The Trinity

The Trinity

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Matthew 28: 16. Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. 18. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

(Now who is going to say that the message of Jesus was only to some or only for a term?)

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Right Divider

Body part
You are the one who does not read the whole passage.

Jesus says there are people on the side of truth and they are the ones who come to him to be saved. He tells us how to have a good heart, and how to be the one in whom he lives.
You reject God's grace because you think that you are better than the rest. You need to humble yourself and accept that God saves sinners and not those that are "obedient enough".


New member
"Thanks for the apology.

I am sure you know how to look up whether it was at age 99 or 100, right?Is that your way of still being contentious and making your apology a lie?"

No. It is in no way contention. It is a serious question as while looking through the verses with reference to Abraham and circumcision I found that in one place it seems to say that he was circumcised at 99 and in another place it seems to say that it was at age 100. I wanted your input is all.

I asked what need would there have been for a new testament is the old was understood correctly?

The physical killing of GOD'S creation to pay for the sin of GOD'S creation (self) may have pleased GOD at some point. I cannot say for sure one way or another at this time, and do not wish to debate about that at this time either.

And again;

peace friend.

Right Divider

Body part
If I was what you say I am, then I wouldn't be trying to help you.
You believe that Christ did not do enough on the cross. You believe that you need to "pitch in" to help pay for your sins. You do not accept the FREE GIFT of eternal life because you want to help "pay" for it.

That is why I'm trying to help you, but you want your own righteousness instead of God's.

God's Truth

New member
You believe that Christ did not do enough on the cross. You believe that you need to "pitch in" to help pay for your sins. You do not accept the FREE GIFT of eternal life because you want to help "pay" for it.

That is why I'm trying to help you, but you want your own righteousness instead of God's.

You can't deal with what the scriptures say so how can you deal with what I say?

I said Jesus saves us ALL ON HIS OWN.

He CHOOSES whom he saves.

He says he saves those who believe and obey him.

God's Truth

New member
"Thanks for the apology.

I am sure you know how to look up whether it was at age 99 or 100, right?Is that your way of still being contentious and making your apology a lie?"

No. It is in no way contention. It is a serious question as while looking through the verses with reference to Abraham and circumcision I found that in one place it seems to say that he was circumcised at 99 and in another place it seems to say that it was at age 100. I wanted your input is all.

I asked what need would there have been for a new testament is the old was understood correctly?

The physical killing of GOD'S creation to pay for the sin of GOD'S creation (self) may have pleased GOD at some point. I cannot say for sure one way or another at this time, and do not wish to debate about that at this time either.

And again;

peace friend.

You don't know? You cannot say for sure?

The Bible knows and says for sure.

God says to give animal sacrifices and it was pleasing to Him.

I don't care to speak anymore with you about that either.

If a person does not accept what is plainly written, then they will stay lost on the subject.

God's Truth

New member
Nope... just telling the truth that salvation is a free gift that the LORD gives to those that put the faith in Him. A truth that you hate.

Faith alone is dead and cannot save anyone. The only thing those who want to be saved don't have to do is get circumcised, and the other ceremonial works. Jesus came and gave the new guidelines.

What you preach is not from God, it goes against His Word.


Right Divider

Body part
Faith alone is dead and cannot save anyone. The only thing those who want to be saved don't have to do is get circumcised, and the other ceremonial works. Jesus came and gave the new guidelines.

What you preach is not from God, it goes against His Word.

More false accusation from the child of the devil!

Back to the ignore list for you.

God's Truth

New member
More false accusation from the child of the devil!

Back to the ignore list for you.

You can't get out of the obeying Jesus thing. He is the Way. You can't write him off because he said that in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You can't write him off because he said it before and after he died and to Jews and then to all.

His words are the words of the Creator and are forever for everyone.


New member
"You don't know? You cannot say for sure?"

Yes that is right. I am able to admit when I am not sure of a thing. Do you fault me for it?

"The Bible knows and says for sure."

Then guide me towards it please. Such is not debate and I am not against you.

"God says to give animal sacrifices and it was pleasing to Him."

okay; please reference scripture showing GOD commanding Abraham to kill HIS creation. (Please note that I am not saying that you are wrong. I am only asking for the reference in scripture; as you surely base this belief on scripture you yourself have read. I know this and do inquire it of you and it is your duty to produce it in like kind and manner as you well know.

"I don't care to speak anymore with you about that either. "

But we shouldn't conclude it there as you have stated that I am lost to the subject; being able to observe such from a fellow believer makes it incumbent upon you to light the way to what is right in this regard. It is very important that you not see this as me debating you but as a request of you, because though GOD is no respecter of persons; little ole me knows you derive your beliefs from scripture, and that does earn respect towards you from me on some level.

"If a person does not accept what is plainly written, then they will stay lost on the subject."

(faint smile)
Outstanding! Now do please, for my sake and yours, and any else's; reference scripture showing that Abraham was commanded to actually physically kill GOD'S creation and that is did indeed please GOD.

thank you.


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New member
Faith alone is dead and cannot save anyone. The only thing those who want to be saved don't have to do is get circumcised, and the other ceremonial works. Jesus came and gave the new guidelines.

What you preach is not from God, it goes against His Word.


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God's Truth

New member
"You don't know? You cannot say for sure?"

Yes that is right. I am able to admit when I am not sure of a thing. Do you fault me for it?

"The Bible knows and says for sure."

Then guide me towards it please. Such is not debate and I am not against you.

"God says to give animal sacrifices and it was pleasing to Him."

okay; please reference scripture showing GOD commanding Abraham to kill HIS creation. (Please note that I am not saying that you are wrong. I am only asking for the reference in scripture; as you surely base this belief on scripture you yourself have read. I know this and do inquire it of you and it is your duty to produce it in like kind and manner as you well know.

"I don't care to speak anymore with you about that either. "

But we shouldn't conclude it there as you have stated that I am lost to the subject; being able to observe such from a fellow believer makes it incumbent upon you to light the way to what is right in this regard. It is very important that you not see this as me debating you but as a request of you, because though GOD is no respecter of persons; little ole me knows you derive your beliefs from scripture, and that does earn respect towards you from me on some level.

"If a person does not accept what is plainly written, then they will stay lost on the subject."

(faint smile)
Outstanding! Now do please, for my sake and yours, and any else's; reference scripture showing that Abraham was commanded to actually physically kill GOD'S creation and that is did indeed please GOD.

thank you.


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Why do you ask for scriptures that I have given you?


New member
Why do you bring up the Pharisees? The Pharisees prove you wrong. They are the ones who did not obey and repent of their sins.

Why do you negate the Sadducees?

I guess this applies to you, then?
"For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Mat 5:20).

Jesus often called the Pharisees hypocrites (Mat 15:7; 16:3; 22:18; 23:23, 25, 27, 29; Mk 7:6).

As for you cutting off Jesus' words in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John---Jesus' words are forever and to all.

I do not negate Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John it teaches me to be run away as fast as I can from people who mix God's Truth with their UNtruth.

When I asked you to follow Jesus' commandment in Luke 9:23-24, in a sense, you laughed at me. And when I proved to you that you, gt, does NOT OBEY ALL of Jesus' commandments, you simply switch to another subject and go immediately to I, gt, OBEY ALL of Jesus' commandments, when you, gt, just CONFESSED that you do NOT.

Then, after having CONFESSED that you do NOT OBEY Jesus' commandments EXACTLY, you DEMAND that you be followed for only you are the one that has God's Truth.