Christ's Word
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Still having trouble with menopause I see.....
If that's the best you have I guess it will just have to do. :e4e:Still having trouble with menopause I see.....
Well, I have no idea where you're getting your numbers since you didn't cite them.
Barbarian observes:
Yep. And the point is, if we armed teachers, more students would be dead than if we didn't arm teachers. Accidental handgun deaths are much more common than deaths from school shootings. You're proposing a solution that is many times more dangerous than the hazard.
Red herringAnd TH noted that unless we spent a lot of time drilling in actual simualted circumstances, people would be very unlikely to respond properly in those one in a million circumstances where a gun might help.
Actually, there is a correlation between acceptance of evolution and violence...
But it's a negative correlation. Societies that deny evolution tend to be more violent. Those that are most accepting of evolution tend to be more peaceful.
I'm guessing it's not really about evolution, but about education. Some states in the United States have abysmal education systems.
The incident began on the morning of October 1, 1997 when Luke Woodham fatally stabbed and bludgeoned his mother, Mary Woodham, as she prepared for a morning jog. At his trial, Woodham claimed that he could not remember killing his mother.
Woodham drove his mother's car to Pearl High School. Wearing a trenchcoat, to hide his rifle when he entered the school, Woodham fatally shot Lydia Kaye Dew and Christina Menefee, his former girlfriend. Pearl High School assistant band director, Jeff Cannon, was standing five feet away from Dew when she was fatally shot. Woodham went on to wound seven others before attempting to leave in his mother's car, in the hopes of driving to the Pearl Junior High School and killing more students before police could arrive. He was prevented from leaving by the Assistant Principal, Joel Myrick, who had retrieved his legal, privately owned handgun and held it to Woodham's head until police could arrive.
Hi Barbarian,
So you say some states have an abysmal education system?
Are you going to try to correlate that to school shootings?
I don't think you can gather that kind of information at least for now, maybe someday. But I doubt you will find Creationism had any foothold at all at schools such as Columbine, or in that area of Connecticut where Adam attended or in Springfield, Oregon where Kip Kinkel shot and killed his parents before going to his school and shooting.
I think evolution will be found in all of the schools as the popular and accepted stand.
Luke Woodham, a then 16 year old from Pearl High School in Mississippi, and 1997 shooter who killed his mother and then went to the school to shoot claimed he had turned to Satanism and black magic that would give him what he wanted. He also said he did it as a cross dresser who was picked on.
Luke was stopped with a hand gun by the Vice Principle:
So Luke not only didn't use a gun to kill his mother, he also was stopped by the presence of a gun in an adult's hand.
So are books on grammar and history and math. You think those had a causal impact?...I think evolution will be found in all of the schools as the popular and accepted stand.
Logical Fallacy
Gun accidents happen therefore gun accidents can not be avoided
Red herring
No one suggested organizing well armed school militia, without providing significant training.
I would, in fact, argue that a person who is heavily armed without significant training is not "well armed"!
Hi Paul,Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV – “Let us hear the ( Conclusion ) of the ( Whole matter ): (( “FEAR” )) God; and keep His Commandments: for ( This is the Whole Duty of Man )”. ---&--- Jude 1:23 KJV – “Others save with “ (( FEAR ))”, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh”. -------//-- What are both of those (( FEARS )) about?? -- Let’s see you all add some of your carnal "Fears" to correct anything that bothers you about anything in your world of SIN!!! --- It’s "ALL" in the Gospel that God is commanding the World of unbelievers to have Faith in; -- BUT NO!!!!! – Do everything your way!! – Read the above again and ask yourself if you can add anything to IT!!!! You most likely WILL!!!
Paul – 121812
So are books on grammar and history and math. You think those had a causal impact?lain:
Hi Barbarian,
So you say some states have an abysmal education system?
Are you going to try to correlate that to school shootings?
I don't think you can gather that kind of information at least for now, maybe someday. But I doubt you will find Creationism had any foothold at all at schools such as Columbine, or in that area of Connecticut where Adam attended or in Springfield, Oregon where Kip Kinkel shot and killed his parents before going to his school and shooting.
I think evolution will be found in all of the schools as the popular and accepted stand.
Hi. Good to talk to you, again.
Violence in general. Ignorant people are more prone to violence. Would you like some information on that?
But there were a surprisingly large number of such shootings in states where evolution has been opposed. Much more than population and chance factors would predict.
As you know, correlation doesn't mean causation. But the strong correlation between rejection of evolution, and violent crime does remove the claim that there's a connection between evolutionary theory and violence.
Ok, please explain to me why Dahmer's testimony that being taught evolution dehumanized people in his eyes is not to be considered as significant?
Barbarian observes:
Yep. And the point is, if we armed teachers, more students would be dead than if we didn't arm teachers.
Accidental handgun deaths are much more common than deaths from school shootings.
You're proposing a solution that is many times more dangerous than the hazard.
Basic principle of Safety; accidents can be controlled, but not eliminated. Introduce a hazard, and it will eventually lead to a loss.
Because ... Dahmer said it. He did what *most* evil, violent criminals do ... made excuses for his bad deeds. It's not his fault, but the fault of society for allowing evolution to dehumanize him.
Rusha you are saying this because you didn't read one thing about him after being incarcerated, aren't you.Because ... Dahmer said it. He did what *most* evil, violent criminals do ... made excuses for his bad deeds. It's not his fault, but the fault of society for allowing evolution to dehumanize him.
For the same reason you can't credit Ted Bundy blaming pornography for his condition. They're manipulative liars and narcissists.Ok, please explain to me why Dahmer's testimony that being taught evolution dehumanized people in his eyes is not to be considered as significant?
No, I'm not giving credibility to someone attempting to mitigate his personal responsibility and manipulate you and others willing to buy into it.You all are ignoring a murderer trying to explain something.
I don't place faith in people so unhinged that they take pleasure in the suffering and death of others. I don't credit them with either altruism or honesty and neither should you.Or have you heard of a killer saying grammar, history or math sent him on a spree?
I've said I like statistics.Well let me preface that with: I'm not good at math and you are really into keeping count and score and stuff like that as you have said here.
So you're suggesting Einstein might have been a serial killer? Well, at least we know that if he was you'd be more likely to credit his motives and honesty.And lots of people very good at math are found to be mentally ill. :think:
I agree with this statement. :up: This is why I don't trust aCW.I don't place faith in people so unhinged that they take pleasure in the suffering and death of others. I don't credit them with either altruism or honesty and neither should you.
You have absolutely no proof or evidence of that.
And I wouldn't arm a teacher but have an armed person in the office - who had to take practice regularly.
The truth of the matter is people don't usually like to attack people who can attack back.
You, sir, are being haphazard in throwing all shooting accidents into one category.
Are you talking about cars or guns?
If you are talking about cars what do you propose?