Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Calling you a "LGBTQ inactivist" just doesn't have the right ring to it.

Of course you and the movement that you represent real issue is with God and the fact that He gave mankind freewill to change.

The Creator of the Universe and everything in it tossed your two bit punk leader out of Heaven with the flick of His finger; with His help, His followers won't have any problem defeating the child molesting LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement.

Nothing you say has any particular ring to it, and certainly not much in the way of logic either.


You never did answer my question from this post a page back:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you think [pederasts, i.e. child rapists] Terry Bean and Ed Murray could have benefitted from therapy Art, or do you think that they were born sexual predators?

Continuing with the topic of free will: With the high rate of alcoholism, drug abuse and tobacco addiction in the LGBTQueer so-called "community" (deny all that you want Art, the evidence is in the index on page 1), I would assume that at least some sexual anarchists believe in free will and see therapists to help them overcome their harmful desires and behaviors. So free will is acknowledged (just not openly) in the LGBTQ movement, right?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Calling you a "LGBTQ inactivist" just doesn't have the right ring to it.

Of course you and the movement that you represent real issue is with God and the fact that He gave mankind freewill to change.

The Creator of the Universe and everything in it tossed your two bit punk leader out of Heaven with the flick of His finger; with His help, His followers won't have any problem defeating the child molesting LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement.

You never did answer my question from this post a page back:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you think [pederasts, i.e. child rapists] Terry Bean and Ed Murray could have benefitted from therapy Art, or do you think that they were born sexual predators?

Continuing with the topic of free will: With the high rate of alcoholism, drug abuse and tobacco addiction in the LGBTQueer so-called "community" (deny all that you want Art, the evidence is in the index on page 1), I would assume that at least some sexual anarchists believe in free will and see therapists to help them overcome their harmful desires and behaviors. So free will is acknowledged (just not openly) in the LGBTQ movement, right?

Nobody 'benefits' from 'conversion therapy' apart from the quacks who perpetuate it so there's your answer. Not interested in going down your usual fixated rabbit trails and overcoming an addiction is not the same thing anyway, as you well know but will predictably deny regardless...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Of course you and the movement that you represent real issue is with God and the fact that He gave mankind freewill to change.

Oh look, yet another pagan has taken Holy Scripture out of context.

That's a time honoured Christian tradition...I wouldn't presume to.... :chuckle:

What you don't like this passage?

Regarding free will: Does the cult that you belong to (Budweiserism as I recall) believe in free will?



Never heard of the cult...has anybody?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's a time honoured Christian tradition...I wouldn't presume to.... :chuckle:

What you don't like this passage?

Never heard of the cult...has anybody?

I heard there used to be a 'Coors' cult but that might have been a load of Holsten Pilsner...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, don't tell aCW....she'll put buddhism at the end of it in an attempt to be witty and insulting.

All of aCW's sojourns into the territory of wit and insults invariably amount to attempts anyway...

If he was marked on them his grades would read: "Could do better" to "Actually, no he couldn't..."



What you don't like this passage?

I'll go with Matthew 19: 3-6

3 The proud religious law-keepers came to Jesus. They tried to trap Him by saying, “Does the Law say a man can divorce his wife for any reason?” 4 He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman? 5 It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ 6 So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”

I could go back to Genesis and continue from there, but why waste time on a pagan whose phony so-called religious leader is ok with homosexuality?

The Dalai Lama Says Gay Marriage Is OK During Larry King Interview (VIDEO)

Never heard of the cult...has anybody?

Is there any chance that you picked the cult known as Buddhism because it not only matches your worldview, but also your lifestyle?

About free will: Where does the Buddha belly stand on that?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You never did answer my question from this post a page back:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Do you think [pederasts, i.e. child rapists] Terry Bean and Ed Murray could have benefitted from therapy Art, or do you think that they were born sexual predators?

Continuing with the topic of free will: With the high rate of alcoholism, drug abuse and tobacco addiction in the LGBTQueer so-called "community" (deny all that you want Art, the evidence is in the index on page 1), I would assume that at least some sexual anarchists believe in free will and see therapists to help them overcome their harmful desires and behaviors. So free will is acknowledged (just not openly) in the LGBTQ movement, right?

Nobody 'benefits' from 'conversion therapy' apart from the quacks who perpetuate it so there's your answer.

So accused child rapists Terry Bean and Ed Murray couldn't have benefitted from counseling, i.e. once a child rapist always a child rapist?

Not interested in going down your usual fixated rabbit trails and overcoming an addiction is not the same thing anyway, as you well know but will predictably deny regardless...

