Roy Moore, OJ Simpson, And why I don't believe you.

The Barbarian

Wandering though the data, I found this from Fox News...

A new Fox News poll shows former President Barack Obama is more popular in Alabama than President Trump.

The poll, conducted from Monday to Wednesday and released Thursday, shows Obama with a 52 percent favorability rating in the state, compared to Trump’s 49 percent.

Trump won Alabama by 28 points in the 2016 presidential election, while Obama lost the state by about 22 points in 2008 and 2012.

Obama had a 45 percent unfavorable rating in the poll, while Trump had a 48 percent unfavorable rating.

Trump’s job approval rating in the poll was listed at 52 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of his job performance.

The Barbarian

The ex manager of that mall says Moore was never banned to his knowledge.

A police officer, one of two who spoke with The New Yorker, said that “general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates” and that Moore may not have received an official ban but was a persona non grata at the mall and had been “run off” from “a number of stores.”

And soon Roy's support group will be yelling that the police are in on the conspiracy too.


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Hall of Fame
I don't think any amount of evidence would convince you.
That's a cop out.
You can always choose not to believe someone. If this were a court of law, one reliable witness could constitute "proof".
It would be evidence.

We have 30.
30 witnesses?
Cite for the 30 witnesses?

What you have to balance is the credibility of the witnesses against the accused.
And the motive of the witnesses.

Phone records from the 1970s? Are you nuts?
They still must be out there.
Sorry, but you don't always have the luxury of smoking-gun evidence.
Any evidence would be nice. So far we have testimony and nothing else.


New member
Glory Allred has been reluctant to confirm or deny that the alleged victim saw Moore sign her yearbook.
She has agreed to turn the yearbook over for an independent analysis, but ONLY if Moore & victim agrees to testify at hearing under oath.
She won't say WHY she won't turn the yearbook over now to be examined by independent expert.
Just holding out until Moore meets her demands.

I'm not seeing how waiting for Moore to agree to her demands helps determine if the signature is authentic.
What could be her motivation for withholding examination of the yearbook??????
Her motivation is that it's fake. She wants Moore to be interrogated in court because I believe Moore does have a taste for younger women and he probably did speak to some of these women but never did anything illegal. Illegal doesn't matter in the court of public opinion. Allred can succeed in making Moore look like a dirty old man because his accusers will testify that he made some off color remark or perhaps paid undue attention to them when they were of legal age but still very young.

It's the same thing that happened to Elohim in this forum he was friends with his wife when he was 32 and she was 17. He then married her when she was 18. It's all very legal but a substantial portion of the population looks down on it as disgusting, perverted behavior.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Her motivation is that it's fake. She wants Moore to be interrogated in court because I believe Moore does have a taste for younger women and he probably did speak to some of these women but never did anything illegal. Illegal doesn't matter in the court of public opinion. Allred can succeed in making Moore look like a dirty old man because his accusers will testify that he made some off color remark or perhaps paid undue attention to them when they were of legal age but still very young.

It's the same thing that happened to Elohim in this forum he was friends with his wife when he was 32 and she was 17. He then married her when she was 18. It's all very legal but a substantial portion of the population looks down on it as disgusting, perverted behavior.
Yeah, it's not unheard of
It's just not the norm.
Even if you don't have a problem with someone dating a much younger woman, you still take a double-look when you see a couple like that on the street because your brain is telling you it is something unusual.

Even Moore's wife was 15 years younger than him, and they have been married for years and years.
For some reason that amount of age difference was his preference from the time he came home from the military right up to the time he married.

And Moore did say that he would have never dated a young girl without her mother's permission first.
That indicates old fashion gentlemanly values.
Unusual for a man to want to date a girl so much younger, yes, but still a gentleman.
One of the girls said their encounter never went past kissing.
And we have testimony that when things went so far and they said "stop", he stopped and took them home.
Age difference aside, that actually sounds more like a gentleman than a sex crazed molester.

Play that scene out as a movie.
You know, those movies where one remembers how something happened, and then the other remembers it completely different.
Now play the scene where he is a dirty old man.

You could spin it either way.

We need to know more about it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A police officer, one of two who spoke with The New Yorker, said that “general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates” and that Moore may not have received an official ban but was a persona non grata at the mall and had been “run off” from “a number of stores.”

And soon Roy's support group will be yelling that the police are in on the conspiracy too.

