

I actually did. Look at the quote you included of my original post:

"No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus is known for teaching sloving one’s enemies, not judging and being open-hearted to all.
This is the only way to God.


Yes, I believe that what Jesus said is true.

Regardless, this remains the only way for a truth to convey. This is the more important part.
You do need to be reconciled to God. That is why I point out the truth of God's Word.


New member
Is truth unchanging, or is different for different people. Does everyone have their owne truth, or is their a collective truth?


Is truth unchanging, or is different for different people. Does everyone have their owne truth, or is their a collective truth?
On the one hand people have the truth. On the other it is desired. Does this help you? Let me know if you need further help.


New member
No. What God commands is what He requires.
yup...and none can do it alone...

His commandments are for our good.
yup and none can do them alone...

His Law is good.
yup and no one can do it alone...that is WHY His Son...and He is better than the law because He can help keep and forgive when YOU dont and cover you from His Fathers wrath...

But not if you are a jew...if you are a jew you don’t believe your god had a Son...

I know you think you are a jew but you are not...

You claim you are a converted into jew AND are yet still a christian...doesnt work...just like if you claimed you were now a vegetarian and yet continued to eat meat...


yup...and none can do it alone...

yup and none can do them alone...

yup and no one can do it alone...that is WHY His Son...and He is better than the law because He can help keep and forgive when YOU dont and cover you from His Fathers wrath...

But not if you are a jew...if you are a jew you don’t believe your god had a Son...

I know you think you are a jew but you are not...

You claim you are a converted into jew AND are yet still a christian...doesnt work...just like if you claimed you were now a vegetarian and yet continued to eat meat...
No. I have not officially converted but I have been practicing for years. Of course the God of the Jews, my God, had a Son.


New member
No. I have not officially converted but I have been practicing for years. Of course the God of the Jews, my God, had a Son.

Thought so.

They won’t allow you to be converted if you hold on to Him. They HATE Body of Christ monies and other Christian Zionist support including bodies and bullets but HATE Him.

But you shouldn’t want to be a jew if you are in Him.

They should be jealous of you not you of them...

In Him there is no jew...


New member
No. I have not officially converted but I have been practicing for years. Of course the God of the Jews, my God, had a Son.

Thinking about this,

as an “ex” despie your desire to become a jew and to play with them as one of them...reminds me of the millions of spectators that show up to cheer the pros officially playing, and as fans to wear their jerseys spend their money to sponser, even fight in the stands for their team...and when they go home they “play” the same game but not officailly as it was not dispensed to them to do so to play by the same rules...but nevertheless they are paying spectators to the official game...

So aren’t playing with are supporting/playing for another seeking to replace Him...just more willing to play by the rules formerly “NOT dispensed to you”...

And all in a noble but hopeless desire to win these zionists to convert to play WITH Him...FOR Him...


Except you excluded the "me" from "No one comes to the Father except through me" in that statement.

Who is “me” in the quote?
Is it Caesar?
Is it Jesus?

Who/what is Jesus?

Nonviolent, hospitable, not tribal, concerned with the destitute and the outcasts.

No one can come to the Father except through the characteristics and mission of Jesus.

In the New Testament, Jesus mentions only those 10 Commandments that the great religions of the world also practice.


"Not ALL religions have the 1st commandment either...that Yah is ONE God there is NO OTHER.”

Unless one beleives in the Trinity: three gods instead of one.


Thought so.

They won’t allow you to be converted if you hold on to Him. They HATE Body of Christ monies and other Christian Zionist support including bodies and bullets but HATE Him.

But you shouldn’t want to be a jew if you are in Him.

They should be jealous of you not you of them...

In Him there is no jew...

There is no distinction does not mean there is no Jew. Of course I am male, not no male.


Thinking about this,

as an “ex” despie your desire to become a jew and to play with them as one of them...reminds me of the millions of spectators that show up to cheer the pros officially playing, and as fans to wear their jerseys spend their money to sponser, even fight in the stands for their team...and when they go home they “play” the same game but not officailly as it was not dispensed to them to do so to play by the same rules...but nevertheless they are paying spectators to the official game...

So aren’t playing with are supporting/playing for another seeking to replace Him...just more willing to play by the rules formerly “NOT dispensed to you”...

And all in a noble but hopeless desire to win these zionists to convert to play WITH Him...FOR Him...

I don't know much about Zionists, so that is not it.

I was a stranger to the covenants of promise, that is true.


New member
"Not ALL religions have the 1st commandment either...that Yah is ONE God there is NO OTHER.”

Unless one beleives in the Trinity: three gods instead of one.

Well then you leave the jews out...they don’t believe their god had a Son...certainly not EQUAL TO THE OTHER TWO

And even christendom is split as to HOW the trinity “FILIOQUE”...the progression of the Holy Spirit...

the East believes the Spirit comes from the Father alone...

and the West the construct that it comes from the FATHER AND SON

Oh boy...split the church still today...

So what’s that about Yahushua mentioning only the commandments that are foundational to ALL religions?

Do you also believe the jewish FALSE WITNESS that Yahushua changed the customs Moses delivered?

Oh and BTW please don’t forget to hit the “reply with” button so it notifies me you wish to talk to me...I mean you do right?

There are still the other 3 commandments you have not answered on...

1. The prohibiting images corrupting into idols
2. Taking the Name in vain...for NAUGHT

Oh yeah and the Sabbath...

Did Yahushua change the customs of Moses as the lying jews claim?


New member
There is no distinction does not mean there is no Jew. Of course I am male, not no male.

Will you allow your gender to keep you from being in Him?

jew, gentile, male, female, freeman,and slave are all in the physical temporal fleshy realm of salvation...the other side of salvation is SPIRITUAL...

He made NO DISTINCTION but jews will IS EXCATLY why you are not OFFICIALLY A JEW...unless you lie and hide you believe their god HAD a Son...and HE IS THEIR MESSIAH TOO...

Lie about that hide that you believe that and they MIGHT let you be a jew...but NOT IN HIM


New member
I don't know much about Zionists, so that is not it.
you certainly are not a jew...

I was a stranger to the covenants of promise, that is true.
but NOW IN HIM you are not...and if you insist you wish to be a jew you will become a stranger again to the covenant of PROMISE made with HIS PEOPLE IN HIM...which are neither jew nor goyim male or female free of slave


Will you allow your gender to keep you from being in Him?

jew, gentile, male, female, freeman,and slave are all in the physical temporal fleshy realm of salvation...the other side of salvation is SPIRITUAL...

He made NO DISTINCTION but jews will IS EXCATLY why you are not OFFICIALLY A JEW...unless you lie and hide you believe their god HAD a Son...and HE IS THEIR MESSIAH TOO...

Lie about that hide that you believe that and they MIGHT let you be a jew...but NOT IN HIM
The true Jew believes that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.


you certainly are not a jew...

but NOW IN HIM you are not...and if you insist you wish to be a jew you will become a stranger again to the covenant of PROMISE made with HIS PEOPLE IN HIM...which are neither jew nor goyim male or female free of slave
You do not know what you are talking about. You turn people away from God's Commandments. No need to make anyone a Gentile.