Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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More on the cast of criminals and their close ties to Russia and the mass murdering former head of the KGB Vladimir Putin:

Jeff Sessions: Sessions, President Trump’s Attorney General, had two conversations with Ambassador Kislyak during the 2016 presidential election. However, during later confirmation hearings, he claimed that he “did not have communications with the Russians” when prompted by Senator Al Franken. Once reports of his meetings with Kislyak surfaced, Sessions recused himself from any investigation into Russia’s interference in our 2016 presidential election. Many officials are continuing to call for his resignation.

Rex Tillerson: Tillerson, President Trump’s Secretary of State, worked on energy projects in Russia for two decades during his career at Exxon. He has publicly described his “very close relationship” with President Putin*and was awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship in 2013, the highest state honor possible for a foreigner.

Jared Kushner:*Kushner is President Trump's son-in-law and current Senior Advisor. Along with Michael Flynn, Kushner met with Ambassador Kislyak during the Presidential transition. The White House later acknowledged that following that meeting,*Ambassador Kislyak requested a second meeting, which Kushner had a deputy attend. However, at Kislyak's request, Kushner did later meet with Sergey Gorkov,*the head of Russia's state-owned development bank, who has close ties to*President Putin. The U.S. placed this bank on its sanctions list following Russia's annexation of Crimea. The Senate Intelligence Committee plans to question Kushner about his meetings with Russian officials.*The New York Times recently reported that Kusher failed to disclose dozens of contacts with foreign leaders on his application for top-secret security clearance -- one of those contacts being Ambassador*Kislyak.


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (aka the guy who helped turn the once God fearing Boys Scouts of America into the Boy Sodomizers of America) getting cozy with mass murderer and former KGB head Vladimir Putin


Donald Trump, Jr.: Trump, Jr., President Trump’s son, met with Fabien Baussart, a leader of a Syrian opposition group backed by the Russian government, and others about how the U.S. could work with Russia on the Syrian conflict weeks before Donald Trump was elected President. He has also been quoted saying that his father’s businesses “see a lot of money pouring in from Russia”, and that he had visited Russia on business over a half-dozen times.

Paul Manafort: Manafort, who has business connections to Russia and Ukraine, was hired as Trump’s campaign manager in March 2016. He then resigned in August of the same year, after reports surfaced that suggested he had received $12.7 million from Victor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s pro-Russia former president. It was recently revealed by AP that Manafort proposed in a strategy plan from*as early as June 2005 that he would work to influence politics, business deals, and media inside the U.S. and Europe to benefit Putin.*This plan was pitched to Oleg Deripaska, a "Russian aluminum magnate" with close ties to Putin. Manafort eventually signed a $10 million contract with Deripaska in early 2006. The Trump Administration and Manafort have both said that Manafort never worked for Russian interests. Since the FBI confirmed in a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on March 20 that investigators are examining whether the Trump campaign and its associates coordinated with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, the White House has made attempts to distance itself from Manafort, claiming that he played "a very limited role" in the campaign, despite his clear leadership role as campaign chairman leading up to the Republican National Convention.*


Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort: As sleazy as they come.


This is fascinating information. I wonder if Robert Mueller's team of investigators will dig this deep into Trump's ties to Russia?

Carter Page: Page, hired as*a foreign policy advisor to Trump’s 2016 campaign, was known to have*deep ties*to Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned gas company. In July 2016, a month after Russia's DNC meddling was reveled in the press, Page traveled to Moscow to make a speech. The Trump campaign approved this trip, saying he would not be traveling as an official representative of the campaign. In the*speech he delivered in Moscow, he criticized American foreign policy as being hypocritical – remarks which ultimately led to his resignation from Trump’s campaign. Before joining the campaign, he was a businessman “of no particular renown” working in the Moscow branch of Merrill Lynch before creating his own consulting agency. Previously, Trump identified Page as one of a small group of advisors helping to craft his foreign policy platform during the campaign. However, President Trump’s staff now claims that “Carter Page is an individual who the [then] president-elect does not know.” Page met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the Republican National Convention in 2016. Buzzfeed recently reported that Page had met with a Russian intelligence agent named Victor Podobnyy in 2013, who was reportedly trying to recruit Page. Podobnyy was later charged by the U.S. for acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government.

