Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


Well-known member
And I'll tell you something else you, Wiz, may understand but AB won't.

Moore has built his judicial career on being a bulldog for the moral code of the Ten Commandments.

I have my own issues with him on that which are neither here nor there.

Point is, I seriously - SERIOUSLY - do not see a guy who has trumpeted the Ten Commandments now being willing to BREAK one of them (and in so doing break all of them) by lying to cover up lusts from 40 years ago. I believe the guy has more integrity and sense than that.

But maybe he really was a horndog when he was younger. Maybe it's all true.

And maybe, if it is true but it was all within the bounds of Alabama law at the time, maybe Moore knows he cannot be prosecuted for it and so is standing on "I broke no law" because he didn't. Tacky? Tasteless? Offensive 40 years later? Sure. But he broke no law and he knows it.

Maybe that's the way it is. I don't know.

But he's not doing that. He's saying it never happened AT ALL.

What I'm saying is, based on the guy's career I seriously doubt he's lying about it now. If he is, he will answer to God and he knows it.

But you have to admit that it's odd these allegations surface ONLY NOW that he's a Trump-like threat to the DC power structure, and not 10 years ago when he was enraging queers and leftists nationwide.

I question the timing, and I think you have more than enough sense to question it too.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And I'll tell you something else you, Wiz, may understand but AB won't.

Moore has built his judicial career on being a bulldog for the moral code of the Ten Commandments.

I have my own issues with him on that which are neither here nor there.

Point is, I seriously - SERIOUSLY - do not see a guy who has trumpeted the Ten Commandments now being willing to BREAK one of them (and in so doing break all of them) by lying to cover up lusts from 40 years ago. I believe the guy has more integrity and sense than that.

But maybe he really was a horndog when he was younger. Maybe it's all true.

And maybe, if it is true but it was all within the bounds of Alabama law at the time, maybe Moore knows he cannot be prosecuted for it and so is standing on "I broke no law" because he didn't. Tacky? Tasteless? Offensive 40 years later? Sure. But he broke no law and he knows it.

Maybe that's the way it is. I don't know.

But he's not doing that. He's saying it never happened AT ALL.

What I'm saying is, based on the guy's career I seriously doubt he's lying about it now. If he is, he will answer to God and he knows it.

But you have to admit that it's odd these allegations surface ONLY NOW that he's a Trump-like threat to the DC power structure, and not when he was enraging queers and leftists nationwide.

I question the timing, and I think you have more than enough sense to question it too.

Ya know, it's more than a little amusing seeing you and aCW in the chatbox. The pair of you are zealots, the pair of you have a highly inflated ego, the pair of you have a hangup with 'sexual mores' and the pair of you are crackpots.

He also supports Moore with the same gusto as you and won't hear of anything that smears the guy's political reputation. Fact of the matter is that Moore wouldn't be the first fundamentalist zealot in politics to be caught 'with his pants down' or 'his hands in the till' and you'd have to be thoroughly naive to think otherwise.


Well-known member
This will probably stick in the craw of everybody on this thread, but is it really that bad a thing for an older man to be interested in younger women? I use the term "women" on purpose.

The accusations of Moore forcing himself on anyone is a different matter, but the 14-year-old's statements to her friends, that she was seeing an older guy, seem to push this discussion into the realm merely of age of consent, and not forcible rape or assault.

What about some examples:
Someone already mentioned that Mary was maybe as young as 14 when she married Joseph (who was anywhere from 17 to 95 years old if you read the differing opinions. No, I don't buy the 95.). But interestingly enough, if she was really that young, and God chose her to bear His son...:think:

Esther was probably in her teens when Ahasuerus married her. Ahasuerus was probably 40.

David was about 70 when he married (or took as concubine) Abishag, who was likely 12, according to some rabbis. And David was advised in this matter by others.

Jacob may have waited to marry Rachel for 7 years because she was so young (low teens, perhaps). He was 40 before he even left Canaan, and some say about 57 when he married. This site says he was 84, and the timing they give makes some sense.

