The Trinity

The Trinity

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So the group is just called 'Jews'? You go to your meetings that has no name for your group?
We are moving locations. We have been in this church building. T'Shuvat Yisrael is the name of our Congregation. But I have said that I am not Messianic. It is not a group.

God's Truth

New member
We are moving locations. We have been in this church building. T'Shuvat Yisrael is the name of our Congregation. But I have said that I am not Messianic. It is not a group.

You are not making sense. A congregation is a group. I looked up that congregation site and it says it is a Messianic Congregation, and they say they believe that it is called the New Testament and also called scriptures.

Why are you saying things that are contrary to what that congregation teaches?


New member
I do not know what you mean by saying a group.

I am a Jew. I am a proselyte and a convert to Israel and Judaism. I accept the TaNaK and Matthew through Revelation and Yeshua as the Messiah. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach Torah. I keep and teach the Commandments as Yeshua instructed. I do not mix meat and dairy in the same meal.

So, you have placed yourself willingly under the Law that you CANNOT in no wise keep. Are you of the Sadducee group or the Pharisee group or one of the other sects of Judaism? You are of the group that have replaced the Temple with the synagogue and the rabbis a replacement for the Levites. Good to know.


You are not making sense. A congregation is a group. I looked up that congregation site and it says it is a Messianic Congregation, and they say they believe that it is called the New Testament and also called scriptures.

Why are you saying things that are contrary to what that congregation teaches?

I do not even know what you are talking about.


So, you have placed yourself willingly under the Law that you CANNOT in no wise keep. Are you of the Sadducee group or the Pharisee group or one of the other sects of Judaism? You are of the group that have replaced the Temple with the synagogue and the rabbis a replacement for the Levites. Good to know.

Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath from ancient generations or times. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. Yeshua instructed me to keep and teach the Commandments. I am not under the Law.


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Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath from ancient generations or times. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. Yeshua instructed me to keep and teach the Commandments. I am not under the Law.

Commandments = Law

Keeping the commandments is the same as keeping the law, you're just using a different word.


New member

Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath from ancient generations or times. I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. Yeshua instructed me to keep and teach the Commandments. I am not under the Law.

You CANNOT keep the Law, or the rituals, etc. for there is no Temple, no Altar, no burn offering, no High Priest, no Levitical order, etc., etc.

Therefore, if you do not accept WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did, you will die in your sins.

You should read the book of Hebrews (written to Jews) and stop with "For our God is a consuming fire".

Chapter 13 is more toward Gentiles to remember all that Paul wrote to the Jews and not make the same mistake they made.

The New Testament tells us that God added (Gal. 3:17, 19) to the Law of Moses to the life of his people to teach them: the Law taught people about sin (Gal. 3:19, 22-23), and it taught people about Christ (Gal. 3:24). Now that Christ has come, the Law has been abolished (Gal. 3:25; Rom. 10:4): i.e. we do not need to follow the Law of Moses nowadays. Instead, nowadays we need to follow the Lord Jesus Christ himself (Gal. 6:2; Phil. 2:5; 1 Peter 2:21.

All written to Jews first and then because Israel rejected and continues to reject WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did, we Gentiles have a chance to enter into God's mercy. How awesome the God of Israel, how merciful the God of Israel, and how sad that Israel continues to reject Him. How sad that Israel has chosen to go through the tribulation, the great, and only then will realize WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did for them. How wonderful for those Jews who now accepts WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did and will not have to go through the tribulation, the great as Jesus proclaimed that it is coming to Jacob.

If I am not mistaken you said you WERE a Christian. A Christian will not place himself/herself under the Law again, for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all the Law.


New member
We are moving locations. We have been in this church building. T'Shuvat Yisrael is the name of our Congregation. But I have said that I am not Messianic. It is not a group.

Yes, you are messianic, for T'Shuvat Yisrael is a messianic congregation.

From T'Shuvat Yisrael site part of what 'about us':
We are a Messianic community that is diverse in age, background, ethnicity and nationality; dedicated to "Balancing the Goodness of Torah with Grace and Mercy." This was a recurring theme that Messiah expressed to His chosen people during His ministry, and so, we have come together to worship in a style that follows His 1st century mode of worship.


New member
There is nothing wrong with either of these.

