Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Someone needs to read up on his movement's history...

I'm well aware who and what CATO are....they were at one point a libertarian organization...They can call themselves libertarians all they want, doesn't make it so...

This, from the Cato Institute website, sounds like something straight out of the Libertarian Party Platform:

Libertarianism is the belief that each person has the right to live his life as he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others. Libertarians defend each person’s right to life, liberty, and property. In the libertarian view, voluntary agreement is the gold standard of human relationships. If there is no good reason to forbid something (a good reason being that it violates the rights of others), it should be allowed. Force should be reserved for prohibiting or punishing those who themselves use force, such as murderers, robbers, rapists, kidnappers, and defrauders (who practice a kind of theft). Most people live their own lives by that code of ethics. Libertarians believe that that code should be applied consistently, even to the actions of governments, which should be restricted to protecting people from violations of their rights. Governments should not use their powers to censor speech, conscript the young, prohibit voluntary exchanges, steal or “redistribute” property, or interfere in the lives of individuals who are otherwise minding their own business.

Take your issue up with the Cato Institute, not me.

but still wonders if you learned the difference between libertines and libertarians...probably not

As I've told you on numerous occasions before: a libertine is someone who engages in homosexuality, pornography, abortion, incest, bestiality, recreational drug use, etc. etc. etc (i.e. he or she has some kind of "right" to supposedly do with his or her body as they please). A Libertarian (many who engage in the above behaviors) fights (both legislatively and on ideology grounds) for their brethren to do those things legally.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

For those of you that still don't read rainbow, what Art just said is that it's ok for Christians to whisper their homophobic bigoted (i.e. biblical) views, just keep them well hidden in the closet where they can't be seen or heard.

Thanks for expounding on this very important subject Art.

Says the guy who's been running his own public blog on the subject, for what, 5-6 years? Been censored yet? Threatened with legal action for expressing your views? Sure, you would have homosexuals treat as z class citizens but you don't get to do that, you never will and nor will society. In turn, you're not being discriminated against so stop whining.

Showing love for someone that engages in an extremely deadly behavior by showing them a better way isn't treating them as a "z class citizen" Art, it's putting their life on top of the priority list.

Regarding discrimination that happens on a daily basis to those who love their neighbor as they love themselves (Christians) :

Let me use a simple analogy for a very simple mind:

If I were to go up to an openly homosexual male or female at my place of employment (and here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North there are plenty of them to choose from) and say the words

"Jesus has a better way for you. He can show you the way out of your homosexual lifestyle and set you free for eternity!"

I'd be unemployed within minutes.

Thank you again for agreeing with me (and showing in your previous posts) that religious freedom (i.e. Christian liberty) and the LGBTQ agenda cannot 'coexist'.
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Well-known member
As I've told you on numerous occasions before: a libertine is someone who engages in homosexuality, pornography, abortion, incest, bestiality, recreational drug use, etc. etc. etc (i.e. he or she has some kind of "right" to supposedly do with his or her body as they please). A Libertarian (many who engage in the above behaviors) fights (both legislatively and on ideology grounds) for their brethren to do those things legally.

LOL! Wrong... why equate the two?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As I've told you on numerous occasions before: a libertine is someone who engages in homosexuality, pornography, abortion, incest, bestiality, recreational drug use, etc. etc. etc (i.e. he or she has some kind of "right" to supposedly do with his or her body as they please). A Libertarian (many who engage in the above behaviors) fights (both legislatively and on ideology grounds) for their brethren to do those things legally.

LOL! Wrong... why equate the two?

Because without the latter, the former would have to hide his or her sinful behaviors in the closet.

Be proud of the movement that you identify with, as it's responsible for the legalization of abortion, homosexuality, pornography, adultery, cohabitation, some recreational drugs, and in a couple of States, assisted suicide.

Sounds like a 'culture of death' to me.


Is Part 5 coming soon?

How does this sound?

"Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5: The Donald Trump years year 6 months as President".
Oh and Aaron, don't get too depressed when he's impeached, you destroying your Boy George CD collection in a fit of rage isn't psychologically healthy.

Since no one else seems to want to talk about Christianity and the LGBTQ movement 'coexisting', how about you log onto one of your many sockpuppet accounts and we discuss this important subject further?


Why not register and participate? :wave2:

Help support the site you love!

And subject them to your petty TOS (Terms of Service) complaints? You probably have no idea how many people you and your alter egos have chased off from this fine website, people who came here looking for debate but left because of the likes of you.

