The Trinity

The Trinity

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Oh, so you pick and choose what YOU will follow from the Law. And what do you do with the warning from the Law that says that if you fail BUT ONE commandment of the Law, the Law is going to KILL YOU (you will die in your sins).

You, Jacob, are NOT following the Law. You, Jacob, CANNOT follow the Law. For all that is needed to follow the Law has been destroyed.

You, Jacob, should really, REALLY evaluate what you REALLY believe in and then you would not bring confusion to what you profess you believe.
You are demonstrating that you do not understand. Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the Commandments.




There is no way a blood relative of Abraham can obey the old law.

There is no way a Gentile can either.

It is now gone.

If anyone wants to obey God, then they have to acknowledge a change to that old law.

They have to accept the new priest, and the new guidelines of the NEW COVENANT.

Jesus is our High Priest.

Jesus is our Temple.

We are the Temple.

Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God.

Jesus is the one who circumcises.

Jesus is the only special day that needs to be observed.

All those special days were about Jesus.

We do not have to observe special days anymore.

We only have to observe Jesus all day and every day.

Special diets and various external washings MEAN NOTHING FOR SALVATION ANYMORE.

Because Jesus makes us clean and we are all the same to him, inside and out.

You need to accept the Word of God.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus said: Get thee behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.

You are like your father.

"Did God really say ___?" See Genesis 3:1.

Lifeisgood, God really does say to obey and those who do are blessed as his friend and family!

God's Truth

New member
We are blessed as a family member and friend if we do what Jesus says.

Luke 11:28 He replied, "Blessed rather are those whohear the word of God and obey it."

Matthew 12:50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."

John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command.


You are a mess and I am having no part of your deliberate lies. YOU DID say you met up with people. You did say they were NOT Messianic. YOU DID SAY THEY WERE NOT A GROUP and that they did NOT have a name for their group You did say they did not believe Matthew to Revelation was NOT the NEW and not the scriptures! You are a dishonest person and I pray that you repent and get help.
You are incorrect. I do not even speak that way.

God's Truth

New member
Circumcision is of the spirit. It is the dividing of self (wants of self) and the desire of the Holy Spirit within one's own life. It is the casting off of corruption of the heart and the emptying of the soul.

Circumcision was never intended to be of the flesh. That was a misconception based on literal (carnal) understanding of the commands of GOD as opposed to the the spiritual one.


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Oh no, oh no, please don't say that.

Moses didn't preach falseness to the masses of people.

You are involved in casting suspicion on the Holy Bible.

I hope you reconsider what you are believing and preaching.

Circumcision of the flesh WAS COMMANDED BY GOD.

If you go against that truth, then you go against Paul and Jesus Christ himself.

God's Truth

New member
We are moving locations. We have been in this church building. T'Shuvat Yisrael is the name of our Congregation. But I have said that I am not Messianic. It is not a group.

Here Jacob said "We" as in he also was MOVING LOCATIONS. But then later he says it is only online. Here he says "We have been in this church building", but later he said only online. He said before it didn't have a name, but then here he gives a name. He says it is not a group but a congregation. He says he is not Messianic. But the GROUP SAYS THEY ARE.

What is wrong with you?


Everything you say is a lie.
I have no idea why you think this.

Here Jacob said "We" as in he also was MOVING LOCATIONS. But then later he says it is only online. Here he says "We have been in this church building", but later he said only online. He said before it didn't have a name, but then here he gives a name. He says it is not a group but a congregation. He says he is not Messianic. But the GROUP SAYS THEY ARE.

What is wrong with you?
We meaning my Rabbi has said that we will not be meeting in the same building.

The groups that I am a part of online are on Facebook. I do not know if I am a part of any groups at Theology Online.

I was at the Congregation once and recognized something that I saw as Jewish. It was not Messianic as far as I know. I suppose a person can be Jewish and Messianic, but I have had a reason to not be Messianic.



God's Truth

New member
I have no idea why you think this.

We meaning my Rabbi has said that we will not be meeting in the same building.

The groups that I am a part of online are on Facebook. I do not know if I am a part of any groups at Theology Online.

I was at the Congregation once and recognized something that I saw as Jewish. It was not Messianic as far as I know. I suppose a person can be Jewish and Messianic, but I have had a reason to not be Messianic.



I don't care what you say Jacob. I only hope that you obey Jesus and humble yourself and repent.

You need to get Jesus' teachings and obey him.

You are defiant of the Lord.

Jesus said call no man 'Rabbi'.

You are against Jesus and he asks that you obey and repent.

He even tells you how to make yourself obey.

Fear God, humble yourself like a child.

Matthew 23:8 "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.


I don't care what you say Jacob. I only hope that you obey Jesus and humble yourself and repent.

You need to get Jesus' teachings and obey him.

You are defiant of the Lord.

Jesus said call no man 'Rabbi'.

You are against Jesus and he asks that you obey and repent.

He even tells you how to make yourself obey.

Fear God, humble yourself like a child.

Matthew 23:8 "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi,' for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers.
I do obey Jesus. He is my Rabbi.

It is possible that you do not understand what you are sharing.

Jesus instructed to keep and teach the Commandments, so I do.




New member
Oh no, oh no, please don't say that.

Moses didn't preach falseness to the masses of people.

You are involved in casting suspicion on the Holy Bible.

I hope you reconsider what you are believing and preaching.

Circumcision of the flesh WAS COMMANDED BY GOD.

If you go against that truth, then you go against Paul and Jesus Christ himself.
I will consider your words carefully throughout study.

Please consider mine as well. I am not speaking against the law of Moses, but the interpretation of it handed down orally and eventually written.

If the old testament was understood correctly and never manipulated by man at some point (not by Moses) then there would have been no need for the new testament.

I will keep your words in mind while studying related material though.

peace friend, and thank you for your concern, and the means of which you conveyed it.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


New member
You are an accuser like Satan. You falsely accuse me that I do not obey. Jesus' commands are light, easy, and not burdensome. But you say they are so difficult and heavy and burdensome that no one can obey. You preach the OPPOSITE of the words of God and you sound like a worker for Satan.

Jesus says obey. You say anyone who says that they do is a liar.


WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did is NOT ENOUGH for you, gt, so you are STILL WORKING ON OBEYING so that you can help the Lord save you as if He ever needed any of us to help Him save us.

You are similar to Jacob, who having had the Truth in his hands, rejected it and reverted back to the Law and, Jacob, like you, gt, are working on OBEYING because Jacob as you, gt, feel that WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did is not sufficient to save you.

Tell me, gt, did Jesus come EXCLUSIVELY for the lost sheep of the house of gt?

You are blinder than a bat. Get thee behind me Satan.