Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


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A prominent right-wing preacher who appeared alongside Senate candidate Roy Moore at a campaign rally just days ago said that Moore dated teen girls because of their “purity” and because when he got back from Vietnam there weren’t any women his age left to date.

Pastor Flip Benham told a local Alabama radio show on Monday that there was nothing wrong with Moore dating teenage girls.

“Judge Roy Moore graduated from West Point and then went on into the service, served in Vietnam and then came back and was in law school. All of the ladies, or many of the ladies that he possibly could have married were not available then, they were already married, maybe, somewhere. So he looked in a different direction and always with the [permission of the] parents of younger ladies. By the way, the lady he’s married to now, Ms. Kayla, was a younger woman,” Benham said on WAPI 99.5 FM Monday evening. “He did that because there is something about a purity of a young woman, there is something that is good, that’s true, that’s straight and he looked for that.”

Does anyone think this actually helps? :plain:

Not in this society...


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Hall of Fame
Moore fights back with counter witnesses.

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore attempted on Monday evening to refute allegations about Moore being banned from a mall in his hometown and debunk the allegations of one of his accusers.

“On Monday evening, the Moore Campaign unveiled statements from key witnesses that completely bust the story of Beverly Nelson and Gloria Allred and further reveal an unconscionable bias on the part of state and national press to hide the truth from Alabama voters who will undoubtedly see through the ‘fake news’ and elect Judge Moore for the man that they have always known him to be,” one of the statements said, referencing Nelson’s accusations that surround her encounter with Moore at the Olde Hickory House restaurant. The second statement about the mall also attacked the media.

Nelson came forward with her attorney Allred last week after The Washington Post first reported that Moore allegedly pursued relationships or made unwanted sexual advances toward multiple women when they were teens and Moore was in his 30s.

Nelson said Moore allegedly offered her a ride home from the Olde Hickory House restaurant where she worked when she was 16. He then allegedly parked his car near dumpsters behind the building and attempted to force her to have sex with him, she said. Nelson has also gone public with her high school yearbook, which she claims Moore signed.

Moore has vehemently denied all the accusations against him and his campaign’s main line of defense has been questioning the legitimacy of the signature in Nelson’s yearbook. In Monday evening’s statements, the campaign quoted multiple witnesses who worked at Olde Hickory House, attempting to poke holes in Nelson’s account of the incident.

A former waitress said the restaurant didn’t hire anyone under the age of 16, but Nelson said she was 15 when she started. Two former employees questioned the location of the dumpster, saying it was on the side of the building, not the back. A few of Moore’s witnesses said there wasn’t an entrance to the building from the back of the parking lot and another former employee said the restaurant never closed before 11 p.m., which they said contradicts Nelson’s claims that the restaurant closed at 10 p.m. the night of the alleged assault.

The campaign also claimed that these witness accounts had been shared with multiple news outlets, but “the outlets have failed to report.”

The second statement included quotes from three former employees of Gadsden mall, one of whom oversaw mall security, attempting to discredit reports that Moore was banned from the mall because of his alleged behavior toward teenage girls.

One witness, Johnnie V. Sanders, who the Moore campaign said was an employee of Gadsden Mall from the late 1970s to the mid-2000s, said there was a different “prominent” man who was banned from the mall for similar reasons and said he may have been confused with Moore.

“There was a prominent man of Etowah County, whom is now deceased that was banned for reasons such as the allegations against Judge Moore. However, due to respect for the family, I decline to reveal his name,” Sanders said in the statement. “Despite allegations against other patrons of the mall, I never heard of Roy Moore’s name come in conversation with any such misconduct against women or a supposed banning from the Gadsden Mall.”

Moore campaign strategist Brett Doster said the campaign put out the statements to combat the “one-sided reporting” on the accusations against the former judge.

“The people of Alabama are tired of false accusations and one-sided reporting from the liberal media,” Doster said in the statement. “Truth matters or it doesn’t and the Moore Campaign will deliver the truth about the character of Judge Roy Moore to affirm what the people of Alabama are already convinced of.”



New member
That makes him guilty of messing around with Monika, which is not in dispute.
I was asking for evidence of him being a predator.
I'm not a guy nor have I ever been a guy who throws the word predator around as his word de jour. That word seems to be the province of rabid, foaming at the mouth feminists. For every instance, they use that word, I would replace it with romance seeker, dater, marriage seeker, admirer of beauty etc. Im not saying there are not truly predators out there but I don't define normal sexual and /or romantic interest as predatory. I don't give predatory motivations to any romantic interest where there is a large age gap although I will agree that the chances for it may be higher. I don't believe i ever accused bill of being a predator. If I did, I may have said it in the moment of a heated political debate. I do however tend to believe his relations with other accusers were nonconsensual and an abuse of power. That case was decades ago, and I don't recall if there was evidence he did what these women claim he did or not.


