Pops refutes the biblical concept of the Trinity


You can't change the meaning of words just because you don't like what it means when they're put with other words.

"Yachad" and "bad" both mean "one of singularity."

"Echad", however, means "one of unity."

Such as "man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall become ONE ("echad") flesh."

"The people spoke with ONE ("echad") voice."

The LORD our God, the LORD is ONE ("echad").

One of unity, not of singularity.


Strong's h259

- Lexical: אֶחָד
- Transliteration: echad
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Phonetic Spelling: ekh-awd'
- Definition: one.
- Origin: A numeral from 'achad; properly, united, i.e. One; or (as an ordinal) first.
- Usage: a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any(-thing), apiece, a certain, (dai-)ly, each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once, one, only, other, some, together,
- Translated as (count): one (480), - (48), of one (30), in one (29), another (23), and one (22), as one (20), of the one (18), the one (15), and the other (12), for one (11), once (11), to one (10), with one (10), any (9), on the first (9), certain (8), on one (7), every one (6), first (6), in the first (6), the other (6), a (5), and another (5), each (5), together (5), of the first (4), other (4), the first (4), at one (3), every (3), for the one (3), had one (3), in any (3), In the eleventh (3), of the other (3), out of every (3), alone (2), as another (2), at once (2), But one (2), by one (2), each one (2), for each (2), from one (2), in another (2), in the one (2), into some (2), let one (2), like one (2), Now in the first (2), of a (2), on a (2), to any (2), to each (2), a few (1), a man (1), against any (1), also another (1), also that one (1), an only (1), and eleven (1), and first (1), and in the one (1), and like one (1), and of the other (1), and on the first (1), and once (1), and the only (1), and with the other (1), any of (1), anything (1), but can one (1), But they are altogether (1), by him? And one (1), by the first (1), each man (1), even as one (1), even one thing (1), few (1), for each one (1), for every (1), for everyone (1), from any (1), From the first (1), have you but one (1), him? and did not one (1), his one (1), in some (1), in the other (1), in unison (1), inside few (1), into any (1), into one (1), is one (1), It is eleven (1), like to one (1), me one (1), not one (1), Now in the eleventh (1), of each (1), of every (1), of them alike (1), of them had one (1), of you a (1), on each (1), on some (1), on the one (1), one him (1), one them (1), out of one (1), shall have one (1), shall one (1), should one (1), single (1), that I may at once (1), that not one (1), that one (1), themselves one (1), There is one (1), This one (1), to and fro (1), to another (1), to every (1), to her a certain (1), to him alone (1), to make one (1), to the one (1), to the other (1), together on the first (1), when none (1), whom alone (1), will be on the other (1), With a single (1).

Echad can be used to connote singularity, or unity, depending on context, as in the example scripture I gave where echad was used to mean "one" in singularity, not unity. Even in the Greek Septuagint, which is a Greek text, not Hebrew, the word "one" in singularity is used,

Hear, O Israel! Yehovah our God is one Master. (Deuteronomy 6:4 [MODIFIED-ABP])

You are trying to convey it to mean one in unity to support your false teaching that God is a composition of three, like a pie is composed of three, and if you were to take any of the three slices, then the pie would be less, and that is not so with God, for if Christ were to cease to exist, GOD WOULD STILL EXIST AS A WHOLE, because his existence is not dependent on the existence of Christ. But rather, on the other hand, the existence of Christ depends on God. You have it all wrong and do not understand God and his relationship to his son. Even Christ said, "the Father is greater than I".


Bring it here....or admit that you cannot...

Why would I repost what I already posted? I already provided scriptural proof that angels are spirits of God, in another post. You want to know what the scriptures are? Go find the scriptures I provided in the other post. Otherwise, stay in your ignorance. You have more to gain than I do, because I already know the truth. So, find, or do not find. Search, or do not search. Learn, or do not learn. I am not on here to waste time endlessly arguing with people like you. I am here to simply provide the scriptures proving what I am saying so that other people searching for the actual truth on the search engines may actually find it.


New member
Why would I repost what I already posted? I already provided scriptural proof that angels are spirits of God, in another post. You want to know what the scriptures are? Go find the scriptures I provided in the other post. Otherwise, stay in your ignorance. You have more to gain than I do, because I already know the truth. So, find, or do not find. Search, or do not search. Learn, or do not learn. I am not on here to waste time endlessly arguing with people like you. I am here to simply provide the scriptures proving what I am saying so that other people searching for the actual truth on the search engines may actually find it.

