

New member
It depends on the cultural myths you are born into.
Islam often compares God to water, springs and rain--something any desert religion would believe.

In my view, all relgion comes out of the cry “Help!”

In Spain, a table is a “mesa.”

Who is right?
The English or the Spanish?

Both “table” and “mesa” point to the same underlying reality.

Happily proper names are not to be translated.

For instance John or Juan are NOT the same...and if either were to ask you to follow him home you would end up in very different places...speaking different languages...eating different foods...wearing different clothes...driving on different sides of the road (John btw is English) and if before 1725 you would be on differing calendars...

Yup NAMES are unique and special when it comes to languages and translations histories cultures and traditions...some names have no translation at all or at best only a “close” alternate...

And if John says he is the one and ONLY...or Juan says he is your creator...well now things get awkward...


New member
Who was Jesus?
What qualities did he reveal in his authentic words and deeds?
Did he not demonstrate that God is nonviolent?
That God is anti-tribal?
That God stands for the widow, the orphan, the immigrant and the stranger?
That God is found in the unclean and the corrupt?

When Jesus mentions the commandments, he only lists the commandments that are foundational to ALL religions.

Not ALL religions have the seventh day Sabbath...remember the Sabbath day? Prolly not...LOL

Not ALL religions have a full day of rest after six days of remind them of a Creator of keep it Holy and Sanctified...

Yup Sabbath the only commandment inclusive of goyim in its listing...

In fact the Sabbath is the ONLY commandment Yahushua commanded prayers be said that it would be kept in the future. Oh and winters...winters too were expected to continue...but winters is not a commandment and other religions have winters...

Not ALL religions have the 1st commandment either...that Yah is ONE God there is NO OTHER

Not ALL religions have restricted themselves from making images as they might corrupt themselves into making them idols...

Not ALL religions take His name YAH everywhere all the time...some say GOD or G-d or Hashem or LORD GOD all caps to make it big and know GOD not god...LORD not lord...

But we are to “Hallowed be thy name” and Paul would say we do that by ESTABLISHING IT.

But NOT all religions realize Yah is GOD...EL I YAH=god is YAH...HalleluYAH...and He has a son Yahushua...

NOT ALL religions know that Yah saved with His Son Yahushua which literally means “Yah saves”...

So how many religions are we down to?

Simply put by Matthew’s account, Jesus summed up his mission this way:

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind... And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

--Matthew 22:32-40

so just how do we love each other? Like the pagans love? Or the Buddhists or the muslims? Or rather AS I HAVE LOVED no Sunday Hams when He invites you over after His day of rest...

Jesus either said this or he didn’t.
You can’t have it both ways.

Try paying attention to John’s gospel’s central metaphor:

Jesus is the way.

A "way" is a path or a road to be followed.
A "way" is not a set of beliefs.

So, Jesus is "the way."

What does this metaphor, applied to a person, mean?

We need to ask, "What is Jesus' 'way' in John's gospel?" Or, "What is 'the way' which Jesus is?"

I beleive the answer is found in the movement or dynamic of the gospel as a whole as well as in a single verse.

I DO agree that Jesus is the only way.

And that way--of dying to an old way of being and being born into a new way of being--is known in all of the religions of the world.

The "way" of Jesus is a universal way, known even to millions who have never heard of Jesus.

Paul would agree as he worshipped the God of his fathers according to a sect known as “the WAY” considered heretical back then Acts 24:14 and still is considered heretical even cultish NOW...because a jewish lie was believed that Yahushua changed all the customs delivered by Moses Acts 6:13-14 Luke was clear the TRUTH was that this was jewish slander and false witness...

The TRUTH was that the Sabbath remained Heb 4:9 as did kosher laws and festivals...the Jerusalem Council confirmed that as it prescribed 4 rules for fellowship for the crowding goyim...James concluded as much as they were to continue to hear Moses preached and read in every city and EVERY SABBATH Acts 15:21

NOT ALL religions after having been saved by Yah through His Son Yahushua gratefully do these works...


New member
No one comes to the Father except through me.
That means that loving one’s enemies, not judging and being open-hearted to all is the only way to God.

