Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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I see that Trump lemmings are so upset over the fact that I'm exposing him for the lying moral degenerate that he is, that they're calling me a child molester.

...And yes, aCW is a liberal. He probably molests little children they way he obsesses about something so gross.

Let's see who Donald the Degenerate and his bisexual wife* are posing for pictures with these days.



Above is " Rhode Island Teacher of the Year" Nikos Giannopoulos, who teaches special education at a high school in Rhode Island.

Nik also works with the school's "Gay Straight Alliance" club (i.e. he molests the minds and very likely the bodies of sexually confused youth).


Speaking of the Commander in Chief: Let's see what's going on in the "stronger military" that Donald Trump promised the American people.

Back with that later...

*About the time that Donald Trump was doing an interview for the SMUT magazine Playboy, Melania was doing lesbian photo shoots in France.


Hall of Fame
aCW thinks people actually care about his crusade against Trump - we know who America voted for

Seriously, it was in reply to an extremely vile accusation made towards ACW. You don't have to give up your adoration for Trump to be able to see why such a comment is wrong.


aCW thinks people actually care about his crusade against Trump - we know who America voted for

Yes, you knew full well what you were going to get when you and other Libertarians voted for Trump, others were fooled (Trump hasn't let you down one iota).

Around 340 people a day come here wanting to read the truth. Whether or not they agree with it is on them, not me.

Thanks for trolling by, as I always enjoy your profound comments.

patrick jane

Seriously, it was in reply to an extremely vile accusation made towards ACW. You don't have to give up your adoration for Trump to be able to see why such a comment is wrong.
He added to his reply about the comment with his usual demented commentary, attacking the President and the First Lady from 20 years ago


Seriously, it was in reply to an extremely vile accusation made towards ACW. You don't have to give up your adoration for Trump to be able to see why such a comment is wrong.

He added to his reply about the comment with his usual demented commentary, attacking the President and the First Lady from 20 years ago

If I wasn't viciously attacked by the liberal and Libertarian left, I would know that I wasn't doing my job of exposing the LGBTQ movement and it's allies (Donald Trump being one of them).

On that note: Let's try and keep the gossip down in this thread, if Art Brain gets a whiff of it he'll be back (and I was hoping that he'd finally left the 4 part thread for good).


A little history on the term "Commander in Chief":

A commander-in-chief is the person or body that exercises supreme operational command and control of a nation's military forces or significant elements of those forces. In the latter case, the force element is those forces within a particular region, or associated by function. As a practical term, it refers to military competencies that reside in a nation-state's executive leadership—either a head of state, a head of government, a minister of defence, a national cabinet, or some other collegial body. Often, a given country's commander-in-chief (if held by an official) need not be or have been a commissioned officer or even a veteran.

...President Donald J. Trump is the current Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. According to Article II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution, the President of the United States is “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.”[56] Since the National Security Act of 1947, this has been understood to mean all United States Armed Forces. U.S. ranks have their roots in British military traditions, with the President possessing ultimate authority, but no rank, maintaining a civilian status.
Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commander-in-chief

Now that it's been established that Donald Trump is the "ultimate authority" over the United States Armed Forces, let's see what he's doing to make the US military "stronger" as he has promised to do on numerous occasions:

Army's Transgender Training Addresses MALE Pregnancies

June 16, 2017

The Army has begun mandatory transgender sensitivity training for soldiers. The training covers everything from “transfemale” soldiers to transgender shower etiquette to dealing with a male soldier who becomes pregnant.
Yes, good readers. Within the ranks of the greatest fighting force known to mankind – the baby’s daddy could also be the baby’s momma.

That pregnancy scenario is beyond words,” Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty executive director Ron Crews told me. “This is an example of how this social policy can be used simply to promote personal agendas at the expense of taxpayers with no regard for being what the military is all about.”
The matter of male soldiers with child is tucked away inside the Army’s “Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Soldiers Training Module, Tier 2: Commanders and Leaders.”
One of my readers serving in the Armed Forces was kind enough to send me a copy of the training briefing – mandated during the Obama Administration.
“The training module specifically outlines key roles and responsibilities of commanders, transgender soldiers, military medical providers and administrative management organizations,” Lt. Col. Jennifer Johnson told USA Today. “This training is mandatory for all uniformed members, as well as Department of the Army civilians.”
The briefing materials cover all sorts of scenarios – from shower stall etiquette to “transfemale” soldiers deployed to anti-LGBT countries.
“This situation is unique in that close proximity with women and men in foreign countries may be more complicated than in the U.S.,” the training module states.

