Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


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Does that judgement also extend to "The Donald" with his 13 accusers and the "Access Hollywood" tape - far more damning than the evidence against Franken?

The President, who should be an authority on this subject, has publically condemned Franken - but his silence concerning Moore speaks volumes!
We have a pic and an admission from Franken.
And the fact that he hounded the woman for a kiss that she did not want to do, and then rammed his tongue down her throat.
That was NOT some harmless little practice kiss for a skit.
Can't get more clear cut than that.
No reasonable doubt there.
When you have such a clear cut case, but still want to say "Well ........................ ummmm ............... he's usually a nice guy, so ............ let's give that tongue and hand groper a pass since he was just kidding around", then you know it ain't about the victims at all.

With Moore, there are discrepancies and little more than he-said she-said.
Plus the fact that even the women that accused Moore said that he stopped when they asked him to stop and did not pressure them to continue.
That is not the actions of a predator.
A predator will keep pressuring and sometimes even force.

Regardless of Trump's opinion, I demand evidence and not hearsay.
There is reasonable doubt in the discrepancies.


Well-known member
We have a pic and an admission from Franken.
And the fact that he hounded the woman for a kiss that she did not want to do, and then rammed his tongue down her throat.
That was NOT some harmless little practice kiss for a skit.
Can't get more clear cut than that.
No reasonable doubt there.
When you have such a clear cut case, but still want to say "Well ........................ ummmm ............... he's usually a nice guy, so ............ let's give that tongue and hand groper a pass since he was just kidding around", then you know it ain't about the victims at all.

With Moore, there are discrepancies and little more than he-said she-said.
Plus the fact that even the women that accused Moore said that he stopped when they asked him to stop and did not pressure them to continue.
That is not the actions of a predator.
A predator will keep pressuring and sometimes even force.

Regardless of Trump's opinion, I demand evidence and not hearsay.
There is reasonable doubt in the discrepancies.

The Left is already on record saying no woman who claims rape should be doubted.

Unless, of course, it's a favored Leftist politician who rapes someone.'s different. Some have already been trying this for Franken.

Only once it became clear Hillary is of no further political use but is now a liability, only then did they admit they knew about Bill Clinton's depredations all along.

The Barbarian

There are always those who will desperately defend abusers they like, and condemn those they hate. And then there are rational people who condemn anyone who acts as Trump and Franken and Moore have acted. For some, however, being "right" politically is more important than decency. As we see here, even pedophilia is O.K. for some of them, as long as the guy is one "our side."

We don't have to name names, they pretty much outed themselves.


Well-known member
Speaking only for myself: if there was evidence of the things Trump is accused of (pedophilia, some have claimed), it would have been released.

IF it were proven true, I'd want to see him impeached if he didn't resign first.

But if it IS true, do you know why it hasn't been released? Here's a clue.



We have a pic and an admission from Franken.
And the fact that he hounded the woman for a kiss that she did not want to do, and then rammed his tongue down her throat.
That was NOT some harmless little practice kiss for a skit.
Can't get more clear cut than that.
No reasonable doubt there.
When you have such a clear cut case, but still want to say "Well ........................ ummmm ............... he's usually a nice guy, so ............ let's give that tongue and hand groper a pass since he was just kidding around", then you know it ain't about the victims at all.

With Moore, there are discrepancies and little more than he-said she-said.
Plus the fact that even the women that accused Moore said that he stopped when they asked him to stop and did not pressure them to continue.
That is not the actions of a predator.
A predator will keep pressuring and sometimes even force.

Regardless of Trump's opinion, I demand evidence and not hearsay.
There is reasonable doubt in the discrepancies.


Apparently conservatives want to punish Franken, irrespective of the fact that his accuser has accepted his apology and is not demanding that he resign his seat!

Moore, on the other hand, has called all 9 of his female accusers liars - despite the fact that as a lawyer for the District Attorney's Office in his 30's, he was "banned" from the local mall for aggressively trying to pick up teenage girls

The women who was 14 at the time stated today that Moore took her to his home, without her parent's knowledge, removed much of her clothing and instructed her to participate in sexual acts.

Despite Trump's admission of guilt on the Access Hollywood tapes and the testimony of 13 women, conservatives have decided to look the other way - dismissing it as "locker-room talk!

The self-righteous "Donald Sr" feels free to criticize Franken, but he and the "deplorables" continue to give Moore a "free pass" for obvious reasons!
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Apparently conservatives want to punish Franken, irrespective of the fact that his accuser has accepted his apology and is not demanding that he resign his seat!

Moore, on the other hand, has called all 9 of his female accusers liars - despite the fact that as a lawyer for the District Attorney's Office in his 30's, he was "banned" from the local mall for aggressively trying to pick up teenage girls, some as young as 14!

Despite Trump admitting his guilt on the Access Hollywood tape and the testimony of 13 women, conservatives have decided to look the other way - dismissing it as "locker-room talk!

"The Donald" feels free to criticize Franken, but he and the "deplorables" continue to give Moore a "free pass!"
A second accuser has come forward against Al.


A second accuser has come forward against Al.


Franken has stated that he doesn't remember the 2nd incident - so does he qualify to claim the "Trump/Moore presumption of innocence?"

When the total number of complaints reaches 9, and includes underage girls, then we can discuss "moral equivalency!"
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Franken has stated that he doesn't remember the 2nd incident
There is a pic of them at the State Fair in 2010.
And she posted the pic and that he molester her on facebook when it happened.

The guy has a problem turning young women into his grab toy.


New member

Does that judgement also extend to "The Donald" with his 13 accusers and the "Access Hollywood" tape - far more damning than the evidence against Franken?

The President, who should be an authority on this subject, has publically condemned Franken - but his silence concerning Moore speaks volumes!

At the same time, what might actually be behind Franken's admission and or apology after his being outed, has to be carefully scrutinized, and for some time...

For the simple fact that many an outed individual in life in general has been known to fess up and or apologize (after the fact of their having been outed) for reasons that later turned out anything but "noble."

And witnesses that they are actually wonderful people proves nothing, other than that they themselves were either not present during the offense in question, and or not its victim, and or simply needing to side with the accused, for one reason or another.

If we haven't learned that much about the dynamic of such things from how so many have so easily rationalized Trump after that recording of his own admission to being a full-scale sexual predator came out, I doubt most ever will - on all sides of these fences.


Well-known member
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There are always those who will desperately defend abusers they like, and condemn those they hate. And then there are rational people who condemn anyone who acts as Trump and Franken and Moore have acted. For some, however, being "right" politically is more important than decency. As we see here, even pedophilia is O.K. for some of them, as long as the guy is one "our side."

We don't have to name names, they pretty much outed themselves.
I've stated in this very thread that Moore is probably a creep at worst and a Bible Thumping anti-gay idiot at best but I still have the integrity to say "There's something fishy about that autograph".