And that would include 90% of all the religions on the planet.

Except you excluded the "me" from "No one comes to the Father except through me" in that statement.


New member
I know that they are important.

I know you do.

Was highlighting the fact that some around here ascribe various things or teachings to certain people falsely mistaking identities and misappropriating truth.

For instance let me give you an example that jewish false witness that Yahushua changed the customs Moses delivered. That false witness has kept most christians from TRUTh for over centuries.

Catholics even ascribe to Him His incarnation as reason to make idols.

The dogmatic foundation for the cult of icons is the Incarnation. It was at the time of iconoclasm that the theology of icons was enunciated by St. John Damascene (749 AD). He argued (in Discourses) that material images of holy things were acceptable because God clothed himself in matter when he took human form in Jesus. “Previously God, who has neither a body nor a face, absolutely could not be represented by an image. But now that he has made himself visible in the flesh and has lived with men, I can make an image of what I have seen of God…and contemplate the glory of the Lord, his face unveiled.” (St. John Damascene). The Old Testament forbade images because in the Old Covenant God had revealed Himself only by word. In the New Testament, the Word becomes an image by the incarnation of the word in Jesus. Indeed in Col. 1.15 Paul calls Jesus, the 'image of the unseen God'. Before the incarnation no images of God were allowed because we were waiting for the ultimate 'icon' of God--the man Christ Jesus. Now that God has given us his true image in Christ, the images we make simply reflect back to him. “For in Jesus dwells the whole fullness of the Deity, bodily…” – Colossians 2:9. “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life – for the life was made visible…” – 1 John 1:1-2 . So our images of Christ remind us of Jesus and our images of the saints remind us that they were living images of Jesus Christ in the world. So, in other words, we use physical images to remind us that God took a physical image in Christ and that we are meant to be his icons in the world. Because God took on this material world in Jesus, we continue to use material things in our worship. Because He is the creator God, and we are made in his image, we fashion material things into images which reflect His glory. So images, when used properly, become physical pointers to Christ--the image of the unseen God, the one by whom God created the physical world, and in whom all physical things subsist. When we venerate the image it is a way for us to express love and devotion for the person the image represents.

So it’s Yah’s or Yahushua’s fault we are owverwhelmed with idolatry and counterfeit truth because He became visible thus abolishing the “no image” custom delivered by Moses.

As ask any honest artist worth their trade and they will agree the image they make is true but it is NOT the Truth...but merely a counterfeit of what is rendered...a picture of an apple is real but not a real apple...and yet they would have you believe it is true...

For a counterfeit to succeed it must be closer to the thing it counterfeits...

I may have been confused about this in the past.
yes and it was when you confused the name Judah as more important than His...


New member
I would need to look at the passage. I do not know if Jesus said anything. Pilate may have asked and parted, I do not know.

Yes look up the passages and realize Pilate knew what the pharisees did...people determine the truth...

Matt 21:26 John 12:42 Mark 11:18 Matthew 21:46 Matt 14:5 these texts alll reveal that people declare the has always been WE THE PEOPLE whether a majority or a how the Law is established...traditions customs et al

“But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him” John 4:32

Acts 15:17

Is why He has been seeking since Adam for those that not only believe but OBEY...Him His ways...

His people are to establish His Law...His doing so they reveal they are His people...and He is their God...and of all the gods out there only this One will prevail...for He is Truth...

“IF I be lifted up...” John 12:32 He will draw all things...but not all will OBEY...

Psalms 14:2

Gen 3:9


New member
It depends on the cultural myths you are born into.
Islam often compares God to water, springs and rain--something any desert religion would believe.

In my view, all relgion comes out of the cry “Help!”

In Spain, a table is a “mesa.”

Who is right?
The English or the Spanish?

Both “table” and “mesa” point to the same underlying reality.

Realizing they would succeed at anything they endeavored to do He confused their languages at babel for a reason...Paul confirms this Acts 17:26-27

That they would seek Yah.


I know you do.

Was highlighting the fact that some around here ascribe various things or teachings to certain people falsely mistaking identities and misappropriating truth.

For instance let me give you an example that jewish false witness that Yahushua changed the customs Moses delivered. That false witness has kept most christians from TRUTh for over centuries.

