Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Suffer the children
Some say the growing rush to label children ‘transgender’ promotes physician-approved child abuse. But speaking out against the practice provokes ire. Who will defend the vulnerable?

April 15, 2017

When Cari Stella recounts her transgender experience in a series of YouTube videos, she doesn’t shed tears, but she does talk about pain.
As a teenage girl, Stella felt a strong desire to live as a man. A therapist obliged. After three or four visits over a three-month period, and without suggesting other options, the therapist prescribed testosterone. Stella was 17. A few years later, she underwent a double mastectomy.
Stella says her family was supportive, and her workplace included transgender leadership. Her transition seemed like a success. Except it wasn’t.
Soon, Stella says, she felt worse, not better. It took a while, but she says testosterone “made me even more dissociated” than she felt when she started: It was “hard to figure out that the treatment you’re being told is to help you is actually making your mental health worse.”
After three years of hormones, Stella stopped taking testosterone and detransitioned to living as a woman. She’s still grappling with the effects of her ordeal: “I’m a real, live 22-year-old woman with a scarred chest and a broken voice and 5 o’clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman.”

Read more: https://world.wng.org/2017/03/suffer_the_children


Cari Stella

Gender confused teen Joshua Alcorn (the child indoctrinators called him "Leelah") had so much to look forward to:

Genital mutilation, cancer, depression...
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Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

Perhaps its "aCultureWarrior" who is the one that should be criminalized for spreading "hate!"

I certainly hope that you didn't think that I was ignoring this ever so brilliant and well thought out post from several pages back jgarden; did you write it all on your own or seek the assistance of Seattle Mayor Ed Murray's speechwriter?

Since you're not one of the many trolls that pass through this thread with one liners and then disappear, let's talk about my latest post about Cari Stella, who was a gender confused teen:

When Cari Stella recounts her transgender experience in a series of YouTube videos, she doesn’t shed tears, but she does talk about pain.
As a teenage girl, Stella felt a strong desire to live as a man. A therapist obliged. After three or four visits over a three-month period, and without suggesting other options, the therapist prescribed testosterone. Stella was 17. A few years later, she underwent a double mastectomy.
Stella says her family was supportive, and her workplace included transgender leadership. Her transition seemed like a success. Except it wasn’t.
Soon, Stella says, she felt worse, not better. It took a while, but she says testosterone “made me even more dissociated” than she felt when she started: It was “hard to figure out that the treatment you’re being told is to help you is actually making your mental health worse.”
After three years of hormones, Stella stopped taking testosterone and detransitioned to living as a woman. She’s still grappling with the effects of her ordeal: “I’m a real, live 22-year-old woman with a scarred chest and a broken voice and 5 o’clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman.”


Is it "hate" to tell a gender confused teen that having a double mastectomy because she at one time identified as a male is something that she shouldn't do and that cutting off her breasts is a mutilation that is with her for life?

Is it "hate" for me wanting it to be legal for Cari to seek legitimate therapy for her gender confusion, so that instead of taking testosterone shots that gave her a broken voice and a 5 o'clock shadow she would come to grips with her gender confusion and through spirituality and psychiatric care work her way out of that confusion?

There are victims to the insanity that you push onto society jgarden, take a look at one of the many that you and your LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement is responsible for:





In these 20 pages you'll see Donald Trump's liberal/pro LGBTQ/abortion past, which explains his current liberal/pro LGBTQ/abortion stance.

For those that believe that Jesus turned the other cheek on all matters, the "WWJD? question of the day" is something that you should ponder.

For you movie buffs, there's the WHMBR! Part 4's Academy Awards of Short Documentaries.

Unfortunately, one can't go 20 pages without showing pedophilia/pederasty ties to homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement (pick up your delousing powder at the concession stand in the lobby).

Be sure to check out the "Top 5 Posts of the Year", as this year's 'winner' is someone that you all know.

