Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Are you ok Art? I mean you took a pass on showing your HATRED of God and people who believe in His Word, and then chose not to talk about the best thing to happen to the LGBTQueer movement since the AIDS cocktail (shaken not stirred), LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activist Rex Tillerson.

I guess I should add your latest obsession to the long list of them (my former pastor Ken Hutcherson being a LGBTQ activist, Phil Robertson being for child molestation, etc. etc.).

Regarding what I voted for in the last Presidential election:

No civil government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations, as affirmed by the 10th amendment, delegating to the people, - as our Founders understood the family – as necessary to the general welfare.

We affirm the importance of Biblical scripture in the founders’ intent as eloquently stated by Noah Webster:

“The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitution and laws… All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts in the Bible.”

The law of our Creator defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The marriage covenant is the foundation of the family and the family is fundamental in the maintenance of a stable, healthy
and prosperous social order. No government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations contrary to what God has instituted. We are opposed to any judicial ruling or amending the U.S. Constitution or any state constitution re-defining marriage with any definition other than the Biblical standard.

We call for an end to all taxation and economic formulas that discourage marriage, incentivize cohabitation and child bearing outside of marriage or authorize or provide government funding for policies and programs that further erode the jurisdiction of the family or parental rights.

We reject the notion that homosexuals, transgenders or those who are sexually deviant are deserving of legal favor or special protection, and affirm the rights of states and localities to proscribe offensive sexual behavior. We oppose all efforts to impose a new sexual legal order through any courts or legislatures. We stand against so-called "sexual orientation" and "hate crime" statutes that attempt to legitimize inappropriate sexual behavior or stifle public opposition to its expression. We oppose government funding of "partner" benefits for unmarried individuals. Finally, we oppose any legal recognition of We recognize that parents have the fundamental right and responsibility to nurture, educate, and discipline their children. We oppose the assumption of any of these responsibilities by any governmental agency without the express delegation of the parents or legal due process. We affirm the value of the father and the mother in the home and we oppose efforts to legalize adoption of children by homosexual singles or couples. homosexual or civil unions.


Needless to say, the Constitution Party aint your cup of tea Art.

Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, I'm just not falling for your deflective little rabbit trails aCW. :) Your candidate doesn't support the re-criminalization of homosexuality, in fact he doesn't seem to think the state should interfere in such at all:

"While being completely opposed to it morally, Castle explicitly indicated that same-sex marriage is among the consensual activities in which he believes the government should not be involved."

So why did you support - by your own definition - a LGBTQ activist?


From the 2017 Constitution Party Platform:

"The law of our Creator defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The marriage covenant is the foundation of the family and the family is fundamental in the maintenance of a stable, healthy and prosperous social order. No government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations contrary to what God has instituted. We are opposed to any judicial ruling or amending the U.S. Constitution or any state constitution re-defining marriage with any definition other than the Biblical standard.

We call for an end to all taxation and economic formulas that discourage marriage, incentivize cohabitation and child bearing outside of marriage or authorize or provide government funding for policies and programs that further erode the jurisdiction of the family or parental rights."

Needless to say, the Constitution Party aint your cup of tea Art.

Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, I'm just not falling for your deflective little rabbit trails aCW...

Face the facts Art: Donald Trump and his supporters are your LGBTQueer movement's allies. It may be a hard pill for the LGBTQueer movement to swallow (although I've documented in this thread that many politically powerful homosexuals had promoted Trump's Presidency and are a part of his administration) as it's a hard pill for those who profess to be followers of Christ yet continue to support Trump to swallow (yes T. G. Thomas, I'm talking to you).

I would ask you to invite the very long list of your TOL LGBTQ/Trump supporting allies to come into this thread and explain why they're continuing to support Trump, knowing that he is a strong supporter of your LGBTQ movement, but then why would you want to ruin a good thing by exposing all of those frauds who profess to be followers of Christ but in reality are your much needed allies?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
From the 2017 Constitution Party Platform:

"The law of our Creator defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman. The marriage covenant is the foundation of the family and the family is fundamental in the maintenance of a stable, healthy and prosperous social order. No government may legitimately authorize or define marriage or family relations contrary to what God has instituted. We are opposed to any judicial ruling or amending the U.S. Constitution or any state constitution re-defining marriage with any definition other than the Biblical standard.