The age of consent in different countries around the world varies from country to country. Note the younger ones here:

Age Countries
12 The Philippines
13 Japan, South Korea
14 Bangladesh, China, East Timor, Israel (not involving penetration), Macau, Myanmar
15 Cambodia, Indonesia (according to the Indonesian Penal Code), Iraq, Laos, North Korea, Syria
16 Brunei, Hong Kong, Israel (involving penetration), Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Palestine (West Bank), Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Vietnam
18 Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Thailand,
21 Bahrain

My point with the foregoing is that if "children", as many have called them, are allowed to date whomever they want when they get close to those ages (in order to be married soon after, perhaps), why can they not date an older man if they want to? Even someone 18 years or more older?

Are we really telling girls in this country that are 14 years old that they are too stupid (maybe "immature" is the more politically correct way to say it) to know who they should date and marry? Whose fault is that, if for thousands of years girls have married at these ages, and now in our culture they aren't "mature" enough? What are we doing to our "children" to make them stay children longer? But if that's the case, then what we are saying is that in our culture these "children" should listen to their parents regarding this matter. Is that what people want to do, allow parents to make these decisions for their children? Roy Moore seems to agree with everybody on this: he said he would get the mother's permission before dating someone that young.

By the way, I've been a fan of Roy Moore for years, though I'm not from Alabama. However, I don't like the idea of him forcing himself on anyone, even if it happened forty years ago. And I don't really care how old he was, if he did so, nor how old the victim was.

At this point, if he's not telling the truth, I'm looking for him to repent and tell the truth--and he should step down for lying, even if for no other reason. If he is telling the truth, I think his marriage of almost 40 years tends to speak volumes as to whether he is still trying to pick up women much younger than himself. Isn't this what repentance is all about?

Wouldn't we also, if we could believe it, want both Trump and Franken to repent more than we just want them to leave their offices? If we can't say that, then it really doesn't matter what anyone does, it only matters if they are in office and don't agree with our politics. And that's truly shameful.


Well-known member
Ya know, it's more than a little amusing seeing you and aCW in the chatbox. The pair of you are zealots, the pair of you have a highly inflated ego, the pair of you have a hangup with 'sexual mores' and the pair of you are crackpots.

He also supports Moore with the same gusto as you and won't hear of anything that smears the guy's political reputation. Fact of the matter is that Moore wouldn't be the first fundamentalist zealot in politics to be caught 'with his pants down' or 'his hands in the till' and you'd have to be thoroughly naive to think otherwise.

Your wobbly Brit opinion counts for less than nothing but I'll entertain your puerile foot stamping for just a moment.

If Moore actually did something that is now considered offensive BUT was within the bounds of Alabama law at the time, then he broke no law.

But if he is lying when he says NONE of it is true, then he needs to step away from the race for LYING because that would prove he's just another politician.

Now go brush up on your Arabic.


Well-known member
This will probably stick in the craw of everybody on this thread, but is it really that bad a thing for an older man to be interested in younger women? I use the term "women" on purpose.

The accusations of Moore forcing himself on anyone is a different matter, but the 14-year-old's statements to her friends, that she was seeing an older guy, seem to push this discussion into the realm merely of age of consent, and not forcible rape or assault.

What about some examples:
Someone already mentioned that Mary was maybe as young as 14 when she married Joseph (who was anywhere from 17 to 95 years old if you read the differing opinions. No, I don't buy the 95.). But interestingly enough, if she was really that young, and God chose her to bear His son...:think:

Esther was probably in her teens when Ahasuerus married her. Ahasuerus was probably 40.

David was about 70 when he married (or took as concubine) Abishag, who was likely 12, according to some rabbis. And David was advised in this matter by others.

Jacob may have waited to marry Rachel for 7 years because she was so young (low teens, perhaps). He was 40 before he even left Canaan, and some say about 57 when he married. This site says he was 84, and the timing they give makes some sense.

The age of consent in different countries around the world varies from country to country. Note the younger ones here:

Age Countries
12 The Philippines
13 Japan, South Korea
14 Bangladesh, China, East Timor, Israel (not involving penetration), Macau, Myanmar
15 Cambodia, Indonesia (according to the Indonesian Penal Code), Iraq, Laos, North Korea, Syria
16 Brunei, Hong Kong, Israel (involving penetration), Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Palestine (West Bank), Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Vietnam
18 Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Thailand,
21 Bahrain

My point with the foregoing is that if "children", as many have called them, are allowed to date whomever they want when they get close to those ages (in order to be married soon after, perhaps), why can they not date an older man if they want to? Even someone 18 years or more older?

