Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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While I'm not a big fan of Dr. Michael Brown any longer (he's an unapologetic Trump supporter yet claims to be a follower of Christ), he did write a pretty good article dealing with EX homosexuals (although in the article it seems that he has problems with using the word 'homosexual', along with giving creepy accolades to Wayne Besen, who without a doubt because of his activism is responsible for the deaths of many people who don't believe there is a way out of homosexuality).

Ex-Gay Is Here to Stay

July 7, 2017

For 11 years, the Truth Wins Out website aggressively attacked those who claimed to be ex-gay, along with individuals and organizations that supported ex-gays. Last month, Wayne Besen, the founder of Truth Wins Out, announced that he was closing shop because, he claimed, “we accomplished our major goals.”
What, exactly, were those goals? Wayne writes, “We helped expose and ultimately vanquish (with the help of other heroes) major ‘ex-gay’ programs including Love Won Out, Exodus International, and JONAH.” Still, he reluctantly notes, “similar programs will always exist, as charlatans will provide a supply of snake oil to fill a demand.”
The reality is quite the opposite. It is true that some specific networks and ministries no longer exist. But it is more and more common for local churches to help individuals struggling with same-sex attraction, meaning that this is not only a specialist ministry.
Not only so, but the ultimate reason Exodus closed was because it lost sight of its mission, which was helping men and women deal with unwanted same-sex attraction. That’s why the most important organizations that were affiliated with Exodus left before it closed. And that’s why those organizations are still going strong to this day.

In fact, new groups like Restored Hope Network have risen up in place of Exodus, and they are not selling snake oil. They are selling the truth of the gospel, namely, that Jesus can help and change anyone and everyone. He does not exclude homosexuals from His transforming love.
Professional counselors and therapists have seen great results too, and they continue to network together to help those who struggle.
There’s something else that has happened, making it more difficult for organizations like Truth Wins Out to raise funds and continue their work. More and more people have friends, family members, and co-workers who are ex-gay, and so it’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny their existence.
Some of these ex-gays are in wonderful, heterosexual relationships and have been for decades. Others have seen a real decrease in same-sex attraction in their lives, for which they’re thrilled. And others are still attracted to the same sex but recognize this as wrong in God’s sight and contrary to His design, and they are enjoying their new lives in God, even as singles.
In all cases, “gay” no longer defines them, and there are too many of these precious men and women to ignore. In fact, I’m facing a new problem now. I’m getting flooded with requests to write endorsements or forewords to books by men and women who formerly lived as gay, bisexual, or transgender. That is who they were. It is not who they are...

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2017/07/07/draft-n2351814

Prayers to all of those EX homosexuals and those who continue to struggle with same sex desires. Be courageous and strong, be firm in the faith and get politically active and elect God-fearing men and women into public office who don't support your former lifestyle.


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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that we're allies Art, I guess I'll need you to show me the LGBTQ ropes: Indoctrinating children to the ways of perversion, committing lewd acts in public (i.e. 'gay' pride parades), drilling peep holes in toilet stalls, etc. etc. etc.

I'm sure you'll make a fine LGBTQ mentor.

Since we're now LGBTQ allies Art and it sounds like you've agreed to show me the LGBTQ 'culture', I suppose we should start off by visiting some of the places that are synonymous with homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement :

HIV/AIDS clinics
Elementary school playgrounds

Decisions, decisions; which LGBTQ hot spot should we visit first?

How about a circus? You'd fit right in with the clowns and you're about as funny...

aCW smacks himself along side his head: What was I thinking?!@#$%! How about you, TracerBullet/...Dante and me hook up with Wayne "Does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen and we firebomb stand outside some clinics and meeting places where people with homosexual desires go to seek spiritual and psychological counseling to overcome those unnatural and extremely destructive desires?

We can spit on those EX gays and call them phonies and losers when they come out of the building; you know, show them what LGBTQ love is all about.

I see that one of your LGBTQ allies had you banned; but I do look forward to your return so that we can do all of the fun things that LGBTQueer activists do.


Wow, I wish I had teachers that graded this liberally when I was in school.