The topic is free will, the freedom God gives mankind to overcome unwanted desires and behaviors Art. Evidently some in the LGBTQueer movement believe in it, or they wouldn't seek therapy and counseling for unwanted desires and behaviors like alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse.


I'll go with Matthew 19: 3-6
I'm sure you will...the cherry-picker is busy this afternoon.

What's your current take on Rom 2:11 ?

The Dalai Lama Says Gay Marriage Is OK During Larry King Interview (VIDEO)

Is there any chance that you picked the cult known as Buddhism because it not only matches your worldview, but also your lifestyle?

About free will: Where does the Buddha belly stand on that?

Just a 'will', cause/effect. Nothing 'free' about it....just so much extraneous metaphysical noise.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll go with Matthew 19: 3-6

I'm sure you will...the cherry-picker is busy this afternoon.

So I see, and you continue to do so below.

What's your current take on Rom 2:11 ?

Not interested in wasting my time on out of context Bible verses from a pagan who embraces homosexuality.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Dalai Lama Says Gay Marriage Is OK During Larry King Interview (VIDEO)

(quip gives a thumbs up).

As a Buddhist, do you attend a lot of homosexual funerals, as I highly suspect that there has to be a fair amount of homosexuals in your cult?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is there any chance that you picked the cult known as Buddhism because it not only matches your worldview, but also your lifestyle?

About free will: Where does the Buddha belly stand on that?

Just a 'will', cause/effect. Nothing 'free' about it....just so much extraneous metaphysical noise.

Please, no big words or phrases, you're dealing with a country hick Christian whose doctrine believes that people of the same sex faggotizing one another is not only physically and psychologically destructive, but spiritually as well.

i.e. try again.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll go with Matthew 19: 3-6

So I see, and you continue to do so below.

Not interested in wasting my time on out of context Bible verses from a pagan who embraces homosexuality.

Ok. :idunno: Suit yourself..seems your preference anyway.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Dalai Lama Says Gay Marriage Is OK During Larry King Interview (VIDEO)

(quip gives a thumbs up).

As a Buddhist, do you attend a lot of homosexual funerals, as I highly suspect that there has to be a fair amount of homosexuals in your cult?

I know a few. None of them have died...much to the chagrin of the ToL fearmongers and bigots, I'm sure.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is there any chance that you picked the cult known as Buddhism because it not only matches your worldview, but also your lifestyle?

About free will: Where does the Buddha belly stand on that?

Please, no big words or phrases, you're dealing with a country hick Christian whose doctrine believes that people of the same sex faggotizing one another is not only physically and psychologically destructive, but spiritually as well.

i.e. try again.

Why? You're a self-described ignorant hick.
I'd be wasting both our times.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Not interested in wasting my time on out of context Bible verses from a pagan who embraces homosexuality.

Ok. Suit yourself..seems your preference anyway.

Let me put it this way: If Christianity embraced homosexuality, both you and Art Brain would be Christians in a second.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Dalai Lama Says Gay Marriage Is OK During Larry King Interview (VIDEO)

(quip gives a thumbs up).

As a Buddhist, do you attend a lot of homosexual funerals, as I highly suspect that there has to be a fair amount of homosexuals in your cult?

I know a few. None of them have died...much to the chagrin of the ToL fearmongers and bigots, I'm sure.

So what you're saying is their HIV/AIDS drugs are working pretty good thus far (i.e. their early expiration date hasn't come up yet).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is there any chance that you picked the cult known as Buddhism because it not only matches your worldview, but also your lifestyle?

About free will: Where does the Buddha belly stand on that?

Please, no big words or phrases, you're dealing with a country hick Christian whose doctrine believes that people of the same sex faggotizing one another is not only physically and psychologically destructive, but spiritually as well.

i.e. try again.

Why? You're a self-described ignorant hick. I'd be wasting both our times.

Let me phrase it this way:

Since Budweiserism has it's fair share of homosexuals, and thus it's fair share of child rapists like Terry Bean, Ed Murray and a very long list of proud and unrepentant homosexuals, do Buddhists believe in the ability to overcome their perverse desires and behaviors?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Not interested in wasting my time on out of context Bible verses from a pagan who embraces homosexuality.

Let me put it this way: If Christianity embraced homosexuality, both you and Art Brain would be Christians in a second.
If that was the only issue I had with christianity, possibly. More so with the knowledge that you'd drop it in a second for the same reason. Yes?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Dalai Lama Says Gay Marriage Is OK During Larry King Interview (VIDEO)

(quip gives a thumbs up).

As a Buddhist, do you attend a lot of homosexual funerals, as I highly suspect that there has to be a fair amount of homosexuals in your cult?