Table of contents: Pages 101-120

More on the Donald Trump Files (Liberal things that Donald Trump believes); page 102, post #1518

Donald Trump and Vera Coking (the famous eminent domain casino parking lot case); page 102, post #1525

And now the WWJD? question of the day; page 103, post #1540

The Trump Tapes Volume 1; page 104, post #1551

UK homosexual/actor Ian McKellan : Paedophile vetting laws will stop theatres using child actors; page105, post #1570

Homosexual Couple Face Trial for Raping At Least 5 of Their 9 Adopted Sons; page 107, post #1594

Top 5 Posts of the Year (2015); page 107, post #'s 1596 & 1600

Trump Called For Adding Homosexuality to the 1964 Civil Rights Act – in 2000 Interview with ‘Gay’ Magazine The Advocate; page 108, post #1617

Trump on Drugs: The Donald adopts another dumb Democrat health care position; page 110, post #1650

No More Deals: Trump the deal maker (3 minute video); page 111, post #1651

Conservatism in 90 seconds by Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse (video); page 111, post #1658

LGBTQ ally Art Brain says that Jesus Christ didn't talk about homosexuality in the New Testament; aCW refutes that allegation (link to article); page 115, post #1711

What Trump Just Said About The LGBT Community Will Make Conservatives Go Crazy; page 115, post #1720

The 3 Tenets of Atheism (a pictorial); page 115, post #1721

High-profile gay activist minister (of the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto) charged with sexually abusing boy in 1970s; page 115, post #1722

Former Homosexual Darren Foster – Coming Out of Sodom, Part 1 (AFTAH article); page 115, post #1723

WHMBR! Part 4's Academy Awards of Short Documentaries: Category 1: "Those ever so loving and tolerant homosexual activists"; page 166, post #'s 1733, 1737, page 117, post #s 1749, 1750


Category 2: Adult-child sex amongst homosexuals; page 117, post #1751

Homosexual Kyle Kittleson endorses Donald Trump; page 117, post #1752

The left wing rulings of (Republican appointed) Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy; page 118, post #1760

Senator Ted Cruz exposes the left wing policies of Donald Trump and Marco Rubio (video), page 119, post #'s 1776 & 1777

Ted Cruz on abortion/Due Process (video); page 119, post #1780; Anton Scalia on Due Process (video), page 119, post #1781


New member
Teens are becoming transgender because it’s trendy, expert says
to bad he didn't actually say this....not that you would care.

Transgenderism and Cancer

March 18, 2017

Pharmaceutical companies have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to test new drugs. Yet, we in America are permitting confused youth to be used as guinea pigs in medical procedures that mutilate the anatomy*and flood the body with potentially damaging hormones.
The current rush to acceptance of transgenderism ignores a problem beyond the immediately obvious. Are we setting up hundreds of thousands for early deaths due to cancer?
Every cell in the human body has a sexual fingerprint in the sex chromosome (allosome) pairs. The born male has a XY pair. The born female an XX. These chromosomes do serve a function beyond mere reproduction. Without getting too complicated:
Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. — Genetics Home Reference
Essentially, the chromosomes, which carry those genes, are the control center of the cell, the central processing unit — controlling processes*above and apart from cell reproduction. Protein synthesis, so necessary for life, is controlled by these chromosomes. We would be foolish not to conjecture that Y chromosomes were not designed to act properly in cell floating in a bath of female hormones; neither an XX pair in cell floating under a bath of male hormones. Since these hormones might conceivably cause cells to go awry in protein production, as well as in cell reproduction, we should not be surprised to see unusual problems of transgenders with cancers. Add in that transgenders, even after surgery, will retain residue tissue unique to one gender, and noting that those specific tissues will be subjected to hormone levels they were not designed to process, and the possible outcomes become frightening.
so there is no cancer link...good to know


New member
Suffer the children
Some say the growing rush to label children ‘transgender’ promotes physician-approved child abuse. But speaking out against the practice provokes ire. Who will defend the vulnerable?