Tevfik Arif: Arif, who founded Bayrock, a real estate group known to have many deals with Trump, had a 17-year career in the Soviet Ministry of Commerce and Trade.

Roger Stone: Stone, a former advisor to Trump, had back channel conversations with Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, which is the organization that published the DNC leaks and Podesta emails during the 2016 elections.*He also had exchanges with Guccifer 2.0 -- a hacker believed to be linked to Russia*involved in the 2016 hacking of Democratic National Committee emails -- in August 2016. Also in August, he tweeted "it will soon [be] Podesta's time in the barrell." About two months later, Wikileaks began posting John Podesta's emails.

Felix Sater: Sater, formerly a senior advisor to the Trump Organization, is a Russian-born Bayrock associate with extensive involvement in organized crime.

Trump and former foreign policy advisor Carter Page:


Future cellmates?


Alex Shnaider: Born in Russia, Shnaider co-financed a real estate project with Trump. Shnaider’s father-in-law, Boris J. Birshtein, was a close business associate of Sergei Mikhaylov, the head of one of the largest branches of the Russian mob.*

JD Gordon:*Gordon, a national security advisor for the Trump campaign met with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, who he told he would like to improve US - Russia relations. He advocated for a change to the GOP national platform to make their policies more pro-Russian and less pro-Ukraine, a change which Gordon said was directly supported*by then-candidate Donald Trump.

Wilbur Ross: Ross, President Trump’s Secretary of Commerce, was the top shareholder in the Bank of Cyprus, an institution with deep Russian ties and investors who made fortunes under Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to McClatchy, the banking system in Cyprus, because of its dependence on Russian investors, is money-laundering concern for the US State Department. Ross served as the vice chairman of the board of directors for the Bank of Cyprus. The second largest investor in the Bank of Cyprus was Viktor Vekselberg, who once served on the Russian state-owned oil giant Rosneft, which is under partial sanction by the US Treasury Department. Vekselberg is known to have a close relationship with Vladimir Putin. In February, six senators sent a letter to Ross inquiring about his relationship to Vekselberg. The senators also inquired about Ross’s relationship with Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, who is also linked to the Bank of Cyprus, was a former KGB agent, and is believed to be a Putin associate.

Erik Prince:*Prince, who had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, had a secret meeting with a Russian close to President Putin, arranged by the United Arab Emirates, the Washington Post recently reported.*The meeting reportedly took place around January 11, 2017 on the Seychelles islands, and was allegedly part of an effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Russia and then President-elect Trump. The UAE agreed to facilitate the meeting in order to explore Russia's willingness to curtail its relationship with Iran.*Prince was a supporter of Trump, and has ties to Steve Bannon and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who is his sister. He was also seen in Trump transition offices in December.*

In addition to these ties, it appears that Trump and his team are conscious of their guilt. In late February 2017, CNN reported that “the FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign.” This request*may be*a violation of procedures that limits communications between the White House and FBI on pending investigations.

Why is America’s leader and his team so close to Russia? This is either due to poor judgement or a deeper personal, financial, or political link between President Trump and Russia. It is not normal for the leader of our country to be so extensively tied to a foreign government that has sought to undermine democracies across the globe, and connections like these should be concerning to American citizens everywhere.




Now that it's been shown how Donald Trump and many of his inner circle have or have had extremely close connections with Russia and former mass murderer/head of the KGB Vladimir Putin, let's do a review of Trump and his inner circle's extremely close connections with the LGBTQueer movement.

Let's start off with the head of the Department of Education: Betsy DeVos (she's the one that oversees your child's education).

