While I'm not a big fan of Dr. Michael Brown any longer (he's an unapologetic Trump supporter yet claims to be a follower of Christ), he did write a pretty good article dealing with EX homosexuals (although in the article it seems that he has problems with using the word 'homosexual', along with giving creepy accolades to Wayne Besen, who without a doubt because of his activism is responsible for the deaths of many people who don't believe there is a way out of homosexuality).
Ex-Gay Is Here to Stay
July 7, 2017
For 11 years, the Truth Wins Out website aggressively attacked those who claimed to be ex-gay, along with individuals and organizations that supported ex-gays. Last month, Wayne Besen, the founder of Truth Wins Out, announced that he was closing shop because, he claimed, “we accomplished our major goals.”
What, exactly, were those goals? Wayne writes, “We helped expose and ultimately vanquish (with the help of other heroes) major ‘ex-gay’ programs including Love Won Out, Exodus International, and JONAH.” Still, he reluctantly notes, “similar programs will always exist, as charlatans will provide a supply of snake oil to fill a demand.”
The reality is quite the opposite. It is true that some specific networks and ministries no longer exist. But it is more and more common for local churches to help individuals struggling with same-sex attraction, meaning that this is not only a specialist ministry.
Not only so, but the ultimate reason Exodus closed was because it lost sight of its mission, which was helping men and women deal with unwanted same-sex attraction. That’s why the most important organizations that were affiliated with Exodus left before it closed. And that’s why those organizations are still going strong to this day.
In fact, new groups like Restored Hope Network have risen up in place of Exodus, and they are not selling snake oil. They are selling the truth of the gospel, namely, that Jesus can help and change anyone and everyone. He does not exclude homosexuals from His transforming love.
Professional counselors and therapists have seen great results too, and they continue to network together to help those who struggle.
There’s something else that has happened, making it more difficult for organizations like Truth Wins Out to raise funds and continue their work. More and more people have friends, family members, and co-workers who are ex-gay, and so it’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny their existence.
Some of these ex-gays are in wonderful, heterosexual relationships and have been for decades. Others have seen a real decrease in same-sex attraction in their lives, for which they’re thrilled. And others are still attracted to the same sex but recognize this as wrong in God’s sight and contrary to His design, and they are enjoying their new lives in God, even as singles.
In all cases, “gay” no longer defines them, and there are too many of these precious men and women to ignore. In fact, I’m facing a new problem now. I’m getting flooded with requests to write endorsements or forewords to books by men and women who formerly lived as gay, bisexual, or transgender. That is who they were. It is not who they are...
Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2017/07/07/draft-n2351814
Prayers to all of those EX homosexuals and those who continue to struggle with same sex desires. Be courageous and strong, be firm in the faith and get politically active and elect God-fearing men and women into public office who don't support your former lifestyle.
Ex-Gay Is Here to Stay
July 7, 2017
For 11 years, the Truth Wins Out website aggressively attacked those who claimed to be ex-gay, along with individuals and organizations that supported ex-gays. Last month, Wayne Besen, the founder of Truth Wins Out, announced that he was closing shop because, he claimed, “we accomplished our major goals.”
What, exactly, were those goals? Wayne writes, “We helped expose and ultimately vanquish (with the help of other heroes) major ‘ex-gay’ programs including Love Won Out, Exodus International, and JONAH.” Still, he reluctantly notes, “similar programs will always exist, as charlatans will provide a supply of snake oil to fill a demand.”
The reality is quite the opposite. It is true that some specific networks and ministries no longer exist. But it is more and more common for local churches to help individuals struggling with same-sex attraction, meaning that this is not only a specialist ministry.
Not only so, but the ultimate reason Exodus closed was because it lost sight of its mission, which was helping men and women deal with unwanted same-sex attraction. That’s why the most important organizations that were affiliated with Exodus left before it closed. And that’s why those organizations are still going strong to this day.
In fact, new groups like Restored Hope Network have risen up in place of Exodus, and they are not selling snake oil. They are selling the truth of the gospel, namely, that Jesus can help and change anyone and everyone. He does not exclude homosexuals from His transforming love.
Professional counselors and therapists have seen great results too, and they continue to network together to help those who struggle.
There’s something else that has happened, making it more difficult for organizations like Truth Wins Out to raise funds and continue their work. More and more people have friends, family members, and co-workers who are ex-gay, and so it’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny their existence.
Some of these ex-gays are in wonderful, heterosexual relationships and have been for decades. Others have seen a real decrease in same-sex attraction in their lives, for which they’re thrilled. And others are still attracted to the same sex but recognize this as wrong in God’s sight and contrary to His design, and they are enjoying their new lives in God, even as singles.
In all cases, “gay” no longer defines them, and there are too many of these precious men and women to ignore. In fact, I’m facing a new problem now. I’m getting flooded with requests to write endorsements or forewords to books by men and women who formerly lived as gay, bisexual, or transgender. That is who they were. It is not who they are...
Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2017/07/07/draft-n2351814
Prayers to all of those EX homosexuals and those who continue to struggle with same sex desires. Be courageous and strong, be firm in the faith and get politically active and elect God-fearing men and women into public office who don't support your former lifestyle.

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