April 15, 2017

When Cari Stella recounts her transgender experience in a series of YouTube videos, she doesn’t shed tears, but she does talk about pain.
As a teenage girl, Stella felt a strong desire to live as a man. A therapist obliged. After three or four visits over a three-month period, and without suggesting other options, the therapist prescribed testosterone. Stella was 17. A few years later, she underwent a double mastectomy.
Stella says her family was supportive, and her workplace included transgender leadership. Her transition seemed like a success. Except it wasn’t.
Soon, Stella says, she felt worse, not better. It took a while, but she says testosterone “made me even more dissociated” than she felt when she started: It was “hard to figure out that the treatment you’re being told is to help you is actually making your mental health worse.”
After three years of hormones, Stella stopped taking testosterone and detransitioned to living as a woman. She’s still grappling with the effects of her ordeal: “I’m a real, live 22-year-old woman with a scarred chest and a broken voice and 5 o’clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman.”

Read more: https://world.wng.org/2017/03/suffer_the_children


Cari Stella

Gender confused teen Joshua Alcorn (the child indoctrinators called him "Leelah") had so much to look forward to:

Genital mutilation, cancer, depression...

that therapists can't prescribe medicaitons....


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
to bad he didn't actually say this....not that you would care.

It might help if you actually read the article, in which he does in fact say it.

so there is no cancer link...good to know

Once again, because you didn't actually read the article, you say ignorant things.


In the event that any of you didn't know that liberal Shep Smith of Faux News is a practicing homosexual, here it is in his own words (not to be confused with homosexuals Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon of CNN) :

Fox News’ Shepard Smith opens up about his sexuality


Fox News anchor Shepard Smith is speaking out about coming out.
Smith, managing editor of the conservative network, revealed last month that while he always knew he was "different" than his peers growing up in Mississippi, he feels he never had the need to out himself - because he was never in...

Still, as a well-respected journalist, Smith knows a good scoop when he sees one. And as far as he's concerned, his sexuality remains a non-issue.
"I don't think about it. It's not a thing," he said. "I go to work. I manage a lot of people. I cover the news. I deal with holy hell around me. I go home to the man I'm in love with."

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fo...xuality/ar-BBATAwN?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp

It would be nice if (like Don Lemon did) Smith would talk about how he contracted homosexual desires, i.e. was he raped as a child or did he grow up in a dysfunctional home?

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera exposed Smith just under a year ago:

Fox News’ Shep Smith Goes Public with His Homosexual Problem
No shock here:
Fox anchor silent as he was routinely “outed” by homosexual journalists;
Shep has history of making anti-conservative comments on air:
“Haters gonna hate,” he quipped about Kim Davis
Ridiculed 2012 “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” calling it “National Day of Intolerance”


Smith wouldn't be a "real homosexual" if he didn't hate God and His followers:

Shepard Smith Calls Christians “Haters”

by Cliff Kincaid on September 9, 2015

“Haters are going to hate” is how Shepard Smith of Fox News referred to supporters of Christian clerk Kim Davis on his Tuesday afternoon show. It was another example of the anti-Christian bias that has been rearing its ugly head on a channel that many conservatives had looked to for “fair and balanced” coverage of the issues they care about.
But calls to several Fox News officials, asking for reaction to Smith’s anti-Christian comments, were not returned.
In other controversial comments about a pro-Davis rally being broadcast during his show, Smith ripped conservative Christians for “a religious play again,” saying, “This is the same crowd that says, ‘We don’t want Sharia law, don’t let them tell us what to do, keep their religion out of our lives and out of our government.’ Well, here we go again.”

Read more: http://www.aim.org/aim-column/shepard-smith-calls-christians-haters/


New member
It might help if you actually read the article, in which he does in fact say it.

Once again, because you didn't actually read the article, you say ignorant things.
Well let's read it together shall we:

Pharmaceutical companies have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to test new drugs. Yet, we in America are permitting confused youth to be used as guinea pigs in medical procedures that mutilate the anatomy*and flood the body with potentially damaging hormones.

nothing regarding cancer here just fluff with a pile of codewords tossed in.

