Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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More on transgender icon Dr. John Money:

A Brief Bio Of Dr. John Money

Money was born in New Zealand, moving to the USA to earn a PhD at Harvard in 1952, after writing a dissertation on*hermaphrodites (Hermaphroditism: An Inquiry into the Nature of a Human Paradox). Money was married briefly in the 1950s, but quickly divorced and would never marry again.
He is almost fully responsible for modern day usage of the word “gender” to refer to sexuality. He focused on abnormally developed sex organs and had a special interest in hermaphrodites. He theorized that gender was a learned trait, of which having a penis or vagina was only one of many factors. In addition to the typical factors of chromosomes, type of genitalia, presence of sex hormones, etc., Money theorized there was an additional factor that decided one’s sex: “Gender role and orientation as male or female, established while growing up.”
At the time, the word gender was not used to refer to human sexuality, and Money explained gender role as:
all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself or herself as having the status of boy or man, girl or woman, respectively. It includes, but is not restricted to sexuality in the sense of eroticism. Gender role is appraised in relation to the following: general mannerisms, deportment and demeanor; play preferences and recreational interests; spontaneous topics of talk in unprompted conversation and casual comment; content of dreams, daydreams and fantasies; replies to oblique inquiries and projective tests; evidence of erotic practices, and, finally, the person’s own replies to direct inquiry.

For Dr. Money, gender included not only a man-woman decision, but also one’s behavior and attitude that went beyond biology. No longer was a boy who picked up a doll just being curious, expressing interest in the human body, or merely picking up a toy he didn’t understand the sexual and social ramifications of.
No, according to Money, this boy was expressing his feminine side. The John Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic was the first attempt at considering that sex was something that humans had control over.


The first sex change operations were performed at Money’s clinic

More to follow...


More on Dr. John Money, one of the modern day founders of the transgender movement (read below and try to tell me that he wasn't a pedophile).

The Power Of Language
Language is incredibly powerful. As is often said, one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, and the words used to describe a person, idea, or event, strongly shape how that person or idea*is seen by society. Dr. Money has altered the American language more than perhaps anyone else in the latter half of the 20th century. Among his successes:
Advocating the “nurture” in*the nature versus nurture argument regarding sexuality
Creating the word “gender” and making it something fluid and controllable
Changing “sexual perversions” to ‘sexual paraphilias”
Changing “sexual preference” to ‘sexual orientation”
Stated there were two kinds of pedophilia – one based on love and another on harm
Suggested the name ... for the scientific study of having sex ...
Published Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation
Changed the discussion on intersex, trans-sex, and sexual psychology from helping those facing horrible problems such as workplace accidents, genetic defects, and deformities to a discussion on how to help narcissists like Bruce Jenner fulfill their dream of becoming a princess.
Some of these are difficult to accept even today. For example, Money said there was “affectional pedophilia” and “sadistic pedophilia” and that “If I were to see the case of a boy aged 10 or 11 who’s intensely erotically attracted towards a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual… then I would not call it pathological in any way.”

More to follow...


Pedophile and LGBTQ activist Dr. John Money


More on the homosexual pedophile/founder of the modern day transgender movement: Dr. John Money

WARNING! Very disturbing text!

The Treatment

Dr. Money saw a great opportunity to test out his theories on the infant David. Not only would Money have a perfect experiment, an infant not even at his first birthday who had not developed any sexuality yet, but his twin brother provided the perfect control subject. Money insisted that he would personally oversee David’s treatment and counsel and monitor him.

At age 22 months, David’s remnant of a penis was surgically castrated, and he was given the name Brenda, and regularly saw Dr. Money, often along with his twin brother Brian, for around 10 years. Keep in mind at all times during treatment the children were prepubescent. Some of the treatment involved David...
getting on the ground on all fours while his twin brother Brian placed his crotch up against David’s *** and simulated ******* him by making thrusting motions.

Money would also force David to lay down and spread his legs while Brian climbed on top of him. He would make the two twins take off all their clothes and inspect each others genitals, and Money photographed them naked. He showed David graphic photographs of a seven year old girl giving birth.