Trump’s first 100 days: A+ on pro-life. But on LGBT issues…that’s a different story.

May 1, 2017

Donald Trump gets an A+ for his first 100 days from many for his pro-life record, but social conservatives battling the LGBTQ agenda are less enthused about Trump, with one giving him a C+.
“You could not get a better grade. It’s simply an A+,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a grassroots pro-life lobby, speaking to Trump’s solid record on behalf of the unborn.

The article goes on to talk about how the Trump administration appointed pro life people to key positions (oops, they forgot to mention appointing pro abortion Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State).

The article talks about Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch (allegedly) being pro life, (even though Gorsuch during his confirmation hearing stated that "Roe v Wade is the law of the land"), and how the Trump administration cut off funding for foreign Planned Parenthood abortions.

There's a few things to remember here:

1). There is no separating the abortion and homosexual movements. Legally speaking the SCOTUS decisions were based on an individual's supposed "right to privacy". Philosophically speaking they're both a 'culture of death'.

2). Donald Trump, who was a pro abortion & pro partial birth abortion democrat until he decided to take the fools in the Republican Party for a ride, admits that he became pro life when a friend's child was born (never mind the dozen or so children he had from numerous women, it was that one child's birth that changed his mind).

3). Donald Trump repeatedly said during the Presidential primaries that "Planned Parenthood does very good things...", the same Planned Parenthood that is responsible for 10's of millions of babies being killed in the womb and spreading LGBTQ propaganda to youth.

As long Trump continues to defend culture of death causes:

Grade: F

The article continues:

Pro-family record less stellar

On the pro-family side, Trump has had a mixed record, according to activists battling to reverse the LGBTQ agenda. Trump has been applauded for:
— Jettisoning the Obama “transgender” school executive order mandating accommodation of gender-confused students in opposite-sex locker rooms, restrooms and sports teams.
— Appointing Tennessee State Rep. Mark Green as Army Secretary, replacing Obama’s openly homosexual, Eric Fanning.
— Appointing pro-family conservative Roger Severino as an advisor to pro-life, pro-family HHS Secretary Tom Price (and for appointing Price himself).
On the other hand, Trump has been criticized by socially conservative pro-family activists for:
— Declaring, as president-elect, in a CBS 60 Minutes interview in November shortly after his victory, that homosexual “marriage” was “settled law … and I’m fine with that.” That Trump made such a statement regarding the alleged permanence of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling imposing “gay marriage” on the nation was a stunning rhetorical setback for social conservatives, who noted that Obergefell is less than two years old. In contrast, Trump expressed no such finality about the Court’s 43-year-old Roe v Wade ruling establishing legal abortion across America.
— Extended Obama’s executive order forcing federal contractors to have pro-homosexual and “transgender-inclusive” nondiscrimination policies as a condition of doing business with the federal government.
— Failed to issue a pro-religious-liberty executive order, reportedly at the urging of his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, both Trump advisers. The young power couple once co-hosted a 2011 fundraiser to legalize homosexuality-based “marriage” in New York. Their reported social liberalism has touched off widespread resentment among conservatives who fear Ivanka and Kushner will get President Trump’s ear in internal policy debates, resulting in more liberal policies.
— Allowed Obama’s “LGBT International Envoy,” homosexual activist Randy Berry, to stay on the job in the new Republican administration. Conservatives condemned Obama for using Berry, the State Department and U.S. AID (Agency for International Development) to push homosexuality and gender confusion (“transgenderism”) on smaller countries like Jamaica whose citizens reject such behaviors as immoral.
— Nominate open homosexual and same-sex “marriage” advocate Rick Grenell as U.S. Ambassador to NATO.

— Trump’s Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, is pro-LGBTQ, surprising many conservatives who support her pro-school-choice advocacy but had no idea of her commitment to homosexual and transgender agendas. Sec. DeVos quickly opposed Trump’s reversal of Obama’s school “transgender” mandate and, as Education Secretary, met for two hours with “gay” and “transgender” activists who complained about Trump.
Greg Quinlan, who was once a homosexual activist but who left the “gay” lifestyle and is now a Christian conservative lobbyist, gives Trump a C+ on LGBTQ issues.