Betsy DeVos, a Friend of L.G.B.T. Rights? Past Colleagues Say Yes

Jan. 28, 2017

WASHINGTON — When Greg McNeilly, a longtime Republican operative in Michigan, and his husband filed paperwork in 2015 to adopt a child, it included a warm testament of support from a seemingly unlikely source: Betsy DeVos, the conservative school choice advocate whose family has donated heavily to groups that oppose gay rights.
As a couple, she wrote, the two shared “a close, caring relationship where they treat each other with respect.”
Ms. DeVos, who is now President Trump’s nominee for education secretary, was also the first person to text her congratulations to Mr. McNeilly after his 2014 marriage in a small and hurried courthouse ceremony. If she had been able to attend, it would not have been her first.
In 2013, some two years before the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, she was in the audience at the the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, in Washington, when the center’s president, Michael Kaiser, wed his husband in a ceremony officiated by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg...

Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/28/us/politics/betsy-devos-gay-transgender-rights.html?_r=1

So the person that oversees children's education here in the United States was instrumental in helping put an innocent child in the custody of two sexual deviants?

So the person that oversees children's education here in the United States openly promoted mockery of God's institution of marriage by allowing homosexuals to participate in it?


More on Betsy DeVos later...




More on Trump's Secretary of Education: Betsy DeVos.

As shown in the above NYT's article, DeVos is also a friend to the "T" in the LGBT acronym:

"Ms. DeVos’s personal experience with the debate over gender identity and bathrooms dates back decades. As chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, she came to the aid of a transgender woman who wanted to use the women’s restroom at a call center, upsetting some of the other women there, according to two associates at the time — Mr. McNeilly, who was the party’s political director, and Eric Doster, the general counsel.
“We made the accommodation, and that was Betsy’s call,” said Mr. Doster, who did not recall the woman’s name but said this happened in an office near the Michigan State University campus in 1997 or 1998. “A lot of the co-workers weren’t happy with it. But that’s who Betsy is.”
But, like other supportive moves she has made over the years, it was done quietly."

Shhhhhh, if we're quiet about it no one will know.

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera, who also writes for Lifesite News, wrote a good article exposing DeVos. Evidently when Trump decided to throw his evanjellyfish lap dogs on the supposed right a bone and overrule Obama's federal school mandate and allow the States' to decide if little Jimmy can be little Janey, DeVos was against it.

DeVos meets with gay and transgender activists. Now pro-family groups want equal time

Yet another fraud exposed.




In religious persecution news (wait, I didn't think this was supposed to happen under the pro Christian Trump administration?).

Farmer says gay marriage views cost him market spot


EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- A Michigan apple grower who posted on Facebook that he wouldn't allow gay couples to get married at his farm filed a lawsuit against the city of East Lansing on Wednesday after he was shut out of an outdoor farmer's market.
The city said Stephen Tennes wasn't invited back to the market because vendors must follow its civil rights ordinance, which bars discrimination. Tennes alleges that the city's actions violate his rights to free speech and religion.
Tennes' farm, 22 miles away from East Lansing in Eaton County, is a popular place to have weddings. In a Facebook post in December, he said he believes in heterosexual marriage and reserves the right to reject weddings that conflict with his beliefs.
"If the government can shut down a family farmer just because of the religious views he expresses on Facebook ... then no American is free," said Tennes' attorney, Kate Anderson.
Read more: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/storie...ME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-05-31-17-17-33




The 3 months ahead have got to be the most exciting months of the year for the LGBTQueer movement, as June is officially "Gay Pride Month" which kicks off a summer of events where LGBTQ'ers partake in parades and festivals where they can do lewd acts and public acts of exhibitionism in front of children. (Sigh, that must be a close second to taking 12 year old boys on unsupervised overnight scout campouts). Of course these acts of moral depravity are done in front of police officers, mayors, city councilmen, and even governors without any threat of retribution.

Here's a list of June 'pride' events.

June Gay Pride Calendar 2017

A Worldwide List of Gay Pride Events Held in June

In commemoration of the Stonewall Riots in 1969, June is officially LGBT Pride Month in United States, and it's the month during which more Gay Pride celebrations around the world take place than any other, including festivals and marches in some major LGBT destinations, including New York City, Los Angeles, London, Mexico City, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Tel Aviv, Houston, Denver, and Chicago.