Money proclaimed his theory was proven correctly, that Brenda acted and behaved as a girl, and that behavior could indeed overcome biology and determine sex. He reported on the case (anonymously, to protect David’s secret) as a success, and said “the child’s behavior is so clearly that of an active little girl and so different from the boyish ways of her twin brother.”

Money’s writings on gender, his new vocabulary, and his theories on nature vs. nurture were celebrated and adopted. He received national awards and honorary degrees, was featured in Time magazine, and included a chapter on the Reimer twins in one of his textbooks.

But the truth was a completely different story. As Money started pressuring the parents around age 10 to have an operation to surgically create a vagina, the parents balked and slowly the truth emerged.


Who else was fascinated with experimenting on twins? Angel of Death Dr. Mengele

More to follow...
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More on Dr. John Money: founder of the modern day transgender movement (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym) from the article entitled:

A Modern Day Horror Story On The Origin Of The Transgender Movement
Exposing the Ugly History of Gender

The Reality: You Can’t Alter Sex

David (living as Brenda) was terrified of the visits to Dr. Money. As early as a few months after the initial operation, at age 2, Brenda would angrily tear off her dress, refused to play with dolls, would beat up her twin brother and steal his toy cars and guns. She complained to her teachers and parents that she felt like a boy. She loved running and climbing and fighting and hated playing with dolls. She had no friends, and was constantly teased and ridiculed by classmates for her masculine looks and interests.

Both twins complained they were sexually abused during their treatment sessions with Money. Brenda had to pee through a small hole surgeons had created in her abdomen. She was taking female hormones, but they only caused some physical changes and did not make her feel female.

The mother, overcome with guilt and the pain of hiding this secret, attempted suicide. The father became a serious alcoholic and rarely spoke. Twin brother Brian began using drugs and stealing things. At age 13, Brenda was experiencing suicidal depression, and said she would commit suicide if forced to return to Dr. Money’s office again.

At age 14, a local psychiatrist convinced the parents they had to tell Brenda the truth. That he was really a man. He decided to take the name David. David later recounted: “Suddenly it all made sense why I felt the way I did. I wasn’t some sort of weirdo. I wasn’t crazy.”

It was a long and difficult road to reclaim his masculinity. David had a double mastectomy to remove his breasts grown by the estrogen. He took regular testosterone injections, and had multiple operations to create an artificial penis. David was relieved to hear the truth, but incredibly hurt and damaged by years of experimentation, and depression at the thought that he would never find a woman. He attempted suicide twice in his early 20s



to be continued...


The Aftermath

...David’s brother Brian, traumatized by this lie and the sick things he was forced to do to his twin brother, became extremely angry, began using drugs, developed schizophrenia, had two failed marriages and died of an overdose of antidepressants in 2002 at the age of 36.
David, around the age of 30, met Dr. Milton Diamond, a psychologist and critic of Money’s who*had followed the case closely in journals until Money mysteriously stopped publishing updates when Brenda became David. Dr. Diamond*revealed everything to David, including how Money used the supposed success of*David’s operation to legitimize widespread infant sex changes in cases of genital injury. David was horrified and outraged.
In 1997 Dr. Diamond wrote a paper shattering Money’s false story which received national attention, and David was interviewed for Rolling Stone, and the reporter later published*a biography of his life “As Nature Made Him.”
David found work as a janitor in a slaughterhouse,*married a woman at age 25 and became stepfather to her three children, but was chronically depressed, unemployed, angry, filled with thoughts of his brother’s death, and obsessed with his inability to be a real husband and father. Marital problems spiraled, his wife discussed separating, and two days later David took his shotgun, sawed off the barrel in the garage, drove to the parking lot of a nearby grocery store, and blew his brains out at age 38.

In 1979 the Hopkins clinic closed. It had focused mainly on transsexuals, and this was not the direction Johns Hopkins wanted to go. Dr. Money worked the rest of his career at John’s Hopkins, and died peacefully one day before his 85th birthday in 2006.
He continued to receive international awards for many years, most recently in 2003 when New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark opened a John Money Wing at an art gallery.

It is important to know the history behind feminism, gender, and sexual fluidity.

