

New member
The teachers of Israel. How is that outside of Him? I do not think so.

So of the tribes only those of Judah are outside of Him?

What function do the levites play when there is no more need of temple it’s bloodletting?


So of the tribes only those of Judah are outside of Him?

What function do the levites play when there is no more need of temple it’s bloodletting?
I have nothing against any tribe and I do not believe Ezekiel's Temple has yet come to be, if it will. Levites still are anyway.


New member
I have nothing against any tribe and I do not believe Ezekiel's Temple has yet come to be, if it will. Levites still are anyway.

Believe it or not it’s not about you..but Him and His people...of which there is no need for Levite their services as there is no more more tribes...all that was to learn mercy rather than sacrifice...and now IN HIM that is learned...


Believe it or not it’s not about you..but Him and His people...of which there is no need for Levite their services as there is no more more tribes...all that was to learn mercy rather than sacrifice...and now IN HIM that is learned...
To obey is better than sacrifice. Levi is a teaching priestly tribe.


New member
My Rabbi of Levi teaches.

Samuel and Saul about to obey is better than sacrifice.

Yes Samuel told Saul that...but even still people think they can come up with their own rationale as why to sacrifice RATHER than obey...

Like you sacrificing your status IN HIM to become a jew rather than obey that in Him there is neither jew nor goyim...


Yes Samuel told Saul that...but even still people think they can come up with their own rationale as why to sacrifice RATHER than obey...

Like you sacrificing your status IN HIM to become a jew rather than obey that in Him there is neither jew nor goyim...
You are forgetting the story for its details.

The Gospel is for the Jew first, not to make him not a Jew.


New member
You are forgetting the story for its details.

The Gospel is for the Jew first, not to make him not a Jew.

The story is the the jew first but they rejected it PRECISELY because they wanted something else someone remain JEWISH and not give it up to the goyim...IN HIM

They HATED HIM for reminded them that they were always ONLY to be a blessing to other Nations to serve them and allow ALL NATIONS to worship at His House of prayer...certainly NOT charge a worship FEE so steep even their fellow Israelites resorted to Idolatry rather than have to pay jews to worship at the temple...

Yup that is the was to them to make them no longer jewish but Israel His obedient people...serving others...NOT themselves...obedience rather than sacrifice...MERCY rather than sacrifice...

Thus NEITHER JEW nor goyim IN HIM...but a new man citizen of Israel...


The story is the the jew first but they rejected it PRECISELY because they wanted something else someone remain JEWISH and not give it up to the goyim...IN HIM

They HATED HIM for reminded them that they were always ONLY to be a blessing to other Nations to serve them and allow ALL NATIONS to worship at His House of prayer...certainly NOT charge a worship FEE so steep even their fellow Israelites resorted to Idolatry rather than have to pay jews to worship at the temple...

Yup that is the was to them to make them no longer jewish but Israel His obedient people...serving others...NOT themselves...obedience rather than sacrifice...MERCY rather than sacrifice...

Thus NEITHER JEW nor goyim IN HIM...but a new man citizen of Israel...
When was the book of Romans written though?


New member
I am trying to encourage you to think about what you say. You say no Jew or Goyim but Israelite.

In Him no jews as jews reject their God had a Son...
In Him no gentile as gentiles don’t keep Sabbaths or festivals or kosher etc

What does that have to do with book of Romans?


Active member
The word truth. What does it mean? What does it involve? What is at stake?

Truth is simply a stated fact. The real problem is actually how a truth can convey among humans.

If you are sent back to stone age to warn them that a small star is going to hit planet earth. What can you do?

Simply tell them that "you are the truth, the way, and the life that no one can reach safety but only through you."

What else can you do?

Show them how scientific you are for your eyewitnesses to be convinced that you are more knowledgeable than the stone age humans for them to take your warning seriously. Then your witnesses will record down your deeds and speeches and will try their best to spread the message to the 4 corners of the earth.

That's the only way how such a message can convey! And no other religions but only Christianity is trying to convey a message in such a way.

Acts 1:8 (NIV2011)
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.


In Him no jews as jews reject their God had a Son...
In Him no gentile as gentiles don’t keep Sabbaths or festivals or kosher etc

What does that have to do with book of Romans?

It has little to do with Romans as the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

A Jew observes the 613 mitzvot.


Truth is simply a stated fact. The real problem is actually how a truth can convey among humans.

If you are sent back to stone age to warn them that a small star is going to hit planet earth. What can you do?

Simply tell them that "you are the truth, the way, and the life that no one can reach safety but only through you."

What else can you do?

Show them how scientific you are for your eyewitnesses to be convinced that you are more knowledgeable than the stone age humans for them to take your warning seriously. Then your witnesses will record down your deeds and speeches and will try their best to spread the message to the 4 corners of the earth.

That's the only way how such a message can convey! And no other religions but only Christianity is trying to convey a message in such a way.

Acts 1:8 (NIV2011)
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Are you for this? What Jesus said is true.


New member
It has little to do with Romans as the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
yes the jew first and since they rejected it to hold on to their chosen jewishness it was given to the gentiles

A Jew observes the 613 mitzvot.
doesn’t make them first among men


which jews do NOT do...just cuz you are a man that puts on a dress does not make you a woman

You are like someone who claims they are vegetarian but then continues to eat meat
No. What God commands is what He requires. His commandments are for our good. His Law is good.