ECT The core of the argument between Christians and MAD.

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Well-known member
I asked for your opinion.

That IS my opinion...

And if it were not, I would repent from whatever other opinion I might have so as to embrace THIS opinion, the 7th Ecumenical Council's pronouncement on the orthodoxy of Orthodox icons...

I do find them beautiful and inspiring, for they are the Gospel of Christ in images, and it is this Gospel that we as Christians are laboring to firmly emplant into our fleshy hearts... And just as we ourselves were created in the IMAGE of God, so also do we venerate the God-bearing Saints THROUGH their depictions in Icons...

They are the Sacred Art of the Christian Church, and a lot of people died martyric deaths or were persecuted, because hateful Christians did not want them to be in the Church... It was an awful fight that went on for centuries...

And the Icons Triumphed...



Well-known member
Do you dig "Fig Newtons,"or "Chicken in the Bisquit," when you get "the munchies?"

You are asking me to remember 35 years ago?

I can barely remember 5 minutes ago...

Do you remember my promise to you?

Are you still praying for me?

Bless you, my Brother!


Do YOU dig the Fig?


Well-known member

That is an eerie purple light...



New member
i'm gonna take a photograph . . . you got it ! ! ! silly. a nikon. really ? Paul Simon. i had to - :patrol:

maybe it's actually Kodachrome. Kodak

LOL, yes... Paul Simon :D

According to Google, it's Kodachrome. Soon as I saw the word you used, I was hearing the song. :chuckle:


TOL Subscriber
Heir is not accepting of a person's belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ, if that person veers in confession beyond Paul's words in I Corinthians 15:1-4.
If a person's testimony is void of the cross work of Christ in their place, they have not and are not trusting the Lord for salvation. Paul declared the gospel by which we are saved in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV.

My testimony is simple. I trusted the Lord for salvation after hearing that Christ died for my sins and that He was buried and rose again the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV).

My testimony, is that I was baptized into Christ, by reading His Holy Words.

No church, no people, no human influence at all.

I was an unbeliever one minute, and believed in God without doubt, 2 minutes later.

Thus, a deep and abiding love of Holy Scripture and confidence in its saving and keeping power, has continued in my heart and mind for over 40 years, and my desire to live by and learn all I can from Jesus' teachings, has never abated.

Matthew 4:4



I say I believe the gospel message preached by Jesus Christ as well as the teachings of Paul, and she declares me unsaved with no testimony.

Go figure . . .
Which gospel would that be?

I think she is harmful to the saints, by demanding they examine their faith and confess their faith in the grace of Jesus Christ, just so she can condemn them as not believing the right formula to be saved, which she has discovered, to be so much surely saved than them all.
You and every one else on this site do not have to participate in any thread you don't want to, so stop whining about it. I did not open a thread demanding anything or so I can "condemn them as not believing the right formula to be saved".

When people realize that their testimony hasn't said a word about the WHY of the cross/ what Christ did for them in dying for their sins, being buried and raised again the third day nearly 2000 years ago, they tend to take it out on the person that may have brought that to light by the preaching of the cross, comments and questions. Killing the messenger is easier than facing the man in the mirror who's never had a moment in his life when he trusted the Lord AFTER hearing and believing the word of truth, the gospel of his salvation.

Heir exhibits terrible pride of superiority in herself . .
:rolleyes: no honey, that's your MO.
I have nothing to brag of myself. I glory in the cross of Christ!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9, 10

Now what Christian among us doesn't believe that?
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