We call for an end to all taxation and economic formulas that discourage marriage, incentivize cohabitation and child bearing outside of marriage or authorize or provide government funding for policies and programs that further erode the jurisdiction of the family or parental rights."

Needless to say, the Constitution Party aint your cup of tea Art.

Thanks for stopping by.

Face the facts Art: Donald Trump and his supporters are your LGBTQueer movement's allies. It may be a hard pill for the LGBTQueer movement to swallow (although I've documented in this thread that many politically powerful homosexuals had promoted Trump's Presidency and are a part of his administration) as it's a hard pill for those who profess to be followers of Christ yet continue to support Trump to swallow (yes T. G. Thomas, I'm talking to you).

I would ask you to invite the very long list of your TOL LGBTQ/Trump supporting allies to come into this thread and explain why they're continuing to support Trump, knowing that he is a strong supporter of your LGBTQ movement, but then why would you want to ruin a good thing by exposing all of those frauds who profess to be followers of Christ but in reality are your much needed allies?

Hmm, all this waffle and still no answer as to why you supported a LGBTQ activist as a political candidate. If it's 'my movement' then it's yours as well, by your own "standards".

You rainbow warrior you!


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I would ask you to invite the very long list of your TOL LGBTQ/Trump supporting allies to come into this thread and explain why they're continuing to support Trump, knowing that he is a strong supporter of your LGBTQ movement, but then why would you want to ruin a good thing by exposing all of those frauds who profess to be followers of Christ but in reality are your much needed allies?

Hmm, all this waffle and still no answer as to why you supported a LGBTQ activist as a political candidate. If it's 'my movement' then it's yours as well, by your own "standards".

You rainbow warrior you!

Note how none of your LGBTQ Trump allies have any desire to come into the thread to give reasons why Trump and the LGBTQ movement shouldn't be seen as political allies (ya gotta hand it to Trump lemmings, they know their limitations).

On that note: I won't keep you any longer Art, as I'm sure that there is an 8 year old child somewhere out there that needs your mentoring, i.e. deprogramming from "fundy garbage".


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I would ask you to invite the very long list of your TOL LGBTQ/Trump supporting allies to come into this thread and explain why they're continuing to support Trump, knowing that he is a strong supporter of your LGBTQ movement, but then why would you want to ruin a good thing by exposing all of those frauds who profess to be followers of Christ but in reality are your much needed allies?

Note how none of your LGBTQ Trump allies have any desire to come into the thread to give reasons why Trump and the LGBTQ movement shouldn't be seen as political allies (ya gotta hand it to Trump lemmings, they know their limitations).

On that note: I won't keep you any longer Art, as I'm sure that there is an 8 year old child somewhere out there that needs your mentoring, i.e. deprogramming from "fundy garbage".


Hmm, yet more pompous waffle, deflection and still no answer.

aCW votes for a 'LGBTQ activist' and hopes it'll slip under the gaydar, sorry, radar...

You're really quite funny when you squirm about like this dude. I already know you can't answer but keep it up. Always amusing to see blowhards tripping themselves up.



One almost has to feel sorry for these LGBTQ'ers, as they'll do anything so that they won't have to talk about homosexuality and the child indoctrinating/molesting LGBTQ agenda, i.e. anything but talk about their physical, psychological and spiritual destruction. One must not forget the living hell that many of these sexual deviants went through as children (sexual molestation or/and psychological abuse), as well as the frustration that they must be going through being stricken with a deadly disease that there is no cure for, nor ever will be. While what they stand for is pure evil and they must be stopped dead in their tracks, remember that they're all salvageable, like the Apostle Paul who murdered Christians was salvageable. Prayer alone won't help these child molesting degenerates, prayer along with righteous laws and cultural mores once again need to be put in place so that homosexuals will be free from their deadly sin and our once great nation will be free of the sexual anarchy that goes with the LGBTQueer agenda.