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/t...a-on-supporting-pro-life-issues-c-on-opposing

Let's not forget that there is no interest in overturning Lawrence v Texas (as well as Obergefell v Hodges), therefore it's a no brainer that Donald Trump and his administration receive an "F" on homosexual issues.


Have I mentioned that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children?

Boy, 3, beaten to death for drinking from milk jug: Police

July 10, 2017

A little boy was beaten to death last week after drinking from a jug of milk, according to police in central Florida.
Xavier Mokarzel-Satchel died Friday evening after the Orange County Sheriff's Office said he was rushed to a hospital having suffered blunt force trauma.

An arrest report said that on the night of the child's murder, his mother, Brandi Mokarzel, said she had woken up to the sound of her girlfriend's mom, Callene Barton, yelling at the 3-year-old for drinking from a milk jug and eating yogurt.

Mokarzel told deputies she witnessed her girlfriend, Lakesha Lewis, beat the toddler with a plastic wand used to turn window blinds, according to an arrest report.
Mokarzel told cops Barton then grabbed her son and threw him down a hallway.
Lewis and Barton were arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse and first-degree murder, according to WKMG.
Mokarzel was also arrested and charged with neglect after allegedly failing to report previous abuse in the home, according to police.
Deputies said Lewis' 4-year-old son was placed in protective custody.
A judge denied bail to them both over the weekend. Mokarzel was due in court Monday.



Rest in peace little fella, you're in a place now where you'll be safe for eternity.


In "The LGBTQ flag waving degenerate is getting closer to impeachment news"

Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

July 11, 2017

The June 3, 2016, email sent to Donald Trump Jr. could hardly have been more explicit: One of his father’s former Russian business partners had been contacted by a senior Russian government official and was offering to provide the Trump campaign with dirt on Hillary Clinton.
The documents “would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father,” read the email, written by a trusted intermediary, who added, “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
If the future president’s eldest son was surprised or disturbed by the provenance of the promised material — or the notion that it was part of a continuing effort by the Russian government to aid his father’s campaign — he gave no indication.
He replied within minutes: “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”
Four days later, after a flurry of emails, the intermediary wrote back, proposing a meeting in New York on Thursday with a “Russian government attorney.”

Donald Trump Jr. agreed, adding that he would most likely bring along “Paul Manafort (campaign boss)” and “my brother-in-law,” Jared Kushner, now one of the president’s closest White House advisers.

On June 9, the Russian lawyer was sitting in the younger Mr. Trump’s office on the 25th floor of Trump Tower, just one level below the office of the future president.
Over the past several days, The New York Times has disclosed the existence of the meeting, whom it involved and what it was about. The story has unfolded as The Times has been able to confirm details of the meetings.

Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/11/us/politics/trump-russia-email-clinton.html?

Timeline of Russia Investigation
Key moments in the FBI probe of Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election


Robert Mueller and his team of investigators will get to the bottom of this, the question is: How many people will be going to jail?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
aCW smacks himself along side his head:

Probably a good idea for you...

What was I thinking?!@#$%! How about you, TracerBullet/...Dante and me hook up with Wayne "Does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen and we firebomb stand outside some clinics and meeting places where people with homosexual desires go to seek spiritual and psychological counseling to overcome those unnatural and extremely destructive desires?

Well, considering most of these abuse centers are deemed unlawful (and rightfully so) there wouldn't be much point would there?

We can spit on those EX gays and call them phonies and losers when they come out of the building; you know, show them what LGBTQ love is all about.

Not interested in spitting on anybody or calling those people losers either. If they asked for an opinion and I happened to be in the area I'd be honest and tell them that "therapy" centers are places of abuse and they don't cure anything - hence why they're being shut down.

I see that one of your LGBTQ allies had you banned; but I do look forward to your return so that we can do all of the fun things that LGBTQueer activists do.

Eh, I think the sarcasm got missed but what the hey, happens. I know, why don't you become a journalist, then you can interview Castle as to why he's a gay rights activist?