So what you're saying is their HIV/AIDS drugs are working pretty good thus far (i.e. their early expiration date hasn't come up yet).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is there any chance that you picked the cult known as Buddhism because it not only matches your worldview, but also your lifestyle?

About free will: Where does the Buddha belly stand on that?

Please, no big words or phrases, you're dealing with a country hick Christian whose doctrine believes that people of the same sex faggotizing one another is not only physically and psychologically destructive, but spiritually as well.

i.e. try again.

None, that I'm aware of are HIV positive. None of my business though if some are...same regarding my hetero acquaintances as well.

Let me phrase it this way:

This going to be brilliant!

Since Budweiserism has it's fair share of homosexuals, and thus it's fair share of child rapists like Terry Bean, Ed Murray and a very long list of proud and unrepentant homosexuals, do Buddhists believe in the ability to overcome their perverse desires and behaviors?

Sure...as well as the belief that you find a way to overcome yours.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let me put it this way: If Christianity embraced homosexuality, both you and Art Brain would be Christians in a second.

If that was the only issue I had with christianity, possibly. More so with the knowledge that you'd drop it in a second for the same reason. Yes?

If I wanted to worship some false god who amongst other things was a sexual anarchist and didn't believe in repenting one's sins, I'd be a Buddhist.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So what you're saying is their HIV/AIDS drugs are working pretty good thus far (i.e. their early expiration date hasn't come up yet).

i.e. try again. None, that I'm aware of are HIV positive. None of my business though if some are...same regarding my hetero acquaintances as well.

As shown through the massive CDC reports in the index on page 1 of this thread, sexually transmitted diseases run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior. I just checked to see if Buddhist homosexuals are immune to those diseases and saw no mention of it (i.e. either your friends aren't "real homosexuals" or they're lying to you).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since Budweiserism has it's fair share of homosexuals, and thus it's fair share of child rapists like Terry Bean, Ed Murray and a very long list of proud and unrepentant homosexuals, do Buddhists believe in the ability to overcome their perverse desires and behaviors?

Sure...as well as the belief that you find a way to overcome yours.

If there is no such thing as sin in your cult of a religion, why have the free will to overcome such desires and behaviors, i.e. why repent from sinful behavior if there is none?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let me put it this way: If Christianity embraced homosexuality, both you and Art Brain would be Christians in a second.

If I wanted to worship some false god who amongst other things was a sexual anarchist and didn't believe in repenting one's sins, I'd be a Buddhist.

Ok. Though Buddha wasn't a god, false one or otherwise. But you should already know this...being so knowledgeable about the religion as you are.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So what you're saying is their HIV/AIDS drugs are working pretty good thus far (i.e. their early expiration date hasn't come up yet).

As shown through the massive CDC reports in the index on page 1 of this thread, sexually transmitted diseases run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior. I just checked to see if Buddhist homosexuals are immune to those diseases and saw no mention of it (i.e. either your friends aren't "real homosexuals" or they're lying to you).
Maybe...what's a"real homosexual" according to a country hick?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since Budweiserism has it's fair share of homosexuals, and thus it's fair share of child rapists like Terry Bean, Ed Murray and a very long list of proud and unrepentant homosexuals, do Buddhists believe in the ability to overcome their perverse desires and behaviors?

If there is no such thing as sin in your cult of a religion, why have the free will to overcome such desires and behaviors, i.e. why repent from sinful behavior if there is none?

Karma and suffering.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If I wanted to worship some false god who amongst other things was a sexual anarchist and didn't believe in repenting one's sins, I'd be a Buddhist.

Ok. Though Buddha wasn't a god, false one or otherwise. But you should already know this...being so knowledgeable about the religion as you are.

Or I'd be an atheist for that matter, as there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two false religions/doctrines.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown through the massive CDC reports in the index on page 1 of this thread, sexually transmitted diseases run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior. I just checked to see if Buddhist homosexuals are immune to those diseases and saw no mention of it (i.e. either your friends aren't "real homosexuals" or they're lying to you).

Maybe...what's a"real homosexual" according to a country hick?

According to the CDC, people who engage in same sex acts, acts that disproportionately contract STD's, some of them life threatening.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If there is no such thing as sin in your cult of a religion, why have the free will to overcome such desires and behaviors, i.e. why repent from sinful behavior if there is none?

Karma and suffering.

Unrepentant homosexuals do more than their fair of suffering, I have to hand it to you there. As far as the karma thing goes: Does that mean that Buddhists believe that an HIV/AIDS infected homosexual should always tell his partner that he's infected?