My work here is done.

Actually it's not. Back in January of this year I shared some words that you wrote in another thread.

Sometime back I confessed here to having been very briefly tempted in college, before I was a Christian, to allow a homosexual to perform oral sex on me as he'd offered. I declined and it never happened, and since being saved I am viscerally repulsed at the idea.

That's an interesting story about how in your younger days you had homosexual desires. I'm sure that it would be helpful to many people following this thread if you would discuss what you believe brought on your filthy unnatural same sex desires and what you did (if anything) to overcome them.

Please share, as your words are the equivalent to gold here on TOL.


(It's a good thing that he declined).

Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria

July 7, 2017

Oral sex is producing dangerous gonorrhoea and a decline in condom use is helping it to spread, the World Health Organization has said.
It warns that if someone contracts gonorrhoea, it is now much harder to treat, and in some cases impossible.
The sexually transmitted infection is rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics.
Experts said the situation was "fairly grim" with few new drugs on the horizon.
About 78 million people pick up the STI each year and it can cause infertility.
The World Health Organization analysed data from 77 countries which showed gonorrhoea's resistance to antibiotics was widespread.
Dr Teodora Wi, from the WHO, said there had even been three cases - in Japan, France and Spain - where the infection was completely untreatable.
She said: "Gonorrhoea is a very smart bug, every time you introduce a new class of antibiotics to treat gonorrhoea, the bug becomes resistant."
Worryingly, the vast majority of gonorrhoea infections are in poor countries where resistance is harder to detect.
"These cases may just be the tip of the iceberg," she added.
Throat infection
Gonorrhoea can infect the genitals, rectum and throat, but it is the last that is most concerning health officials.
Dr Wi said antibiotics could lead to bacteria in the back of the throat, including relatives of gonorrhoea, developing resistance.
She said: "When you use antibiotics to treat infections like a normal sore throat, this mixes with the Neisseria species in your throat and this results in resistance."
Thrusting gonorrhoea bacteria into this environment through oral sex can lead to super-gonorrhoea.
"In the US, resistance [to an antibiotic] came from men having sex with men because of pharyngeal infection," she added.
A decline in condom use, which had soared because of fears of HIV/Aids, is thought to help the infection spread.

Read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-40520125



With all of these diseases to worry about (let's not forget HIV/AIDS and others), homosexuality isn't such a 'gay' behavior/lifestyle after all.


aCW is still calling everybody Aaron !! :rotfl:

I didn't mean to ignore ya little fella, but sometimes I put troll posts at the back of the line (I might even get around to answering drbrumley's profound posts).

Did you know that my 4 favorite posters on TOL who just happen to be contributors to this thread (musterion, ok doser, you and WizardofOz) are all of American Indian descent? What a co-in-cid-ence that 4 of TOL's devout Trump lemmings (who happen to be Libertarian as well) are of the same ethnicity!

Amazing, absolutely amazing.


Well-known member
Did you know that my 4 favorite posters on TOL who just happen to be contributors to this thread (musterion, ok doser, you and WizardofOz) are all of American Indian descent? What a co-in-cid-ence that 4 of TOL's devout Trump lemmings (who happen to be Libertarian as well) are of the same ethnicity!

Amazing, absolutely amazing.