...The history of gender fluidity, third wave feminism, nurture overcoming nature sexually, and pedophilia can be traced back to a horrible story about two twin boys, both of whom died after leading miserable, short lives.
Not all the news is bad. Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins, and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, exclaimed earlier this year that “transgenderism is a mental disorder that merits treatment, and that sex change is biologically impossible.”
He referenced studies that the suicide rate among transgendered surgical patients is 20 times higher than normal people, as well as studies that of children who expressed transgendered feelings, 70% to 80%*spontaneously lost those feelings. We should echo and amplify such truths, and support brave men like Dr. McHugh who have the courage to speak up.
The next time you hear someone use the word gender, think of Dr. Money, who is directly responsible for its usage.* And think of David Reimer.


RIP David, poor, tortured soul


John Money: 'founder' of the modern day transgender movement who also happened to be a homosexual pedophile and murderer.


Much to the chagrin of the LGBTQ movement, a 5 year long criminal case against a Christian pastor who was charged with "crimes against humanity" for supporting traditional family values in a foreign country has been dropped.

More on that later.

And for those who believe that the current Trump administration is silent during "Pride Month", more on that as well.


With June being 'Pride Month', let's see what the rainbow flag waving Trump administration is doing to help promote sexual perversion and tyranny throughout the world:

State Dept. Allows Embassies, Consulates to Acknowledge Pride Month


State Department spokesperson on Friday said embassies and consulates have received guidance that allows them to recognize Pride month.
"Advancing the human rights of vulnerable groups including LGBTI persons is a core component of U.S. foreign policy," the spokesperson told the Washington Blade. "All people should be protected from discrimination and violence, and must be allowed to exercise their human rights, including their rights to the freedoms of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and religion or belief."
"LGBTI Pride celebrations are an expression of these rights," added the spokesperson. "As such, the department has issued guidance to embassies and consulates allowing them to, as appropriate to their local context, recognize LGBTI Pride Month."
The rainbow flag was raised over the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic on Friday...

The U.S. Embassies in Chile and Mexico in recent days have also publicly acknowledged Pride month.
The rainbow flag flew over the U.S. Embassy in Cuba on May 17 in commemoration of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

Read more: http://www.pridesource.com/article.html?article=81731

Do ask, do tell: Tel Aviv US Embassy hangs flags for Pride


The US Embassy went all out, draping its building with large-scale Pride flags along its external walls. The US's is the second embassy to gussy up for Pride, after the British Embassy hung a huge poster in anticipation for the month-long festivities.

Read more: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4972359,00.html


Donald Trump's US Embassy in Tel Aviv Israel, proudly mocking God.


Speaking of Donald Trump and his supporters:

I've extended an invitation to a journalist (who is really quite conservative, aside from his blind support of Donald Trump) who has his own website as well as writes articles for 'American Thinker'.
Let's see if Trevor takes me up on my offer to come to TOL and defend the things that Donald Trump stands for and has done as POTUS.



Coming up next: The gaystapo loses it's case against Christian pastor Scott Lively, and Lively goes on the offense!

Trevor Thomas

New member
I'm not a journalist. I'm a teacher, author ("The Miracle and Magnificence of America"), and an opinion columnist.

And I'm no Trump apologist. (See my columns during the GOP primary.) I just happen to think that he was a much better option than Hillary, and has done well so far at proving himself as such.


I'm not a journalist. I'm a teacher, author ("The Miracle and Magnificence of America"), and an opinion columnist.

You're a very busy man! Thanks for stopping by the WHMBR! Part 4 thread. I hope that we can eventually come to a mutual agreement on the best way to fight and win this on-going culture war (electing people into political office who are supposedly the lesser of two evils isn't the way to win the culture war).

And I'm no Trump apologist. (See my columns during the GOP primary.)
I just happen to think that he was a much better option than Hillary, and has done well so far at proving himself as such.

Yeah, when Donald Trump very early in his presidency said "Same sex marriage is settled", that was proof enough for me to know that he's part of the rainbow crowd (if someone can't get something as simple as marriage right, how can he be expected to get other things right?).

Thanks again for stopping by Trevor. I hope that you can find time in your busy schedule to post on occasion.