You CANNOT keep the Law if your life depended on it and under the Law it does depend on you keeping ALL the commandments in the Law because if you stumble in JUST ONE, the Law WILL KILL you. That is what the Law says. If you do not know that, you do not know the Law, it matters not that you say that you do. The Law will prove you wrong every single time.


You CANNOT keep the Law, or the rituals, etc. for there is no Temple, no Altar, no burn offering, no High Priest, no Levitical order, etc., etc.

Therefore, if you do not accept WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did, you will die in your sins.

You should read the book of Hebrews (written to Jews) and stop with "For our God is a consuming fire".

Chapter 13 is more toward Gentiles to remember all that Paul wrote to the Jews and not make the same mistake they made.

The New Testament tells us that God added (Gal. 3:17, 19) to the Law of Moses to the life of his people to teach them: the Law taught people about sin (Gal. 3:19, 22-23), and it taught people about Christ (Gal. 3:24). Now that Christ has come, the Law has been abolished (Gal. 3:25; Rom. 10:4): i.e. we do not need to follow the Law of Moses nowadays. Instead, nowadays we need to follow the Lord Jesus Christ himself (Gal. 6:2; Phil. 2:5; 1 Peter 2:21.

All written to Jews first and then because Israel rejected and continues to reject WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did, we Gentiles have a chance to enter into God's mercy. How awesome the God of Israel, how merciful the God of Israel, and how sad that Israel continues to reject Him. How sad that Israel has chosen to go through the tribulation, the great, and only then will realize WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did for them. How wonderful for those Jews who now accepts WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did and will not have to go through the tribulation, the great as Jesus proclaimed that it is coming to Jacob.

If I am not mistaken you said you WERE a Christian. A Christian will not place himself/herself under the Law again, for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all the Law.
I did not place myself under the law. Jesus said that we should keep and teach the Commandments. I do not know about your ideas of tribulation. I am an ex-dispensationalist. If you have transgressed one commandment you have transgressed, broken, the Law. I do not know that Christians would say that they were once under the Law.


Yes, you are messianic, for T'Shuvat Yisrael is a messianic congregation.

From T'Shuvat Yisrael site part of what 'about us':
We are a Messianic community that is diverse in age, background, ethnicity and nationality; dedicated to "Balancing the Goodness of Torah with Grace and Mercy." This was a recurring theme that Messiah expressed to His chosen people during His ministry, and so, we have come together to worship in a style that follows His 1st century mode of worship.
I do not agree with all Messianic doctrine so I have said that I am not Messianic.


You CANNOT keep the Law if your life depended on it and under the Law it does depend on you keeping ALL the commandments in the Law because if you stumble in JUST ONE, the Law WILL KILL you. That is what the Law says. If you do not know that, you do not know the Law, it matters not that you say that you do. The Law will prove you wrong every single time.
Each and every person on the face of the earth is to obey God's commands. Being of Israel and observing the Torah involves obedience to God's Commandments found in the Torah. There are believers from among the Gentiles, but I do not know that they are of Israel and they are not required to be circumcised, though circumcision is a commandment of God.


New member
Each and every person on the face of the earth is to obey God's commands. Being of Israel and observing the Torah involves obedience to God's Commandments found in the Torah. There are believers from among the Gentiles, but I do not know that they are of Israel and they are not required to be circumcised, though circumcision is a commandment of God.

Circumcision is of the spirit. It is the dividing of self (wants of self) and the desire of the Holy Spirit within one's own life. It is the casting off of corruption of the heart and the emptying of the soul.

Circumcision was never intended to be of the flesh. That was a misconception based on literal (carnal) understanding of the commands of GOD as opposed to the the spiritual one.


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Circumcision is of the spirit. It is the dividing of self (wants of self) and the desire of the Holy Spirit within one's own life. It is the casting off of corruption of the heart and the emptying of the soul.

Circumcision was never intended to be of the flesh. That was a misconception based on literal (carnal) understanding of the commands of GOD as opposed to the the spiritual one.


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Incorrect. You must read about the commandments to know about them.

God's Truth

New member
I do not even know what you are talking about.

Jacob, either you are so ignorant or you are deliberately playing games and trying to cause confusion about yourself. You do not even know that the congregation you say you belong to IS A GROUP and HAS A NAME when you said no to those things and denied it; and you denied being Messianic and yet, they are MESSIANIC, and that they do in fact call it the 'New Testament', and that the New Testament is scripture---things YOU SAID you don't believe and they don't believe. What in the world is going on with you?