Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.


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You didn't answer his question, but thanks for revealing your real overall issue. Anything to get rid of Trump even though your hypocrisy is evident to all.
The Clintons sealed any chance the public would ever recognize the left as being concerned with morals.
The Clinton dynasty is going down.
And radical feminism is going down too. for it was feminists that praised both Clintons and demonized their accusers.

The left is neither for morality or women, they just use that as a guise to hide in sheep's clothing to rally the sheep.


New member
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The Clintons sealed any chance the public would ever recognize the left as being concerned with morals.
The Clinton dynasty is going down.
And radical feminism is going down too. for it was feminists that praised both Clintons and demonized their accusers.

The left is neither for morality or women, they just use that as a guise to hide in sheep's clothing to rally the sheep.

Thats the truth and their hypocrisy is being made evident to all.


like marbles on glass
He's right.

Between 2007-2016 there were 613 cases of allegations sent to the Ethics Committee.
There were ZERO sanctions against any of them.

"Senate Ethics has a reputation of being a black hole for allegations," said Jordan Libowitz of the left-leaning watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "Information tends to go into the committee and nothing comes out of it."
Libowitz said the committee tends to be "more interested in protecting the individual senators and staffers instead of the institution."



like marbles on glass
The Clintons sealed any chance the public would ever recognize the left as being concerned with morals.
The Clinton dynasty is going down.
And radical feminism is going down too. for it was feminists that praised both Clintons and demonized their accusers.

The left is neither for morality or women, they just use that as a guise to hide in sheep's clothing to rally the sheep.

The Trumps sealed any chance the public would ever recognize the right as being concerned with morals.
The Trump dynasty is going down.
Unfortunately, alt-right bigotry and racism will outlive every administration.

The right is neither for morality or women, they just use that as a guise in sheep's clothing to rally the sheep.


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The Trumps sealed any chance the public would ever recognized the right as being concerned with morals.
The Trump dynasty is going down.
Unfortunately, alt-right bigotry and racism will outlive every administration.

The right is neither for morality or women, they just use that as a guise in sheep's clothing to rally the sheep.
Trump is going to be political about it, just as the left is.
He would be a political fool not to.
The public is not buying that either side is suddenly concerned with morality.


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"Senate Ethics has a reputation of being a black hole for allegations," said Jordan Libowitz of the left-leaning watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "Information tends to go into the committee and nothing comes out of it."
Libowitz said the committee tends to be "more interested in protecting the individual senators and staffers instead of the institution."

He is correct.
Which is why we know that anyone asking for it to be turned over to the Ethics Committee is a fake concern for morality.
They should unanimously demand that Franken get the hell out of Dodge.


like marbles on glass
He is correct.
Which is why we know that anyone asking for it to be turned over to the Ethics Committee is a fake concern for morality.

Maybe the bipartisan committee should have a light shined on it so it'll do its job, and do it with transparency.

They should unanimously demand that Franken get the hell out of Dodge.

Franken should take Trump with him. Amiright?


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Maybe the bipartisan committee should have a light shined on it so it'll do its job, and do it with transparency.

Franken should take Trump with him. Amiright?
I think a couple will get thrown under the bus to appease, and then it will blow over.
And another mud slinging tactic will emerge, of which they also will not really give a hoot about.


New member
The story, if true, would likely not unseat a judge.

And that is a sad statement. Of course, Moore has twice been unseated as a judge, including as the sitting chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, so he's even worse than that low bar.

But let that judge try running for Senate and it's time to spring that story.

Because the nation as a whole is horrified at the prospect of having one of 100 sitting senators a clear sexual predator.

He called a teenager at her high school after she turned him down for a date. That would be predatory even if she weren't a teenager. And to put that kind of man in a position to write the laws is downright unthinkable.

There is NO WAY people who would use this story as a political weapon did not know about it before now. Moore has made way too many enemies.

Even if this is a political issue, so what? Life is political. He's running for a political office. Are you gonna tell me it isn't political when he shows up onstage brandishing a gun? In this case, the political question is whether Alabamans would rather be represented by a sexual predator, or a Democrat.

Besides, the GOP, half of the Uniparty, wants Moore gone as much as Democrats do. That's why I'm really interested to see what, if anything, McConnell says about Franken, a SEATED Senator.

