God's Truth
New member
Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath from ancient generations or times. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. Yeshua instructed me to keep and teach the Commandments. I am not under the Law.
The Torah says to go to the temple and present yourself to the priest and bring an animal to sacrifice.
YOU DO NO SUCH THING. No one who claims to be a Jew obeys the old law. They can't obey the old law, though they might say they do. There is no way because the earthly temple is gone, the priests are no more, and there is only one temple now, one priest, and one sacrifice once and for all.
You can't try to say you are doing right by obeying parts of the law---because the law went all together. Either you obeyed all the law or you are fake and are picking and choosing what you feel like or what you can do.
That is NOT obeying the Torah. You do NOT obey the Torah. NO ONE CAN ANYMORE. Those who say they do have made for themselves a way to hang onto the old, the old that is NO LONGER EVEN THERE. Not a blood relative to Abraham, and not a person wanting to be a Jew can obey the old law anymore. It is a farce if they say they do.
Uh, uh but I got circumcised and I observe special days and I don't eat diary with meat from a cow... That is NOT the extent of the old law! You cannot pick and choose what you want to obey or what you feel you can obey with adjustments. God's words must be obeyed EXACTLY. You cannot do that, no Jew or Gentiles can anymore.
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