Pops refutes the biblical concept of the Trinity


It doesn't. Never said it did. I'm 100% sure NOT 1 person was a trinity believer when they became saved. But they became one when the Holy Spirit came into their lives. Might take sometime for them to come around and believe God, but they will get there.

was that necessary?

Then why do you follow deceptive gospel?

Isn't spreading the true gospel is His followers main duty?


New member
I really have to spell it out for you?

I don't, I know. But I don't mind doing exactly what you want. My point about illogic not being of faith is that 100% is whole....it doesn't go further past whole. You insist that Jesus as man was too wholly and utterly GOD almighty. This is not only utterly against scripture on many levels and in numerous forms, but too is against very basic logic in that to be wholly man and wholly GOD would be to be two wholes, two beings, or rather, 200% being....which is wholly illogical and nonsensical.

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I really have to spell it out for you?

I don't, I know. But I don't mind doing exactly what you want. My point about illogic not being of faith is that 100% is whole....it doesn't go further past whole. You insist that Jesus as man was too wholly and utterly GOD almighty. This is not only utterly against scripture on many levels and in numerous forms, but too is against very basic logic in that to be wholly man and wholly GOD would be to be two wholes, two beings, or rather, 200% being....which is wholly illogical and nonsensical.

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That's because you're looking at it wrong.

Jesus is not "200% being." :mock:

He is 1 Person, who has 2 natures. Humans only have 1 nature, man. The Father has had, has, and always will have 1 nature, God. The Holy Ghost has had, has, and always will have 1 nature, God. The Son (Jesus, the Word) had 1 nature, God, but then gained another nature at the incarnation, man, and now will always have 2 natures, for the rest of eternity.


New member
That's because you're looking at it wrong.

Jesus is not "200% being." :mock:

He is 1 Person, who has 2 natures. Humans only have 1 nature, man. The Father has had, has, and always will have 1 nature, God. The Holy Ghost has had, has, and always will have 1 nature, God. The Son (Jesus, the Word) had 1 nature, God, but then gained another nature at the incarnation, man, and now will always have 2 natures, for the rest of eternity.
Yet you mock me?

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There is no Salvation apart from worship of God, as He has revealed Himself, Triune.

Simple Biblical truth.
You are lying, and blasheme the Spirit. As if one who doesn't believe in the man made doctrine of the coeternal trinity cannot be a follower of the Way. As if our Merciful GOD would condemn such an one.

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New member
You are lying, and blasheme the Spirit. As if one who doesn't believe in the man made doctrine of the coeternal trinity cannot be a follower of the Way. As if our Merciful GOD would condemn such an one.

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Mark 12.28 - 30

And coming up, one of the scribes, hearing them arguing, knowing that He answered them well, he questioned Him, What is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is: "Hear, Israel. The Lord our God is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul" and with all your mind, "and with all your strength." This is the first commandment. (Deut. 6:4, 5)

Here we have Jesus declaring that the very first commandment is the Shema – which describes God as being Triune.


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Why do you mock Jesus' follower?

Jesus does not take it lightly if you mock His servant.

Probably because pops isn't.

That in addition to the reason I gave which you somehow missed...