TOL Subscriber
If a person's testimony is void of the cross work of Christ in their place, they have not and are not trusting the Lord for salvation.
Paul declared the gospel by which we are saved in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV.
All that Paul wrote was inspired by God and is therefore part of the Gospel
When people realize that their testimony hasn't said a word about the WHY of the cross/ what Christ did for them in dying for their sins, being buried and raised again the third day nearly 2000 years ago, they tend to take it out on the person that may have brought that to light by the preaching of the cross, comments and questions.
Telling you that there is much more about God's Gospel of Jesus Christ, than just 4 verses from Paul, is not wicked on our parts. It is standing for the entirety of the Holy Scriptures. For there is much to learn about why and what Jesus Christ accomplished for His own, that is not covered in I Corinthians 15:1-4 alone.
You claim this small portion of Truth is the only truth, and that all the rest of scripture is of a different truth, that cannot save! All this wrong testimony is meant to achieve, is to discourage others from reading and being blessed by every word spoken by God.
Killing the messenger is easier than facing the man in the mirror who's never had a moment in his life when he trusted the Lord AFTER hearing and believing the word of truth, the gospel of his salvation.
You promote yourself as a messenger because you limit yourself to preaching a Gospel message of 4 verses only? And call others unsaved because they tell you there is more to the message, you refuse to acknowledge?
You just do not get it, do you?
Rather you accuse those of us who believe Paul gave the Gospel in those 4 verses, but encourage more study of the bible to learn, appreciate, and know the full Gospel message, as being unsaved and teaching other gospels. You imply we are not genuine Christians, like yourself. That is pure vanity on your part.
But that is only the beginning of your motives to disassemble the rest of scripture, demean the words and message of salvation of Jesus Christ Himself, in order to promote a false teaching never known in the church of Christ until the 19th century. Put all together, you evidence the spirit of a Jezebel in the midst of God's faithful.
I have nothing to brag of myself. I glory in the cross of Christ!
Then why do you brag that you are saved, apart from so few others? And how can you think you glory in the cross, when you refuse the majority of the scriptures that reveal the promises, purposes, and Person who died on the cross.
You have deceived yourself in all these matters, and try to deceive others, to follow your way, rather than learning of Jesus Christand serving Him and His righteousness.
IOW's you are "Heir-centered" and "Paul-centered" and "MAD-centered" rather than Christ-centered, which is a false religion through and through.