Who will answer my questions?


Well-known member
In other words, you were merely baiting; as usual. :chuckle:

For your mind had already been made up; that you were on to something, others were not.

And that can sometimes be the case.

But not this time.

For all you have proven is that you read all sorts of things into that passage in Matthew 28.

Your perception...your reality.

When in fact, all He was merely asserting, there, in that "all power" passage, there at the end of Matthew 28, was that He had been acknowledged by the Father as both Israel's PROPHESIED Lord, and Christ.

For Matthew 28 is merely an expansion of Matthew 10 - which was then still the issue of Mark 7's "let the children first be filled."

And their said "children" - of Israel - were..."at Jerusalem" as well as "scattered abroad...in Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of" that then Roman Empire, or "world" they were all then still under - "render to Caesar; that which is Caesar's, and unto God; that which is God's...until the Son of Man be come in" Matt. 10:23.

All of which was temporarily interrupted, before they got very far - Romans 9-11.

Nevetheless, Romans 5:8 towards you.

Baiting? No.

Asking questions? Yes.

To find out if anyone really has the answers.

How else do you find out anything specific unless you ask questions?

So tell me, why was Jesus Christ GIVEN power?

Is that so hard to answer?

Why was he given power?

The answer is so obvious, he needed that power because he did not have that power

Once it was given to him, then he had it and could use it!

Truth is that simple!


Well-known member
I ask a simple question like, "why was Jesus given power?

Why is it so hard to reply to such a simple question?


Well-known member
Your heart may be in the right place, but your mind is simplistic. Wouldn't it seem more appropriate to trust in the many better thinking minds who serve God as ministers? Why are you so determined to only trust yourself when you are obviously less qualified to understand than most Christian ministers?

It is not only you, it is most of you all who are unable to understand God beyond anthropomorphic limited "father must be more than son" simplistic methods of limited-to-the-concrete thought process.

It's not being a minister in a church that makes us born of God or having man's knowledge, or being a theologian. Some of them are corrupt, yet think they know everything just from reading the bible and studying it. It's way more than just reading, it's being born of the Spirit and worshipping God in Spirit and in truth, turning from the world and living by the will of God. many say they love God, then live to the contrary. Those who are truly born of God are living it out being a doer of the word and not a hearer only. It's not how high in the church you are, or how clever we are, it's the heart condition that counts to God.

By the way Jesus himself said that that father is more than the Son, he said "my Father is greater than I"


1 Corinthians 1

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:


Well-known member
He came as a Son of Man and obeyed and exalted Jesus.

What in the world is so hard for you to understand about that?

They are exactly the same.

Jesus only says and does what the Father says and does.

When you see Jesus you can say, "I see the Father".

When one talks, so does the other say the exact same thing.
I'll tell you why it's hard for me to understand, because I don't believe that the father would have to obey and exalt himself!

And Jesus said this

John 8

And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

So according to the scripture above, the Father and Christ Jesus are separate and Jesus cannot be the father!


Well-known member
The Spirit teaches nothing to those who do not confess Jesus Christ as Lord and God.

That's step one, and you are still stumbling over that particular stone. Just as the Jews did. Jesus isn't called the Rock of Offense for nothing.

Show me where it says in the bible that I must confess that Jesus Christ is God to be saved?


Well-known member
Show me where it says in the bible that I must confess that Jesus Christ is God to be saved?

I really doubt showing YOU anything will make you see. :sigh: The way you state your demand tells me that. Stubborn pride will keep you from hearing. But for others who might read here....

Just as the Jews understood who I AM refers to, they understood that confessing Jesus Christ as THE LORD is confessing Him as Lord God.

Romans 10:9KJV That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.​

He's called here, "The same LORD OVER ALL".

Romans 10:12KJV For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.​

That same Lord over all as we see all throughout Scripture.

Joshua 3:11KJV Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passeth over before you into Jordan.

Psalm 47:2KJV For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.

Psalm 103:19KJV The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

Paul knew the Shema, and all the Jews knew the Shema, as it is written. "The Lord our God is ONE LORD". Deuteronomy 6:4KJV, Mark 12:29KJV

Zechariah 14:9KJV And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.


Well-known member
I'll tell you why it's hard for me to understand, because I don't believe that the father would have to obey and exalt himself!

