

"Did Yahushua change the customs of Moses as the lying jews claim?”

"You have heard it said... But I say....”

Any serious student of the Bible knows that Matthew obviously believes Jesus is the “New Moses.”

It is a foundational part of Matthew’s unique agenda.


New member
"Did Yahushua change the customs of Moses as the lying jews claim?”

"You have heard it said... But I say....”

Any serious student of the Bible knows that Matthew obviously believes Jesus is the “New Moses.”

It is a foundational part of Matthew’s unique agenda.

So did this Moses version 2.0 abolish the Sabbath? Or demonstrate and teach it as part of the covenant He signed with His blood and sealed with His death?

You do realized that after the testator is dead the covenant restated can not be changed yes?

Just like last wills and testaments are final and can not be changed after testator passes...

He even instructed prayers Matt 24:20 be said that in the future times of trouble we didnt have to flee during the it is cold...or on Sabbaths as fleeing is NOT resting...

Ironic it is the ONLY commandment instructed prayers be said that it be kept...

NO mention of beleivers being RAPTUREED either...just that they pray they would not have to break the Sabbath by prayers to be spared or saved or RAPTURED...

Oh BTW please hit the “reply with quote” button when responding so I know you wanna talk to me...I mean you do right?


IN HIM spiritual matters neither...
You can tell me. It is not something to hide behind. I am a male. In Christ that doesn't matter. But it is still important. Christ recognizes me as a male, as this is what I am. I can't be neither in communication.


New member
Are you Jewish?


I am what any believer is when that wall between jew and goyim is abolished...when He makes a new man out of the two...

As it was when the church was in the wilderness...ONE LAW for native and goyim alike...



I am what any believer is when that wall between jew and goyim is abolished...when He makes a new man out of the two...

As it was when the church was in the wilderness...ONE LAW for native and goyim alike...
The wall between having been abolished does not mean that you are one new man.


New member
The wall between having been abolished does not mean that you are one new man.

Tell it to Paul...he said it is abolished...and a new man made from the two...jew and goyim

Not only do you want to put the wall back up between jew and goyim you want to go to the other side of it from goyim to jew...


Tell it to Paul...he said it is abolished...and a new man made from the two...jew and goyim

Not only do you want to put the wall back up between jew and goyim you want to go to the other side of it from goyim to jew...

I am sorry but you don't get to say that. Other side? Put the wall back up?

No, there is Jew and Gentile and no distiction between them in Christ. A new man? Biblically, yes. But not as you say.


So did this Moses version 2.0 abolish the Sabbath? Or demonstrate and teach it as part of the covenant He signed with His blood and sealed with His death?

You do realized that after the testator is dead the covenant restated can not be changed yes?

Just like last wills and testaments are final and can not be changed after testator passes...

He even instructed prayers Matt 24:20 be said that in the future times of trouble we didnt have to flee during the it is cold...or on Sabbaths as fleeing is NOT resting...

Ironic it is the ONLY commandment instructed prayers be said that it be kept...

NO mention of beleivers being RAPTUREED either...just that they pray they would not have to break the Sabbath by prayers to be spared or saved or RAPTURED...

Oh BTW please hit the “reply with quote” button when responding so I know you wanna talk to me...I mean you do right?
Moses was a Hebrew. I seriously doubt he would aboloish the Sabbath. It was foundational for the Jews.

“You do realized that after the testator is dead the covenant restated can not be changed yes?”

I remember the commandment “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” I am unacquained with what Jewish law might havd said about it.
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New member
Moses was a Hebrew. I seriously doubt he would aboloish the Sabbath. It was foundational for the Jews.
ok well that Yahushua changed the customs of moses is jewish false witness...

Sabbath btw is foundational to His People...Israel...Heb 4:9

Sabbath was made for man...not just jews...those that accept that gift are sealed by this sign as His People...

I remember the commandment “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” I am unacquained with what Jswish law might havd said about it.

You remember to just remember or remember to claim it was changed or remember to keep the seventh day Sabbath holy?


clefty;5312855... You remember to just remember or remember to claim it was changed or remember to keep the seventh day Sabbath holy?[/QUOTE said:
I disagree. You are putting words in my mouth. You read with inattention and are standing for your own prejudices.”

Yahushua changed the customs of moses is jewish false witness...

ALL customs change--especially religious customs--through time.

Jesus counseled us to “Love your enemies” and to “Turn the other cheek.”
After the small band of Jesus’ followers got in bed with the Roman Empire in sthe 4th century CE, Jesus became the "New Caesar” who invaded other countries and killed millions of other human beings.

Jesus people were not to serve in the Roman army. But under the Emperor Constantine, Jews who followed Jesus were required to serve.


New member
What would you like to say? I do not know why you say

I would like to say what I have been saying which you responded to with this:

I am sorry but you don't get to say that.
sure I do...

Other side?
don’t play coy...or slow...or highly medicated...on one side of the wall is the goyim which you are and on the other side of the wall is the want to be on the jewish side...

Put the wall back up?
yes because IN HIM it was abolished but yet you wish to be a jew instead of you put the wall back up to seperate which was brought together IN HIM

No, there is Jew and Gentile and no distiction between them in Christ. A new man? Biblically, yes.
oh see? You do understand but just confuse yourself...

But not as you say. Paul says...and Peter...


I would like to say what I have been saying which you responded to with this:

sure I do...

don’t play coy...or slow...or highly medicated...on one side of the wall is the goyim which you are and on the other side of the wall is the want to be on the jewish side...

yes because IN HIM it was abolished but yet you wish to be a jew instead of you put the wall back up to seperate which was brought together IN HIM

oh see? You do understand but just confuse yourself... Paul says...and Peter...
Trying to help you. And I am wrongly highly medicated or whatever.


New member
I disagree.
I asked a question providing 3 answers for you to clarify your remembering the commandment about the Sabbath. If you have a 4th than do tell...

You are putting words in my mouth. You read with inattention and are standing for your own prejudices.”
I asked a question providing 3 answers. You said you remember...which means what?

ALL customs change--especially religious customs--through time.
is not what the Bible think Yah changes to suit the needs of fashion, or the demands of taste, or whims of the masses? Imagine if the martyrs of the early church felt that way? Compromise would have saved them...”what? You want me to worship another god...or another way? Sure, things change...He’ll understand...”

Instead they went to their brutal deaths unchanged uncompromised because they worship a God WHO DOES NOT CHANGE

Jesus counseled us to “Love your enemies” and to “Turn the other cheek.”
right what does that love look like? Pagan love? They love each other...or Buddhist love?...or Muslim love? Or love AS I HAVE LOVED YOU...

After the small band of Jesus’ followers got in bed with the Roman Empire in sthe 4th century CE,
they were no longer followers of Him His way when they thought it ok to get into bed with fact that is exactly why the church is called a WHORE in the revelations...

Jesus became the "New Caesar” who invaded other countries and killed millions of other human beings.
ummm no...He does NOT become what the people want Him to be...see above...

BECAUSE you think HE CHANGES is EXACTLY what his followers do the same and kill millions of others “for Him cause now He wants that”

Jesus people were not to serve in the Roman army.
right and they didnt even pay taxes that the jews why christians were persecuted...

But under the Emperor Constantine, Jews who followed Jesus were required to serve.
please cite source for this...that jews refuse to be faithful full citizens is exactly why most nations have kicked them out