Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Well-known member
Notice the stink of desperate evasion as ACW attempts to dodge his support for a candidate who, by ACW's own standard, is an immoral man.

Here's an illustration of ACW as he lay prone on the mat of his flagship thread, KO'd by his own hypocrisy.


Well-known member
The Bible say: “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Yet to AcW, homosexuality, as perverse as it is, is the one sin that needs to be recriminalized...:sigh:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Fixed that for ya (oh and thanks for allowing me to have that opinion).

Please explain why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (try not to use the term "consenting adults" more than 14 times in one sentence please).

Pay attention, your beloved Trump is an LGBTQ ally, i.e. he promotes the LGBTQ agenda.

Well, I'm hardly Musty's biggest fan but by your own 'standards' he has you bang to rights on this and deflecting from it isn't doing you any good. Your definition of an 'activist' is someone who doesn't agree with you that homosexuality should be re-criminalized, as evidenced throughout this mammoth blog. If your favored candidate didn't believe it should be re-criminalized or that the state should have any involvement in same sex relationships then that makes him just as much of an activist as Trump or anyone else, by your own standards no less.

Address that, and without any innuendo, gossip, or deflections about me posting on your blog etc. I made no promises to leave it completely and at least it gets you another view to add to the unimpressive tally.


Well-known member
Well, I'm hardly Musty's biggest fan

I'd be scared if you were even the least of my fans. Then again, I'd be disturbed to learn I even had any.

deflecting from it isn't doing you any good.

It's embarrassing and cringe-worthy to watch.

If your favored candidate didn't believe it should be re-criminalized or that the state should have any involvement in same sex relationships then that makes him just as much of an activist as Trump or anyone else, by your own standards no less.


Address that, and without any innuendo, gossip, or deflections about me posting on your blog etc.

He won't because he can't.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'd be scared if you were even the least of my fans. Then again, I'd be disturbed to learn I even had any.

It's embarrassing and cringe-worthy to watch.


He won't because he can't.

Yeah, I'd be disturbed if I had any fans meself...:eek:

He can't, but it'll be interesting to see him "try" - although I suspect this will involve the usual swathes of Trump articles and anything but addressing the double standards. Either that or ironic accusations of gossip, drama queens, "hairdretthers" et al...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Please explain why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (try not to use the term "consenting adults" more than 14 times in one sentence please).

Notice the stink of desperate evasion as ACW attempts to dodge his support for a candidate who, by ACW's own standard, is an immoral man.

Here's an illustration of ACW as he lay prone on the mat of his flagship thread, KO'd by his own hypocrisy.

Here, let me help you with an answer to my request:

You know that rainbow flag that Donald Trump is proudly holding in my avatar?


Here's what it stands for:

*It represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.
It's a behavior and lifestyle riddled with misery, disease and early death.

*It represents not the two genders that God created, but 50+ genders that the sick LGBTQueer movement created, a movement that pumps hormones into gender confused children, preparing them for genital mutilation surgery later in life, and hence a life of misery and often times early death. A movement that by law tells mentally and morally confused people they can use the restroom, fitting room and locker room of their choice, no matter what their biological birth sex is, not caring that a 9 year old girl is terrified when a 45 year old cross dressing bearded man is alone in the same restroom as her.

*It represents the redefinition and hence the destruction of invaluable institutions that all societies need:
Marriage, the family, the Church, civil government, the military, Education, youth mentor groups and*the media.

*It represents the jack booted thug-intolerant-anti Christian movement, which has no sympathy for people of faith's beliefs.

*It represents an extremely powerful political and cultural movement that indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion and encourages those youth to experiment with immoral and deviant sex, leading them down a path of self destruction. It takes away parental rights, not allowing loving parents to seek therapy for their sexually or gender confused child.

*The rainbow flag represents sexual anarchy and hence the destruction of everything good and decent.

There are 6 very good reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Please explain why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (try not to use the term "consenting adults" more than 14 times in one sentence please).

Here, let me help you with an answer to my request:

You know that rainbow flag that Donald Trump is proudly holding in my avatar?


Here's what it stands for:

*It represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.
It's a behavior and lifestyle riddled with misery, disease and early death.

*It represents not the two genders that God created, but 50+ genders that the sick LGBTQueer movement created, a movement that pumps hormones into gender confused children, preparing them for genital mutilation surgery later in life, and hence a life of misery and often times early death. A movement that by law tells mentally and morally confused people they can use the restroom, fitting room and locker room of their choice, no matter what their biological birth sex is, not caring that a 9 year old girl is terrified when a 45 year old cross dressing bearded man is alone in the same restroom as her.