And Jesus said this

John 8

And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

So according to the scripture above, the Father and Christ Jesus are separate and Jesus cannot be the father!

Indeed, there is distinction in the Godhead.


Well-known member
You get A++ for sarcasm and insults

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Danoh supplied this verse in one of his posts

Jesus Christ was given power, why? first of all , because he did not have it, second to accomplish God's will in his life.

When you comprehend that, remember I forgive you for your barrage of insults. You know not what you do

You bypass the answers when they're given. A total disregard for the efforts made by those hoping to help rid you of your blindness. Danoh had a good word....try actually reading it...lest you become just one big waste of valuable time. Pearls before the swine, and all that.

God's Truth

New member
I'll tell you why it's hard for me to understand, because I don't believe that the father would have to obey and exalt himself!

And Jesus said this

John 8

And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.

So according to the scripture above, the Father and Christ Jesus are separate and Jesus cannot be the father!

There are three, and the three are the exact same come to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You can understand people cloning humans, they can only clone the flesh but they cannot clone the spirit. The Father and Son have the same Spirit.

The Father really came as a Man. So then, why wouldn't he have to obey? Please answer that.

As for you saying the Father and Jesus were separate---just read the scripture you posted---it says Jesus says HE IS NOT ALONE.

The Father is ALWAYS with Jesus and Jesus is always with the Father.


Well-known member
I really doubt showing YOU anything will make you see. :sigh: The way you state your demand tells me that. Stubborn pride will keep you from hearing. But for others who might read here....

Just as the Jews understood who I AM refers to, they understood that confessing Jesus Christ as THE LORD is confessing Him as Lord God.

Romans 10:9KJV That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.​

He's called here, "The same LORD OVER ALL".

Romans 10:12KJV For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.​

That same Lord over all as we see all throughout Scripture.

Joshua 3:11KJV Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passeth over before you into Jordan.

Psalm 47:2KJV For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.

Psalm 103:19KJV The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

Paul knew the Shema, and all the Jews knew the Shema, as it is written. "The Lord our God is ONE LORD". Deuteronomy 6:4KJV, Mark 12:29KJV

Zechariah 14:9KJV And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.

Well I've shown you plenty and clear scriptures to show you that Jesus isn't God and you can't see it at all!

Yes and it says there in Romans 10 that God raised Jesus from the dead, not that Jesus is God, you're not reading the scriptures correctly, maybe you should before you judge me in such a condescending manner. And nothing there that you have written says that I must believe that Jesus is God to be saved. Nothing!

It's clear on the scriptures, that we are to believe that Jesus is the Son of God to be saved, and I do!


Well-known member
There are three, and the three are the exact same come to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You can understand people cloning humans, they can only clone the flesh but they cannot clone the spirit. The Father and Son have the same Spirit.

The Father really came as a Man. So then, why wouldn't he have to obey? Please answer that.

As for you saying the Father and Jesus were separate---just read the scripture you posted---it says Jesus says HE IS NOT ALONE.

The Father is ALWAYS with Jesus and Jesus is always with the Father.

So the father came as a man to obey himself? That's just not right!

And Jesus was not alone, because the father was always with him, it says in the bible that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not that Jesus is the father. And Jesus said "the father is always with me because I always do that which pleases him," so how can Jesus be the father if the Father could leave him?


Well-known member
Well I've shown you plenty and clear scriptures to show you that Jesus isn't God and you can't see it at all!

Yes and it says there in Romans 10 that [YELOW]God raised Jesus from the dead[/YELLOW], not that Jesus is God, you're not reading the scriptures correctly, maybe you should before you judge me in such a condescending manner. And nothing there that you have written says that I must believe that Jesus is God to be saved. Nothing!

It's clear on the scriptures, that we are to believe that Jesus is the Son of God to be saved, and I do!

Just as I said. You will not hear. :rolleyes:

The catch 22 for you is your unbelief that the Son is God.

Your claim that the Son is a lesser God, when the Bible explicitly states that He is God come in the flesh. He certainly didn't stop being God when He became flesh and dwelt among us, but you foolishly claim He did.

Spelled right out, put right in front of your face, but you turn away. You do not recognize the LORD GOD when He comes, so you do not know the Lord our God is the ONE LORD spoken of all throughout Scripture. You IGNORE every single verse I gave you to cling to one you don't even understand. :nono:

Look here, the Bible talks about YOU and people like you.

