Who is?More jibberish to cover up the fact that you are not as popular as you think you are.
But you're thinking of chrys. He's the one who is always going on about that. Me? I'm happy with the friends I have. They're good company. A few of them even just made the HOF around here, which has me in an even better mood.
As far as dancing goes, I prefer the road less traveled, and in that regard, you are a superhighway.
You should be arrested for murdering a metaphor. The grammar police should be called in immediately.
It would be right of you to remain silent.
If you give up that right everything you say may be used against you in a public forum.
You have the right to speak with an attorney (that's me)
If you cannot afford what will happen to you if you speak to an attorney (me again) someone else will try to comfort you (at least nine so far).