ECT The core of the argument between Christians and MAD.

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TOL Subscriber
This is an interesting development. Nang once said she did not deny that MADs are saved. Now the truth is out.

Saved Christians are not persons who think it is sinful to be holy as Christ is holy. Those in Union with Christ do the will of the Father.

You declare your own fate, not me . . .


New member
OK so you judge me being against Him.

That is what MAD says often.

So what is the Bible definition of a Christian.


No, I don't "judge" you and I'm not a Mid Acts Dispensationalist.

A Christian is one who believes in the One True God, believes in Yeshua HaMashiach and follows Yeshua in the faith.


TOL Subscriber
No, I don't "judge" you and I'm not a Mid Acts Dispensationalist.

A Christian is one who believes in the One True God, believes in Yeshua HaMashiach and[YELLOW[/] follows Yeshua in the faith.[/YELLOW]

MADists do not follow Yeshua; they think to imitate Paul.

Big difference . .


New member
MADists have no desire to be obedient to the will and words (commandments) of the Father, therefore they are not part of the spiritual body redeemed and known by Jesus Christ, and fall under the prophesy found in Matthew 7:21-23.

There is no "dividing" what is already not One in Christ.

You just took upon yourself something you have no right or power to do, Nang. You've also declared yourself without sin and we both know that's not true.


TOL Subscriber
You just took upon yourself something you have no right or power to do, Nang. You've also declared yourself without sin and we both know that's not true.

I do not know what you are talking about. I am not posting about me, but only clarifying what MADists declare about themselves.


TOL Subscriber
You mean that you believe MAD doctrine supplants Yeshua with Paul?

That is their witness . . .

The words of Jesus Christ, recorded in the gospels, are a different gospel given only to Jews . . . not to those who follow the Gospel of Paul.


New member
That is their witness . . .

The words of Jesus Christ, recorded in the gospels, are a different gospel given only to Jews . . . not to those who follow the Gospel of Paul.

Nang, a simple yes or no would have sufficed. You are aware that there are Mid Acts Dispensationalists scattered throughout all denominations, are you not? Here's the problem. You are stating that MAD believe that Paul saved them, not Yeshua. That's a falsehood. Yes, I understand how they incorporate replacement theology into the faith and I don't agree with that because it divides the Body of Yeshua where there is no division but there is no way that they could possibly believe that salvation come to them through Paul. Paul is not God's Only Son; he does not fulfill any Messianic prophecy, was not sinless, and therefore can not supplant Yeshua.


TOL Subscriber
Nang, a simple yes or no would have sufficed. You are aware that there are Mid Acts Dispensationalists scattered throughout all denominations, are you not? Here's the problem. You are stating that MAD believe that Paul saved them, not Yeshua. That's a falsehood. Yes, I understand how they incorporate replacement theology into the faith and I don't agree with that because it divides the Body of Yeshua where there is no division but there is no way that they could possibly believe that salvation come to them through Paul. Paul is not God's Only Son; he does not fulfill any Messianic prophecy, was not sinless, and therefore can not supplant Yeshua.

They believe the gospel message that brings grace is restricted to I Corinthians 15:1-4. They call it the secret "My" Gospel given to Paul, which gives the only grace that saves, taught by Paul, alone.

This is Gnostic belief of, and in, a hidden knowledge . . .

Ask any MADist about this, and see for yourself how they will answer.


New member
They believe the gospel message that brings grace is restricted to I Corinthians 15:1-4. They call it the secret "My" Gospel given to Paul, which gives the only grace that saves, taught by Paul, alone.

This is Gnostic belief of, and in, a hidden knowledge . . .

Ask any MADist about this, and see for yourself how they will answer.

That doesn't supplant Yeshua with Paul, making Paul Mashiach. It may well be a Marcionite/Gnostic interpretation by the First Council of Nicaea's determination but a lot of what the Council determined also departed from the faith of Yeshua. That would include some of your denomination's doctrine.


TOL Subscriber
That doesn't supplant Yeshua with Paul, making Paul Mashiach.

It does when they claim Paul is the only messenger of saving grace, brought only to the Gentiles, and that Jesus and Peter came with a different Gospel for the Jews.

But hey, why should I have to argue with you against MAD? If you think they are loving evangelists, interested in obeying God, loving the brethren, and glorifying Jesus Christ by their behavior, go for it . . . at your own peril.

Just do not accuse Christians who warn against their heretical views, of being guilty of causing divisions amongst those who DO believe and love God and all His words, for eventually you will learn MADists do NOT.

Right Divider

Body part
MADists have no desire to be obedient to the will and words (commandments) of the Father, therefore they are not part of the spiritual body redeemed and known by Jesus Christ, and fall under the prophesy found in Matthew 7:21-23.

There is no "dividing" what is already not One in Christ.
Another lie from the liar.

You lie about us, just like they lied about Paul.

Right Divider

Body part
Saved Christians are not persons who think it is sinful to be holy as Christ is holy. Those in Union with Christ do the will of the Father.

You declare your own fate, not me . . .
You are NOT holy. Christ is HOLY.

The ONLY way that the body of Christ is HOLY is by being IN CHRIST.
Col 3:1-4 KJV If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. (2) Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. (3) For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (4) When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


New member
It does when they claim Paul is the only messenger of saving grace, brought only to the Gentiles, and that Jesus and Peter came with a different Gospel for the Jews. But hey, why should I have to argue with you against MAD? If you think they are loving evangelists, interested in obeying God, loving the brethren, and glorifying Jesus Christ by their behavior, go for it . . . at your own peril.

Everyone knows that the message of saving Grace was first brought to us by Yeshua and prophesied about many years before He actually came to earth and that Paul did not preach anything different than what Yeshua preached.

Go for what...loving my neighbor as myself? You can't justify, in Yeshua, this vehemence you're exhibiting. You can't. You can put forth Scripture and discuss your doctrine, etc. but as soon as you start declaring that believers aren't because they don't hold with your doctrinal understanding, you've chosen to usurp the authority that was given to Yeshua alone.

Just do not accuse Christians who warn against their heretical views, of being guilty of causing divisions amongst those who DO believe and love God and all His words, for eventually you will learn MADists do NOT.

You're not warning, you're attacking and doing what only God has the right to're deciding who is a believer and who is not. That's not your place or mine or anyone's but God's. No group of believers goes before the throne corporately. We go individually and we are responsible individually for our actions. So while we may not agree with the MAD doctrine, we aren't released from our own accountability.
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