John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.​

He was with God and was God, and you still don't acknowledge Him as God. John 1:1
He became flesh and dwelt among us, and you still don't acknowledge Him as God. John 1:14
He came out from God, came down from heaven, after creating all things, and you still refuse to confess Him as the LORD.

That's where you stumble. There is ONE LORD. The Lord our God is ONE LORD. But you STILL refuse to acknowledge HIM as your LORD AND GOD.

Shame on you, woman of flesh. You can't change the meaning of the word LORD to suit self. You only succeed in making a fool of yourself.

Jesus told his disciples he would raise Himself (He is God), but you refuse to believe Him.

God did raise Him....He is God, and as God, He raised Himself, exactly as He said He would. But, you don't believe Him.

John 2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body. 22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.


Well-known member
There are three, and the three are the exact same come to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You can understand people cloning humans, they can only clone the flesh but they cannot clone the spirit. The Father and Son have the same Spirit.

The Father really came as a Man. So then, why wouldn't he have to obey? Please answer that.

As for you saying the Father and Jesus were separate---just read the scripture you posted---it says Jesus says HE IS NOT ALONE.

The Father is ALWAYS with Jesus and Jesus is always with the Father.

The only thing you succeed in doing is confusing the Confused even more than they already are. :down:

Your misuse of the Bible makes it a joke, and that is on YOU. You do horrible despite to God's word by twisting it and distorting it beyond all recognition. Be gone.

You are satan's dupe. An unwilling dupe, I'm sure, but his lap dog, nonetheless.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's not being a minister in a church that makes us born of God or having man's knowledge, or being a theologian. Some of them are corrupt, yet think they know everything just from reading the bible and studying it. It's way more than just reading, it's being born of the Spirit and worshipping God in Spirit and in truth, turning from the world and living by the will of God. many say they love God, then live to the contrary. Those who are truly born of God are living it out being a doer of the word and not a hearer only. It's not how high in the church you are, or how clever we are, it's the heart condition that counts to God.

By the way Jesus himself said that that father is more than the Son, he said "my Father is greater than I"

This was said to and for a human limited understanding, as you might think how would the apostles think if Jesus told them he was God.

To me, you do not believe in God, and you are not part of the Body of Christ. You are not a believer. The reason you are not is YOUR OWN MENTAL THOUGHT PROCESS> That is why I said you should find a minister, because you are very mixed up.

God's Truth

New member
The only thing you succeed in doing is confusing the Confused even more than they already are. :down:

Your misuse of the Bible makes it a joke, and that is on YOU. You do horrible despite to God's word by twisting it and distorting it beyond all recognition. Be gone.

You are satan's dupe. An unwilling dupe, I'm sure, but his lap dog, nonetheless.

God the Father came as a Son. Who was that speaking in the Old Testament? Do you really want to keep saying the three took turns talking? lol

God's Truth

New member
So the father came as a man to obey himself? That's just not right!
You are saying it is not right to God's Word. Just as Peter and Jude says...people blasphemy things they do not understand.

2 Peter 2:12 But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand.

Jude 1:10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct--as irrational animals do--will destroy them.

And Jesus was not alone, because the father was always with him, it says in the bible that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not that Jesus is the father.
They are the exact same, except the Father came as flesh and blood.

And Jesus said "the father is always with me because I always do that which pleases him," so how can Jesus be the father if the Father could leave him?

God the Father really did come as a Man. Do men have to obey God? I answer all your questions, now answer mine.

You are arguing against Jesus who says, ""As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love." John 15:9

If you obey my commands, you will continue in my love, as I have obeyed my Father's commands and continue in His love. John 15:10


Well-known member
Just as I said. You will not hear. :rolleyes:

The catch 22 for you is your unbelief that the Son is God.

Your claim that the Son is a lesser God, when the Bible explicitly states that He is God come in the flesh. He certainly didn't stop being God when He became flesh and dwelt among us, but you foolishly claim He did.

Spelled right out, put right in front of your face, but you turn away. You do not recognize the LORD GOD when He comes, so you do not know the Lord our God is the ONE LORD spoken of all throughout Scripture. You IGNORE every single verse I gave you to cling to one you don't even understand. :nono:

Look here, the Bible talks about YOU and people like you.