The current rush to acceptance of transgenderism ignores a problem beyond the immediately obvious. Are we setting up hundreds of thousands for early deaths due to cancer?

Are we?!?!?! Dun dun dooon.

Every cell in the human body has a sexual fingerprint in the sex chromosome (allosome) pairs. The born male has a XY pair. The born female an XX. These chromosomes do serve a function beyond mere reproduction. Without getting too complicated:
Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. — Genetics Home Reference

...yeah a gene expresses a protein....

Essentially, the chromosomes, which carry those genes, are the control center of the cell, the central processing unit — controlling processes*above and apart from cell reproduction. Protein synthesis, so necessary for life, is controlled by these chromosomes.

...yeah a gene expresses a protein....

We would be foolish not to conjecture that Y chromosomes were not designed to act properly in cell floating in a bath of female hormones; neither an XX pair in cell floating under a bath of male hormones.

I wonder if they know that males produce estrogen and females produce testosterone. It doesn't sound like they do.

Since these hormones might conceivably cause cells to go awry in protein production, as well as in cell reproduction, we should not be surprised to see unusual problems of transgenders with cancers.

"Might conceivably" We might concevibly have tiny people living inside of us controling our emotions....


"we should not be surprised to see...." But we apparently arn't seeing and no one is surprised

Add in that transgenders, even after surgery, will retain residue tissue unique to one gender, and noting that those specific tissues will be subjected to hormone levels they were not designed to process, and the possible outcomes become frightening.

and just what are those outcomes?
If it is a link between transgender and cancer it's not being talked about here.


Quote Originally Posted by JudgeRightly

It might help if you actually read the article, in which he does in fact say it.

Well let's read it together shall we: ...

"we should not be surprised to see...." But we apparently arn't seeing and no one is surprised

and just what are those outcomes?
If it is a link between transgender and cancer it's not being talked about here.

One must realize that the filthy barbarians of the LGBTQueer movement somewhat recently started using gender confused children (on a large scale) by encouraging them to cross dress, use the restroom/locker room opposite of their biological gender, take hormone blocking/altering drugs, and yes, even cut off/mutilate genitalia (and in the case of Cari Stella, both breasts).

When it comes to hormone blocking/altering drugs and cancer, as the article that I posted stated:

The research is just starting
There is a dangerous paucity of data on transgender health issues, and little research, which is why the NIH launched a five-year study of trans youth last year. — Newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/2016/07/29/cancer-transgender-health-hormone-therapies-482423.html

In September 2015, the Lancet http://www.thelancet.com/
Case reports and anecdotal evidence suggest that transgender people have a disproportionate cancer burden, but without high-level evidence, health-care providers are stifled in their ability to provide adequate guidance. — The Lancet

One has to give the filthy barbarians of the LGBTQueer movement credit when it comes to death:

They know it extremely well (be it death from disease, murder, suicide, drug overdoses, alcoholism, etc. etc. etc.).

In fact, the LGBTQ so-called "community" isn't a stranger to cancer (don't take my word for it, take the word of the National LGBT Cancer Network) :

The LGBT community is disproportionately affected by cancer

Transgender Breast Cancer
Risks for FTM Spectrum People

Anyone with a ounce of decency wouldn't trust gender confused children (or any child for that matter) in the hands of the 'culture of death'.
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New member
Quote Originally Posted by JudgeRightly

It might help if you actually read the article, in which he does in fact say it.

One must realize that the filthy barbarians of the LGBTQueer movement somewhat recently started using gender confused children (on a large scale) by encouraging them to cross dress, use the restroom/locker room opposite of their biological gender, take hormone blocking/altering drugs, and yes, even cut off/mutilate genitalia (and in the case of Cari Stella, both breasts).