New member
Flight logs make him a predator?
Epstein is a proven predator from what I heard. He appears to be famous for it and these tours to these islands appear to be for purposes of sexual a activity with underage kids. Clinton being on many of those flights make it more likely he was a predator than if he never went on one.


New member
Are you putting Moore on an equal moral footing with Clinton?

If 'guilty' is the equal footing. I think Moore had a taste for young girls when he was in his 30s and I believe that he acted like a sexual predator on more than one occasion with underage girls.

I believe Clinton is guilty of sexual misconduct of all kinds.

patrick jane

They both seem to share a taste for underage girls, don't they? :vomit:
There's a difference between dating an"alleged" 14 year old (with holes in her story) and children. I think of children as younger than puberty, you know, KIDS. Sure, 14 or 15 year olds are still kids but not children. Moore asked permission from parents, these pedophile islands do not and they molest children, big difference. But your liberal bias doesn't differentiate. Stick with the dems, they're going places.


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Hall of Fame
He might. And if so, it's because people don't recognize false equivalence, or they're looking for an out, any out, to allow them to vote for an actual predator because there might be a guy on the other side who did one or two things that were inappropriate but not predatory.

There is not an equivalence between the accusations. Assuming everything is true, Moore is worse. But when you consider that both Franken and Moore are being accused of things that they deny and there is no hard evidence it becomes tougher for me to sort it all out.

Now Moore has some witnesses on his side. It seems clear that Moore pursued young girls, but where does that land us, beyond that he was pretty creepy?
For me it's an easy jump from purusing teenagers to conduct that isn't all innocent and my instinct is to believe the accusers (in most/all cases), but how good is an instinct? What objective weight does each side hold?

Rhetorical questions so no need to reply.
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Hall of Fame
I'm not a guy nor have I ever been a guy who throws the word predator around as his word de jour. That word seems to be the province of rabid, foaming at the mouth feminists.

Baloney! Most of these women are the opposite; they are too passive and wimpy. They felt helpless.

I was young once and in the most macho job around, criminal justice. No man ever tried anything on me because I was so aggressive and had to be to boss old redneck men. None thought I was an easy mark, in fact, I came close to blows with some subordinate jerks.


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Hall of Fame
There's a difference between dating an"alleged" 14 year old (with holes in her story) and children. I think of children as younger than puberty, you know, KIDS. Sure, 14 or 15 year olds are still kids but not children. Moore asked permission from parents, these pedophile islands do not and they molest children, big difference. But your liberal bias doesn't differentiate. Stick with the dems, they're going places.

You believe Moore's story and assume the worse about Bill and you accuse WoO of being biased?


New member
There's a difference between dating an"alleged" 14 year old (with holes in her story) and children.

Well, sure. I don't think anyone is disputing that there isn't a difference but why even make this argument? It has nothing to do with anything. Did someone say he dated or tried to date someone younger than 14? If not, this is just a deflection.

I think of children as younger than puberty, you know, KIDS. Sure, 14 or 15 year olds are still kids but not children. Moore asked permission from parents

It's not OK for a man in his early 30s to date a 14 year old. Not now, not then. If you cannot admit that, it's solely because of your bias and not because of any rational thinking on your part. That he tried to kiss or engage in sexual activity with any of them makes it that much worse. But your head is lodged firmly in the sand because Moore is a part of your political tribe.

these pedophile islands do not and they molest children, big difference.

See, most of you cannot even discuss Moore or Trump without bringing up how charges against others are worse.

It's pathetic.

But your liberal bias doesn't differentiate. Stick with the dems, they're going places.

You're such a broken record with the "liberal bias" shtick. Because I criticize Moore, that makes me a liberal?

Keep repeating what you simply want to be true.

It will get you places.


New member
well that's true....

So I am basically asking for clarification....

The issue is a 30 year old man dating a 14 year old girl.

The answer does not need to be confined in the 1970's...

Was there EVER a time?

Sure. It wouldn't be anytime in the 20th century though, in my opinion.

How about you, when was a 30 year old man dating a 14 year old girl last appropriate?