The Trinity

The Trinity

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I do not know what you are talking about. There is diversity of belief in the body of Christ, but there is only one way to the Father, Jesus.

I post in the Religion Forum here. I am a Jew. I accept the TaNaK and Matthew through Revelation. I accept Yeshua as the Messiah.



You are EITHER a Christian saved by WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did or you are simply a Jew working on your OBEDIENCE so that you can obtain your salvation and on top of that there is no way that you can obey the Law, because you do not have a Temple, a High Priest, a sacrifice, an Altar, etc., etc.

You CANNOT be both.

You are either a Christian or you are not.

You say you are a Jew; however, I believe you said you are a proselyte, so which is it.

You straddle the fence and the Law says that is a :nono:.


New member
You are demonstrating that you do not understand. Jesus instructed us to keep and teach the Commandments.



I can see you are mixed up Jacob. You cannot have both ways, EITHER be totally of Jesus or be totally a Jew. You are lukewarm and Jesus said that you will be vomited out.


New member
You are like your father.

"Did God really say ___?" See Genesis 3:1.

Lifeisgood, God really does say to obey and those who do are blessed as his friend and family!

You still have not responded if Jesus came EXCLUSIVELY to the lost sheep of the house of gt.

KEEP on OBEYING, gt, and REJECT the invitation extended to you by WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did.

Get thee behind me Satan.


New member
I do obey Jesus. He is my Rabbi.

It is possible that you do not understand what you are sharing.

Jesus instructed to keep and teach the Commandments, so I do.



Not so, Jacob. You have placed yourself under the weight of the Law and the only thing the Law does is condemn you.


You are EITHER a Christian saved by WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did or you are simply a Jew working on your OBEDIENCE so that you can obtain your salvation and on top of that there is no way that you can obey the Law, because you do not have a Temple, a High Priest, a sacrifice, an Altar, etc., etc.

You CANNOT be both.

You are either a Christian or you are not.

You say you are a Jew; however, I believe you said you are a proselyte, so which is it.

You straddle the fence and the Law says that is a :nono:.

I can see you are mixed up Jacob. You cannot have both ways, EITHER be totally of Jesus or be totally a Jew. You are lukewarm and Jesus said that you will be vomited out.

She says she does.
She speaks almost like you.
The only difference being that you OBEY as a Jew, she simply OBEYS as a non-Jew and both are straddling the fence.

You said you were a Christian and you, Jacob, REJECTED that and placed yourself under the Law, therefore, mixing milk with meat.

Not so, Jacob. You have placed yourself under the weight of the Law and the only thing the Law does is condemn you.
I have not rejected the truth. Jesus is my Savior. I am not under the Law. I accepted Jesus' words in Matthew 5:17-20 as for me, and became a Jew joining with Israel seeing no obstacle to observing all of God's Commandments.


New member
I have not rejected the truth. Jesus is my Savior. I am not under the Law. I accepted Jesus' words in Matthew 5:17-20 as for me, and became a Jew joining with Israel seeing no obstacle to observing all of God's Commandments.

Israel, as a whole, is under condemnation, Jacob. You should know that. They will have to go through the tribulation, the great (which is going to be HORRIBLE) so that they can see WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did and you have reverted to the Law. You, Jacob, said so yourself.

None of the members of your Messianic congregation can or has ever observed ALL of God's Commandments.

You can only be EITHER a Christian saved by WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did or a proselyte to Judaism. You, Jacob, CANNOT have or be both for one cancels the other.

While there is still time make up your mind, Jacob, by deciding one or the other, both ain't going to cut it.

God's Truth

New member

WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did is NOT ENOUGH for you, gt, so you are STILL WORKING ON OBEYING so that you can help the Lord save you as if He ever needed any of us to help Him save us.

You are similar to Jacob, who having had the Truth in his hands, rejected it and reverted back to the Law and, Jacob, like you, gt, are working on OBEYING because Jacob as you, gt, feel that WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did is not sufficient to save you.

Tell me, gt, did Jesus come EXCLUSIVELY for the lost sheep of the house of gt?

You are blinder than a bat. Get thee behind me Satan.

I have told you many times that Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel.