:rotfl: So, what does that make you, of Russian decent? I mean they used to bust down doors wanting to know if your a flamer...like you. What a co-in-cid-ence

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One almost has to feel sorry for these LGBTQ'ers, as they'll do anything so that they won't have to talk about homosexuality and the child indoctrinating/molesting LGBTQ agenda, i.e. anything but talk about their physical, psychological and spiritual destruction. One must not forget the living hell that many of these sexual deviants went through as children (sexual molestation or/and psychological abuse), as well as the frustration that they must be going through being stricken with a deadly disease that there is no cure for, nor ever will be. While what they stand for is pure evil and they must be stopped dead in their tracks, remember that they're all salvageable, like the Apostle Paul who murdered Christians was salvageable. Prayer alone won't help these child molesting degenerates, prayer along with righteous laws and cultural mores once again need to be put in place so that homosexuals will be free from their deadly sin and our once great nation will be free of the sexual anarchy that goes with the LGBTQueer agenda.



Yet more bloated waffle and still no answer, you're like a politician in the headlights. Kinda funny to watch but pompous blowhards do tend to have that entertainment value. :D

Meanwhile, you support a LGBTQ activist.


Oh look, another one of TOL's Libertarians comes to the recue of his brethren...

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Did you know that my 4 favorite posters on TOL who just happen to be contributors to this thread (musterion, ok doser, you [patrick jane] and WizardofOz) are all of American Indian descent? What a co-in-cid-ence that 4 of TOL's devout Trump lemmings (who happen to be Libertarian as well) are of the same ethnicity!

Amazing, absolutely amazing.

:rotfl: So, what does that make you, of Russian decent? I mean they used to bust down doors wanting to know if your a flamer...like you. What a co-in-cid-ence

With the above 4 having so much in common, I'd accuse 3 of them of being a sock puppet of the 4th, but it's probably just my imagination, runnin away with me.

Now to your earlier post:

The Bible say: “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Yet to AcW, homosexuality, as perverse as it is, is the one sin that needs to be recriminalized...

View Poll Results: Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?


7cworldwide, AD&D, Adam, Aimiel, amosman, ApologeticJedi, Army of One, AROTO, asstpastor, Christine, Clete, CRASH, Crow, cruxenlightened, dataanapar, DavesWorldView, ddevonb, Delmar, DocHoliday, docrob57, dorothy.neville, drbrumley

So should these homosexuals that you want to put to death (under your Jewish theocratic form of government) be arrested and get a trial before you stone them to death or is it a mob mentality sort of thing?

patrick jane

(It's a good thing that he declined).

Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria

July 7, 2017

Oral sex is producing dangerous gonorrhoea and a decline in condom use is helping it to spread, the World Health Organization has said.
It warns that if someone contracts gonorrhoea, it is now much harder to treat, and in some cases impossible.
The sexually transmitted infection is rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics.
Experts said the situation was "fairly grim" with few new drugs on the horizon.
About 78 million people pick up the STI each year and it can cause infertility.
The World Health Organization analysed data from 77 countries which showed gonorrhoea's resistance to antibiotics was widespread.
Dr Teodora Wi, from the WHO, said there had even been three cases - in Japan, France and Spain - where the infection was completely untreatable.
She said: "Gonorrhoea is a very smart bug, every time you introduce a new class of antibiotics to treat gonorrhoea, the bug becomes resistant."
Worryingly, the vast majority of gonorrhoea infections are in poor countries where resistance is harder to detect.
"These cases may just be the tip of the iceberg," she added.
Throat infection
Gonorrhoea can infect the genitals, rectum and throat, but it is the last that is most concerning health officials.
Dr Wi said antibiotics could lead to bacteria in the back of the throat, including relatives of gonorrhoea, developing resistance.
She said: "When you use antibiotics to treat infections like a normal sore throat, this mixes with the Neisseria species in your throat and this results in resistance."
Thrusting gonorrhoea bacteria into this environment through oral sex can lead to super-gonorrhoea.
"In the US, resistance [to an antibiotic] came from men having sex with men because of pharyngeal infection," she added.
A decline in condom use, which had soared because of fears of HIV/Aids, is thought to help the infection spread.

Read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-40520125



With all of these diseases to worry about (let's not forget HIV/AIDS and others), homosexuality isn't such a 'gay' behavior/lifestyle after all.
I always order the gonorrhoea alfredo at the Olive Garden !!!

patrick jane

I didn't mean to ignore ya little fella, but sometimes I put troll posts at the back of the line (I might even get around to answering drbrumley's profound posts).