The best thing that could happen to TOL is to have you (and your many sockpuppet accounts) banned for life.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Showing love for someone that engages in an extremely deadly behavior by showing them a better way isn't treating them as a "z class citizen" Art, it's putting their life on top of the priority list.

Forcing people into "therapy" centres, into incarceration for being homosexual and denying them basic human rights is not showing 'love' towards anybody.

Regarding discrimination that happens on a daily basis to those who love their neighbor as they love themselves (Christians) :

Let me use a simple analogy for a very simple mind:

If I were to go up to an openly homosexual male or female at my place of employment (and here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North there are plenty of them to choose from) and say the words

"Jesus has a better way for you. He can show you the way out of your homosexual lifestyle and set you free for eternity!"

I'd be unemployed within minutes.

Thank you again for agreeing with me (and showing in your previous posts) that religious freedom (i.e. Christian liberty) and the LGBTQ agenda cannot 'coexist'.

That would all depend on your approach, which in your case likely would get you the sack. If you're attempting to proselytize people in the workplace without invitation then sure, you're not gonna last long, especially if you start telling co-workers they're committing a crime for being gay. Take Clete's comments about gays not deserving to have the sunlight reflected off his face for example. If he or you said anything like that to a gay person on the work floor then if I were in charge you'd be given your marching orders on the spot. In turn, if someone were goading or harassing you over your faith they wouldn't be lasting long either. If someone invited you to talk about your faith and beliefs then that would be different altogether, but I doubt you'll even attempt to think this through objectively.

They can certainly co-exist and in the main they generally do.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Showing love for someone that engages in an extremely deadly behavior by showing them a better way isn't treating them as a "z class citizen" Art, it's putting their life on top of the priority list.

Forcing people into "therapy" centres,...

Showing love for a morally confused person comes in many forms: through righteous laws, ministering God's Word, and yes, through spiritual and psychological therapy. Regarding the latter:
As we've seen, those who really want to change their extremely destructive same sex desires are being harassed by the LGBTQ movement from doing so, be it through unrighteous laws prohibiting therapy or verbal and often times physical harassment (i.e. they're being "forced" to continue a life of disease, misery and early death.

into incarceration for being homosexual and denying them basic human rights is not showing 'love' towards anybody.

All civilized societies have laws against sexual perversion Art. Without laws and the threat of punishment to back up those laws, there is nothing but anarchy, which we're seeing today. Of course your definition of love is to allow people to lead a death style and through unjust laws and redefined institutions, not only share that culture of death with others, but force it on innocent children.

God's definition of love is just the opposite.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding discrimination that happens on a daily basis to those who love their neighbor as they love themselves (Christians) :

Let me use a simple analogy for a very simple mind:

If I were to go up to an openly homosexual male or female at my place of employment (and here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North there are plenty of them to choose from) and say the words

"Jesus has a better way for you. He can show you the way out of your homosexual lifestyle and set you free for eternity!"

I'd be unemployed within minutes.

Thank you again for agreeing with me (and showing in your previous posts) that religious freedom (i.e. Christian liberty) and the LGBTQ agenda cannot 'coexist'.

That would all depend on your approach, which in your case likely would get you the sack.

Yeah, those words just ooooooze with hate don't they Art? Let's read em again:

"Jesus has a better way for you. He can show you the way out of your homosexual lifestyle and set you free for eternity!"

How about we review '300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

and see what those people did to deserve being fired, verbally harassed (including death threats), physically assaulted and brought up on criminal charges by your ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement.

If you're attempting to proselytize people in the workplace without invitation then sure, you're not gonna last long,..They [Christians and homosexuals/the homosexual agenda] can certainly co-exist and in the main they generally do.

As a Christian it's not only my duty to God to share His love with others, in this case proud and unrepentant homosexuals and show them that there is a better way, but to promote righteous laws and invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the Church, etc. etc. etc.) in society.

I can't be a follower of Christ if I don't do all of the above, hence I can't 'coexist' with proud and unrepentant sinners, in this case the LGBTQ movement.

Please invite some of your leftwing friends who have the audacity to call themselves 'Christian' into this thread, I'll gladly debate them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Showing love for a morally confused person comes in many forms: through righteous laws, ministering God's Word, and yes, through spiritual and psychological therapy. Regarding the latter:
As we've seen, those who really want to change their extremely destructive same sex desires are being harassed by the LGBTQ movement from doing so, be it through unrighteous laws prohibiting therapy or verbal and often times physical harassment (i.e. they're being "forced" to continue a life of disease, misery and early death.

