Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And here I thought that an unnatural disease ridden act of sex was just that no matter how many people applaud it.

BTW, in today's moral relativist society, even amongst so-called Christians, I'm in the minority. So much for your theory, which I might add is used by the LGBTQ movement on a regular basis.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unrepentant homosexuals do more than their fair of suffering, I have to hand it to you there. As far as the karma thing goes: Does that mean that Buddhists believe that an HIV/AIDS infected homosexual should always tell his partner that he's infected?

Sounds like the Buddhist thing to do ey? Yes it does.

I see, so the LGBTQ movement should borrow off of Judeo-Christian doctrine (marriage, monogamy, family) and all of their problems would go away?

The problem with that theory (amongst many) once again is that an unnatural disease ridden sex act is just that: an unnatural disease ridden sex act.

So why don't you change your thread title to 'Why Anal Sex Must Be Re-Criminalized' as that's your complete hang up and it would apply to heterosexuals as well?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So accused child rapists Terry Bean and Ed Murray couldn't have benefitted from counseling, i.e. once a child rapist always a child rapist?

You think 'conversion therapy' would have changed anything? Get real.

Obviously you're ok with child molesters not needing counseling. I just wanted it confirmed, which you just did.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The topic is free will, the freedom God gives mankind to overcome unwanted desires and behaviors Art. Evidently some in the LGBTQueer movement believe in it, or they wouldn't seek therapy and counseling for unwanted desires and behaviors like alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse.

Geez, you really are just flat out dumb. Twenty years or so ago I had a gambling addiction. Used to go into amusement arcades with my friend who liked the occasional flutter on fruit machines...

I eventually broke free from it thankfully although it wasn't through counseling. It was reaching rock bottom and being fed up of living on beans on toast day to day or just bread on its own. To equate that with having sexual attraction is as dumb as it gets - which is kinda fitting...

Thank you for acknowledging that you had the free will to overcome unwanted/harmful desires and behaviors.

If you'd bothered to set aside your pride and watch the videos and written testimonies that I've presented by EX homosexuals, you'd know that these brave people "reached rock bottom" as well with their unnatural desires, their harmful behavior(s) and decided to do something positive about it.

Do you know that all of that hate will eat you alive Art? Let God set you free!
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Or I'd be an atheist for that matter, as there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two false religions/doctrines.

Nah, I get hear enough moral relativism here by pagans, atheists and so-called Christians.

I'm sure that you're wanting to know the major comparisons between the false religions/doctrines of Buddhism and Atheism:

No God who came to earth as man and died a horrific death so that repentant sinners could have eternal life.
No absolute and unchangeable moral code, a code that is based upon loving thy neighbor as one would love him or herself.

I could go on, but I limit my time to pagans who have no interest the real Word of God.

Seems you're suffering the inability to love thy gay neighbor as thyself. You better get right here lest you suffer eternal torment.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
According to the CDC, people who engage in same sex acts, acts that disproportionately contract STD's, some of them life threatening.

And here I thought that an unnatural disease ridden act of sex was just that no matter how many people applaud it.

BTW, in today's moral relativist society, even amongst so-called Christians, I'm in the minority. So much for your theory, which I might add is used by the LGBTQ movement on a regular basis.
Perhaps that's because it's is and was a fact of life for homosexuals. :idunno:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unrepentant homosexuals do more than their fair of suffering, I have to hand it to you there. As far as the karma thing goes: Does that mean that Buddhists believe that an HIV/AIDS infected homosexual should always tell his partner that he's infected?

Sounds like the Buddhist thing to do ey? Yes it does.

I see, so the LGBTQ movement should borrow off of Judeo-Christian doctrine (marriage, monogamy, family) and all of their problems would go away?

Do all married heteros' problems go away by marrying?
What an absurd assertion...but then again, its source.

The problem with that theory (amongst many) once again is that an unnatural disease ridden sex act is just that: an unnatural disease ridden sex act.
Two human beings falling in love, expressing their love....in many cases identical to heteros. What's not natural about it?

BTW you avoided my question: Do you revel in the suffering of homosexuals? Or are you willing to serve them?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Obviously you're ok with child molesters not needing counseling. I just wanted it confirmed, which you just did.