I hope that I haven't scared Trevor off after only one post, as there is so much more to reveal about Donald Trump.

While Trevor is a conservative (I've read many of his articles, and there is no disputing that), I can't help but feel that he, like the LGBTQ movement does with their icons, refuses to denounce Donald Trump and the GOP Establishment.

Hopefully Trevor will come back and tell us why we as a nation are so lucky to have the rainbow flag waving moral degenerate as POTUS.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not a journalist. I'm a teacher, author ("The Miracle and Magnificence of America"), and an opinion columnist.

And I'm no Trump apologist. (See my columns during the GOP primary.) I just happen to think that he was a much better option than Hillary, and has done well so far at proving himself as such.

worth letting you know trevor, about acw

... go right ahead, acw - do all you can to ensure that hillary wins the election ...



worth letting you know trevor, about acw

Is this one of your typical drive-by troll posts, or would you like to stick around and discuss your LGBTQ President and the fact that you backed him when you knew that he promoted homosexuality?

On that note: aCW does his best whiny impersonation of ok doser (aka, aka)

"Sherrrrrrrrman, make him quit lying about me!"


Don't cha just hate censorship?

An LGBT group says it was barred from a Pride parade because it supports Trump

June 8, 2017

An LGBT group says it was denied a float at a gay pride parade in Charlotte, North Carolina, because it supports Donald Trump.
Deplorable Pride's entry would have had all the hallmarks of a pride parade float: drag queens, patriotic colors and even Uncle Sam.
But it would also display something different -- Trump's campaign message, "Make America Great Again" -- and feature a dancer dressed as Melania Trump.

And that, says Deplorable Pride, is what organizers had a problem with.
"The LGBT community is known for including everyone," Derek Van Cleve, co-founder of the group, told CNN. "Pretty sad that the organizers for this parade have decided not to include both parties."
Three weeks after it sent in its application, the group received a rejection email regarding the August festival and parade, Van Cleve said.

Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/08/us/pride-float-trump-trnd/index.html

Drag queens and Uncle Sam: Only in the Trump administration ...



Staff member
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Don't cha just hate censorship?

An LGBT group says it was barred from a Pride parade because it supports Trump

Lol, the beautiful, tolerant people are being discriminated against because they support someone who is "tolerant." Oh the irony.


Lol, the beautiful, tolerant people are being discriminated against because they support someone who is "tolerant." Oh the irony.

Like Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump tolerates sexual perversion, yet the vast majority of LGBTQ movement still hates them both.

I suspect that hatred is because they both became President on the Republican ticket instead of the Democrat.


Have I mentioned that homosexuality is an extremely unhealthy behavior?

Officials Worry About Spread Of Meningitis On Pride*Weekend

June 9, 2017

As night falls on West Hollywood – the LA County Department of Public Health is shedding light on the unusual spread of meningitis among gay men.
Darren Bitonio says he recently got vaccinated for the rare disease that can cause brain damage or even death. And it can be spread by saliva.

Read more: http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2017...-about-spread-of-meningitis-on-pride-weekend/




Many of you following this 4 part thread will recall how the LGBTQ 'gaystapo' had brought a "Crimes Against Humanity" case against Pastor Scott Lively because of his work in educating Ugandans about homosexuality.

After 5 years, the case has been dismissed.