John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.​

He was with God and was God, and you still don't acknowledge Him as God. John 1:1
He became flesh and dwelt among us, and you still don't acknowledge Him as God. John 1:14
He came out from God, came down from heaven, after creating all things, and you still refuse to confess Him as the LORD.

That's where you stumble. There is ONE LORD. The Lord our God is ONE LORD. But you STILL refuse to acknowledge HIM as your LORD AND GOD.

Shame on you, woman of flesh. You can't change the meaning of the word LORD to suit self. You only succeed in making a fool of yourself.

Jesus told his disciples he would raise Himself (He is God), but you refuse to believe Him.

God did raise Him....He is God, and as God, He raised Himself, exactly as He said He would. But, you don't believe Him.

John 2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21 But he spake of the temple of his body. 22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.

You're saying about their being one Lord. Yet you ignore the fact that Jesus said in John 17, that the father is the only true God and eternal life is to know him, and that the father is greater than he, that without the father he could do nothing. That God exalted him and GAVE him a name above every name, which is why he is Lord to us. And that Christ is our head, but the head of Christ is God. You ignore the fact that Jesus himself called the father his God before and after his resurrection, and that the father GAVE Jesus power over all flesh.

There is only one Almighty God and he's the father, but he has exalted his son, set him over his right hand and we are to bow down before him because the father had given him a place above all men a name above every name and set him to be the highest in the heavens next to God, before us all, and the only way to the father is through him. He became the lowest on earth yet is exalted to the highest in heaven.

Christ Jesus taught that those born of God are to worship the father in Spirit and in truth, everything he taught was telling us to worship the father, pray to the father and that we are to turn from sin and do the will of God, just as he did the will of his God who is the father and he sent Jesus to obey him, live by his will, bare witness to the truth and leave us an example to follow, to do and teach, and save as many who will believe in him. Those who believe his gospel and are healed by the word of God. Those who obey the teachings of Jesus and love God with their all, those ready to lay down their lives and live by the will of the living God who according to Jesus, is the only true God.

This is the true way, through Jesus, he is the way, the truth and the life and the only way to the father is through him, and those who truly love Jesus turn from this world of sin by the power of the Spirit helping them to overcome, and live for God, according to his will, listening to the guiding of the Spirit in their hearts daily as he teaches them right from wrong. They are those not living to please the lusts of their flesh and don't live by the works of it because they love God before themselves bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit.

Also, woman of the flesh? A woman of the flesh is one who is not willing to lay down her life for others and live by the will of God. One who foolishly believes that they are eternally saved even if they carry on wilfully sinning before God, one who professes God with her mouth yet lives to the contrary, loving this world and the lusts of her flesh before him. Not willing to let go of her love of her worldly life, building up in the world and loving the foolish things of it. Lips that speak great swelling words of God but with her life she doesn't live for God, her heart is far from him. That's a fleshly woman, now you can judge others, but to look at yourself so highly and look down at others as you do is wrong and it's pride, and you could be wrong about others you don't know their heart and you don't know their life. You have said in the past that I judge others, but I talk in general, you actually point people out and judge the individual without knowing their heart. Those born of God judge with the word and not with their flesh. May God forgive you.


Well-known member
This was said to and for a human limited understanding, as you might think how would the apostles think if Jesus told them he was God.

To me, you do not believe in God, and you are not part of the Body of Christ. You are not a believer. The reason you are not is YOUR OWN MENTAL THOUGHT PROCESS> That is why I said you should find a minister, because you are very mixed up.
Judge away. But I believe Jesus himself, and be said that the father is the only true God and that the father is his God and father also.

I'll believe Jesus before anyone thanks, and just because a man calls himself a minister, doesn't mean he is. Those truly born of God are ordained by God and are strong in spirit and bare witness to the truth. You'll know a true man of God, he'll be the one who is least in the world, laying down his life and putting himself last and others first, the one who truly serves God from his heart not just with his mouth, and puts God first before his own life, a man truly willing to follow Jesus and is worthy of him. Baring his cross and partaking in the sufferings of Christ, one who is not just a teacher of the word but a doer also, a man filled with the love of God and the life of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, and Christ can be seen and heard through him.

These are true men of God, those that hear and live by his word, obeying God and Christ and they are those who I listen to. Not men who have only been exalted by churches and by other man, but men exalted by the living God.