex.
The amendment to the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act was offered by Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R, Mo.). It would have prohibited the use of taxpayer dollars to pay for the non-military medical task of converting healthy soldiers into “transgender” soldiers who face lifelong dependence on hormones and surgery.
The July 13 vote saw Democrats vote in lockstep to defeat the amendment, despite the national unpopularity of the transgender ideology. They were joined by 24 Republicans who broke with their party to assist the Democrats to defeat the amendment, without any visible objections by the GOP’s business-focused leadership.

Read more: http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...p-reps-push-transgender-ideology-at-pentagon/

As shown many times throughout Part 4, Donald Trump is a 'yuge' supporter of drag queen/genital mutilation supposed "rights", so how can you blame 24 Republicans for standing for what their Degenerate in Chief also stands for?




Let's see what LGBTQueer activist Donald Trump has done recently to promote homosexual causes:

Trump to pick [openly homosexual] ex-diplomat, pundit for ambassador to Germany

July 19, 2017

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A former diplomat and television commentator is expected to be nominated as the United States' ambassador to Germany.
Richard Grenell is President Donald Trump's choice for the post, according to a person with knowledge of the expected nomination. That person requested anonymity to discuss a matter before it was announced.
A White House spokeswoman said Wednesday that nothing official was finalized.
Grenell was a long-serving spokesman for the United States at the United Nations during former President George W. Bush's administration. He also appears as a foreign affairs commentator on Fox News Channel.
He would be the first openly LGBT ambassador nominee for Trump...

Read more: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/storie...ME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-07-19-19-34-29

I wonder if after reading these headlines Grenell begged Trump to assign him to the German post?

Hundreds of German choir boys abused over six decades - report




Great news!

Those with Gender Dysphoria Can Find Healing

July 19, 2017
By Peter Sprigg

Last month, it was my privilege to attend the annual conference of the Restored Hope Network (RHN)

in San Diego. The Restored Hope Network is the nation’s largest umbrella organization for Christian organizations engaged in “transformational ministry” with those who suffer from unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA). (It is often seen as a successor to Exodus International, an organization that shut down in 2013 after its leadership abandoned its original message that change is possible for those with unwanted SSA.)

LGBT activists in the San Diego area organized protests against the conference (although they did not turn out anything close to the 1,000 protesters they promised). Ironically, the protests had some positive effect—at least one person struggling with unwanted SSA who attended the conference said he would never have known about it if not for the publicity about the protests.

I was struck, however, by the sharp disconnect between what the protesters assumed was actually happening in the conference and what was actually happening there. As just one example, critics of “sexual orientation change efforts” (SOCE)—which they (not its practitioners) refer to as “conversion therapy”—often charge that such programs damage participants by instilling “shame” in them. The truth is the exact opposite—participants come into SOCE with shame, and a key goal of the counselling is to overcome and remove that sense of shame.

...The highlight of the conference for me was seeing the world premiere of a new documentary film called TranZformed: Finding Peace with Your God-Given Gender. While the movement that believes sexual orientation change is possible has been around for decades, and numerous testimonies of those who have experienced change have long been available, until now only a few people have publicly come out as “ex-transgender” (the most prominent being Walt Heyer—see his website).

TranZformed, however, features the dramatic testimonies of 15 ex-transgender individuals who “bear witness to what Jesus Christ can do for those who struggle with gender dysphoria.” The film, which is over an hour long, was very professionally produced by Pure Passion Media, a ministry dedicated to “equipping the church to redemptively minister to those who are trapped in sexual sin and brokenness” (a focus which definitely includes heterosexual sin and brokenness, such as pornography addiction). In fact, two of the testimonies included in TranZformed are available on the Pure Passion website.

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2017/07/19/gender-dysphoria-can-find-healing/

Tranzformed teaser video


This is a good article by Scott Lively on the history of the sexual anarchist movement:

"Importantly, though primarily driven behind the scenes by “gays,” the first goal was not legitimization of homosexual sodomy but the normalization of heterosexual promiscuity. This was the motive and strategy that drove “closeted” 1940s and 50s homosexual activist Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent “science” attacking the marriage-based sexual ethic as “repressive” and socially harmful. It also drove the launch of the modern porn industry, beginning with Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Magazine (Hefner called himself “Kinsey’s pamphleteer”). It drove and defined the battles in the courts where sexual morality was systematically “reformed” by Cultural Marxist elites on the US Supreme Court: contraception on demand to facilitate “fornication without consequences” (Griswold v Connecticut 1966), abortion on demand as the backup system to failed contraception (Roe v Wade 1973), and finally legalization of homosexual sodomy (Lawrence v Texas 2003)."

Culture War Victory Still Possible for Conservatives

Where Lively fails is giving accolades to Ronald Reagan, who as Governor of California was responsible for things like abortion, homosexuality and divorce going mainstream:


and thinking that Donald Trump will bring a "brighter future to our nation".

Perhaps it's time that true conservatives drain the swamp of people like Scott Lively, Tony Perkins, Matt Barber and Dr. Michael Brown and acknowledge that they are a bunch of republican lackeys and get some new leadership in the conservative movement?
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Have I mentioned that homosexuality/transgenderism is extremely expensive for the American taxpayer?

Let's see how much getting a sex change in Donald Trump's US military is gonna cost the taxpayers:

Sex Change Surgeries Could Cost Military Billion$, as Much as a New Navy Destroyer

July 25, 2017

This Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on the Make America Secure Appropriations Act. There are billions of dollars in that act for the Defense Department. But it comes at the same time the military has been told it needs to do sex change surgeries and provide hormone therapies for transgenders.

The Family Research Council (FRC) estimates those surgeries and hormones could cost up to $3.7 BILLION in the next 10 years. Some lawmakers tried this month to kill any funding for such surgeries and treatments in the military, but 23 Republicans joined House Democrats to defeat the move.

Former Army special forces commander Jerry Boykin, FRC’s executive vice president, told CBN News he has a message for those 23 GOP lawmakers.

“This is about the readiness of our military,” Boykin said. “And if we’re going to take money in this year’s Defense budget and it will be set aside to perform surgery for transgender people who we recruited into the military, you got your priorities wrong. So I say to these Republicans: find some courage. Think through this. Look at what the realities are here: that we will be squandering money. And do the right thing here.”

That money for sex-reassignment surgery and hormones could pay for 22 F-35 fighter jets, or 116 Chinook combat helicopters, or 3,700 Tomahawk missiles, or even an entire Navy destroyer.

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2017/07/25/sex-change-surgeries-cost-military-billion-much-new-navy-destroyer/


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