Female soldiers must also come to terms with taking a shower alongside men who identify as women – even if the transgender soldier did not undergo sex-reassignment surgery.
“Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy,” the module states. “All soldiers will use billeting, bathroom and shower facilities associated with their gender marker.”

Read more: http://www.toddstarnes.com/column/armys-transgender-training-addresses-male-pregnancies



Transgender (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym) activism is nothing new to our Degenerate in Chief.


This upcoming weekend is very special for the city of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North: Hundreds of thousands of people gather to watch sexual deviants parade through the streets of downtown Seattle, committing lewd acts in front of children, while government officials sit back and do nothing other than smiling and applauding.

For the past several years I was in the downtown area, several blocks from the parade route, so I got to see many of the moral degenerates walking to the parade (the guy in the full sized penis costume yelling "safe sex! Safe sex!" was memorable). I'll be elsewhere this weekend, but will be sure to share 'homosexual culture' come Monday morning as a reminder to those who still have an ounce of decency in them what the LGBTQ movement is really all about.



Part FOUR?! :noway:

Is there ever going to be a conclusion to this series of threads, aCW?

Welcome back to this ongoing 4 part thread Pete.

Since you last appeared I exposed the African AIDS hoax (no one wanted to dispute it),

and have been talking quite a bit about therapy for sexually and gender confused people.

To answer your question:

Unless I'm sitting in a jail cell because it became criminal for exposing the truth about homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda, I kick the bucket (just say NO! to late night Taco Bell runs) or things drastically turn around in this once great nation, I see no end to the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" series.

On that note: I think about you on occasion and pray that your struggles with same sex attraction have disappeared or at least diminished.


Let's see what the LGBTQ'ers across the border are up to these days:

LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse

June 9, 2017

The bawdy, homosexuality-infused world of female impersonators is celebrating an eight-year-old Montreal boy who performs as a “drag queen” under the stage name “Lactatia.” But pro-family critics say his parents and all adults who encourage the boy to participate in the lewd shows are guilty of “child abuse.”
Thanks to “gay” media, the cross-dressing boy, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden, is becoming a social media star after appearing on stage in late May with vulgar drag queen “Bianca Del Rio” at the Montreal stop of the "Werq the World Tour." Del Rio tells Nemis — wearing red eye-liner, lipstick, painted nails, a curly, blond wig and dressed in a black woman’s gown with sequins — that he is ******* adorable.

Social conservatives outraged
Like every other pro-family advocate shown the video of young Nemis in “drag,” Illinois Family Institute cultural writer Laurie Higgins was aghast at the specter of a young boy embracing the “drag queen” lifestyle, telling LifeSiteNews, “This is unambiguous and shameful child abuse. Through the ‘trans’ cult movement, evil is being promoted as good, and innocent women and children are the victims."
Drag shows feature campy men dressing up as crude caricatures of women — with grotesque bouffant hairdos and gaudy dresses — engaging in catty, often sodomitic jokes slamming other “queens” and lip-syncing over-the-top impersonations of pop-culture divas like Cher and Britney Spears.

...In a “Best Kept Montreal” video (now approaching 700,000 views), Del Rio jokes about giving the boy “a shot” (of liquor) and calls him a “*****,” applying the typical drag putdown-vernacular to the child. After "Lactatia" picks another drag queen as his favorite, Del Rio says, "Even though I'm not your favorite, you're my ******* favorite.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/l...ar-old-drag-queen.-critics-call-it-child-abus


Poor kid, if he hasn't already been raped and infected with HIV, he will be soon enough.

Have I mentioned that child indoctrination and abuse is one of the many reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"?


Let's see what those progressive Swedes are up to these days (many of you might recall from Part 1 that Sweden has been extremely liberal when it comes to the LGBTQ agenda,

and let's not forget that due to LGBTQ activism Sweden had legalized child pornography several decades ago).