When it comes to hormone blocking/altering drugs and cancer, as the article that I posted stated:

The research is just starting
There is a dangerous paucity of data on transgender health issues, and little research, which is why the NIH launched a five-year study of trans youth last year. — Newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/2016/07/29/cancer-transgender-health-hormone-therapies-482423.html

In September 2015, the Lancet http://www.thelancet.com/
Case reports and anecdotal evidence suggest that transgender people have a disproportionate cancer burden, but without high-level evidence, health-care providers are stifled in their ability to provide adequate guidance. — The Lancet
But no actual cancer link.

One has to give the filthy barbarians of the LGBTQueer movement credit when it comes to death:

They know it extremely well (be it death from disease, murder, suicide, drug overdoses, alcoholism, etc. etc. etc.).

and these claims have have as much validity as your fake transgender cancer claim. Zero.

In fact, the LGBTQ so-called "community" isn't a stranger to cancer (don't take my word for it, take the word of the National LGBT Cancer Network) :

The LGBT community is disproportionately affected by cancer

Transgender Breast Cancer
Risks for FTM Spectrum People

Were you to lazy to read your own links? Or were you just hopeing that everyone else would be to lazy or desperate enough to justify their hate that they woudl take your word for it?

LGBT people carry a disproportionate cancer burden. Most of the increased risks can be traced to the discrimination and stigma experienced as a result of living as sexual and gender minorities in this country.

As a group, LGBT people are less likely to have health insurance and many have experienced previous discrimination at their doctor’s office or hospital, making them reluctant to seek preventive or screening care. This is especially true for transgender people. Many hospitals do not have policies that protect against further discrimination. The barriers to routine care result in LGBT people being more likely to be diagnosed with more advanced cancers.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The research is just starting …
There is a dangerous paucity of data on transgender health issues, and little research, which is why the NIH launched a five-year study of trans youth last year.

In September 2015, the Lancet editorialized:
Case reports and anecdotal evidence suggest that transgender people have a disproportionate cancer burden, but without high-level evidence, health-care providers are stifled in their ability to provide adequate guidance. — The Lancet

But no actual cancer link.

Had gender confused female Cari Stella (you remember reading about her, she was encouraged to cut off her perfectly healthy breasts by your LGBTQueer movement) continued her life as a transgender male, she easily could have contracted breast cancer.

Excess testosterone in the body can be converted to estrogen. Excess estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer. Transgender men taking testosterone may be at increased risk for breast cancer.
Some breast tissue will remain after chest reconstruction. Remaining tissue is still susceptible to breast cancer.

Quote Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The LGBT community is disproportionately affected by cancer

Were you to lazy to read your own links? Or were you just hopeing that everyone else would be to lazy or desperate enough to justify their hate that they woudl take your word for it?

It's a given that a LGBTQ website would put the blame on people who don't embrace transgenderism for the destructive lifestyle that these lost souls live, just like they put the blame on the high disease and death rates of homosexuals on those who don't embrace homosexuality.

The fact is: these morally confused people know what they're doing is wrong, and hence they engage in destructive behaviors that lead to cancer and often times early death.

"Today, LGBT people use tobacco at rates that are 63% higher than the general population. In addition, LGBT people use (and abuse) alcohol at much higher rates, increasing their risk for head and neck, esophageal, and breast cancers. In lesbian and bisexual women, we also see higher than average rates for obesity, coupled with a lower likelihood of having a biological child before age 30, both of which increase breast cancer risk. Gay and bisexual men have anal cancer rates that are 44 times the national average, due to exceptionally high rates of infection with HPV."

(The above was not written by LGBTQ boogeyman Paul Cameron, but by the National LGBT Cancer Network).

Gee, I wonder why sexually confused (i.e. homosexual) and gender confused youth commit suicide at such high rates:

They have so much to look forward to.


New member
Had gender confused female Cari Stella (you remember reading about her,
Yeah she is the one who said that a therapist prescribed her medications.

she was encouraged to cut off her perfectly healthy breasts by your LGBTQueer movement) continued her life as a transgender male, she easily could have contracted breast cancer.
and she could have easily won the lottery to.