Sounds like the Buddhist thing to do ey?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If I wanted to worship some false god who amongst other things was a sexual anarchist and didn't believe in repenting one's sins, I'd be a Buddhist.

Or I'd be an atheist for that matter, as there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two false religions/doctrines.

Go to an atheist forum and inform them of your opinion. You'll get an earful...they're as bad as you self-righteous, insufferable pious types. :chuckle:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown through the massive CDC reports in the index on page 1 of this thread, sexually transmitted diseases run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexual behavior. I just checked to see if Buddhist homosexuals are immune to those diseases and saw no mention of it (i.e. either your friends aren't "real homosexuals" or they're lying to you).

According to the CDC, people who engage in same sex acts, acts that disproportionately contract STD's, some of them life threatening.
Given the surreptitious sub-culture they were forced to endure...seems accurate.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If there is no such thing as sin in your cult of a religion, why have the free will to overcome such desires and behaviors, i.e. why repent from sinful behavior if there is none?

Unrepentant homosexuals do more than their fair of suffering, I have to hand it to you there. As far as the karma thing goes: Does that mean that Buddhists believe that an HIV/AIDS infected homosexual should always tell his partner that he's infected?

Sounds like the Buddhist thing to do ey?

Yes it does.

Perhaps, homosexuality should be mainstreamed. Are you for easing their suffering via legitimate mainstream relationship/marriage channels?
Or rather do you enjoy their suffering too much to care one whit for their plight?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So accused child rapists Terry Bean and Ed Murray couldn't have benefitted from counseling, i.e. once a child rapist always a child rapist?

You think 'conversion therapy' would have changed anything? Get real.

The topic is free will, the freedom God gives mankind to overcome unwanted desires and behaviors Art. Evidently some in the LGBTQueer movement believe in it, or they wouldn't seek therapy and counseling for unwanted desires and behaviors like alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse.

Geez, you really are just flat out dumb. Twenty years or so ago I had a gambling addiction. Used to go into amusement arcades with my friend who liked the occasional flutter on fruit machines. I used to stand there bored until he'd had his fun except this one day he hit a machine that was ready to 'drop' so I put a coupla quid into it. Won a tenner. The next day I thought I'd try it again for a laugh and won again. Next thing I knew I was hooked. Couldn't pass an amusement arcade without hitting the fruit machines to the extent where I'd lose all of my money and be scrabbling about and borrowing until the next wage packet went into the bank.

I eventually broke free from it thankfully although it wasn't through counseling. It was reaching rock bottom and being fed up of living on beans on toast day to day or just bread on its own. To equate that with having sexual attraction is as dumb as it gets - which is kinda fitting...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let me put it this way: If Christianity embraced homosexuality, both you and Art Brain would be Christians in a second.

Uh, no...

I'm straight regardless you daft crank. This really doesn't compute for you does it?

And you wonder why folk think you're in the closet...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Or I'd be an atheist for that matter, as there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two false religions/doctrines.

Go to an atheist forum and inform them of your opinion. You'll get an earful...they're as bad as you self-righteous, insufferable pious types.

Nah, I get hear enough moral relativism here by pagans, atheists and so-called Christians.

I'm sure that you're wanting to know the major comparisons between the false religions/doctrines of Buddhism and Atheism:

No God who came to earth as man and died a horrific death so that repentant sinners could have eternal life.
No absolute and unchangeable moral code, a code that is based upon loving thy neighbor as one would love him or herself.

I could go on, but I limit my time to pagans who have no interest the real Word of God.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
According to the CDC, people who engage in same sex acts, acts that disproportionately contract STD's, some of them life threatening.

Given the surreptitious sub-culture they were forced to endure...seems accurate.

And here I thought that an unnatural disease ridden act of sex was just that no matter how many people applaud it.

BTW, in today's moral relativist society, even amongst so-called Christians, I'm in the minority. So much for your theory, which I might add is used by the LGBTQ movement on a regular basis.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unrepentant homosexuals do more than their fair of suffering, I have to hand it to you there. As far as the karma thing goes: Does that mean that Buddhists believe that an HIV/AIDS infected homosexual should always tell his partner that he's infected?

Sounds like the Buddhist thing to do ey? Yes it does.

Perhaps, homosexuality should be mainstreamed. Are you for easing their suffering via legitimate mainstream relationship/marriage channels?
Or rather do you enjoy their suffering too much to care one whit for their plight?

I see, so the LGBTQ movement should borrow off of Judeo-Christian doctrine (marriage, monogamy, family) and all of their problems would go away?

The problem with that theory (amongst many) once again is that an unnatural disease ridden sex act is just that: an unnatural disease ridden sex act.
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