Swedish PM tells priests to carry out same-sex marriages ‘or do something else’

June 24, 2017

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has suggested that all Church of Sweden priests be compelled to perform gay marriages, despite the Lutheran church’s position that clergy members should have the right to refuse.

Same-sex weddings have been legal in Sweden since 2009, although priests can decline to carry out these ceremonies under the country’s marriage code.

This could now change, however, given Lofven’s recent comments about the role of priests in Swedish society.
The prime minister indicated in an interview with a church magazine that if a priest cannot bless a gay marriage, they should consider another vocation.

We Social Democrats are working to ensure all priests will consecrate everyone, including same-sex couples,” Lofven told Kyrkans Tidning magazine.
“I see parallels to the midwife who refuses to perform abortions. If you work as a midwife you must be able to perform abortions, otherwise you have to do something else… It is the same for priests,” he said.
Official documents from the church say it “offers” both heterosexual and homosexual marriage ceremonies. Although it is not against gay marriage, the Church of Sweden’s official stance is that “no priest should be obliged to officiate at the wedding of a same-sex couple.”

Read more: https://www.rt.com/viral/393867-sweden-gay-marriage-priests/

I'd highly suggest that clergy that have anything to do with a church that embraces sexual perversion, find another church.



Tis time for some tunes:

The Hollies recorded this song in 1969. While the theme is love thy neighbor, I didn't know that the history of the phrase "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" went back over 130 years and came from the book "The Parables of Jesus":

In 1884, James Wells, Moderator of the United Free Church of Scotland, in his book The Parables of Jesus tells the story of a little girl carrying a big baby boy. Seeing her struggling, someone asked if she wasn't tired. With surprise she replied, "No, he's not heavy; he's my brother."[3]
In a 1918 publication by Ralph Waldo Trine titled The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit, he relates the following anecdote: "Do you know that incident in connection with the little Scottish girl? She was trudging along, carrying as best she could a boy younger, but it seemed almost as big as she herself, when one remarked to her how heavy he must be for her to carry, when instantly came the reply: 'He's na heavy. He's mi brither.'"[4]
The first editor of Kiwanis magazine, Roe Fulkerson, published a column in September 1924 carrying the title "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother", the first use of the phrase exactly as it is rendered in the song title.
In the 1940s, the words, adapted as "He ain't heavy, Father, he's my brother", were taken as a slogan for Boys Town children's home by founder Father Edward Flanagan.[5]



In the event you haven't figured it out already, the theme of this thread deals with brotherly love.


In breaking news:

Supreme Court agrees to hear religious liberty case next term [October]

June 26, 2017

WASHINGTON (NBC NEWS) The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Monday to hear an appeal from a Colorado bakery that refused to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples.
Florists, bakers, photographers, and other businesses have cited religious and free-speech objections in refusing to serve gay and lesbian customers in the wake of the Supreme Court's 2015 same-sex marriage decision. But those claims have not fared well in court.
In the current case, two men filed a complaint against Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in suburban Denver after he refused to make a cake for their wedding reception. "Jack Phillips is an artist," his lawyers said. "The wedding cake serves as a central expressive component at most weddings."
Phillips runs his cake business guided by religious principles, closing on Sunday and refusing to make cakes containing alcohol or celebrating Halloween. He said requiring him to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple would violate his religious views.
But Colorado courts ruled that the state's public accommodation law, which bans discrimination by companies offering their services to the public, did not allow Phillips to refuse the gay couple's request. A reasonable person would assume the cake expressed the message of the couple, not the person who made it, the courts said.

Read more: http://www.valleynewslive.com/conte...ligious-liberty-case-next-term-430855513.html

I see no way that the Court will rule in favor of religious freedom. First of all, homosexual so-called "marriage" is legal (ask Donald Trump, he and Mike Pence both stated that Obergefell v Hodges is the law of the land).

Second, Think of the impact that a pro religious freedom ruling would have on the LGBTQ movement: People of faith could deny employment to proud and unrepentant homosexuals and even things like housing, all based on their belief in God and what Holy Scripture says about homosexuality and traditional values.

No, come October of this year, I don't foresee SCOTUS ruling in favor of religious liberty, (yet another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!")