In this calendar you'll find links to preview articles about a number of the festivals, or links to the official festival websites or Facebook pages.

June Gay Pride Festivals
● Early June: Albany Black and Latino Gay Pride/In Our Own Voices Albany Pride.
● Early June: Asbury Park Gay Pride/New Jersey Pride.
● Early June: Bordeaux Gay Pride (France).
● Early June: Buffalo Gay Pride.
● Early June: Cedar Rapids Iowa Gay Pride/Cedar Rapids PrideFest.
● Early June: Chester County Gay Pride/Phoenixville Gay Pride (PA).
● Early June: Conway Gay Pride (AR).
● Early June: Dayton Gay Pride/Springfield Gay Pride/Miami Valley Gay Pride (OH).
● Early June: Disney Gay Days/Orlando Gay Days.
● Early June: Edmonton Gay Pride (Alberta).
● Early June: El Paso Gay Pride.
● Early June: Fairfield County Gay Pride (CT)/Norwalk Gay Pride.
● Early June: Fresno Gay Pride.
● Early June: Kansas City Gay Pride.
● Early June: Kitchener Gay Pride/Tri-Pride Cambridge-Kitchener-Waterloo (Ontario).

● Early June: Lille Gay Pride/Nord-Pas de Calais Gay Pride (France).
● Early June: New Paltz Gay Pride/Hudson River Valley Pride.
● Early June: Northern Kentucky Gay Pride/Covington Gay Pride/Newport Gay Pride (KY).
● Early June: Orlando Black Gay Pride.
● Early June: Queens Gay Pride.
● Early June: Rennes Gay Pride/Brittany Gay Pride (France).

● Early June: Rouen Gay Pride/Normandy Gay Pride (France).
● Early June: Sacramento Gay Pride.
● Early June: Salt Lake Gay Pride/Utah Pride.
● Early June: Santa Cruz Gay Pride.
● Early June: Sonoma County Gay Pride/Russian River Pride.
● Early June: Tel Aviv Gay Pride/Israel Gay Pride.
● Early June: Toulouse Gay Pride/Midi-Pyrenees Gay Pride (France).
● Early June: Tulsa Gay Pride.
● Early June: West Virginia Gay Pride/Charleston Gay Pride (WV).
● Early June: Winnipeg Gay Pride (Manitoba).
● Early to mid-June: Albany Gay Pride/Capital District Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Albuquerque Gay Pride/New Mexico Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Astoria Gay Pride/Oregon Coast Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Athens Gay Pride/Greece Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Baton Rouge Gay Pride/Louisiana Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Beaumont Gay Pride (TX).
● Early to mid-June: Big Gay Hudson Valley Pride/Queen City Poughkeepsie Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Birmingham Gay Pride/Central Alabama Pridefest.
● Early to mid-June: Blackpool Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Boston Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Brooklyn Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Colombo Gay Pride/Sri Lanka Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Des Moines Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Detroit Gay Pride/Motor City Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Indianapolis Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Kalamazoo Gay Pride (MI).
● Early to mid-June: Kauai Gay Pride (HI).
● Early to mid-June: Key West PrideFest/Key West Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Long Island Gay Pride/Huntington Pride/Sayville Pride/Fire Island Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Los Angeles Gay Pride/West Hollywood Pride/Christopher Street West.
● Early to mid-June: Milwaukee Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Nanaimo Gay Pride (Canada).
● Early to mid-June: Nantes Gay Pride/Loire Valley Gay Pride (France).
● Early to mid-June: Pensacola Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Philadelphia Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Pittsburgh Gay Pride.
● Early to mid-June: Portland Gay Pride/Pride Northwest.

Read more: https://www.tripsavvy.com/june-gay-pride-calendar-1417484

Wow, that's a whole lotta depravity. I'll be sure to cover the homosexual 'culture' that goes on at these events right here in the WHMBR! Part 4 thread.
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New member
In religious persecution news (wait, I didn't think this was supposed to happen under the pro Christian Trump administration?).