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What was I thinking?!@#$%! How about you, TracerBullet/...Dante and me hook up with Wayne "Does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen and we firebomb stand outside some clinics and meeting places where people with homosexual desires go to seek spiritual and psychological counseling to overcome those unnatural and extremely destructive desires?
We can spit on those EX gays and call them phonies and losers when they come out of the building; you know, show them what LGBTQ love is all about.

Well, considering most of these abuse centers are deemed unlawful (and rightfully so) there wouldn't be much point would there?

Oh but Art, us LGBTQ activists have our work cut out for us: It's still legal in at least 44 states to help sexually and/or gender confused youth with their unnatural and extremely harmful same sex desires in a clinic environment. Let's not forget that thousands of Christian pastors throughout the US help sexually confused people through spiritual therapy, and as Dr. Brown pointed out in his above article, both are hugely successful.

Us rainbow flag waving degenerates are losing this aspect of the culture war Art; should we outlaw Christianity so that these homophobic bigoted Christian pastors don't fill the minds of kids and adults with Jesus' love?

Something drastic has to be done.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh but Art, us LGBTQ activists have our work cut out for us: It's still legal in at least 44 states to help sexually and/or gender confused youth with their unnatural and extremely harmful same sex desires in a clinic environment. Let's not forget that thousands of Christian pastors throughout the US help sexually confused people through spiritual therapy, and as Dr. Brown pointed out in his above article, both are hugely successful.

Us rainbow flag waving degenerates are losing this aspect of the culture war Art; should we outlaw Christianity so that these homophobic bigoted Christian pastors don't fill the minds of kids and adults with Jesus' love?

Something drastic has to be done.


They aren't hugely successful at all, they're ineffectual at best (much like yourself) and downright abusive at worst. Hopefully, they'll soon be outlawed all across America which is what will probably happen in time. :)

Now, what about interviewing your beloved political candidate for his appalling gay rights activism?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Us rainbow flag waving degenerates are losing this aspect of the culture war Art; should we outlaw Christianity so that these homophobic bigoted Christian pastors don't fill the minds of kids and adults with Jesus' love?

Something drastic has to be done.


Green with envy, Art Brain writes:

They aren't hugely successful at all, they're ineffectual at best (much like yourself) and downright abusive at worst. Hopefully, they'll soon be outlawed all across America which is what will probably happen in time

"Hoping" isn't much of a game plan Art. If we LGBTQueer activists don't continue to play offense, before you know it openly homosexual Boy Scout Leaders won't be able to go on unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys. (GASP!)

Since you didn't bother to read the above article by Dr. Michael Brown, let this paragraph soak into your green with envy brain:

In all cases, “gay” no longer defines them, and there are too many of these precious men and women to ignore. In fact, I’m facing a new problem now. I’m getting flooded with requests to write endorsements or forewords to books by men and women who formerly lived as gay, bisexual, or transgender. That is who they were. It is not who they are...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Green with envy, Art Brain writes:

Are you running a fever or something?


"Hoping" isn't much of a game plan Art. If we LGBTQueer activists don't continue to play offense, before you know it openly homosexual Boy Scout Leaders won't be able to go on overnight unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys. (GASP!)

Since you didn't bother to read the above article by Dr. Michael Brown, let this paragraph soak into your green with envy brain:

In all cases, “gay” no longer defines them, and there are too many of these precious men and women to ignore. In fact, I’m facing a new problem now. I’m getting flooded with requests to write endorsements or forewords to books by men and women who formerly lived as gay, bisexual, or transgender. That is who they were. It is not who they are...

Well, it's either a fever or it's projection...

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take some quacks word for things as there's nothing in credible science that supports what you'll swallow at face value.

Oh, and what about this interview with Castle?
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In all cases, “gay” no longer defines them, and there are too many of these precious men and women to ignore. In fact, I’m facing a new problem now. I’m getting flooded with requests to write endorsements or forewords to books by men and women who formerly lived as gay, bisexual, or transgender. That is who they were. It is not who they are...

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take some quacks word for things as there's nothing in credible science that supports what you'll swallow at face value...

I often wonder how many deaths free will deniers like Wayne "Does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen are responsible for.