Twas quite the big weekend here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North with 2 parades and 1 festival.

First there was the "Pridefest Capitol Hill" festival (aka the Swish Alps march of the degenerates)

And then there was the Trans Pride parade (note in the first photo how this gender confused woman had her breasts surgically removed).

And last but not least, the Seattle Pride Parade.

Of course all kinds of moral debauchery took place at these events:

Public nudity, lewd acts, the indoctrination of children, yes; it's really something to be "proud" about isn't it boyz and girlz?

One thing that I find amusing is that the theme in many of these parades were anti Trump. I keep telling the sodomite movement that with Donald Trump being a big supporter of 'gay' marriage, allowing openly homosexual and transgender people into the military, (and let's not forget how he made Rex Tillerson, who turned the once God-fearing Boys Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America" his Secretary of State) he's the best thing to happen to their movement since AIDS cocktails (shaken not stirred).


The lesbian founded-police hating-socialist "Black Lives Matter" movement was also popular amongst the LGBTQ crowd.

Rumor has it that Seattle Mayor and accused pederast Ed Murray rode on a float surrounded by numerous scantily clad 12 year old boys, advertising "Ed the Ped's Daycare Center for Teenage Boys ".

Yes, it twas quite the queer time here in Seattle this past weekend.
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I am very concerned, as should all people of faith be concerned with the recent SCOTUS ruling

Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v Comer


The supposed conservatives on the Court ruled that religious people and organizations can receive public grants for "neutral government programs" (who defines "neutral"?).

While past rulings of the Court have ruled in favor of students and organizations having access to public facilities for religious purposes, we're talking about entirely two different things here:

Tuition paying students or tax payers who are people of faith having access to public facilities for religious reasons vs RECEIVING government money for various projects.

A couple of things to keep in mind here:

Because there are limited funds, government officials will be deciding which religious organizations or individuals will get their piece of the socialist pie (government favoritism towards certain people or organizations).

Of major concern is that along with receiving tax dollars there are expectations that go along with them:

Will secular groups have the right to use church facilities for things that go against the church's doctrine because their tax dollars were used?

I see trouble brewing...




More news from the rainbow flag waving Obama Trump administration:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Say It Ain’t So!

June 27, 2017

Some readers may be blissfully unaware of DOJ Pride, the “Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Employees of the U.S. Department of Justice and Their Allies.” According to its website, “DOJ Pride is the recognized organization for all Lesbian, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender employees and allies in all DOJ Offices, Boards, and Divisions; the ATF, BOP, DEA, FBI, USMS, OJP, and USAO; and contractors in any of these components.”
In celebration of “pride” month, DOJ Pride is hosting its annual event on June 28, 2017 in the “in the Great Hall of the department’s main building on Pennsylvania Avenue, in between the Capitol and the White House.”
At this event, DOJ Pride will award its Gerald B. Roemer Community Service Award to “Gavin” Grimm, the girl who masquerades as a boy and who filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against her Virginia high school for prohibiting her from using the boys’ restrooms.
Her case made it to the U.S. Supreme Court and would have been heard this month had Attorney General Jeff Sessions not rescinded Obama’s edict to public schools, which threatened loss of federal funds to schools that prohibited co-ed restrooms and locker rooms.
Unfortunately, Sessions really mucked things up a couple of days ago. When asked about the upcoming DOJ Pride event, Sessions said this:

"We are going to have a pride group, in this very room… so that’s perfectly appropriate, and we will protect and defend and celebrate that — and protect the rights of all transgender persons…. [W]e are not going to allow persons in this country to be discriminated against or attacked in any way for their sexual orientation—”

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2017/06/27/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-say-aint/

Be careful when you expose the truth about Donald Trump and his ties to the LGBTQueer movement Laurie, as the book burning Trump lemmings at Barbwire don't like hearing the truth about their beloved Degenerate in Chief.




Well-known member
The NYT best seller turned movie called "The Shack" is opening this weekend to rave reviews. After doing some research on the movie and it's author Paul Young, I'll take a pass.


It's new age blasphemy. I overheard a few evanjellyfish at work the other day oohing and ahhing in awe, and nodding with sage reverence, while discussing this dung.
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