Judge Dismisses Bogus SMUG v Lively

“Crimes Against Humanity” Federal Lawsuit

Statement by Pastor Lively:
After five long years, the case of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) v Scott Lively has been dismissed. I thank God for His deliverance from this outrageous and malicious litigation, designed solely to silence my voice for Biblical truth on LGBT issues and to cause me pain and suffering for daring to speak against the “gay” agenda. I also thank Mat Staver and my Christian attorneys at Liberty Counsel, especially Harry Mihet and Roger Gannam, who took on and defeated SMUG’s team of 14 lawyers with exemplary skill and fortitude.
I thank Judge Michael Ponsor, as well, for overcoming his clear ideological bias enough to acknowledge the legal deficiency of SMUG’s case and bring it to a close – even though he had the option four years ago to dismiss this case following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that slammed the door shut on SMUG’S specious legal reasoning.
To be clear, the SMUG case was utterly fraudulent in law and in fact – from the premise that a handful of minor civil rights violations by government officials over a decade in Uganda constituted a “Crime Against Humanity” akin to Hitler’s atrocities, to the ridiculous claim that I masterminded the Ugandan officials actions, unsupported by even a shred of evidence. What I did was tell the documented truth about the history and tactics of the “gay” political movement, and urge a compassionate Biblical response, emphasizing rehabilitation and prevention for LGBT sufferers. That is all I have ever done in almost 30 years as a missionary to the global pro-family movement. No hatred. No advocacy of violence. No invasions of personal privacy. Just an insistence that homosexuality be denied normalization in the mainstream of society in favor of the natural family.
The enormity of Judge Ponsor’s decision to now grant my Motion for Summary Judgment is reflected in the excessive and inflammatory language he used to condemn my beliefs and writings in his ruling. I forgive him for that, especially since he knows it is merely conclusory rhetoric, without any supporting analysis or binding legal authority. There wasn’t any of the systematic prove-up of a serious District Court ruling. Instead he gave the left fodder for propaganda as a consolation prize – the sort of red-meat hyperbole one finds in a college newspaper editorial by a “gay” student activist — but he gave me the legal victory.
Indeed, given the expectation of his fellow travelers that he would put the “gay” agenda above the law, the vast amount of money and legal man-hours they invested to ensnare and harass me, and the extent to which they punish those whom they perceive as traitors to their cause, Judge Ponsor’s decision to finally release me from their trap may bear a personal cost at the hands of his LGBT “friends.” Granted, he could have avoided all the pain and pressure by simply recusing himself from the case at the outset by acknowledging that he has long been a vocal supporter of the “gay” cause, a past financial supporter of an organization that funds the plaintiff’s legal team, and that his former law clerk was a key part of that legal team. Still, what matters most is that he did the right thing in the end, and I am grateful.

Read more: http://www.scottlively.net/2017/06/06/smug-v-lively-dismissed/


These poor lost souls take their HATRED of God out on people like Scott Lively.

Coming up: Pastor Scott Lively goes on the offense!


Reviewing why the "Crimes Against Humanity" case was dismissed by LGBTQueer activist Judge Michael A. Ponser: It appears that the US didn't have any jurisdiction in the case (don't cha just hate those darn constitutional rights?)

Judge dismisses 'crimes against humanity' suit against anti-gay pro family Springfield pastor Scott Lively

June 6, 2017

SPRINGFIELD -- A federal lawsuit against anti-gay pro family Springfield pastor Scott Lively, charged him with "crimes against humanity" for his actions in Uganda in support of a controversial law criminalizing homosexuality in that country, has been dismissed.

U.S District Court Judge Michael A. Ponsor on Monday issued an order dismissing the case against Lively, ruling that the suit lacked the jurisdiction for it to proceed in a United States court...
Article continues:http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2017/06/judge_dismisses_crimes_against.html

As shown in Pastor Lively's article "Returning to the Lion’s Den' from June 8th, it appears that he and his legal team will be asking the First Circuit Court of Appeals to review the dismissal, as the ruling set a terrible precedent for Americans in foreign countries that are sharing the Biblical truth about homosexuality.

"We believe that action is necessary to purge the prejudicial ruling of Judge Ponsor’s false and subjective assertion that the incidents in Uganda on which the suit is based (incidents by parties unknown to me that the record shows I had no part in) constitute crimes against humanity, lowering the standard for asserting such claims almost to nothing. While within US jurisprudence his statements might hopefully be recognized as mere editorializing and not legally binding, the same is not necessarily true in foreign and international courts where the ostensibly true (but actually false) statement “The United Stated Federal Court has ruled…” would severely undermine all Christian and morally conservative defendants charged with committing or even “inspiring” the type of garden variety civil rights abuses Judge Ponsor has said are now crimes against humanity."
Read more: http://www.scottlively.net/2017/06/08/returning-to-the-lions-den/

As we've seen in earlier posts, pro LGBTQ President Donald Trump and his pro LGBTQ Secretary of State Rex Tillerson won't be any help to these brave souls who are sharing God's Word here and abroad.


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