What I 'confirmed' is that 'conversion therapy' is quackery, beneficial to nobody besides those who con others into parting with money to be duped with it.

Thank you for acknowledging that you had the free will to overcome unwanted/harmful desires and behaviors.

If you'd bothered to set aside your pride and watch the videos and written testimonies that I've presented by EX homosexuals, you'd know that these brave people "reached rock bottom" as well with their unnatural desires, their harmful behavior(s) and decided to do something positive about it.

Do you know that all of that hate will eat you alive Art? Let God set you free!

I don't have any hate going on dude. You've only shown your ignorance once again, in glaring neon no less.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Nah, I get hear enough moral relativism here by pagans, atheists and so-called Christians.

I'm sure that you're wanting to know the major comparisons between the false religions/doctrines of Buddhism and Atheism:

No God who came to earth as man and died a horrific death so that repentant sinners could have eternal life.
No absolute and unchangeable moral code, a code that is based upon loving thy neighbor as one would love him or herself.

I could go on, but I limit my time to pagans who have no interest the real Word of God.

Seems you're suffering the inability to love thy gay neighbor as thyself. You better get right here lest you suffer eternal torment.

You're the one that is defending an extremely destructive behavior and lifestyle that brings disease, misery and often times an early death to those who engage in it, not to mention eternal damnation for those who don't repent.

Sounds to me like you're the one who is confused about the definition of love.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And here I thought that an unnatural disease ridden act of sex was just that no matter how many people applaud it.

BTW, in today's moral relativist society, even amongst so-called Christians, I'm in the minority. So much for your theory, which I might add is used by the LGBTQ movement on a regular basis.

Perhaps that's because it's is and was a fact of life for homosexuals.

The beautiful thing is that it doesn't have to be that way. You have to feel sorry for these lost souls, as the reason they contracted same sex desires is because they were either sexually molested as children and/or grew up in dysfunctional homes. Even though the forces of evil are attempting to outlaw spiritual and psychological therapy for these people, help is still available for them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see, so the LGBTQ movement should borrow off of Judeo-Christian doctrine (marriage, monogamy, family) and all of their problems would go away?

Do all married heteros' problems go away by marrying?
What an absurd assertion...but then again, its source.

Let's review what didn't go away when homosexuals mock God's institution of marriage:

Disease, misery and often times early death.

Throw some kids into the equation and you end up with children who have often times been molested by their own so-called "parents", by their so-called "parents" friends, and in all cases, indoctrinated into believing that homosexuality is a normal way of life.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The problem with that theory (amongst many) once again is that an unnatural disease ridden sex act is just that: an unnatural disease ridden sex act.

Two human beings falling in love, expressing their love....in many cases identical to heteros. What's not natural about it?

You're still borrowing off of Judeo-Christian doctrine I see ("two"). What's wrong with that? For the moral relativist who writes his or her own moral code, nothing.

BTW you avoided my question: Do you revel in the suffering of homosexuals? Or are you willing to serve them?

As I mentioned in my first reply: This thread is all about loving those who have suffered through things in childhood that children shouldn't have to go through and because of that contracted same sex desires. It's about loving those that continue to suffer those desires into adulthood, being told by you secular humanist haters that they can't change.

Have you thought of looking into the one and only religion, Christianity, or would that put a cramp in your lifestyle of hate?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Nah, I get hear enough moral relativism here by pagans, atheists and so-called Christians.

I'm sure that you're wanting to know the major comparisons between the false religions/doctrines of Buddhism and Atheism:

No God who came to earth as man and died a horrific death so that repentant sinners could have eternal life.
No absolute and unchangeable moral code, a code that is based upon loving thy neighbor as one would love him or herself.

I could go on, but I limit my time to pagans who have no interest the real Word of God.

You're the one that is defending an extremely destructive behavior and lifestyle that brings disease, misery and often times an early death to those who engage in it, not to mention eternal damnation for those who don't repent.

Sounds to me like you're the one who is confused about the definition of love.

I simply fight for their mainstream inclusion. You, for their continued subjegation, exclusion and suffering, culminating into their ultimate damnation.

You've one skewed, virulent method for expressing love.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And here I thought that an unnatural disease ridden act of sex was just that no matter how many people applaud it.