Are we really telling girls in this country that are 14 years old that they are too stupid (maybe "immature" is the more politically correct way to say it) to know who they should date and marry? Whose fault is that, if for thousands of years girls have married at these ages, and now in our culture they aren't "mature" enough? What are we doing to our "children" to make them stay children longer? But if that's the case, then what we are saying is that in our culture these "children" should listen to their parents regarding this matter. Is that what people want to do, allow parents to make these decisions for their children? Roy Moore seems to agree with everybody on this: he said he would get the mother's permission before dating someone that young.

The historic norm for mankind was marriage and mating around the time of puberty or shortly thereafter. We of the past 150 years or so in the West are living in an extreme exception to that. For which, no doubt, the rest of humanity from the past would look at us as very strange and backwards.

I'm not justifying lowered age of consent; my oldest is 9 and my stomach turns at the thought of her being married off in about 4 years.

I'm just agreeing with your observation -- we are far from the historical norm.


Well-known member
That makes him guilty of messing around with Monika, which is not in dispute.
I was asking for evidence of him being a predator.

Aren't we told every single day that any man in position of authority over a woman, and exploits that authority for sex, even if the woman "seems" willing, is a predator?

President > intern. Power imbalance don't get much bigger than that, Wiz.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your wobbly Brit opinion counts for less than nothing but I'll entertain your puerile foot stamping for just a moment.

If Moore actually did something that is now considered offensive BUT was within the bounds of Alabama law at the time, then he broke no law.

But if he is lying when he says NONE of it is true, then he needs to step away from the race for LYING because that would prove he's just another politician.

Now go brush up on your Arabic.

Yeah, as long as he broke no state law it's fair and above board. He is just another politician, just one that you have more time for because his far right views reflect your own. The fact you're more invested in lying speaks volumes. You and aCW are like two peas in a pod.

Go brush your teeth in turn.


Well-known member
From Peter Schiff....

Had the woman pictured in this photo not died last year at the age of 92 she could have sued the Navy for sexual harassment. Sure the assault occurred over 70 years ago, but she did not know the sailor, who according to the photographer was randomly grabbing and kissing women as he walked through Times Square on V-J Day. These sexual advances were clearly unwanted, and unlike N.Y. Times reporter Glenn Thrush's victims, the women were not in bars, and no alcohol was likely involved. At the very least we should posthumously dishonorably discharge the sailor and revoke any medals he may have been awarded.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Lawless addled Brit,

If the stories are true BUT he did not violate age statutes in force at that time, HE DID NOT BREAK THE LAW. Are you still sober enough to comprehend that fact?

Now go get your kneepads. Those prayer rugs are kinda thin.

Eh, don't go getting your foil hat in a twist dude as I hear they're a swine to straighten out...

Frankly, I'd be more concerned about some dumb law where it could be legal to pursue teenage girls as oppose to the guy lying about it because it's offensive some years down the line.

You are an outright nut.


New member
When you take numerous trips with known pedophiles to exotic locations, you're a sexual predator. Much different than asking permission from parents to go to the movies and maybe a goodnight kiss.

They both seem to share a taste for underage girls, don't they? :vomit:


New member
Hall of Fame

A prominent right-wing preacher who appeared alongside Senate candidate Roy Moore at a campaign rally just days ago said that Moore dated teen girls because of their “purity” and because when he got back from Vietnam there weren’t any women his age left to date.

Pastor Flip Benham told a local Alabama radio show on Monday that there was nothing wrong with Moore dating teenage girls.

“Judge Roy Moore graduated from West Point and then went on into the service, served in Vietnam and then came back and was in law school. All of the ladies, or many of the ladies that he possibly could have married were not available then, they were already married, maybe, somewhere. So he looked in a different direction and always with the [permission of the] parents of younger ladies. By the way, the lady he’s married to now, Ms. Kayla, was a younger woman,” Benham said on WAPI 99.5 FM Monday evening. “He did that because there is something about a purity of a young woman, there is something that is good, that’s true, that’s straight and he looked for that.”

Does anyone think this actually helps? :plain: