Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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It's new age blasphemy. I overheard a few evanjellyfish at work the other day oohing and ahhing in awe, and nodding with sage reverence, while discussing this dung.

For those of you outside of TOL: There was a discussion in the chat box about forgiving those who don't repent. The book/movie "The Shack" was mentioned in the discussion.


Back in February of this year many Trump lemmings who pretend to be conservative were giving praise to their Degenerate in Chief because his administration rescinded federal guidelines on public school transgender bathroom use enacted by the Obama administration, calling it a 'states rights victory':

Trump administration revokes Obama-era transgender bathroom guidance for schools

Feb. 22, 2017

The Trump administration Wednesday revoked federal guidelines issued by former President Barack Obama that allowed public school students to use restrooms and other facilities corresponding to their gender identity.
A document submitted to the Supreme Court by the Solicitor General's office said that the Obama-era directive issued this past May did not "undergo any formal public process" or explain how the directive was "consistent with the express language of Title IX," the federal law outlawing sex discrimination in education and activities.*
"This is an issue best solved at the state and local level," Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said. "Schools, communities, and families can find -- and in many cases have found -- solutions that protect all students."


The article goes on to say that the federal government will still be involved in "protections for all students, including LGBTQ students, from discrimination, bullying, and harassment.” (so much for states rights).

When it comes to transgenderism (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym), it appears that the Trump administration considers not using the desired pronoun as harassment.

Trump Administration to Teachers: You Must Use a Transgender Student’s “Preferred Pronouns”

July 1, 2017

The Story
: The Trump administration recently issued a letter stating that teachers and students could be investigated for a civil rights violation if they refuse to use the “preferred pronouns” of transgender students.

The Background: In February the Department of Justice and the Department of Education*issued a notice*withdrawing the statements of policy and guidance issued last year by the Obama administration that affected public schools.
In May 2016, the Obama administration*sent a letter to all public schools*in America notifying teachers and administrators of a new regulation for treating “gender identity.” The letter stated that, to comply with federal law, policies concerning students would be based on their “gender identity” and not on their biological sex.
The Trump administration disagreed that “sex” and “gender identity” should be interpreted as synonymous, and believed that the issue should be handled by states and local school districts.
At the time, many parents and educators cheered the changed and assumed the Trump administration had resolved the controversy. But earlier this month the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) issued a new memo on “Instructions to the Field re Complaints Involving Transgender Students.”
The new memo clarifies that the withdrawal of the Obama Administration guidance documents “does not leave students without protections from discrimination, bullying or harassment.” It also clarifies, as Howard Feinman says, when the OCR “may open an investigation in various situations, including cases in which gender-based harassment has created a hostile environment for a transgender student.”
Unfortunately, included under “gender-based harassment” is a refusal to use “preferred pronouns.” As the memo states, a harassment investigation may be opened for “refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred name or pronouns when the school uses preferred names for gender-conforming students or when the refusal is motivated by animus toward people who do not conform to sex stereotypes of a transgender student created a hostile environment.”
What this means is that students and teachers who refuse to use “preferred pronouns” can be investigated for violating a transgender students civil rights. For example, if a transgender girl (i.e., a boy who identifies as female) wants to be referred to as “she” the student would be in violating of a federal law for referring to him as “he.” Similarly, a student who was non-gender conforming may prefer to use pronouns such as “ze” or “they” and it would be considered a violation to refer to them as “he” (if they are biological male) or “she” (if they are a biological female). *(There are also other transgender pronouns such as zie, sie, ey, ve, tey, and e.)

Why It Matters: This memo will only come as a shock to those who haven’t been paying attention. Despite the claims of the LGBT community, the Trump administration has in general been sympathetic to their cause. While some of President Obama’s LGBT policies have been rolled back, many of the worst ones still remain.
Read more: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/trump-teachers-transgender-students-pronouns

I just love exposing frauds; thanks for helping exposing Trump as one Joe Carter.




Well-known member
Trump may well be everything you say he is.

However, even if he is everything you say . . . you are on record as wanting Clinton to win so your credibility when complaining about Trump does not exist. You are just another TOL leftist who wanted a truly and demonstrably evil degenerate, with a decades long career of wickedness, to be POTUS.


Trump may well be everything you say he is.

When you use the word "may", you leave room for doubt.

used to indicate possibility or probability

The information that I've posted about Donald Trump and his close ties to the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement is factual.