A7: ‘Do you have scripture to back up your assertions?’

Cgaviria: ‘No, I do not….I prefer to call people liars when I disagree with them!’


New member
Not better than, but I am not wrong, like you and wrongly divider. Neither of you have faith from God. You both have created your own idol you bow down to and call it god. You are no different than Jeraboam who made his own jehovah in the form of an idol in the Northern Kingdom of Israel and then lead people to worship it as if it were God.
Be gone idol worshipper.
You attempt to belittle the very ORIGIN of my faith.

I would never do such to you.

Can you show me the scripture you use to justify your words towards us?

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New member
That is because sins against the spirit of God are not forgiven, for just as transgression were not forgiven when the angel, who was the spirit of God, lead the Israelites into their inheritance, sins are now not forgiven as the chosen of God are being lead into our inheritance, this is why blasphemies against the spirit of God are not forgiven. If you were to have the spirit of God, and you sinned, you will never be forgiven, and will probably die, just as Ananias and Sapphira died when they lied to spirit of God, for the spirit of God killed them. Even so, the Law of God commands, "you shall not misuse the name of Yehovah your God", as such, whoever speaks in the name of the trinity is profaning the name of God, because he is exchanging the name of God for a phrase of titles being used as a name that serves a lie, thus profaning the name of God, thus breaking the command to honor the name of God.
They deceived themselves friend. The Spirit was in them. It left and they perished.

I must say what you portray doesn't seem merciful at all.

Do you believe GOD to be omnipotent? Omniscient?


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New member
Angels are created beings. Jesus is God, the Creator. He is far above the angels.
Hebrews 1:3-8
[3]The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven.
[4]This shows that the Son is far greater than the angels, just as the name God gave him is greater than their names.
[5]For God never said to any angel what he said to Jesus: “You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.”God also said, “I will be his Father, and he will be my Son.”
[6]And when he brought his supreme Son into the world, God said, “Let all of God’s angels worship him.”
[7]Regarding the angels, he says, “He sends his angels like the winds, his servants like flames of fire.”
[8]But to the Son he says,
“Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever.

Notice verse 8. Jesus is God.
So born and conceived have nothing to do with being formed or created?

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New member
You attempt to belittle the very ORIGIN of my faith.

I would never do such to you.

Can you show me the scripture you use to justify your words towards us?

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You have no God given faith. Your belief is a product of your father the devil.


New member
Ok, so what about my second question?

All three of those words are translated "one," and correctly so. But echad is used. Do you know why "echad" and not "yachad" or "bad"?
Because GOD is all encompassing and all pervading and all that is is due to and subsisted by HIM.

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New member
Clinic time...

Mark 12.28 - 30

And coming up, one of the scribes, hearing them arguing, knowing that He answered them well, he questioned Him, What is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is: "Hear, Israel. The Lord our God is one Lord, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul" and with all your mind, "and with all your strength." This is the first commandment. (Deut. 6:4, 5)

Here we have Jesus declaring that the very first commandment is the Shema – which describes God as being Triune.

Jesus' reply was to a scribe...i.e. someone who knows the Hebrew scriptures of the OT.

Jesus references Deut 6.4- 5 which, in the Hebrew, declares the following...

•Tetragrammaton = singular
•Elohim = Plural
•Echad = one unity
•The juxtaposed words…Tetragrammaton, Elohim, Tetragrammaton, Echad
•God is referred to not once, not twice, but three times
•Singular, Plural, Singular
•These three elements form one unity
•Singular = Plural
•Plural = Singular
•God = Gods
•God is clearly singular
•God is clearly plural
•God is Uniplural

What are you going to do now?
Laugh at you.

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New member
Any child of God would mock a Baal worshipper such as you.
You know you aren't Jesus right?

Jesus could say such because he was without sin and spoke on behalf of the FATHER.

you are in great error with the words you speak. Don't you know you aren't capable of judging such matters while you are a sinner?

You can get away with that here. And I know you think you are safe from judgement because you in your vanity believe yourself to be the very elect. You sure have a rude awakening in store.

May GOD have mercy on your soul.

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