Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


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Hall of Fame
Moore isn't saying these women lied about their age. He is denying all accusations altogether.

You didn't listen to the interview, did you?

I had my doubt until Moore opened his mouth to Hannity.

No one is talking about charging Moore with a crime so statute of limitations is a moot issue.

If I were making moves on 14 year olds when I was in my 30s I would have it coming.

If Moore said Christ changed him and he's not that person anymore I'd have more respect for him than I do now after he lied through his teeth to Hannity.

What do you think the probability is for a 70 year old to remember each date they ever had or lack of having?

Also the "14" year olds story isnt looking so credible anymore since the facts have been checked.

Lastly if he hasnt committed a crime, under what criteria, should the man not work?


New member
Agreed but again, Roy Moore lost all credibility when he was interviewed by Sean Hannity.

Dating teenagers wasn't something he 'generally' did. What does that tell you?

Hey, the people of Alabama are free to vote for the guy but he was up to no good when he was in his early 30s, in my opinion.
Dating 19 years old when you are 32 is not up to no good in my book. There is a biological drive in many men for younger women and vice versa. The urge in women for older men though has decreased significantly in modern times due to societal pressures.


New member
What do you think the probability is for a 70 year old to remember each date they ever had or lack of having?

He remembers knowing some of these girls and clearly remembers not knowing others.

Also the "14" year olds story isnt looking so credible anymore since the facts have been checked.

Roy Moore isn't credible. There are 8 accusers so there are a lot of stories to poke holes in.

Lastly if he hasnt committed a crime, under what criteria, should the man not work?

Well, he likely did commit a crime but he isn't going to be charged with anything.

Who is saying he cannot work? He's running for a senate seat for crying out loud. We want these people under a magnifying glass. Upon closer inspection, Moore is damaged goods.


New member
Dating 19 years old when you are 32 is not up to no good in my book. There is a biological drive in many men for younger women and vice versa. The urge in women for older men though has decreased significantly in modern times due to societal pressures.

As usual, you quite simply have no idea what you are talking about. Who was 19?


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Hall of Fame
He remembers knowing some of these girls and remembers not knowing others.
Sounds normal to me.

Roy Moore isn't credible. There are 8 accusers so there are a lot of stories to poke holes in.
And thats your opinion.

Well, he likely did commit a crime but he isn't going to be charged with anything.
Casting aspersions, huh? That beyond having an opinion. We dont know what happened, but we know 2 claims are lies already.

Who is saying he cannot work? He's running for a senate seat for crying out loud. We want these people under a magnifying glass. Upon closer inspection, Moore is damaged goods.

Oh one of the goals, isnt to deny Him his seat if he wins?

You can pretend too, that maybe someone lied to him about their age for the "excitement of dating an older guy " like one of them bragged about. (and i and many other women have done in their lives)


New member
Sounds normal to me.

Yes, so his 'I don't recall, I don't remember' shtick falls flat. He remembers what he wants to for the sake of his own self preservation.

And thats your opinion.

And the opinion of plenty of people who would otherwise support Roy Moore as a senator.

Casting aspersions, huh? That beyond having an opinion.

No, it's my opinion that he likely committed at least one crime when he was in his 30s. Just like Etowah County wasn't a dry county in 1979 like he 'misremembered'.

We dont know what happened, but we know 2 claims are lies already.

Which two are you referring to? Plenty of what Moore said doesn't pass the sniff test, that's for sure.

Oh one of the goals, isnt to deny Him his seat if he wins?

I don't know anything about that but certainly no one is preventing the man from working.

You should always remember, politicians serve at the pleasure of the citizens.

You can pretend too, that maybe someone lied to him about their age for the "excitement of dating an older guy " like one of them bragged about. (and i and many other women have done in their lives)
Which of his accusers claimed to have lied about her age?


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, so his 'I don't recall, I don't remember' shtick falls flat. He remembers what he wants to for the sake of his own self preservation.

And the opinion of plenty of people who would otherwise support Roy Moore as a senator.

No, it's my opinion that he likely committed at least one crime when he was in his 30s. Just like Etowah County wasn't a dry county in 1979 like he 'misremembered'.

yeah, damn him, all 70 year olds have perfect memories so its proof he lied.

Which two are you referring to? Plenty of what Moore said doesn't pass the sniff test, that's for sure.

yearbook chick lied and the 14 year olds story isnt credible, its been checked now, she didnt live with her mother after that "day in court" where her mother lost custody of her, her mother also said she didnt have a phone in her room like she said.

I don't know anything about that but certainly no one is preventing the man from working.

You said you watched hannity, which mentioned those including republicans who said he shouldnt be seated if he wins. How could you not know?

You should always remember, politicians serve at the pleasure of the citizens.
Hmm, 70, ill bet lots of things are lost or fuzzy, its not reasonable to expect perfect memory of events 40 years later.

Another reason statutes of limitations are in place.

Which of his accusers claimed to have lied about her age?
None. How do you know they ever dated him, or didnt lie about their age? Cause they said it, and teens never make things up?


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A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.



Well-known member
It does make you wonder how this came about, doesn't it? Was he hiding his inclinations from his family and all his colleagues for a long time (and hurting his own "self expression", maybe), or was he legit all this time until some "cute guy" tempted him and he didn't resist, or what?

Good question. He could also have been a plant.

I rule out nothing anymore.


Well-known member
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

Great. Put her under oath.


Well-known member
Who is going to "put her under oath" and under what pretense? :idunno:

Oh, so you're all for court of public opinion pronouncing judgment on people condemned without trial? How liberal of you.

But to answer your question...I dunno...if/when Moore makes good on his threat to sue for slander maybe? :idunno:



Oh, so you're all for court of public opinion pronouncing judgment on people condemned without trial? How liberal of you.

But to answer your question...I dunno...if/when Moore makes good on his threat to sue for slander maybe? :idunno:

"The Donald" threatened to sue his 13 accusers prior to the 2016 Election - we're still waiting!

Threatening to sue their accusers would open both Moore and Trump up to a full investigation of every women they interacted with over the past 55 years - given their past baggage, no lawyer would advise them to go that route!

If Moore is elected, he will be a continuous distraction for the Republicans throughout 2018, right in the middle of the Midterms!


Well-known member
"The Donald" threatened to sue his 13 accusers during the election - we're still waiting!

Sue them for what.

Threatening to sue their accusers would open Moore and Trump up to a full investigation of every women they interacted with for the past 55 years - given their past histories, no lawyer would advise them to go that route!

You're a special grade of stupid.

If someone had hard evidence that would disgrace Trump into resigning, they'd find someone through which to disseminate whatever evidence there is and ensure it goes public big time. No one on the planet could not hear of it without being a mile down in a coal mine. And sure as shootin', SOMEONE would be willing to take the fall if necessary, in order for the Left and the GOP to be rid of Trump. Enough idiot Leftists are willing to shoot random strangers NOW in order to make some retarded statement against conservatives; they'd have to turn away volunteers for a shot to take Trump down.

Still waiting!