Because, as awful as Franken's actions were, there's no comparison between the two. Franken is a basically good guy who did a bad thing once that we know of, he apologized immediately and sincerely, and the apology was accepted. He's never shown any tendencies toward predatory behavior. There is something between zero tolerance and anything goes.


Well-known member
Democrats will howl and foam at any suggestion that Franken or any other offending Democrat resign from office. They love power more than anything and do not want to risk losing even one voting member. They will tolerate no threat to the established power structure. At the same time, the GOP is no different in that respect. This whole Strange/Moore thing down south proves just how corrupt they are. Mitch McConnell did not want Moore to get the seat even before these stories were published about him, but last I heard McConnell hasn't said a thing about Franken.

Unless every single key Republican rep and senator can be primaried and beaten by a verified, trustworthy conservative, which is highly unlikely. If there's a Republican bloodbath next November...if enough conservatives stay home in disgust and let control of Congress shift back to the leftists...we may never regain it again. The GOP is banking on us not doing that. But we gave them control of Congress as our last shot, and look what they've done with it--govern like Democrats. I'm to the point of saying, let the bloodbath commence and whatever happens, happens. The GOP is ensuring we go further left no matter what we do.


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Just as expected.
The left will downplay any guilt of their party members, and the right will downplay any guilt of their party members.


New member
Democrats will howl and foam at any suggestion that Franken or any other offending Democrat resign from office. They love power more than anything and do not want to risk losing even one voting member. They will tolerate no threat to the established power structure. At the same time, the GOP is no different in that respect. This whole Strange/Moore thing down south proves just how corrupt they are. Mitch McConnell did not want Moore to get the seat even before these stories were published about him, but last I heard McConnell hasn't said a thing about Franken.

Unless every single key Republican rep and senator can be primaried and beaten by a verified, trustworthy conservative, which is highly unlikely. If there's a Republican bloodbath next November...if enough conservatives stay home in disgust and let control of Congress shift back to the leftists...we may never regain it again. The GOP is banking on us not doing that. But we gave them control of Congress as our last shot, and look what they've done with it--govern like Democrats. I'm to the point of saying, let the bloodbath commence and whatever happens, happens. The GOP is ensuring we go further left no matter what we do.

I'd like to take this opportunity to fully endorse this plan of yours for punishing the GOP. Please do it.

patrick jane

And that is a sad statement. Of course, Moore has twice been unseated as a judge, including as the sitting chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, so he's even worse than that low bar.

Because the nation as a whole is horrified at the prospect of having one of 100 sitting senators a clear sexual predator.

He called a teenager at her high school after she turned him down for a date. That would be predatory even if she weren't a teenager. And to put that kind of man in a position to write the laws is downright unthinkable.

Even if this is a political issue, so what? Life is political. He's running for a political office. Are you gonna tell me it isn't political when he shows up onstage brandishing a gun? In this case, the political question is whether Alabamans would rather be represented by a sexual predator, or a Democrat.

Because, as awful as Franken's actions were, there's no comparison between the two. Franken is a basically good guy who did a bad thing once that we know of, he apologized immediately and sincerely, and the apology was accepted. He's never shown any tendencies toward predatory behavior. There is something between zero tolerance and anything goes.
But what about Caligula?


New member
Just as expected.
The left will downplay any guilt of their party members, and the right will downplay any guilt of their party members.
The right doesn't have party members. The majority of the GOP doesn't support real conservatives. They turn on their own and attack them to save face in the media. Our true representatives in Washington are few and far between. Moore is one of the few and he is in the process of being tarred and feathered and run out on a rail on false charges.


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In this case, the political question is whether Alabamans would rather be represented by a sexual predator, or a Democrat.
Clinton was praised, and he was both a sexual predator and a Democrat seated in the highest political office we have.
Stop acting as though either party gives a hoot about morality.


He is correct.
Which is why we know that anyone asking for it to be turned over to the Ethics Committee is a fake concern for morality.
They should unanimously demand that Franken get the hell out of Dodge.


Does that judgement also extend to "The Donald" with his 13 accusers and the "Access Hollywood" tape - far more damning than the evidence against Franken?

The President, who should be an authority on this subject, has publically condemned Franken - but his silence concerning Moore speaks volumes!