Farmer says gay marriage views cost him market spot


EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- A Michigan apple grower who posted on Facebook that he wouldn't allow gay couples to get married at his farm filed a lawsuit against the city of East Lansing on Wednesday after he was shut out of an outdoor farmer's market.
The city said Stephen Tennes wasn't invited back to the market because vendors must follow its civil rights ordinance, which bars discrimination. Tennes alleges that the city's actions violate his rights to free speech and religion.
Tennes' farm, 22 miles away from East Lansing in Eaton County, is a popular place to have weddings. In a Facebook post in December, he said he believes in heterosexual marriage and reserves the right to reject weddings that conflict with his beliefs.
"If the government can shut down a family farmer just because of the religious views he expresses on Facebook ... then no American is free," said Tennes' attorney, Kate Anderson.
Read more: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/storie...ME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-05-31-17-17-33



WAAAAAAA....what about my right to be a bigot?

It's laughable that this guy is claiming his rights are being violated. He is free to hate anyone he choses, gays, blacks, Mexicans, Jews but but he doesn't have the right to discriminate agasint any of them.

and no one is infringing on his right to free speech, he can say what he likes. WHat he is upset about is he wants to be free from the consequences of what he says.


New member
The 3 months ahead have got to be the most exciting months of the year for the LGBTQueer movement, as June is officially "Gay Pride Month" which kicks off a summer of events where LGBTQ'ers partake in parades and festivals where they can do lewd acts and public acts of exhibitionism in front of children. (Sigh, that must be a close second to taking 12 year old boys on unsupervised overnight scout campouts). Of course these acts of moral depravity are done in front of police officers, mayors, city councilmen, and even governors without any threat of retribution.
It's also a big time for fanatics and fruitcakes who are no doubt upgrading their photoshop programs in preperation.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

In religious persecution news (wait, I didn't think this was supposed to happen under the pro Christian Trump administration?).

WAAAAAAA....what about my right to be a bigot?

It's been established that you're a bigot when it comes to people who embrace Judeo-Christian doctrine, but that's an issue for you and a psychiatrist to work out (without a doubt it stems from incidents in Twin Falls, Idaho as a child).

It's laughable that this guy is claiming his rights are being violated. He is free to hate anyone he choses, gays, blacks, Mexicans, Jews but but he doesn't have the right to discriminate agasint any of them.

How many death threats do the think the Tennes family received from the ever so tolerant LGBTQueer movement? Without a doubt the rape and murder of their beautiful children were mentioned in the threats, as that's part of the LGBTQueer modus operandi isn't it ...Dante?

and no one is infringing on his right to free speech, he can say what he likes. WHat he is upset about is he wants to be free from the consequences of what he says.

I'm thinking that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects Mr. Tennes' religious freedom (Title III).

SEC. 301. (a) Whenever the Attorney General receives a complaint in writing signed by an individual to the effect that he is being deprived of or threatened with the loss of his right to the equal protection of the laws, on account of his race, color, religion, or national origin, by being denied equal utilization of any public facility which is owned, operated, or managed by or on behalf of any State or subdivision thereof...

Not that your LGBTQ ally Donald Trump would ever enforce it.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

The 3 months ahead have got to be the most exciting months of the year for the LGBTQueer movement, as June is officially "Gay Pride Month" which kicks off a summer of events where LGBTQ'ers partake in parades and festivals where they can do lewd acts and public acts of exhibitionism in front of children. (Sigh, that must be a close second to taking 12 year old boys on unsupervised overnight scout campouts). Of course these acts of moral depravity are done in front of police officers, mayors, city councilmen, and even governors without any threat of retribution.

It's also a big time for fanatics and fruitcakes who are no doubt upgrading their photoshop programs in preperation.

My my, someone is ashamed of 'gay' culture. What fun is having a parade if you can't commit lewd acts and expose yourself to innocent children, who would rather being out in a playground with their friends instead of being subjected to perverts?