BTW, in today's moral relativist society, even amongst so-called Christians, I'm in the minority. So much for your theory, which I might add is used by the LGBTQ movement on a regular basis.

The beautiful thing is that it doesn't have to be that way. You have to feel sorry for these lost souls, as the reason they contracted same sex desires is because they were either sexually molested as children and/or grew up in dysfunctional homes. Even though the forces of evil are attempting to outlaw spiritual and psychological therapy for these people, help is still available for them.
Help begins with your acceptance.
Free yourself from the clutches of your spiritual ego and feel compassion instead of derision and contempt for them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see, so the LGBTQ movement should borrow off of Judeo-Christian doctrine (marriage, monogamy, family) and all of their problems would go away?

Let's review what didn't go away when homosexuals mock God's institution of marriage:

Disease, misery and often times early death.
Such serves us all. Homosexuals are nothing special in this regard.

Throw some kids into the equation and you end up with children who have often times been molested by their own so-called "parents", by their so-called "parents" friends, and in all cases, indoctrinated into believing that homosexuality is a normal way of life.
Likewise, throw in a functional kid with a functional upbringing to show how he or she was born homosexual.

See how easy that soapbox declaration thing is!?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The problem with that theory (amongst many) once again is that an unnatural disease ridden sex act is just that: an unnatural disease ridden sex act.

You're still borrowing off of Judeo-Christian doctrine I see ("two"). What's wrong with that? For the moral relativist who writes his or her own moral code, nothing.

If it strokes your spiritial ego...I'm fine with it. You?

As I mentioned in my first reply: This thread is all about loving those who have suffered through things in childhood that children shouldn't have to go through and because of that contracted same sex desires. It's about loving those that continue to suffer those desires into adulthood, being told by you secular humanist haters that they can't change.
Your hate seems to cloud your judgment. It's not that they cannot change but rather they've no mandate to change...especially by force and hate.

Have you thought of looking into the one and only religion, Christianity, or would that put a cramp in your lifestyle of hate?

It was foisted upon me as a youth. I didn't accept it then and don't accept it now. It's a lie based upon exclusion hate and death...as its ultimate goal is the return of jesus via the death of mankind. A real pathetic, inhumane outlook you've irrationally clung yourself to.


aCultureWarrior, having spent too much time on a sexual anarchist/moral relativist pagan already, ends the "discussion" with the following:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Have you thought of looking into the one and only religion, Christianity, or would that put a cramp in your lifestyle of hate?

It was foisted upon me as a youth. I didn't accept it then and don't accept it now. It's a lie based upon exclusion hate and death...as its ultimate goal is the return of jesus via the death of mankind. A real pathetic, inhumane outlook you've irrationally clung yourself to.

i.e. you couldn't live a pathetic life of sin and still feel good about yourself like you do with the cult known as Buddhism.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh and quip, don't forget to get tested!


aCultureWarrior, having spent too much time on a sexual anarchist/moral relativist pagan already, ends the "discussion" with the following:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Have you thought of looking into the one and only religion, Christianity, or would that put a cramp in your lifestyle of hate?

i.e. you couldn't live a pathetic life of sin and still feel good about yourself like you do with the cult known as Buddhism.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh and quip, don't forget to get tested!

Keep yourself entertained by your religion of fear and hate. Bye :wave2:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

i.e. you couldn't live a pathetic life of sin and still feel good about yourself like you do with the cult known as Buddhism.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh and quip, don't forget to get tested!

Keep yourself entertained by your religion of fear and hate. Bye :wave2:

You weren't very clear on Buddha belly's stance on free will. How about you do this: Ask your homosexual friends (the ones that are still alive) to use their free will and come to TOL so that I can ask them about their destructive desires, behavior, and what happened in their life that caused their perverse desires and behavior.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

i.e. you couldn't live a pathetic life of sin and still feel good about yourself like you do with the cult known as Buddhism.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh and quip, don't forget to get tested!

You weren't very clear on Buddha belly's stance on free will. How about you do this: Ask your homosexual friends (the ones that are still alive) to use their free will and come to TOL so that I can ask them about their destructive desires, behavior, and what happened in their life that caused their perverse desires and behavior.