Besen and the LGBTQueer movement constantly tell sexually/gender confused people who are looking for a way out of the homosexual culture of death that they can't change, and even pass laws to prohibit these brave people from seeking professional help.

When these sexually/gender confused people finally give up all hope and stick with homosexuality and the LGBTQ lifestyle, death from HIV/AIDS, other STD's, drug abuse, alcoholism and domestic violence (i.e. murder) often is the result.

Let's not forget the youth and adults who turn to suicide because they don't want to continue living a life that is nothing but a lie, and are convinced that there is no way they can be whole again.

Of course Besen and his fellow LGBTQ free will deniers have so much HATE built up inside of them (for themselves and others) that they couldn't care less about the misery others go through.

So tell me Art, how many deaths do you think Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers are responsible for?


Tens of thousands?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I often wonder how many deaths free will deniers like Wayne "Does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen are responsible for.

Besen and the LGBTQueer movement constantly tell sexually/gender confused people who are looking for a way out of the homosexual culture of death that they can't change, and even pass laws to prohibit these brave people from seeking professional help.

When these sexually/gender confused people finally give up all hope and stick with homosexuality and the LGBTQ lifestyle, death from HIV/AIDS, other STD's, drug abuse, alcoholism and domestic violence (i.e. murder) often is the result.

Let's not forget the youth and adults who turn to suicide because they don't want to continue living a life that is nothing but a lie, and are convinced that there is no way they can be whole again.

Of course Besen and his fellow LGBTQ free will deniers have so much HATE built up inside of them (for themselves and others) that they couldn't care less about the misery others go through.

So tell me Art, how many deaths do you think Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers are responsible for?


Tens of thousands?

Hmm, when did you "decide" to be...whatever sexual orientation you are aCW? Cos I didn't choose mine, the same as I don't choose any number of things that are outside of personal remit. So to answer your question - none. If people are gay, then they're gay. No amount of "therapeutic" abuse is gonna change that. How many quacks and crackpots like yourself have induced homosexuals to commit suicide? Doubt you'll want to address that, just as you don't wanna address a certain interview with your beloved candidate/gay rights activist, unless you've formulated some questions?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So tell me Art, how many deaths do you think Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers are responsible for?


Tens of thousands?

I was being conservative in my numbers: Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ/culture of death free will deniers
are behind hundreds of thousands of deaths, if not millions in the past decades since homosexuality was legally and culturally applauded as a normal lifestyle.

(2014 statistics)





That's a whole lotta disease, misery and death that you free will deniers are responsible for Art.

(And now Art Brain goes to his same ole tired bag of lies and says that homosexual desires 'just happen').

when did you "decide" to be...whatever sexual orientation you are aCW?...So to answer your question - none. If people are gay, then they're gay.

As we've seen throughout this 4 part thread, primarily through the testimonies of homosexuals and EX homosexuals, their same sex desires were brought on by unmentionable things that happened in their youth (being raped by a homosexual elder, psychologically abused by parents, etc.)

As we've also seen through written and video testimonies by EX homosexuals, they've come to grip with what caused their desires and did something to overcome them.

My advice to Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers:

Keep trying until you're successful, as the alternative is downright 'deadly'.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So tell me Art, how many deaths do you think Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers are responsible for?


Tens of thousands?

I was being conservative in my numbers: Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ/culture of death free will deniers
are behind hundreds of thousands of deaths, if not millions in the past decades since homosexuality was legally and culturally applauded as a normal lifestyle.

(2014 statistics)





That's a whole lotta disease, misery and death that you free will deniers are responsible for Art.

(And now Art Brain goes to his same ole tired bag of lies and says that homosexual desires 'just happen').

As we've seen throughout this 4 part thread, primarily through the testimonies of homosexuals and EX homosexuals, their same sex desires were brought on by unmentionable things that happened in their youth (being raped by a homosexual elder, psychologically abused by parents, etc.)

As we've also seen through written and video testimonies by EX homosexuals, they've come to grip with what caused their desires and did something to overcome them.

My advice to Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers:

Keep trying until you're successful, as the alternative is downright 'deadly'.