"Therapy" centers are being shut down because of the abusive practices that go on. There's nothing unrighteous about closing places that have been shown to physically and psychologically abuse people. Nor is there anything righteous or loving about forcing your own beliefs onto people and taking away their basic human rights.

All civilized societies have laws against sexual perversion Art. Without laws and the threat of punishment to back up those laws, there is nothing but anarchy, which we're seeing today. Of course your definition of love is to allow people to lead a death style and through unjust laws and redefined institutions, not only share that culture of death with others, but force it on innocent children.

God's definition of love is just the opposite.

Laws against rape, molestation, bestiality etc are already in place, and as you know have tightened over the years along with abuse. Society was more anarchic when it tolerated innocent children risking death and injury sweeping chimneys, denying women equal rights and treating blacks as second rate citizens, but I suppose you'd prefer those times as long as homosexuality was still a crime?

Yeah, those words just ooooooze with hate don't they Art? Let's read em again:

"Jesus has a better way for you. He can show you the way out of your homosexual lifestyle and set you free for eternity!"

That sentence in itself, not so much, but then let's see your past "witness" on here where you've called gay people faggots and your pathetic little stereotyping etc. If you're as pompous and insincere as you are on here then you'd come over as a creep, and even then, people don't go to work to be proselytized by pompous zealots.

How about we review '300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

and see what those people did to deserve being fired, verbally harassed (including death threats), physically assaulted and brought up on criminal charges by your ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement.

'Barbwire'? Pass...

As a Christian it's not only my duty to God to share His love with others, in this case proud and unrepentant homosexuals and show them that there is a better way, but to promote righteous laws and invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the Church, etc. etc. etc.) in society.

I can't be a follower of Christ if I don't do all of the above, hence I can't 'coexist' with proud and unrepentant sinners, in this case the LGBTQ movement.

Please invite some of your leftwing friends who have the audacity to call themselves 'Christian' into this thread, I'll gladly debate them.

Well, if you personally can't go to work without harassing other members of staff then maybe you can't. I expect you grow all of your own food and build your own resources so as to have nothing to do with the outside world as if you're transacting with businesses, shops, supermarket staff etc then you already are co-existing with these people.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Showing love for a morally confused person comes in many forms: through righteous laws, ministering God's Word, and yes, through spiritual and psychological therapy. Regarding the latter:
As we've seen, those who really want to change their extremely destructive same sex desires are being harassed by the LGBTQ movement from doing so, be it through unrighteous laws prohibiting therapy or verbal and often times physical harassment (i.e. they're being "forced" to continue a life of disease, misery and early death.

"Therapy" centers are being shut down because of the abusive practices that go on. There's nothing unrighteous about closing places that have been shown to physically and psychologically abuse people. Nor is there anything righteous or loving about forcing your own beliefs onto people and taking away their basic human rights.

One would think that if a therapy center is using practices that aren't ethical, then that specific therapy center would be shut down instead of the entire industry (which as shown throughout this 4 part thread, has been very successful with helping people overcome their unwanted same sex desires as well as gender confusion).

The LGBTQ movement attempting to deny people the free will to change: Yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
All civilized societies have laws against sexual perversion Art. Without laws and the threat of punishment to back up those laws, there is nothing but anarchy, which we're seeing today. Of course your definition of love is to allow people to lead a death style and through unjust laws and redefined institutions, not only share that culture of death with others, but force it on innocent children.

God's definition of love is just the opposite.

Laws against rape, molestation, bestiality etc are already in place, and as you know have tightened over the years along with abuse...

Need we review what goes on at 'gay' pride parades and festivals, often times in front of children? Need we review what laws aren't being enforced at these parades (public exhibitionism, lewd act in a public place, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, etc). Need we review rights that have been taken away from parents which give children as young as 15 years old the supposed "right" to have life changing genital mutilation surgery and abortion? Need we review how children as young as kindergarten are being indoctrinated with perversion? Need we review how gender confused children are encouraged to cross dress, take hormone blockers in preparation for genital mutilation surgery later in life? Etc. etc. etc. 4 threads have been dedicated to showing the anarchy that the LGBTQ movement is responsible for and you playing your typical Queen of Denial act isn't going to change the facts.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yeah, those words just ooooooze with hate don't they Art? Let's read em again:

"Jesus has a better way for you. He can show you the way out of your homosexual lifestyle and set you free for eternity!"

