Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I notice that you fellowship with many religious reprobates on the Forum, which leads me to believe that you are not in the faith. The Bible and the Bible alone dictates what we believe, not what the religious reprobates teach and believe.

This habitual liar, spams this copy-n'paste to everyone, who disagrees with his satanic doctrine of demons.

Oh, yes:

Can it be that there is someone on this Forum that believes what the Bible is saying?

Add the above, to this deceiver's other bluster, deceit:

I am the only one on this Forum that preaches the Gospel and justification by faith.


New member
I am not going to argue with someone that thinks straw man arguments are valid responses. It isn't as if this is a single mistake, this pattern of fallacious reasoning permeates your entire writing. You aren't listening to what is said, you aren't responding to what is put forth, you are arguing against something else entirely.

As a reminder, a "straw man" argument is when you create an argument that you consider easy to attack and assign it to someone else for the purpose of knocking it down. Such as your claim "You are abolishing only one of the commandments." If I do not make the claim and specifically deny it, it is useless for you to attack. Whether this is a failing of your mental ability or desperation birthed by dishonesty it has the same end effect of it being impossible engage in rational conversation with you.

Just because an opposing argument is fearfully compelling does not make it a scary straw filled scarecrow...

Your view is EXACTLY a jewish fable as they attempted to slander and accused both Stephen and later Paul of preaching Moses’customs were abolished the the cross...

This lie, your view, was FALSE WITNESS which Paul defended himself of multiple times even taking a vow proving he remained zealous for the Law...

If he taught or lived otherwise the witness would be true...

as it was no jew was able to produce witness or evidence (like one of his letters) to show your view...christendom’s...even those that are show Paul taught the OT is no longer binding

Robert Pate

Well-known member
This habitual liar, spams this copy-n'paste to everyone, who disagrees with his satanic doctrine of demons.

Oh, yes:

Add the above, to this deceiver's other bluster, deceit:

You don't have the slightest idea of what the Gospel is. The reason being is that you are spiritually dead.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You don't have the slightest idea of what the Gospel is. The reason being is that you are spiritually dead.

You tell all of us, Pate, why the Lord Jesus Christ died. GO AHEAD, Pate.

Tell us that he died for your sins/sin debt, when there is no holy law of God, according to you, by which sins are defined.

Go ahead.

I will pick your perverted, alleged "the Gospel" apart, by your own words, satanic assertions.


Well-known member
I asked him that about a year ago: If Christ's perfect walk under the Law is credited to the believer (it's so important that it's even needed as an article of saving faith, according to Pate), what's the point of the Cross?

Where there's no broken law, there's no offense. So vicarious lawkeeping ALONE would undo all our lawbreaking, erasing the debt of sin for all who believe, making the Cross pointless. The work of our salvation would have been done by His LIFE, not His death. Pate tries to say "well, it's both" but it won't work. You wouldn't NEED both.

He never answered that question and he won't answer you now. Because he's an enemy of the Cross but can't come out and say it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Who says so? All that follow the law are under the law and will be judged by it. Christians are called to live by the spirit and not the law, 2 Corinthians 3:6.

Pate: If the law exists, you follow it, and are under it, much like if the law of foreign countries exists, you are under those laws.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I asked him that about a year ago: If Christ's perfect walk under the Law is credited to the believer (it's so important that it's even needed as an article of saving faith, according to Pate), what's the point of the Cross?

Where there's no broken law, there's no offense. So vicarious lawkeeping ALONE would undo all our lawbreaking, erasing the debt of sin for all who believe, making the Cross pointless.

He never answered that question and he won't answer you now. Because he's an enemy of the Cross but can't come out and say it.


Careful, musty-he will now put you under his "there is no evidence you have the Holy Spirit" spam...


Well-known member
So here's where it comes down to a choice. You can continue as always and just slough the scripture like 99% of the TOL folk here do and maintain the veil on your heart when Moses is read:
..... On the other hand, maybe you're among the sheep which can admit to a mistake, that love God more than their own ego or self-righteousness. I've seen it happen and it's always amazing.

I am not going to argue with someone that thinks straw man arguments are valid responses. It isn't as if this is a single mistake, this pattern of fallacious reasoning permeates your entire writing. You aren't listening to what is said, you aren't responding to what is put forth, you are arguing against something else entirely.

Whether this is a failing of your mental ability or desperation birthed by dishonesty it has the same end effect of it being impossible engage in rational conversation with you.

And this is "our friend", [MENTION=17606]Derf[/MENTION] ?


Well-known member
Who says so? All that follow the law are under the law and will be judged by it. Christians are called to live by the spirit and not the law, 2 Corinthians 3:6.

You see the word "ministers" the "ministration of death"? 2 Corinthians 3:7

The Law's role has changed...the Law, itself, has not been abolished.

The Law was our Tutor. Now we are no longer under the Tutor's administration, but the Spirit's.

We've graduated, but school is still in session.


Who says so? All that follow the law are under the law and will be judged by it. Christians are called to live by the spirit and not the law, 2 Corinthians 3:6.

It does not mean the words are no longer there. It means that seeing the words a particular way keeps one from living by the Spirit as we ought to.


New member
You see the word "ministers" the "ministration of death"? 2 Corinthians 3:7

The Law's role has changed...the Law, itself, has not been abolished.

The Law was our Tutor. Now we are no longer under the Tutor's administration, but the Spirit's.

We've graduated, but school is still in session.

Phew that is a relief...

Was beginning to think that the learning of 2+2=4 under a tutor didnt matter once we graduated to advance levels...or it was changed to some other formula by the Spirit...I mean it remains 2+2=4 and for us to use right?


New member
And this is "our friend", [MENTION=17606]Derf[/MENTION] ?

Yeah speaking of drowning will grab at them...and seek to drag others down with them...

Typical but still unnecessary...not even that clever either...pity

The ego and self righteousness thingy was redundant too...I mean it’s a innernutz forum...lighten up...mmmmmkay Rosenritter?

You dont have to attack messengers and stuff like that...or PM me about others here...

But if ya least be more clever...yes please be at least that...


and Happy Sabbath before the “treason to His seasons” TOL...


New member
Just because an opposing argument is fearfully compelling does not make it a scary straw filled scarecrow...

Your view is EXACTLY a jewish fable as they attempted to slander and accused both Stephen and later Paul of preaching Moses’customs were abolished the the cross...

This lie, your view, was FALSE WITNESS which Paul defended himself of multiple times even taking a vow proving he remained zealous for the Law...

If he taught or lived otherwise the witness would be true...

as it was no jew was able to produce witness or evidence (like one of his letters) to show your view...christendom’s...even those that are show Paul taught the OT is no longer binding

So specific scriptures that tell us the Ten Commandments were abolished, the ordinances were nailed to the cross, the old covenant is obsolete and replaced.... aren't good enough for you. You don't understand the meaning of "Love God" and "Love thy neighbor" to understand why you separate laws aren't needed against idolatry and murder, but you do have nonsense smack talk. Not worth engaging. Ignore list.