It looks as though the LGBTQ child indoctrinators at New City Public School 96 are getting 'Pride Month" started a few days early:

Parents 'horrified' after man performs surprise drag show at Manhattan school talent event

June 1, 2017

Kiddie choirs. Children’s piano recitals. And a full-on, erotic drag show complete with gyrations, tongue gymnastics and a flashed G-string.
Families at a Manhattan public school talent show got an unexpected lesson in human sexuality when a grown man took the stage in a black, sequined dress and flaming red wig and performed a raunchy drag number where he grinded the stage and spread his legs.
The official public school Learning Expo held May 25 in an auditorium at the Museo del Barrio was billed as a talent show for students from across Manhattan’s District 4 to show off what they learned in school.
But at the end of the two-hour event, parents and kids as young as 5 were shocked when a man identified as Public School 96 Parent Association President Frankie Quinones took the stage and did an explicit lip-synch performance of a song by the campy 1980’s Puerto Rican music sensation Iris Chacón.

People were horrified,” said Raquel Morales, who was at the event with her son, a fifth-grader who attends a public school in District 4. “It looked like a nightclub performance. I’ve been asking for an apology from the district for the last week, and they’ve been ignoring it.”
Morales said about 200 families at the evening talent show took in student art and writing exhibits from schools across the district, including Public School 83, River East Elementary School and PS 96.

...Then, parents said, Estrella introduced the final act of the night, billed on the event flyer as a “Special Surprise Performance!”
At that moment, Quinones, who parents said performs in drag clubs around the city, took the stage in a sparkly black dress and pumps and began to shake his hips as a slinky Iris Chacón mambo blared from the public address system.
Parents said families’ laughter turned to disbelief and then dismay as Quinones opened his mouth and exercised his tongue in a suggestive manner while lip-syncing the Chacón number.
Then he dropped to the ground and began to writhe on floor. He rolled onto his back, spread his long legs and flashed his white underwear to the shrinking crowd.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...rforms-drag-show-nyc-school-article-1.3213718

Don't cha just love 'homosexual culture'?



For those of you that think Donald Trump is some kind of hero for pulling out of the Paris Climate Change meetings:

US signs international declaration on climate change despite Trump's past statements

May 11, 2017 [if you who don't have a calendar handy, that was 3 weeks ago].

"While President Trump has talked tough in the past about his skeptical views on climate change, his administration appears to be taking a more cautious approach to the issue on the world stage in the early days of his presidency.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signed a document today calling climate change a “serious threat” to the Arctic and noting the need for action to reduce its potentially harmful effects.
The document, known as the Fairbanks Declaration, concluded Tillerson's chairing of a meeting of the Arctic Council, a board made up of indigenous groups and the eight countries bordering the Arctic, in Fairbanks, Alaska.
While the council only has the power to issue advisories, the language in the statement signed by Tillerson comes in stark contrast to statements and promises made by President Trump about climate change..."

In case you're not familiar with the name Rex Tillerson, he's Trump's Secretary of State who as head of the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America, turned them into the "Boy Sodomizers of America" (but he prayed before making that decision).





In these 20 pages readers will see an on-going discussion with some of TOL's homosexualists on how the icons of the homosexual movement have all been pedophiles/pederasts or pedophilia/pederast enablers.

Donald Trump's past is discussed as is the homosexual/pedophile/leader of the modern day sexual anarchist movement Alfred Kinsey.

The first article on the Principle of Traditional American Philosophy is a must read.

Table of contents for pages 121-140

A Principle of The Traditional American Philosophy; page 121, post #1814

Origins of the word "homophobia"; page 122, post #1825

Man strips in front of girls in locker room, says transgender law allows it ; page 124, post #1852

Excerpts from wannabe tyrant Donald Trump's Playboy Magazine interview; page 125, post #1861

God has coffee with Donald Trump (satire by J. Matt Barber); page 128, post #1914

Trump, the Anti-Constitutional Authoritarian — Liberty Lovers, Beware; page 130, post #1945

Could sexual molestation as a teen brought on Ellen Degeneres' homosexual desires? Could a bad marriage have brought on Portia de Rossi's same sex desires?; page 132, post #1970

Ellen the Degenerate propaganda video for sexually confused youth (under the guise of 'gay' teen suicide prevention); page 133, post #1982; mocks God in a standup routine, page
134, post #1997

Meet 'Women's Auxiliaryof NAMBLA'; page 137, post #2054

Make an attempt to get some LGBTQ'ers (in this case Art Brain) to condemn the child molesting icons of the modern day homosexual movement and see what you get (smokescreens); page 138, post #2070

Peter Tatchell – Sex Brought ‘Great Joy’. To 9 Year Olds (confirmation that the UK homosexual activist contributed to a book promoting pedophilia); page 139, post #2071

Alfred Kinsey and pedophilia; page 140, post #2087



Look for this insanity in the future in your respective state.

California Senate Passes Bill Allowing Third Gender Option on IDs

June 2, 2017

CNSNews.com) - California lawmakers voted to pass a bill Wednesday that will add a third gender option - non-binary -*on state identification cards.*

Senate Bill 179, introduced by Sen. Tori Atkins, will now move onto Assembly after the 26-12 Senate vote. If it passes Assembly, California Gov. Jerry Brown can sign the measure into law, making California the first state to add a third gender option on IDs.

In addition to changing the gender selection on driver’s licenses, the bill would also allow three options for birth certificates, identity cards and gender change court orders.

The bill, if signed into law, will allow minors to apply for a gender change on their birth certificates with parental or guardian consent.

Atkins applauded her fellow senators for passing the bill, saying their vote showed bravery.

“Most of us use our I.D. on a daily basis and take it for granted,”*Atkins said in a statement.*“SB 179 will make what should be a simple task much easier for our transgender and non-binary neighbors.”

Read more: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article...-passes-bill-allowing-third-gender-option-ids


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While I have talked quite a bit about the transvestism/transgender movement in this 4 part thread (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym), I haven't talked about the evil people behind this movement.

The late Dr. John Money, (a pedophile who was most likely a homosexual) is without a doubt the most famous amongst those who have promoted this evil movement. Excerpts from what this sick degenerate did to little boys are documented below.

A Modern Day Horror Story On The Origin Of The Transgender Movement
Exposing the Ugly History of Gender

Dec. 18, 2015

Today David Reimer would be 50 years old. He would be at the peak of his career, perhaps with a couple of teenage kids, whom he could look forward to sending off to begin their own lives, and could look forward to retirement, becoming a grandfather, and enjoying the life he built for himself. Only David Reimer is dead, because of an evil sexual experiment that was performed on him years ago.

Crime 1: Male Genital Mutilation

David (originally named Bruce) and his twin brother Brian were born in 1965 in Winnipeg, Canada. His parents, two farm kids barely out of their teens,*were concerned about how the boys were urinating, and they were referred for circumcision at 7 months.
The twins were misdiagnosed with phimosis, a failure of the foreskin to fully retract. However, this is perfectly normal for infants, and*the foreskin often does not fully retract*until age 10. The doctor performing the male genital mutilation experienced a malfunction in his equipment, and David’s penis was almost completely burned off. They left the hospital. David’s*brother Brian was not circumcised, and his phimosis naturally resolved itself.

Crime 2: Sexual Experimentation

The parents, deeply concerned about the trauma and pain this would cause David, traveled to Western medicine’s premiere institution: Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, where they met with Dr. John Money, a pediatrician and psychologist...

Dr. Money had begun working at Johns Hopkins in 1951 and opened a groundbreaking clinic there—the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic, in 1965, around the time of David’s birth. The parents had seen Money on TV talking about new treatments for people with sexual disorders.

Money had a quite extreme suggestion for David’s parents. He told them they should surgically remove what remained of David’s penis and raise him as if he were a girl. Money theorized that sexuality was primarily caused by social learning from early childhood, and that it would be in David’s best interest to simply be raised as a woman, since penile surgery at the time was very limited.
Money was an expert in hermaphrodites (now called intersex), people born with multiple or mismatched sexual organs, and it was far easier to create a vagina for them than a penis, so this is what he recommended for David.

More to follow...


Pedophile Dr. John Money (RIH).
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