That sentence in itself, not so much, but then let's see your past "witness" on here where you've called gay people faggots and your pathetic little stereotyping etc.

Please give me credit wher credit is due Art: When dealing with proud and unrepentant homosexuals, i.e. homosexual activists like devout HATER of God, Dan Savage, accused child molesters HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed the Ped Murray, or UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell who wrote a letter to the editor stating that some children as young as 9 years old enjoying being raped by adults, my language gets much more colorful.

That being said: Unlike you, I've always been extremely supportive of people struggling with sinful desires and behavior, and always will.

If you're as pompous and insincere as you are on here then you'd come over as a creep, and even then,
people don't go to work to be proselytized by pompous zealots.

Need we review the number of companies that push the LGBTQ agenda on it's employees? I guess proselytizing is ok, as long is the LGBTQueer agenda is behind it ey Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we review '300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

and see what those people did to deserve being fired, verbally harassed (including death threats), physically assaulted and brought up on criminal charges by your ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement.

'Barbwire'? Pass...

Surely a 14 year old girl that testified before the Maryland State Senate against a bill redefining marriage must have said something horrific in order for her to receive multiple death threats from the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement.

Girl, 14, gets death threats for defending marriage

(It must have been her...

"method" ).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As a Christian it's not only my duty to God to share His love with others, in this case proud and unrepentant homosexuals and show them that there is a better way, but to promote righteous laws and invaluable institutions (marriage, the family, the Church, etc. etc. etc.) in society.

I can't be a follower of Christ if I don't do all of the above, hence I can't 'coexist' with proud and unrepentant sinners, in this case the LGBTQ movement.

Please invite some of your leftwing friends who have the audacity to call themselves 'Christian' into this thread, I'll gladly debate them.

Well, if you personally can't go to work without harassing other members of staff then maybe you can't. I expect you grow all of your own food and build your own resources so as to have nothing to do with the outside world as if you're transacting with businesses, shops, supermarket staff etc then you already are co-existing with these people.

As long as I keep my mouth shut, or cower and bake a cake, photograph, or make a floral arrangement for their faux marriage? That's not "co-existing", that's living a lie by failing to stand up for God's Word.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One would think that if a therapy center is using practices that aren't ethical, then that specific therapy center would be shut down instead of the entire industry (which as shown throughout this 4 part thread, has been very successful with helping people overcome their unwanted same sex desires as well as gender confusion).

The LGBTQ movement attempting to deny people the free will to change: Yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Well, if you were to think in turn, it may just occur to you that the reason why these places are being shut down across the board is because the entire industry is unethical. That these despicable practices are part and parcel of what goes on, and no, they have not been "very successful" at "curing" people's homosexuality. There's no bonafide evidence to suggest anything of the sort and you certainly haven't provided any. Don't bother linking to testimonies as they don't count and were torn apart on here as it was. Provide verifiable and peer reviewed studies from non far right blogs or don't bother.

Need we review what goes on at 'gay' pride parades and festivals, often times in front of children? Need we review what laws aren't being enforced at these parades (public exhibitionism, lewd act in a public place, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, etc). Need we review rights that have been taken away from parents which give children as young as 15 years old the supposed "right" to have life changing genital mutilation surgery and abortion? Need we review how children as young as kindergarten are being indoctrinated with perversion? Need we review how gender confused children are encouraged to cross dress, take hormone blockers in preparation for genital mutilation surgery later in life? Etc. etc. etc. 4 threads have been dedicated to showing the anarchy that the LGBTQ movement is responsible for and you playing your typical Queen of Denial act isn't going to change the facts.

It's not been four threads, it's been four blogs and as usual, crammed full of far right hyperbole, misinformation, asinine drivel and pompous, obsessive bluster.

Please give me credit wher credit is due Art: When dealing with proud and unrepentant homosexuals, i.e. homosexual activists like devout HATER of God, Dan Savage, accused child molesters HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed the Ped Murray, or UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell who wrote a letter to the editor stating that some children as young as 9 years old enjoying being raped by adults, my language gets much more colorful.

That being said: Unlike you, I've always been extremely supportive of people struggling with sinful desires and behavior, and always will.

