Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


Well-known member
Sure. It wouldn't be anytime in the 20th century though, in my opinion.

How about you, when was a 30 year old man dating a 14 year old girl last appropriate?

Well, I probably shouldn't say dating....that's the modern vernacular. I never dated just to date....I had a reason for wanting to date a woman. In the hopes of marriage...but I digress.

My answer is the same as yours (not in the 20th century). Before the dark times, before the empire. (movie reference) LOL!!

But as scripture teaches me, there is NOTHING new under the sun. Are 14 year old girls any different now then before the 20th century...I would say only in maturity.


Well-known member
You believe Moore's story and assume the worse about Bill and you accuse WoO of being biased?

Well, you can look at both men, and the lives they've lived the last forty years, and you should be able to see there is a difference. Moore has had no accusations during his long marriage, while Bill has been blatant in his dalliances for years. He can't even keep from eyeballing Melania Trump during the inauguration - caught ogling by his wife, I might add.


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ClimateSanity said the following about Roy Moore.

Is there proof against Clinton or is it heresay? This double standard is unbelievable.

By the way, I think Clinton is guilty of what he has been accused of. I think Roy Moore is guilty of what he's been accused of. I think Trump is guilty of what he's been accused of and I think Franken is guilty of what he's been accused of.

I am not as selective as others obviously are.

There is much more credibility to claims made at and close to the time something occurred than 40 years later.


New member
There is much more credibility to claims made at and close to the time something occurred than 40 years later.

Agreed but again, Roy Moore lost all credibility when he was interviewed by Sean Hannity.

Dating teenagers wasn't something he 'generally' did. What does that tell you?

Hey, the people of Alabama are free to vote for the guy but he was up to no good when he was in his early 30s, in my opinion.


There's a difference between dating an"alleged" 14 year old (with holes in her story) and children. I think of children as younger than puberty, you know, KIDS. Sure, 14 or 15 year olds are still kids but not children. Moore asked permission from parents, these pedophile islands do not and they molest children, big difference. But your liberal bias doesn't differentiate. Stick with the dems, they're going places.


Leigh Corfman, the 14 tear old, has stated that Moore, whom she already knew, picked her up and drove her to his home without the her parents' knowledge.

Moore placed a blanket on the floor, started to touch and undress her and himself and instructed her to commit a sexual act.

As an Assistant District Attorney, Moore would have been in a position to surpress any charge brought against him - especially by a minor!


New member
Hall of Fame
Agreed but again, Roy Moore lost all credibility when he was interviewed by Sean Hannity.

Dating teenagers wasn't something he 'generally' did. What does that tell you?

Hey, the people of Alabama are free to vote for the guy but he was up to no good when he was in his early 30s, in my opinion.

I dont believe them
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patrick jane

But as scripture teaches me, there is NOTHING new under the sun. Are 14 year old girls any different now then before the 20th century...I would say only in maturity.

How Girls Are Developing Earlier In An Age Of 'New Puberty' Many girls are beginning puberty at an early age, developing breasts sooner than girls of previous generations. But the physical changes don't mean the modern girls' emotional and intellectual development is keeping pace.


New member
Hall of Fame
Agreed but again, Roy Moore lost all credibility when he was interviewed by Sean Hannity.

Dating teenagers wasn't something he 'generally' did. What does that tell you?

I told a 25 year old guy i was 19 when i was 16 to go out with him.

Would he rise to perv level if i said years later that i dated him when i was 16 without filling in all the blanks? (he didnt know at the time)

Also that he didnt 'generally' date teens - isnt 18 and 19 a teen too?

At any rate, its been so long since it happened, there is no way to know whose being truthful, and since it wasnt closer to the time, the claims are doubtful and 2 now have fallen apart.

Its been too long to claim on it for credibility to me.

patrick jane

They are certainly to be closely scrutinized. Apparently there were people out soliciting stories from women. That's like holding out a hundred bucks on the street corner and see who bites.
James Carville: The ragin' cajun Clinton loyalist set up a Web siteto rebut the president's critics on Paula Jones and other Clinton scandals such as Whitewater. Carville's infamous comment, "If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find," may have done the president more harm than good.


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Hall of Fame
You thought his denial was credible in the Hannity interview? If so, I've got a bridge to sell you...

There are statutes of limitations for reasons. Would you like your life examined through the eyes of others on everything youve ever done, and then 40 years later?

Do you believe Christ can change a persons heart? There are TONS of reasons this 40 year later junk, is just that, junk (casting aspersion)


New member
I told a 25 year old guy i was 19 when i was 16 to go out with him.

Would he rise to perv level if i said years later that i dated him when i was 16 without filling in all the blanks? (he didnt know at the time)

Moore isn't saying these women lied about their age. He is denying all accusations altogether.

Also that he didnt 'generally' date teens - isnt 18 and 19 a teen too?
You didn't listen to the interview, did you?

At any rate, its been so long since it happened, there is no way to know whose being truthful, and since it wasnt closer to the time, the claims are doubtful and 2 now have fallen apart.

Its been too long to claim on it for credibility to me.

I had my doubt until Moore opened his mouth to Hannity.

There are statutes of limitations for reasons.

No one is talking about charging Moore with a crime so statute of limitations is a moot issue.

Would you like your life examined through the eyes of others on everything youve ever done, and then 40 years later?

If I were making moves on 14 year olds when I was in my 30s I would have it coming.

Do you believe Christ can change a persons heart? There are TONS of reasons this 40 year later junk, is just that, junk (casting aspersion)

If Moore said Christ changed him and he's not that person anymore I'd have more respect for him than I do now after he lied through his teeth to Hannity.