I think you mean those head choppers
How do you Libertarians feel about the sale of arms to the "head choppers" of Saudi Arabia?
I think you mean those head choppers
In religious persecution news (wait, I didn't think this was supposed to happen under the pro Christian Trump administration?).
Farmer says gay marriage views cost him market spot
EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- A Michigan apple grower who posted on Facebook that he wouldn't allow gay couples to get married at his farm filed a lawsuit against the city of East Lansing on Wednesday after he was shut out of an outdoor farmer's market.
The city said Stephen Tennes wasn't invited back to the market because vendors must follow its civil rights ordinance, which bars discrimination. Tennes alleges that the city's actions violate his rights to free speech and religion.
Tennes' farm, 22 miles away from East Lansing in Eaton County, is a popular place to have weddings. In a Facebook post in December, he said he believes in heterosexual marriage and reserves the right to reject weddings that conflict with his beliefs.
"If the government can shut down a family farmer just because of the religious views he expresses on Facebook ... then no American is free," said Tennes' attorney, Kate Anderson.
Read more: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/storie...ME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-05-31-17-17-33
It's also a big time for fanatics and fruitcakes who are no doubt upgrading their photoshop programs in preperation.The 3 months ahead have got to be the most exciting months of the year for the LGBTQueer movement, as June is officially "Gay Pride Month" which kicks off a summer of events where LGBTQ'ers partake in parades and festivals where they can do lewd acts and public acts of exhibitionism in front of children. (Sigh, that must be a close second to taking 12 year old boys on unsupervised overnight scout campouts). Of course these acts of moral depravity are done in front of police officers, mayors, city councilmen, and even governors without any threat of retribution.
It's also a big time for fanatics and fruitcakes who are no doubt upgrading their photoshop programs in preperation.
Dude, just let him reply to himself in this thread now and his imaginary cohort of vehement supporters...
WAAAAAAA....what about my right to be a bigot?
It's laughable that this guy is claiming his rights are being violated. He is free to hate anyone he choses, gays, blacks, Mexicans, Jews but but he doesn't have the right to discriminate agasint any of them.
and no one is infringing on his right to free speech, he can say what he likes. WHat he is upset about is he wants to be free from the consequences of what he says.
It's also a big time for fanatics and fruitcakes who are no doubt upgrading their photoshop programs in preperation.