That being said: As an avid Trump supporter, yet someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, explain how you can support Donald Trump, who as shown throughout Part 4 of this thread is a LGBTQ activist, and still embrace God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture.

However, even if he is everything you say . . . you are on record as wanting Clinton to win so your credibility when complaining about Trump does not exist. You are just another TOL leftist who wanted a truly and demonstrably evil degenerate, with a decades long career of wickedness, to be POTUS.

That lie has been circulating around TOL by Trump lemmings for sometime now, in fact one of your many alter egos posted it somewhat recently:

Quote: Originally posted by ok doser

worth letting you know trevor, about acw

Originally Posted by ok doser
... go right ahead, acw - do all you can to ensure that hillary wins the election ...

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I am.


And now for the rest of the story:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I am. I don't want a liberal to represent a conservative Party.

Since I missed it in your 4 or 5 previous anal retentive posts, tell me again why you're voting for a candidate that just loves Planned Parenthood.

I do so look forward to your response.


Well-known member
When you use the word "may", you leave room for doubt.

used to indicate possibility or probability

The information that I've posted about Donald Trump and his close ties to the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement is factual.

That being said: As an avid Trump supporter, yet someone who claims to be a follower of Christ, explain how you can support Donald Trump, who as shown throughout Part 4 of this thread is a LGBTQ activist, and still embrace God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture.

That lie has been circulating around TOL by Trump lemmings for sometime now, in fact one of your many alter egos posted it somewhat recently:

Quote: Originally posted by ok doser

worth letting you know trevor, about acw

Originally Posted by ok doser
... go right ahead, acw - do all you can to ensure that hillary wins the election ...

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I am.


And now for the rest of the story:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I am. I don't want a liberal to represent a conservative Party.

Since I missed it in your 4 or 5 previous anal retentive posts, tell me again why you're voting for a candidate that just loves Planned Parenthood.

I do so look forward to your response.

Thank you for confirming that you voted for Clinton.


Thank you for confirming that you voted for Clinton.

I see that all of my questions from my previous post went unanswered.

Regarding me "voting for Clinton": I made it well known that I was going to vote for and did vote for the Constitution Party candidate and strongly encouraged those wo believe in God and decency to do so as well.

On that note: Thanks for trolling by.


Well-known member
I see that all of my questions from my previous post went unanswered.

Regarding me "voting for Clinton": I made it well known that I was going to vote for and did vote for the Constitution Party candidate and strongly encouraged those wo believe in God and decency to do so as well.

That amounted to a vote for Clinton. You would have no credibility if you told us you stayed home and hadn't voted, but at least you wouldn't be a hypocrite.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that all of my questions from my previous post went unanswered.

Regarding me "voting for Clinton": I made it well known that I was going to vote for and did vote for the Constitution Party candidate and strongly encouraged those wo believe in God and decency to do so as well.

That amounted to a vote for Clinton. You would have no credibility if you told us you stayed home and hadn't voted, but at least you wouldn't be a hypocrite.

Spin it anyway you want my Libertarian foe, but it literally was a vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party.

If people who identify as followers of Christ (according to a 2012 Gallup poll 77% of adult Americans call themselves Christian: http://www.gallup.com/poll/159548/identify-christian.aspx) had nominated the true conservative candidate (Ted Cruz) and voted for him in the general election, then I wouldn't be currently exposing LGBTQ ally Donald Trump.

How come you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump even though he goes against God's Word on something as basic as human sexuality?

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that all of my questions from my previous post went unanswered.

Regarding me "voting for Clinton": I made it well known that I was going to vote for and did vote for the Constitution Party candidate and strongly encouraged those wo believe in God and decency to do so as well.

Spin it anyway you want my Libertarian foe, but it literally was a vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party.

If people who identify as followers of Christ (according to a 2012 Gallup poll 77% of adult Americans call themselves Christian: http://www.gallup.com/poll/159548/identify-christian.aspx) had nominated the true conservative candidate (Ted Cruz) and voted for him in the general election, then I wouldn't be currently exposing LGBTQ ally Donald Trump.

How come you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump even though he goes against God's Word on something as basic as human sexuality?
Trump is a man pleaser - he goes with the majority most of the time :idunno:


Well-known member
Darrell Castle, right?

When it comes to prostitution, gambling, smoking, polygamous relationships, or any other activities made by consenting adults, Castle says he sees no role for the federal government to get involved.[15] He wants decriminalization of cannabis use, however opposes full legalization.


How come you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump even though he goes against God's Word on something as basic as human sexuality?

While being completely opposed to it morally, Castle explicitly indicated that same-sex marriage is among the consensual activities in which he believes the government should not be involved.


Well then, so much for it being recriminalized, huh.

Darrell Castle: Hillary Clinton is far worse than Donald Trump.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Spin it anyway you want my Libertarian foe, but it literally was a vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party.

If people who identify as followers of Christ (according to a 2012 Gallup poll 77% of adult Americans call themselves Christian: http://www.gallup.com/poll/159548/id...christian.aspx) had nominated the true conservative candidate (Ted Cruz) and voted for him in the general election, then I wouldn't be currently exposing LGBTQ ally Donald Trump.

How come you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump even though he goes against God's Word on something as basic as human sexuality?

Darrell Castle, right?



Well then, so much for it being recriminalized, huh.


I read and reread your post several times and failed to see an answer as to why you voted for someone who proudly goes against God's Word on human sexuality (one of many things that Trump mocks God on).

Again: My first pick was constitutional conservative Ted Cruz. When the Republicrat Party nominated secular humanist Donald Trump (thanks to many democrats and Libertarians who crossed Party lines to do so), I abandoned the God-mocking Republican Party.

That being said: I like the platform of the Constitution Party and voted for it's candidate.

The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.
This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on a foundation of Christian principles and values. For this very reason peoples of all faiths have been and are afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.
The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations and to limit the federal government to its Constitutional boundaries.
The Constitution of the United States provides that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” The Constitution Party supports the original intent of this language. Therefore, the Constitution Party calls on all those who love liberty and value their inherent rights to join with us in the pursuit of these goals and in the restoration of these founding principles.
The U.S. Constitution established a Republic rooted in Biblical law, administered by representatives who are constitutionally elected by the citizens. In such a Republic all Life, Liberty and Property are protected because law rules:
Read more: http://constitutionparty.org/party_platform.php

Regarding Constitution Party Presidential candidate Darrell Castle: based on this website I see nothing unbiblical about where Castle stood on the issues.

Once again musterion: Why did you vote for and continue to support an LGBTQ activist like Donald Trump?
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Well-known member
Your man Castle, "God's righteous man," is for leaving sodomite marriage right where it is.

That won't square with your crusade to see homosexuality recriminalized.

Sorry to be the one to point out the gigantic inconsistency in your act. Someone should have scripted you better.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Once again musterion: Why did you vote for and continue to support an LGBTQ activist like Donald Trump?

Your man Castle, "God's righteous man," is for leaving sodomite marriage right where it is.

That won't square with your crusade to see homosexuality recriminalized.

Sorry to be the one to point out the gigantic inconsistency in your act. Someone should have scripted you better.

I somehow getz the feelun that you don't want to talk about why you voted for and continue to support LGBTQueer activist and Degenerate in Chief Donald Trump.

The thing that I've always admired about you Aaron, is that you know your limitations when it comes to debate.

Moving on...


Well-known member
The Constitution Party candidate's position on sodomy, sorcery, etc, looks very similar if not identical to Trump's. If such makes Trump evil, then...to be consistent...


Well-known member
Why are you being inconsistent?

You think homosexuality must be recriminalized. You are entitled to that opinion.

Your Constitution Party candidate didn't and doesn't agree with you. He's of the libertarian-ish "it's between two consenting adults" position, which you say is evil.

Stop being evasive: if Trump's refusal to recriminalize homosexuality is one of the things that makes him immoral (and you're entitled to say that), then on that same point you MUST count Castle as just as immoral as Trump.

And you voted for him.

You can't have this both ways, but then I think you're inconsistent because you actually believing nothing you say. You're a moby.
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Why are you being inconsistent?

You think homosexuality MUST be recriminalized. You are entitled to that opinion.

Fixed that for ya (oh and thanks for allowing me to have that opinion).

Please explain why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (try not to use the term "consenting adults" more than 14 times in one sentence please).

...Stop being evasive: if Trump's refusal to recriminalize homosexuality is one of the things that makes him immoral (and you're entitledt o say that)...

Pay attention, your beloved Trump is an LGBTQ ally, i.e. he promotes the LGBTQ agenda.
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