No, you haven't. You've used sleaze, lies, even gay innuendo along with calling homosexual people 'fags' as a generic term throughout your blogs. This is all about you this pet project, hence the boasts about it's longevity (which is pretty daft considering you prop it up) and it's average view rate.

Need we review the number of companies that push the LGBTQ agenda on it's employees? I guess proselytizing is ok, as long is the LGBTQueer agenda is behind it ey Art?

You mean making it's employees aware that discrimination and prejudice will not be tolerated? If you think that only applies to homosexuals then you are clueless. People don't get to discriminate against you for your faith either. If you insist on harassing colleagues with unwanted "witnessing" then your own fault if you're marched off the premises so no point pulling that one.


Surely a 14 year old girl that testified before the Maryland State Senate against a bill redefining marriage must have said something horrific in order for her to receive multiple death threats from the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement.

Girl, 14, gets death threats for defending marriage

(It must have been her...

"method" ).

Most gay people are individuals, who live ordinary lives. Your silly attempts to bracket them all into a 'movement' is just typical, gay obsessed, loony you.

As long as I keep my mouth shut, or cower and bake a cake, photograph, or make a floral arrangement for their faux marriage? That's not "co-existing", that's living a lie by failing to stand up for God's Word.

Set up a private business if you want to have a select clientele, otherwise don't shop, don't have any dealings with public business as by doing so you're co-existing with gay people who will be selling you goods.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One would think that if a therapy center is using practices that aren't ethical, then that specific therapy center would be shut down instead of the entire industry (which as shown throughout this 4 part thread, has been very successful with helping people overcome their unwanted same sex desires as well as gender confusion).

The LGBTQ movement attempting to deny people the free will to change: Yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Well, if you were to think in turn, it may just occur to you that the reason why these places are being shut down across the board is because the entire industry is unethical. That these despicable practices are part and parcel of what goes on, and no, they have not been "very successful" at "curing" people's homosexuality. There's no bonafide evidence to suggest anything of the sort and you certainly haven't provided any. Don't bother linking to testimonies as they don't count and were torn apart on here as it was. Provide verifiable and peer reviewed studies from non far right blogs or don't bother.

If same sex attraction counselors weren't supplying a service that didn't provide positive results for their patients (and as shown in previous posts, what patients want from this kind of counseling varies),then the demand for those services would dwindle and those therapists would, like any other business or professional practice, be forced to shut down due to financial failure.

As we're seeing time and time again through personal testimonies of people who have left homosexuality behind and gone on to live healthy and happy lives, therapy for same sex desires (and gender confusion) is working extremely well.

One must keep in mind that the LGBTQueer movement relies on the lie that people can't change their same sex desires (hate crime laws are based on that lie). Since there is no 'gene' that causes homosexuality, the LGBTQueer movement must recruit children into their ranks (either through physical molestation or indoctrination) so that the lie can continue to prosper.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Need we review what goes on at 'gay' pride parades and festivals, often times in front of children? Need we review what laws aren't being enforced at these parades (public exhibitionism, lewd act in a public place, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, etc). Need we review rights that have been taken away from parents which give children as young as 15 years old the supposed "right" to have life changing genital mutilation surgery and abortion? Need we review how children as young as kindergarten are being indoctrinated with perversion? Need we review how gender confused children are encouraged to cross dress, take hormone blockers in preparation for genital mutilation surgery later in life? Etc. etc. etc. 4 threads have been dedicated to showing the anarchy that the LGBTQ movement is responsible for and you playing your typical Queen of Denial act isn't going to change the facts.

It's not been four threads, it's been four blogs and as usual, crammed full of far right hyperbole, misinformation, asinine drivel and pompous, obsessive bluster.

Which you're taking extremely hard.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Please give me credit wher credit is due Art: When dealing with proud and unrepentant homosexuals, i.e. homosexual activists like devout HATER of God, Dan Savage, accused child molesters HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed the Ped Murray, or UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell who wrote a letter to the editor stating that some children as young as 9 years old enjoying being raped by adults, my language gets much more colorful.

That being said: Unlike you, I've always been extremely supportive of people struggling with sinful desires and behavior, and always will.

No, you haven't. You've used sleaze, lies, even gay innuendo along with calling homosexual people 'fags' as a generic term throughout your blogs. This is all about you this pet project, hence the boasts about it's longevity (which is pretty daft considering you prop it up) and it's average view rate.