Your article is regurgitating the New Yorker article on the "Two Police Officers" and we still don't have names of these two so no dice there. But it does have some other named persons so that's a start.


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Hall of Fame
Moore, like Trump, is perceived as a threat to the DC uniparty swamp.

Moore is an anti-gay Bible Thumper.
The GOP has moved on, Trump is pro-gay and has probably never touched a Bible until he took the Oath.
Moore is an Alabama thing. A relic of the past. We need to drag Alabama into the new Millennium. Without Moore.


New member
Hall of Fame
Sometimes when you frame a guilty man all people can see is the frame job.
OJ Simpson might have done it and you might have convinced a jury of that based on the gloves and the shoe prints and left it alone. But they had to go spraying blood everywhere and then nobody believed anything they had to say that might have been the truth.

Now comes Roy Moore who might really be a creep but he was the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court TWICE (after getting removed once) so nobody is going to convince me that they just crawled out from under a rock and realized that the Roy Moore that is running for Senate is THAT Roy Moore they dated in high school. If the allegations are true then all these women just happened to wait until one month before the election to come forward.

When it would do the most damage.

And there's no time to investigate the claims.

They are going to have to forgive me if I don't believe them.

Check this out:

EXCLUSIVE – Roy Moore: Gloria Allred’s Refusal to Release Yearbook Proves Allegations Are ‘Completely Untrue’

Looks like the yearbook thing is a forgery.


New member
Hall of Fame
Her motivation is that it's fake. She wants Moore to be interrogated in court because I believe Moore does have a taste for younger women and he probably did speak to some of these women but never did anything illegal. Illegal doesn't matter in the court of public opinion. Allred can succeed in making Moore look like a dirty old man because his accusers will testify that he made some off color remark or perhaps paid undue attention to them when they were of legal age but still very young.

It's the same thing that happened to Elohim in this forum he was friends with his wife when he was 32 and she was 17. He then married her when she was 18. It's all very legal but a substantial portion of the population looks down on it as disgusting, perverted behavior.

I was fairly familiar with Elohim when he was here but don't recall ever hearing that about him and his wife. I wish he were still around.

My gut reaction when hearing about a relationship with an age difference like that is negative but I don't want to make any absolute statements. I think a lot depends on how it came about. If two people come together under innocent circumstances and an attraction and bond is formed and it ends up in a relationship then that is not necessarily bad or evil or perverted. I'd say that would be an exception, not the rule.

Moore feels different though. He didn't happen upon a young girl. He actively went looking for them. That definitely increases the creepy factor and makes me more inclined to believe that it wasn't all innocent and gentlemanly. And you mention legal age but some of the allegations are from when the girls were under 18.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I was fairly familiar with Elohim when he was here but don't recall ever hearing that about him and his wife. I wish he were still around.

My gut reaction when hearing about a relationship with an age difference like that is negative but I don't want to make any absolute statements. I think a lot depends on how it came about. If two people come together under innocent circumstances and an attraction and bond is formed and it ends up in a relationship then that is not necessarily bad or evil or perverted. I'd say that would be an exception, not the rule.

Moore feels different though. He didn't happen upon a young girl. He actively went looking for them. That definitely increases the creepy factor and makes me more inclined to believe that it wasn't all innocent and gentlemanly. And you mention legal age but some of the allegations are from when the girls were under 18.

A rule I've heard is "half your age plus seven years".


New member
Hall of Fame
It's in two different color inks and different handwriting for crying out loud.

Maybe the pen ran out of ink and Moore had hand spasms at the same time so someone else finished using a different pen. :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why would someone who wanted to pass it off as genuine go out of their way to do everything possible to make people question its authenticity?

Because it doesn't need to stand up to scrutiny. They just have to plant the seed in peoples minds until the election. So they publish it in black and white and people don't see it debunked later. It's not like they can change their vote later when they get proof it's fake. Knight still thinks there was undisturbed snow all they way around JonBenét Ramsey's house and that was debunked the day after it was claimed.


like marbles on glass
Because it doesn't need to stand up to scrutiny. They just have to plant the seed in peoples minds until the election. So they publish it in black and white and people don't see it debunked later. It's not like they can change their vote later when they get proof it's fake.

But it does need to stand up to scrutiny and anyone would know that, so it still seems like a crazy risk to take.

And who is "they?"