Seems you're just persisting with the same ole', same ole' aCW.

When did you "choose" to be straight aCW? You are aren't you? So when did the free will kick in and you chose that inclination exactly? If you're going to bang on about free will so much then when did you make that volitional choice?

Do tell, and don't go on about it being a 'default setting' as even you should realize that that would undermine your entire position.

Though with you that's not exactly a given...

Oh, and when are you going to get around to formulating an interview for that gay rights activist you voted for?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...My advice to Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers:

Keep trying until you're successful, as the alternative is downright 'deadly'.

Seems you're just persisting with the same ole', same ole' aCW.

The LGBTQ culture of death never changes Art: child molestation/indoctrination, disease, misery and death, i.e. same ole, same ole.

When did you "choose" to be straight aCW? You are aren't you? So when did the free will kick in and you chose that inclination exactly? If you're going to bang on about free will so much then when did you make that volitional choice?

Again: As we've seen throughout this 4 part thread, primarily through the testimony of homosexuals and EX homosexuals, they weren't born with perverse/unnatural sexual desires, traumatic experiences in their lives brought them on. God's free will gives them the opportunity to escape their living hell and live normal and happy lives.

Oh, and when are you going to get around to formulating an interview for that gay rights activist you voted for?

Anything to get off of the topic of your culture of death ey Art?

As I've learned when you and your ally WizardofOz aka aka aka attempted to show that one of the most HATED people by the LGBTQ movement (the late Pastor Ken Hutcherson) was "pro homosexual", and then attempted to show that devout Christian Phil Robertson was for child molestation, I find it best not to fuel your mental illness by discussing such things.

BTW: Are you still sticking by your claim that child molesters (i.e. HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed the Ped Murray) aren't in need spiritual and psychological help?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...My advice to Wayne Besen and his LGBTQ free will deniers:

Keep trying until you're successful, as the alternative is downright 'deadly'.

The LGBTQ culture of death never changes Art: child molestation/indoctrination, disease, misery and death, i.e. same ole, same ole.

Again: As we've seen throughout this 4 part thread, primarily through the testimony of homosexuals and EX homosexuals, they weren't born with perverse/unnatural sexual desires, traumatic experiences in their lives brought them on. God's free will gives them the opportunity to escape their living hell and live normal and happy lives.

Anything to get off of the topic of your culture of death ey Art?

As I've learned when you and your ally WizardofOz aka aka aka attempted to show that one of the most HATED people by the LGBTQ movement (the late Pastor Ken Hutcherson) was "pro homosexual", and then attempted to show that devout Christian Phil Robertson was for child molestation, I find it best not to fuel your mental illness by discussing such things.

BTW: Are you still sticking by your claim that child molesters (i.e. HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed the Ped Murray) aren't in need spiritual and psychological help?


Dude, all that's been 'seen' throughout this four part blog is one guy's incredibly obsessive bent on homosexuality (pun intended). You're one of the most pompous, self inflated blowhards there probably is on any forum but in effect that's all you are. You're incapable of addressing anything that counters your little "crusade", be that facts, or more facts...

Your double standards are kinda funny to watch though. We all have em', just yours are in glaring technicolour...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW: Are you still sticking by your claim that accused child molesters (i.e. HRC founder Terry Bean and Seattle Mayor Ed the Ped Murray) aren't in need spiritual and psychological help?

Dude, all that's been 'seen' throughout this four part blog is one guy's incredibly obsessive bent on homosexuality (pun intended). You're one of the most pompous, self inflated blowhards there probably is on any forum but in effect that's all you are. You're incapable of addressing anything that counters your little "crusade", be that facts, or more facts...

i.e. Art Brain is taking this 4 part thread extremely hard.

(If someone saw a denunciation by Art Brain of accused child molesters Terry Bean and Ed the Ped Murray, would they please come forward and point it out?).

Your double standards are kinda funny to watch though. We all have em', just yours are in glaring technicolour...

I guess that you have to take your mind off of all of the child molestation/indoctrination, disease, misery and death that permeates your LGBTQ movement somehow ey Art?
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