Excess testosterone in the body can be converted to estrogen.
Can but generally isn't

Excess estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.
Estrogen only HRT increases the risk of breast cancer only in women who have have tested positive for an abnormal breast cancer gene (BRCA1 or BRCA2)

Transgender men taking testosterone may be at increased risk for breast cancer.
no evidence

Some breast tissue will remain after chest reconstruction. Remaining tissue is still susceptible to breast cancer.
you do know that men can and do get breast cancer?

It's a given that a LGBTQ website would put the blame on people who don't embrace transgenderism for the destructive lifestyle that these lost souls live, just like they put the blame on the high disease and death rates of homosexuals on those who don't embrace homosexuality.
I was quoting the link YOU provided. :rotfl:

The fact is: these morally confused people know what they're doing is wrong, and hence they engage in destructive behaviors that lead to cancer and often times early death.

"Today, LGBT people use tobacco at rates that are 63% higher than the general population. In addition, LGBT people use (and abuse) alcohol at much higher rates, increasing their risk for head and neck, esophageal, and breast cancers. In lesbian and bisexual women, we also see higher than average rates for obesity, coupled with a lower likelihood of having a biological child before age 30, both of which increase breast cancer risk. Gay and bisexual men have anal cancer rates that are 44 times the national average, due to exceptionally high rates of infection with HPV."

(The above was not written by LGBTQ boogeyman Paul Cameron, but by the National LGBT Cancer Network).
But you didn't quote all of their statemnt. Why is that?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Had gender confused female Cari Stella (you remember reading about her, she was encouraged to cut off her perfectly healthy breasts by your LGBTQueer movement) continued her life as a transgender male, she easily could have contracted breast cancer.

Yeah she is the one who said that a therapist prescribed her medications.

Let's give credit where credit is due: It was obviously an LGBTQ "affirming" therapist that got the ball rolling.

"A therapist obliged. After three or four visits over a three-month period, and without suggesting other options, the therapist prescribed testosterone. Stella was 17. A few years later, she underwent a double mastectomy."

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...she was encouraged to cut off her perfectly healthy breasts by your LGBTQueer movement) continued her life as a transgender male, she easily could have contracted breast cancer.

and she could have easily won the lottery to.

I see that double mastectomies and breast cancer are a big joke to you, but then what can one expect from "the culture of death"?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Excess testosterone in the body can be converted to estrogen.

Can but generally isn't.

...Estrogen only HRT increases the risk of breast cancer only in women who have have tested positive for an abnormal breast cancer gene (BRCA1 or BRCA2)

no evidence

Before I start calling you "Dr.Dante", can you provide some evidence to back up your claims?

you do know that men can and do get breast cancer?

We're currently talking about mentally confused/ill people (some are children) who are taking hormone altering/blocking drugs who develop cancer and do horrific things to alter their body.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It's a given that a LGBTQ website would put the blame on people who don't embrace transgenderism for the destructive lifestyle that these lost souls live, just like they put the blame on the high disease and death rates of homosexuals on those who don't embrace homosexuality

I was quoting the link YOU provided. :rotfl:

I've acknowledged numerous times throughout this 4 part thread that the culture of death blames everyone else but themselves for their diseases, disorders and often time early demise.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The fact is: these morally confused people know what they're doing is wrong, and hence they engage in destructive behaviors that lead to cancer and often times early death.

"Today, LGBT people use tobacco at rates that are 63% higher than the general population. In addition, LGBT people use (and abuse) alcohol at much higher rates, increasing their risk for head and neck, esophageal, and breast cancers. In lesbian and bisexual women, we also see higher than average rates for obesity, coupled with a lower likelihood of having a biological child before age 30, both of which increase breast cancer risk. Gay and bisexual men have anal cancer rates that are 44 times the national average, due to exceptionally high rates of infection with HPV."