*It represents the redefinition and hence the destruction of invaluable institutions that all societies need:
Marriage, the family, the Church, civil government, the military, Education, youth mentor groups and*the media.

*It represents the jack booted thug-intolerant-anti Christian movement, which has no sympathy for people of faith's beliefs.

*It represents an extremely powerful political and cultural movement that indoctrinates innocent children to the ways of perversion and encourages those youth to experiment with immoral and deviant sex, leading them down a path of self destruction. It takes away parental rights, not allowing loving parents to seek therapy for their sexually or gender confused child.

*The rainbow flag represents sexual anarchy and hence the destruction of everything good and decent.

There are 6 very good reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Except your candidate doesn't think it should be re-criminalized which makes him an LGBTQ activist by your own standards as recorded throughout this silly little blog. Are you expecting to obfuscate, deflect and squirm around this in the hopes this double standard of yours will simply go away?

You should know your limitations where it comes to debate aCW, although to be fair, in your case that would involve not logging in...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There are 6 very good reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

...You should know your limitations where it comes to debate aCW, although to be fair, in your case that would involve not logging in...

Speaking of debate: Would you care to go over the 6 points that I presented above and attempt to defend homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement?

Let's start with point #1:

*It [the LGBTQueer flag] represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.
It's a behavior and lifestyle riddled with misery, disease and early death.

Have at it Arthur, i.e. let's "debate".

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There are 6 very good reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Speaking of debate: Would you care to go over the 6 points that I presented above and attempt to defend homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement?

Let's start with point #1:

*It [the LGBTQueer flag] represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.
It's a behavior and lifestyle riddled with misery, disease and early death.

Have at it Arthur, i.e. let's "debate".

Let's start with why the candidate you cast support for wouldn't support your measures in turn. He doesn't support re-criminalizing homosexuality and as such that makes him an 'activist' as per your own criteria. You ain't weaseling out of this one aCW.

Now, care to address your glaring double standard here or are you just gonna keep on digging?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of debate: Would you care to go over the 6 points that I presented above and attempt to defend homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement?

Let's start with point #1:

*It [the LGBTQueer flag of death] represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.
It's a behavior and lifestyle riddled with misery, disease and early death.

Let's start with why the candidate you cast support for wouldn't support your measures in turn.

Obviously you feel uncomfortable talking about point #1, so let's try #2:

*It [the LGBTQueer flag] represents not the two genders that God created, but 50+ genders that the sick LGBTQueer movement created, a movement that pumps hormones into gender confused children, preparing them for genital mutilation surgery later in life, and hence a life of misery and often times early death. A movement that by law tells mentally and morally confused people they can use the restroom, fitting room and locker room of their choice, no matter what their biological birth sex is, not caring that a 9 year old girl is terrified when a 45 year old cross dressing bearded man is alone in the same restroom as her.

Regarding who I endorsed for President in the last election: You'll see numerous posts where I endorsed conservative/Constitutionalist Ted Cruz for President. Amongst other things, Cruz supported religious liberty (something all Christians should be concerned about) and was against gender confused people using the restroom/locker room/fitting room that didn't match their gender at birth. When the Republicrat Party nominated secular humanist/pro LGBTQ activist Donald Trump for President, my protest vote went to the biblically based Constitution Party.

While I realize that Trump supporters are your allies, the people that really need to be questioned are those who profess to be Christian yet supported and continue to support Donald Trump, who as shown throughout Part 4, has been a strong supporter of the LGBTQ agenda.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of debate: Would you care to go over the 6 points that I presented above and attempt to defend homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement?

Let's start with point #1:

*It [the LGBTQueer flag of death] represents the supposed freedom to have sex with any one or any amount of people (places or things) that you want to with absolutely no responsibilities attached, even if you're riddled with disease, or that person or persons is a child or a relative.
It's a behavior and lifestyle riddled with misery, disease and early death.

Obviously you feel uncomfortable talking about point #1, so let's try #2:

*It [the LGBTQueer flag] represents not the two genders that God created, but 50+ genders that the sick LGBTQueer movement created, a movement that pumps hormones into gender confused children, preparing them for genital mutilation surgery later in life, and hence a life of misery and often times early death. A movement that by law tells mentally and morally confused people they can use the restroom, fitting room and locker room of their choice, no matter what their biological birth sex is, not caring that a 9 year old girl is terrified when a 45 year old cross dressing bearded man is alone in the same restroom as her.

Regarding who I endorsed for President in the last election: You'll see numerous posts where I endorsed conservative/Constitutionalist Ted Cruz for President. Amongst other things, Cruz supported religious liberty (something all Christians should be concerned about) and was against gender confused people using the restroom/locker room/fitting room that didn't match their gender at birth. When the Republicrat Party nominated secular humanist/pro LGBTQ activist Donald Trump for President, my protest vote went to the biblically based Constitution Party.