But when he was crucified, then all people could come to him to be saved.

His words are Spirit and life for EVERYONE.

God did not nail His words to the cross.

Jesus is the Way and anyone who wants to get saved must do what the Way says to do.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life.

John 8:51 Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death."

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.” 33He said this to signify the kind of death He was going to die.

Romans 12:10 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile--the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,

1 Peter 1:25 but the word of the Lord endures forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.


Israel, as a whole, is under condemnation, Jacob. You should know that. They will have to go through the tribulation, the great (which is going to be HORRIBLE) so that they can see WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did and you have reverted to the Law. You, Jacob, said so yourself.

None of the members of your Messianic congregation can or has ever observed ALL of God's Commandments.

You can only be EITHER a Christian saved by WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did or a proselyte to Judaism. You, Jacob, CANNOT have or be both for one cancels the other.

While there is still time make up your mind, Jacob, by deciding one or the other, both ain't going to cut it.
You are talking about other people. If there is something to blame me for blame me. I am a Jew, a convert and a proselyte. A person born a Jew can also be a Christian. I suppose I could be both. But I am not Trinitarian. I am not Messianic because of doctrine. I am saved by Jesus the same as other Jews and Gentiles. I am of Israel in that I observe Torah. Jesus taught us to keep and teach the Commandments. I am not under condemnation. I do not know what you mean by tribulation.




New member
Israel, as a whole, is under condemnation, Jacob. You should know that. They will have to go through the tribulation, the great (which is going to be HORRIBLE) so that they can see WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did and you have reverted to the Law. You, Jacob, said so yourself.

None of the members of your Messianic congregation can or has ever observed ALL of God's Commandments.

You can only be EITHER a Christian saved by WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did or a proselyte to Judaism. You, Jacob, CANNOT have or be both for one cancels the other.

While there is still time make up your mind, Jacob, by deciding one or the other, both ain't going to cut it.
Israel as a whole will be redeemed and return to GOD.

If you do not know that then you should really stop saying things about what you don't know, and humbly ask for discernment, and study the written Word of GOD. Even Egypt will be reconciled; how much more so the chosen of GOD?

there is no difference. All will come unto the Lord GOD.

Can you provide scripture showing that Israel and Christ cancel one another out please?

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New member
Israel as a whole will be redeemed and return to GOD.

If you do not know that then you should really stop saying things about what you don't know, and humbly ask for discernment, and study the written Word of GOD. Even Egypt will be reconciled; how much more so the chosen of GOD?

there is no difference. All will come unto the Lord GOD.

Can you provide scripture showing that Israel and Christ cancel one another out please?

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Put your comprehension hat on again and please go read what I said.


New member
Put your comprehension hat on again and please go read what I said.
You can only be EITHER a Christian saved by WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did or a proselyte to Judaism. You, Jacob, CANNOT have or be both for one cancels the other.

(Now will you show scripture to support your claim that Jesus and judaism cancel each other out, or that one cancels the other?)

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God's Truth

New member
Israel as a whole will be redeemed and return to GOD.

Do you mean that you believe every single Israelite will be saved?

If you do not know that then you should really stop saying things about what you don't know, and humbly ask for discernment, and study the written Word of GOD. Even Egypt will be reconciled; how much more so the chosen of GOD?
Do you mean every single person from Egypt will be saved?

there is no difference. All will come unto the Lord GOD.
According to the scriptures there will people going into the lake of fire for eternal condemnation. Do you believe that?

Thank you, Pops.

God's Truth

New member
I have not rejected the truth. Jesus is my Savior. I am not under the Law. I accepted Jesus' words in Matthew 5:17-20 as for me, and became a Jew joining with Israel seeing no obstacle to observing all of God's Commandments.

You say you obey God but you call another man 'Rabbi'.

Can you tell me why you observe special days and adhere to the old law diet?

God's Truth

New member
When are you going to REALLY start OBEYING Jesus, gt?

Did Jesus come EXCLUSIVELY to the lost sheep of the house of gt?

Jesus came and taught the guidelines for the new covenant, and then he shed his blood on the cross for the new covenant. Paul in a minister of that covenant.

2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.