(The above was not written by LGBTQ boogeyman Paul Cameron, but by the National LGBT Cancer Network).

But you didn't quote all of their statemnt. Why is that?

Now that it's been established that cancer is disproportionate when it comes to LGBTQ people, I want to ask you a question before I go delouse and then move on to another area of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement:

If the late/ 17 year old Joshua Alcorn had approached you and stated that he was going to have his penis surgically removed so that he could "transition" into womanhood, your reply would be?


New member
Let's give credit where credit is due: It was obviously an LGBTQ "affirming" therapist that got the ball rolling.

"A therapist obliged. After three or four visits over a three-month period, and without suggesting other options, the therapist prescribed testosterone. Stella was 17. A few years later, she underwent a double mastectomy."
Twist all you want but you still need a medical degree to prescribe medication

I see that double mastectomies and breast cancer are a big joke to you,
no, just you.

Before I start calling you "Dr.Dante", can you provide some evidence to back up your claims?
it's called google

We're currently talking about mentally confused/ill people (some are children) who are taking hormone altering/blocking drugs who develop cancer and do horrific things to alter their body.
And still no evidence

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
It's a given that a LGBTQ website would put the blame on people who don't embrace transgenderism for the destructive lifestyle that these lost souls live, just like they put the blame on the high disease and death rates of homosexuals on those who don't embrace homosexuality

I've acknowledged numerous times throughout this 4 part thread that the culture of death blames everyone else but themselves for their diseases, disorders and often time early demise.

The website you are disaparaging here: "It's a given that a LGBTQ website would put the blame on people who don't embrace transgenderism for the destructive lifestyle" is teh website that YOU linked. :rotfl:

Now that it's been established that cancer is disproportionate when it comes to LGBTQ people,

And it's been established why this is the case as well.
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that it's been established that cancer is disproportionate when it comes to LGBTQ people...

And it's been established why this is the case as well.

Yes, it's been established several times throughout this 4 part thread that certain body parts weren't designed to be penetrated, and when they are, very bad things happen:

"Gay and bisexual men have anal cancer rates that are 44 times the national average, due to exceptionally high rates of infection with HPV."

I believe I missed your response to this question:

If the late/ 17 year old Joshua Alcorn had approached you and stated that he was going to have his penis surgically removed so that he could "transition" into womanhood, your reply would be?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Trannies are as gross as homos. You know what annbendetti and aCW have in common? They both have a crush on Milo Yiannopoulos.


Trannies are as gross as homos. You know what annbendetti and aCW have in common? They both have a crush on Milo Yiannopoulos.

A quick review of Donald Trump's stance on "trannies" (oh and Nick, both you and Milo voted for "Daddy" Trump, I voted Constitution Party).

What's with Donald Trump and his love of drag queens and genital mutilators?

I'd pointed out that during the primaries, our soon to be Degenerate in Chief invited transvestite Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom at Trump Towers (and the transgender activist took him up on his offer).

I also pointed out that Trump was opposed to the North Carolina 'bathroom bill', which kept trannies and those who 'thought' in their mind that they were of the opposite gender (giving voyeurs and rapists an excuse to enter), from using restrooms, fitting rooms and gym locker rooms that are meant for women and girls.

Next comes Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch as United States Supreme Court Justice. As shown a few posts back, Gorsuch "...sided with civil rights for "gender identity" in 2009 by adhering to a Ninth Circuit opinion by the liberal Judge Reinhardt, which held the federal law called "Title VII" protects discrimination against gender identity. ...More recently Judge Gorsuch expressed his support for referring to biological men as women."

Being that I don't follow beauty queen pageants, and especially ones that allow mentally ill genital mutilating contestants, I found out somewhat recently that Donald Trump, while owner of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, allowed a transsexual to compete, overruling the board of the Miss Universe Pageant who stated that he was ineligible because he lied on his application.
Read more: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...ized!-Part-4&p=4921518&viewfull=1#post4921518
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