While I realize that Trump supporters are your allies, the people that really need to be questioned are those who profess to be Christian yet supported and continue to support Donald Trump, who as shown throughout Part 4, has been a strong supporter of the LGBTQ agenda.

Donald Chump, Ted Cruz are not under discussion here. I'd sooner a pineapple was president than the current travesty in office so hey.

Now then, let's get as to why you're desperately flailing around to avoid answering as to why the "LGBTQ activist" you chose should be given a free pass as to why he doesn't believe that homosexuality should be re-criminalized or that the state should interfere in such matters as consenting relationships etc.

Now just stop with the desperate smokescreens aCW and answer on point. I dare ya.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
While I realize that Trump supporters are your allies, the people that really need to be questioned are those who profess to be Christian yet supported and continue to support Donald Trump, who as shown throughout Part 4, has been a strong supporter of the LGBTQ agenda

Donald Chump, Ted Cruz are not under discussion here. I'd sooner a pineapple was president than the current travesty in office so hey.

How about we talk about people who call themselves Christian yet promoted the presidency of Donald Trump knowing that he was very pro homosexual/homosexual agenda, and continue to defend him even after all of the evidence has been presented?

The Libertarian takeover of the once conservative Republican Party is a dream come true for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement Art. According to LGBTQ activist Donald Trump, homosexual 'marriage' is the law of the land. Openly homosexual and gender confused people are allowed to serve in the US military., etc. etc. etc. Appreciate the fact that a liberal like Trump was able to permeate (and hence destroy) the once conservative Republican Party.

Since you don't want to defend LGBTQ activist Donald Trump, who holds the most powerful political office in the world, how about we return to 6 excellent reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"(Obviously you're uncomfortable with debating point #2, so let's go with #3) :

*It [the LGBTQ flag that Donald Trump is proudly holding] represents the redefinition and hence the destruction of invaluable institutions that all societies need:
Marriage, the family, the Church, civil government, the military, Education, youth mentor groups and*the media.

Let's debate Art, explain why institutions aren't important.


Here in ultra liberal Washington State (the entire State isn't liberal, but 3 large ultra liberal counties are responsible for the State's pro LGBTQueer legislation) some brave people have started a petition drive to repeal a law that allows gender confused people to use the restroom, locker room or fitting room that matches their current gender identity (if a male says that he identifies as a woman, then state law protects him when he enters an opposite gender facility).

Of course the not so tolerant LGBTQ movement is harassing those who are behind the petition as well as those who sign it:

On the ground, her signature collectors are being accosted and followed by ‘transgender’ activists. “It is aggressive,” she said, adding: “The [transgender] activists go to our Facebook pages to find out our employers and write letters to our employers to get us in trouble. They go through financial records and [try to] shame people who donated and … I’ve even gone into churches where they’re [saying] ’I agree with you but I can’t put that on my Facebook,’” for fear of workplace discrimination, she said.
*Transgender*activists froze and then captured her group’s first Facebook page, forcing her to build another page with a longer title. The captured page is now used to broadcast the core pitch of the gender-before-sexes claim, *“Trans women are women”..

Read more: http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...r-business-try-block-bathroom-privacy-ballot/

If you're a resident of Washington State, please get a hold of a I-1552 petition and sign it!


If you're not a resident of WA State, look into similar petitions in your state and get involved!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
While I realize that Trump supporters are your allies, the people that really need to be questioned are those who profess to be Christian yet supported and continue to support Donald Trump, who as shown throughout Part 4, has been a strong supporter of the LGBTQ agenda

How about we talk about people who call themselves Christian yet promoted the presidency of Donald Trump knowing that he was very pro homosexual/homosexual agenda, and continue to defend him even after all of the evidence has been presented?

The Libertarian takeover of the once conservative Republican Party is a dream come true for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement Art. According to LGBTQ activist Donald Trump, homosexual 'marriage' is the law of the land. Openly homosexual and gender confused people are allowed to serve in the US military., etc. etc. etc. Appreciate the fact that a liberal like Trump was able to permeate (and hence destroy) the once conservative Republican Party.

Since you don't want to defend LGBTQ activist Donald Trump, who holds the most powerful political office in the world, how about we return to 6 excellent reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"(Obviously you're uncomfortable with debating point #2, so let's go with #3) :

*It [the LGBTQ flag that Donald Trump is proudly holding] represents the redefinition and hence the destruction of invaluable institutions that all societies need:
Marriage, the family, the Church, civil government, the military, Education, youth mentor groups and*the media.

Let's debate Art, explain why institutions aren't important.