(Have I mentioned that Art Brain is taking this 4 part thread extremely hard?).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Need we review the number of companies that push the LGBTQ agenda on it's employees? I guess proselytizing is ok, as long is the LGBTQueer agenda is behind it ey Art?

You mean making it's employees aware that discrimination and prejudice will not be tolerated?

Exactly! Me telling a sexually confused person that "Jesus has a better way for you my friend" WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

You're finally catching on.

Corporations are pushing the LGBTQ agenda on their employees. A good portion of them who haven't caught on to embracing sexual perversion, stay silent for fear of losing their job.

Here's just one example of businesses promoting homosexuality here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely a 14 year old girl that testified before the Maryland State Senate against a bill redefining marriage must have said something horrific in order for her to receive multiple death threats from the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement.

Girl, 14, gets death threats for defending marriage

(It must have been her...

"method" ).

Most gay people are individuals, who live ordinary lives. Your silly attempts to bracket them all into a 'movement' is just typical, gay obsessed, loony you.

Proud and unrepentant homosexuals owe a ton of gratitude to the LGBTQ movement. Without their physical and verbal harassment, including death threats to those who don't goosestep to the LGBTQ agenda activism, things like unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys would be a dream that never came true.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As long as I keep my mouth shut, or cower and bake a cake, photograph, or make a floral arrangement for their faux marriage? That's not "co-existing", that's living a lie by failing to stand up for God's Word.

Set up a private business if you want to have a select clientele, otherwise don't shop, don't have any dealings with public business as by doing so you're co-existing with gay people who will be selling you goods.

I see that you've changed the definition of 'coexist'. Need we review

'300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

to show that the LGBTQ agenda and Christian doctrine cannot 'coexist"?

Since you specialize in child indoctrination, let's talk about this one:

Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son's kindergarten class.


Well they don't have any more fun than the institutions that deal with rapists and molesters.

Think about it- the only difference is that they have you all rooting for them :rolleyes:

There is nothing natural, and yet- everything is natural- with anal sex between two men. Or two women humping each other between a stick (which is ironic, to be frank)

They have everything in common with apes, just like rape, incest, and bestiality.

Just in case you want to bring up the 'natural' argument- you depend on God's wisdom whether you choose to believe it or not in dictating your own moral palette_

Thoughts on homosexuals adopting children? How about a homosexual taking a angry and confused street kid under his wing and showing him the LGBTQ culture, are you ok with those things?


Well-known member
As I've told you on numerous occasions before: a libertine is someone who engages in homosexuality, pornography, abortion, incest, bestiality, recreational drug use, etc. etc. etc (i.e. he or she has some kind of "right" to supposedly do with his or her body as they please). A Libertarian (many who engage in the above behaviors) fights (both legislatively and on ideology grounds) for their brethren to do those things legally.

Oh I see, the only difference is a political one...which isn't true by the way, but whatever....

Because without the latter, the former would have to hide his or her sinful behaviors in the closet.


Be proud of the movement that you identify with, as it's responsible for the legalization of abortion, homosexuality, pornography, adultery, cohabitation, some recreational drugs, and in a couple of States, assisted suicide.

LOL!!!! Clueless...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Thoughts on homosexuals adopting children? How about a homosexual taking a angry and confused street kid under his wing and showing him the LGBTQ culture, are you ok with those things?

Well, you already know who I am, so why even..
I truly believe that deep inside you want to embrace God's love. Hopefully the moderators will allow you to stay and that will happen eventually.

But yes, it is better for a child to grown up in an alternative household than in the system.

You don't agree, and the reason being is what separates us- we may as well be different species, because I grew up in group homes and foster homes.

You're about as broken as they come. I can't even begin to imagine the abuse that you took as a street kid growing up. While I was blessed to grow up in a loving family with a mom and dad, what really separates us is that your moral code evolves around things that aren't eternally true, they're pretty much based on your life's experiences.


I'm as knowledgeable as they come,

Yet you're morally confused.

you've never been through that ringer and you ought to humble yourself and realize that-

Not only in real life do I deal with people who have, this 4 part thread is based on people who like you, have been "through the ringer".

a homosexual, contrary to what you have brainwashed yourself to see them as, sr not the worst people on this planet.


They're sinners like all people, but we're not talking about people struggling with same sex desires, we're talking about people who proudly and unrepentantly embrace homosexuality and the Godless agenda that goes with it.
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