Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.

The Barbarian

We'll know if he comes clean.

"Guilty until proven innocent."

But there's a bit of truth there. This is why no one with any objectivity believes Moore or Trump when they deny any particulars.

Once they've been outed as sexual offenders, new accusations are much more credible.

If someone else accuses Franken, she will automatically have credibility, just because we know he's capable of it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"Guilty until proven innocent."

But there's a bit of truth there. This is why no one with any objectivity believes Moore or Trump when they deny any particulars.

Once they've been outed as sexual offenders, new accusations are much more credible.

If someone else accuses Franken, she will automatically have credibility, just because we know he's capable of it.
And here she is;
he put his hand full-fledged on my rear," Menz said. "It was wrapped tightly around my butt cheek."


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We, women had expected men to be the aggressor for years! We expected them to ask us out and pay for the date. We expected boys and men to make the fist moves, or we would think them to be whimps.

Now, on just a few years, we expect men to pay for how they were raised?

It would be better to start now raising boys to be less aggressive and girls to be a bit more aggressive.

I think Charlie Rose is a decent guy and victim of being born in one time and living into another time.

I also believe Roy Moore is a redneck cracker and a molester, even for his time. The only reason I see for voting for Moore is to have a better advantage for tax cuts; however, it is an immoral cause. Love you money more than anything, vote for Moore, love God most, don't vote for this cracker.


New member
Hall of Fame
We, women had expected men to be the aggressor for years! We expected them to ask us out and pay for the date. We expected boys and men to make the fist moves, or we would think them to be whimps.

Now, on just a few years, we expect men to pay for how they were raised?

It would be better to start now raising boys to be less aggressive and girls to be a bit more aggressive.

I think Charlie Rose is a decent guy and victim of being born in one time and living into another time.

I also believe Roy Moore is a redneck cracker and a molester, even for his time. The only reason I see for voting for Moore is to have a better advantage for tax cuts; however, it is an immoral cause. Love you money more than anything, vote for Moore, love God most, don't vote for this cracker.

noun: cracker; plural noun: crackers

a thin, crisp wafer often eaten with cheese or other savory toppings.
a person or thing that cracks.
a person who breaks into a computer system, typically for an illegal purpose.
"computer crackers will push the outer limits of network security"
an installation for cracking hydrocarbons.
"a catalytic cracker"
another term for poor white.
a fine example of something.
"don't miss this cracker of a CD"


New member
Hall of Fame
There are statutes of limitations for reasons. I find it suspect when people come out of the woodwork 40 years later with fake "evidence"

The purpose and effect of statutes of limitations are to protect defendants. There are three reasons for their enactment:[6]

A plaintiff with a valid cause of action should pursue it with reasonable diligence.
By the time a stale claim is litigated, a defendant might have lost evidence necessary to disprove the claim.
Litigation of a long-dormant claim may result in more cruelty than justice.


New member
Hall of Fame
Who doesn't find fake evidence suspicious?

All who buy the fake yearbook. All who are ready to hang people anymore just because someone said something when there isnt evidence for it.

Another proof that liberals hate america and justice, you know innocent till proven guilty. Again there are statutes of limitations in the law for reasons.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Pursuing and groping arent the same things.

That's why all the Hit Job Articles don't help.
Two of them say it never got past kissing and they we're 17 or 18.
The 14 year old is the one that will bring Moore down if the allegations can be substantiated.
If she can pinpoint the dates and you can show the D.A.'s office or Moore's house calling her house then I think Alabama might even turn their back on him.

But so far no physical evidence other than the fishy autograph.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't have a problem investigating after the limitations are up. I don't want skeletons flooding out of my Senators closet.

I would imagine in all mens lives, one could find what someone else would consider an indiscretion by someone. Again, I find this suspect. I think it looks more desperate than legit.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All who buy the fake yearbook. All who are ready to hang people anymore just because someone said something when there isnt evidence for it.
Some said "if it's true he should step down".
But Ole Mitt Romney said he should step down regardless.
Mitt Romney said:
“Innocent until proven guilty is for criminal convictions, not elections,”

I'm not comfortable with that.

The Barbarian

We, women had expected men to be the aggressor for years! We expected them to ask us out and pay for the date. We expected boys and men to make the fist moves, or we would think them to be whimps.

Maybe I'm just different, but my idea of a "first move" was flirting and acting interested, not grabbing butts or genitals. Apparently, Trump and Roy got a lot more action than I did, but I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing, especially with teen-age girls.

Now, on just a few years, we expect men to pay for how they were raised?

Hard to say how Moore was raised, but with Trump, maybe we should consider his background. By 30, though, any person with a three-digit IQ should be able to figure it out by himself.

It would be better to start now raising boys to be less aggressive and girls to be a bit more aggressive.


I think Charlie Rose is a decent guy and victim of being born in one time and living into another time.

To some degree, yes. Still, there were a lot of guys even in my Dad's generation, who knew better than to act like that. Franken, being a bit younger, has less of an excuse, though.

I also believe Roy Moore is a redneck cracker and a molester, even for his time. The only reason I see for voting for Moore is to have a better advantage for tax cuts; however, it is an immoral cause. Love you money more than anything, vote for Moore, love God most, don't vote for this cracker.

Principle above self-interest, is a challenge.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
noun: cracker; plural noun: crackers

a thin, crisp wafer often eaten with cheese or other savory toppings.
a person or thing that cracks.
a person who breaks into a computer system, typically for an illegal purpose.
"computer crackers will push the outer limits of network security"
an installation for cracking hydrocarbons.
"a catalytic cracker"
another term for poor white.
a fine example of something.
"don't miss this cracker of a CD"

Silly silly. A cracker, as I used it means someone who is very rural and has no tolerance for outsiders, as well, no acceptance of persons who are at all different.

The movie, "Deliverance; was more a Hollywood notion of what crackers are, but those the biker movie in "Easy Rider' were pretty close to being crackers.

Basically, crackers are rural persons who are opposed ti any outside influence. Roy Moore is more a cracker than a redneck.


New member
Well I do.
Do you see anything fishy about this Autograph?
View attachment 26055

I'm not gonna make a judgement based on random picture off the Internet. But that is one among many, many allegations. I still find the initial allegations from the Washington Post story the most credible. The others add additional insight into Moore's behavior, but they are more susceptible to the charge of fabrication. Still, the best indication I have is that false claims are pretty rare.

Even if one allegation turned out to be false, all of the others would still be left.


like marbles on glass
The alt-right decides they want someone to be guilty, then goes about fabricating evidence to prove it.
Seth Rich conspiracy theory

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CNN made a black man appear whiter using photoshop conspiracy theory

They're not saying the name of the shooter, he's gonna be a Muslim conspiracy theory

Obama's national guard is going to invade Texas during operation jade helm conspiracy theory

FEMA has security concentration camps conspiracy theory

Sandy Hook was a false flag conspiracy theory

and on and on and on.....​