Catholics even ascribe to Him His incarnation as reason to make idols.

The dogmatic foundation for the cult of icons is the Incarnation. It was at the time of iconoclasm that the theology of icons was enunciated by St. John Damascene (749 AD). He argued (in Discourses) that material images of holy things were acceptable because God clothed himself in matter when he took human form in Jesus. “Previously God, who has neither a body nor a face, absolutely could not be represented by an image. But now that he has made himself visible in the flesh and has lived with men, I can make an image of what I have seen of God…and contemplate the glory of the Lord, his face unveiled.” (St. John Damascene). The Old Testament forbade images because in the Old Covenant God had revealed Himself only by word. In the New Testament, the Word becomes an image by the incarnation of the word in Jesus. Indeed in Col. 1.15 Paul calls Jesus, the 'image of the unseen God'. Before the incarnation no images of God were allowed because we were waiting for the ultimate 'icon' of God--the man Christ Jesus. Now that God has given us his true image in Christ, the images we make simply reflect back to him. “For in Jesus dwells the whole fullness of the Deity, bodily…” – Colossians 2:9. “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life – for the life was made visible…” – 1 John 1:1-2 . So our images of Christ remind us of Jesus and our images of the saints remind us that they were living images of Jesus Christ in the world. So, in other words, we use physical images to remind us that God took a physical image in Christ and that we are meant to be his icons in the world. Because God took on this material world in Jesus, we continue to use material things in our worship. Because He is the creator God, and we are made in his image, we fashion material things into images which reflect His glory. So images, when used properly, become physical pointers to Christ--the image of the unseen God, the one by whom God created the physical world, and in whom all physical things subsist. When we venerate the image it is a way for us to express love and devotion for the person the image represents.

So it’s Yah’s or Yahushua’s fault we are owverwhelmed with idolatry and counterfeit truth because He became visible thus abolishing the “no image” custom delivered by Moses.

As ask any honest artist worth their trade and they will agree the image they make is true but it is NOT the Truth...but merely a counterfeit of what is rendered...a picture of an apple is real but not a real apple...and yet they would have you believe it is true...

For a counterfeit to succeed it must be closer to the thing it counterfeits...

yes and it was when you confused the name Judah as more important than His...

Yes look up the passages and realize Pilate knew what the pharisees did...people determine the truth...

Matt 21:26 John 12:42 Mark 11:18 Matthew 21:46 Matt 14:5 these texts alll reveal that people declare the has always been WE THE PEOPLE whether a majority or a how the Law is established...traditions customs et al

“But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him” John 4:32

Acts 15:17

Is why He has been seeking since Adam for those that not only believe but OBEY...Him His ways...

His people are to establish His Law...His doing so they reveal they are His people...and He is their God...and of all the gods out there only this One will prevail...for He is Truth...

“IF I be lifted up...” John 12:32 He will draw all things...but not all will OBEY...

Psalms 14:2

Gen 3:9
I do not know what you are saying about Judah.


New member
I do not know what you are saying about Judah.

Judah name of man who sold his brother Joseph into slavery...

First of the tribe of Judah the one you “joined” instead of

Yahushua in Whom there is no jew...

A lot of other info there but your concern is Judah


Judah name of man who sold his brother Joseph into slavery...

First of the tribe of Judah the one you “joined” instead of

Yahushua in Whom there is no jew...

A lot of other info there but your concern is Judah
I chose the tribe of Levi.

Jesus was of the tribe of Judah.


New member
I chose the tribe of Levi.

Jesus was of the tribe of Judah.

Ah yes the elite of the chosen...yes the unemployed of the never had to work just moneychange and eat sacrifices...

Good choice of the chosen to choose...may you remain unemployed...unless you want to “work” for the third temple

With your choice however you have chosen to be outside of Him


Ah yes the elite of the chosen...yes the unemployed of the never had to work just moneychange and eat sacrifices...

Good choice of the chosen to choose...may you remain unemployed...unless you want to “work” for the third temple

With your choice however you have chosen to be outside of Him
The teachers of Israel. How is that outside of Him? I do not think so.