Why? Simply feigning concern for your own hatefilled entertainment?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You weren't very clear on Buddha belly's stance on free will. How about you do this: Ask your homosexual friends (the ones that are still alive) to use their free will and come to TOL so that I can ask them about their destructive desires, behavior, and what happened in their life that caused their perverse desires and behavior.

Why? Simply feigning concern for your own hatefilled entertainment?

You're still not clear on the Buddha belly stance on free will. Can you believe it, your pagan/atheist ally Art Brain not only doesn't believe that children with same sex desires and/or gender confusion can benefit from counseling, but those who molest them don't need counseling either.

Pretty sick huh?

Regarding your friends with same sex desires coming to this thread: I'd ask them simple questions like "If you were standing on a bridge rail ready to jump to your death, would you consider the person standing nearby urging you to do so your friend or the person who told you not to jump because he knows Someone who can help them by showing them a better way in life?

I know, it's a homophobic bigoted question to ask someone who is most likely going to die decades before he or she should, but hey, that's the way this homophobic bigoted follower of Christ rolls.


Yet two more victories for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement:

New Mexico becomes 7th state to ban conversion therapy

April 8, 2017

The state of New Mexico has become the seventh state to impose a ban on conversion therapy, the practice of attempting to force LGBTQ counseling people with same sex desires and/or gender confusion into changing their sexual orientation helping them overcome their destructive homosexual desires and gender confusion, with GOP Gov. Susana Martinez signing into law a bill banning its use on minors.
The new "prohibition will apply to licensed physicians, nurses, psychologists and other health practitioners who apply conversion therapy to people under 18," the Associated Press reported. The law also sets up a system of penalties for violations under state licensing boards for those professions.

Read more: https://mic.com/articles/173586/new-mexico-becomes-7th-state-to-ban-conversion-therapy#.Iidf861Ab

Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Case Challenging California’s Conversion Therapy Ban
Minister Donald Welch, who's also a licensed therapist, claimed the ban interferes with his freedom of religion.


The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left intact California’s ban on gay conversion therapy, rejecting a Christian minister’s challenge to the law over its perceived infringement of his religious rights.

This marks the third time in three years that the justices have turned away a challenge to the 2012 law, ruling that it neither impinged upon free exercise of religion nor impacted the activities of the clergy.
Read more: http://www.newnownext.com/supreme-court-california-conversion-therapy/05/2017/

(So much for Donald Trump's "conservative court").

When asked to comment on the two LGBTQueer/NAMBLA victories, homosexual/activist George Takei responded with:



More on why pastors in general won't be able to counsel same sex/gender confused children in the near future coming up.
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New member
Yet two more victories for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement:

New Mexico becomes 7th state to ban conversion therapy
Thank you New Mexico for standing up for the safety of Children.

More on why pastors in general won't be able to counsel same sex/gender confused children in the near future coming up.
nonsense. of couse pastors in general can counccel, they just can't engage in abuse.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet two more victories for the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement:

New Mexico becomes 7th state to ban conversion therapy

April 8, 2017

The state of New Mexico has become the seventh state to impose a ban on conversion therapy, the practice of attempting to force LGBTQ counseling people with same sex desires and/or gender confusion into changing their sexual orientation helping them overcome their destructive homosexual desires and gender confusion, with GOP Gov. Susana Martinez signing into law a bill banning its use on minors.
The new "prohibition will apply to licensed physicians, nurses, psychologists and other health practitioners who apply conversion therapy to people under 18," the Associated Press reported. The law also sets up a system of penalties for violations under state licensing boards for those professions.

Read more: https://mic.com/articles/173586/new-mexico-becomes-7th-state-to-ban-conversion-therapy#.Iidf861Ab

Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Case Challenging California’s Conversion Therapy Ban
Minister Donald Welch, who's also a licensed therapist, claimed the ban interferes with his freedom of religion.


The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left intact California’s ban on gay conversion therapy, rejecting a Christian minister’s challenge to the law over its perceived infringement of his religious rights.

This marks the third time in three years that the justices have turned away a challenge to the 2012 law, ruling that it neither impinged upon free exercise of religion nor impacted the activities of the clergy.
Read more: http://www.newnownext.com/supreme-court-california-conversion-therapy/05/2017/

(So much for Donald Trump's "conservative court").