Your candidate doesn't seem to think there's excellent reasons for re-criminalizing homosexuality aCW. Why did you vote for a LGBTQ activist?


C'mon dude. Inquiring minds needz ta know!


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we talk about people who call themselves Christian yet promoted the presidency of Donald Trump knowing that he was very pro homosexual/homosexual agenda, and continue to defend him even after all of the evidence has been presented?

The Libertarian takeover of the once conservative Republican Party is a dream come true for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement Art.


Thanks for proving my point Art: The secular humanist left won't attack the Libertarian backed movement that supports LGBTQ activist Donald Trump, many who profess to be Christian.

Since you don't want to talk about how important institutions like marriage, the family, the Church, etc. etc. etc. are to a society, how about we talk about the next point I made showing what the LGBTQueer flag that Donald Trump proudly held just two days before the general election stands for?

*It represents the jack booted thug-intolerant-anti Christian movement, which has no sympathy for people of faith's beliefs.

With you being a devout hater of God and anyone who believes in His Word, surely this is a topic that you and I can "debate" on.

If that topic doesn't interest you, with me being one to always make peace with the LGBTQueer movement, how about I throw you boyz a bone and we can talk about how Donald Trump made the guy who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America" (Rex Tillerson) his Secretary of State?

I mean what's not to love about a guy who made it legal for homosexuals to have unsupervised overnight campouts with 12 year old boys?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we talk about people who call themselves Christian yet promoted the presidency of Donald Trump knowing that he was very pro homosexual/homosexual agenda, and continue to defend him even after all of the evidence has been presented?

The Libertarian takeover of the once conservative Republican Party is a dream come true for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement Art.

Thanks for proving my point Art: The secular humanist left won't attack the Libertarian backed movement that supports LGBTQ activist Donald Trump, many who profess to be Christian.

Since you don't want to talk about how important institutions like marriage, the family, the Church, etc. etc. etc. are to a society, how about we talk about the next point I made showing what the LGBTQueer flag that Donald Trump proudly held just two days before the general election stands for?

*It represents the jack booted thug-intolerant-anti Christian movement, which has no sympathy for people of faith's beliefs.

With you being a devout hater of God and anyone who believes in His Word, surely this is a topic that you and I can "debate" on.

It's almost as if you have no answer. You do realize your ardent army of adoring fans are waiting for your response as to why you voted for an LGBTQ activist right?

Don't disappoint em'!


It's almost as if you have no answer. You do realize your ardent army of adoring fans are waiting for your response as to why you voted for an LGBTQ activist right?

Don't disappoint em'!

Are you ok Art? I mean you took a pass on showing your HATRED of God and people who believe in His Word, and then chose not to talk about the best thing to happen to the LGBTQueer movement since the AIDS cocktail (shaken not stirred), LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activist Rex Tillerson.

I guess I should add your latest obsession to the long list of them (my former pastor Ken Hutcherson being a LGBTQ activist, Phil Robertson being for child molestation, etc. etc.).

Regarding what I voted for in the last Presidential election:

No civil government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations, as affirmed by the 10th amendment, delegating to the people, - as our Founders understood the family – as necessary to the general welfare.

We affirm the importance of Biblical scripture in the founders’ intent as eloquently stated by Noah Webster:

“The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitution and laws… All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts in the Bible.”

The law of our Creator defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The marriage covenant is the foundation of the family and the family is fundamental in the maintenance of a stable, healthy
and prosperous social order. No government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations contrary to what God has instituted. We are opposed to any judicial ruling or amending the U.S. Constitution or any state constitution re-defining marriage with any definition other than the Biblical standard.

We call for an end to all taxation and economic formulas that discourage marriage, incentivize cohabitation and child bearing outside of marriage or authorize or provide government funding for policies and programs that further erode the jurisdiction of the family or parental rights.

We reject the notion that homosexuals, transgenders or those who are sexually deviant are deserving of legal favor or special protection, and affirm the rights of states and localities to proscribe offensive sexual behavior. We oppose all efforts to impose a new sexual legal order through any courts or legislatures. We stand against so-called "sexual orientation" and "hate crime" statutes that attempt to legitimize inappropriate sexual behavior or stifle public opposition to its expression. We oppose government funding of "partner" benefits for unmarried individuals. Finally, we oppose any legal recognition of We recognize that parents have the fundamental right and responsibility to nurture, educate, and discipline their children. We oppose the assumption of any of these responsibilities by any governmental agency without the express delegation of the parents or legal due process. We affirm the value of the father and the mother in the home and we oppose efforts to legalize adoption of children by homosexual singles or couples. homosexual or civil unions.


Needless to say, the Constitution Party aint your cup of tea Art.

Thanks for stopping by.
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