Did you know that my 4 favorite posters on TOL who just happen to be contributors to this thread (musterion, ok doser, you and WizardofOz) are all of American Indian descent? What a co-in-cid-ence that 4 of TOL's devout Trump lemmings (who happen to be Libertarian as well) are of the same ethnicity!

Amazing, absolutely amazing.
How would you know my blood line?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria...

(and now for a little culture of death humor) :

I always order the gonorrhoea alfredo at the Olive Garden !!!

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
With the above 4 having so much in common, I'd accuse 3 of them of being a sock puppet of the 4th, but it's probably just my imagination, runnin away with me.

How would you know my blood line?

I was hoping that you and your...ahem...friends would get to "know" God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture.


Clinging dearly to his latest obsession, Art Brain writes:

Yet more bloated waffle and still no answer, you're like a politician in the headlights. Kinda funny to watch but pompous blowhards do tend to have that entertainment value. :D

Meanwhile, you support a LGBTQ activist.

Which means by association that I'm an LGBTQ activist (busted).

Now that we're allies Art, I guess I'll need you to show me the LGBTQ ropes: Indoctrinating children to the ways of perversion, committing lewd acts in public (i.e. 'gay' pride parades), drilling peep holes in toilet stalls, etc. etc. etc.

I'm sure you'll make a fine LGBTQ mentor.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Clinging dearly to his latest obsession, Art Brain writes:

Which means by association that I'm an LGBTQ activist (busted).

Now that we're allies Art, I guess I'll need you to show me the LGBTQ ropes: Indoctrinating children to the ways of perversion, committing lewd acts in public (i.e. 'gay' pride parades), drilling peep holes in toilet stalls, etc. etc. etc.

I'm sure you'll make a fine LGBTQ mentor.

Well, you are busted, sure. You ain't even criticizing the guy who doesn't support your zany measures but as a guide to how to avoid such embarrassment:

Step one:

Prevaricate, stall and deflect when confronted with an unassailable point that can't be rebutted, especially when it's of such massive hypocrisy on your own behalf.

Step two:

Pompously and self righteously blabber on and use swathes of cut and paste articles to swamp the page and futilely hope such transparency goes unnoticed.

Step 3:

Repeat steps one and two...

Oh, hang on, you seem to be managing this all by yourself!

Do carry on...

(These steps only work with readers possessing the IQ of a guava half)



Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
Clinging dearly to his latest obsession, Art Brain writes: ...

Now that we're allies Art, I guess I'll need you to show me the LGBTQ ropes: Indoctrinating children to the ways of perversion, committing lewd acts in public (i.e. 'gay' pride parades), drilling peep holes in toilet stalls, etc. etc. etc.

I'm sure you'll make a fine LGBTQ mentor.

Do carry on...

Since we're now LGBTQ allies Art and it sounds like you've agreed to show me the LGBTQ 'culture', I suppose we should start off by visiting some of the places that are synonymous with homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement :

HIV/AIDS clinics
Elementary school playgrounds

Decisions, decisions; which LGBTQ hot spot should we visit first?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
Clinging dearly to his latest obsession, Art Brain writes: ...

Now that we're allies Art, I guess I'll need you to show me the LGBTQ ropes: Indoctrinating children to the ways of perversion, committing lewd acts in public (i.e. 'gay' pride parades), drilling peep holes in toilet stalls, etc. etc. etc.

I'm sure you'll make a fine LGBTQ mentor.

Since we're now LGBTQ allies Art and it sounds like you've agreed to show me the LGBTQ 'culture', I suppose we should start off by visiting some of the places that are synonymous with homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement :

HIV/AIDS clinics
Elementary school playgrounds

Decisions, decisions; which LGBTQ hot spot should we visit first?

How about a circus? You'd fit right in with the clowns and you're about as funny...
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