When asked to comment on the two LGBTQueer/NAMBLA victories, homosexual/activist George Takei responded with:



More on why pastors in general won't be able to counsel same sex/gender confused children in the near future coming up.

Excellent. May every single state in America be forced to follow suit so that the insidious abuse of children under the guise of "therapy" is completely outlawed with severe penalties for those that try to circumvent it.

People like you who support the odious practice have the deaths of people like Leelah on your hands...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You weren't very clear on Buddha belly's stance on free will. How about you do this: Ask your homosexual friends (the ones that are still alive) to use their free will and come to TOL so that I can ask them about their destructive desires, behavior, and what happened in their life that caused their perverse desires and behavior.

You're still not clear on the Buddha belly stance on free will. Can you believe it, your pagan/atheist ally Art Brain not only doesn't believe that children with same sex desires and/or gender confusion can benefit from counseling, but those who molest them don't need counseling either.

Pretty sick huh?

Regarding your friends with same sex desires coming to this thread: I'd ask them simple questions like "If you were standing on a bridge rail ready to jump to your death, would you consider the person standing nearby urging you to do so your friend or the person who told you not to jump because he knows Someone who can help them by showing them a better way in life?

I know, it's a homophobic bigoted question to ask someone who is most likely going to die decades before he or she should, but hey, that's the way this homophobic bigoted follower of Christ rolls.

I'm not an atheist you certified hatstand...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
More on why pastors in general won't be able to counsel same sex/gender confused children in the near future coming up.

nonsense. of couse pastors in general can counccel, they just can't engage in abuse.

(Deny deny deny).

As long as they haven't been specifically trained in dealing with children that have been sexually molested and/or psychologically abused, and because of that, contracted homosexual desires and/or gender confusion.

The LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement is pushing a nationwide ban of therapy for sexually confused children (i.e. children with homosexual desires), sponsored by none other than WA State Senator Patti Murray, who is a Senator for life as long as she keeps the rainbowers here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North happy, and this act of legislation should keep them very very happy.

Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2016

This bill prohibits sexual orientation or gender identity conversion therapy from being provided in exchange for monetary compensation. It bars advertisements for such therapy that claim to: (1) change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity, (2) eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same gender, or (3) be harmless or without risk.

These prohibitions are inapplicable to practices or treatments that do not seek to change sexual orientation or gender identity if they provide: (1) assistance to an individual undergoing a gender transition; or (2) acceptance, support, and understanding of clients or facilitation of clients' coping, social support, and identity exploration and development, including sexual orientation-neutral interventions to prevent or address unlawful conduct or unsafe sexual practices.

The Federal Trade Commission and states are provided authority to enforce against violations.

i.e. "affirming" the child's homosexuality and/or transgenderism is perfectly acceptable.

I highlighted the part "from being provided in exchange for monetary compensation" because don't pastors receive a salary for providing spiritual guidance to everyone in their flock?

Surely the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement wouldn't use that as a reason to prohibit even spiritual therapy for children who have homosexual desires and/or gender confusion?

Nah, the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement is much too tolerant to do such a thing...




Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You're still not clear on the Buddha belly stance on free will. Can you believe it, your pagan/atheist ally Art Brain not only doesn't believe that children with same sex desires and/or gender confusion can benefit from counseling, but those who molest them don't need counseling either.

Pretty sick huh?

I'm not an atheist you certified hatstand...

I don't think worshipping a bottle (or 3) of booze every night hoping that it'll wash away the pain and guilt you're going through is considered a religion.

Have I mentioned there is a ton of both written and video testimonies of people who have left the homosexual 'death style' because of therapy, both psychological and spiritual?

Here's yet another one:



New member
(Deny deny deny).[/qotue] yes you are.

As long as they haven't been specifically trained in dealing with children that have been sexually molested and/or psychologically abused, and because of that, contracted homosexual desires and/or gender confusion.
No one contracts any sexual orientation.

I highlighted the part "from being provided in exchange for monetary compensation" because don't pastors receive a salary for providing spiritual guidance to everyone in their flock?

Surely the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement wouldn't use that as a reason to prohibit even spiritual therapy for children who have homosexual desires and/or gender confusion?
straping elecrodes to a child's genitals is not spiritual guidance.
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