Pops refutes the biblical concept of the Trinity


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Who are you to come on here and started name-calling like you're better than everyone else? Right divider is devout and has strong faith. You aren't helping anything by name-calling.all you're doing is showing your own level of pride and inability to learn anything whatsoever.

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Not better than, but I am not wrong, like you and wrongly divider. Neither of you have faith from God. You both have created your own idol you bow down to and call it god. You are no different than Jeraboam who made his own jehovah in the form of an idol in the Northern Kingdom of Israel and then lead people to worship it as if it were God.
Be gone idol worshipper.


Jesus was declaring himself to be..."I am." The same thing that God declared.

Do you even understand what "I am" means? It is an affirmation of existence, which is why he said, before Abraham was, I am, because he was affirming his own existence before the existence of Abraham. This is not so difficult to understand. Everything else is I said about angels being spirits of God is also true.


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Do you even understand what "I am" means? It is an affirmation of existence, which is why he said, before Abraham was, I am, because he was affirming his own existence before the existence of Abraham. This is not so difficult to understand. Everything else is I said about angels being spirits of God is also true.
Gav, who was Jesus? Was He the Messiah? Was He God? Was He just a good man?


Ah...you're a follower of Joseph Smith, a man who was lead by demons. Blind men trying to argue about what they cannot see. Shall we discuss how Smith tried to interpret the Egyptian book of the dead and didn't even get one word correct?
You argue from ignorance.

I do not know Joseph Smith, and neither do I know you, and neither am I being lead by demons. I know Yeshua, and I know God, and I have spoken truthfully about the scriptures. It is because you lack understanding that you reject everything I'm saying because the truth is not in you, but rather, you have been deceived by the lies taught in your churches. You are also stubborn and refuse to come to understanding.


But our little book expressly states that blaspheme of even the Son of man will be forgiven. Yet blaspheme of the Spirit of GOD will not be.

We should be careful not to steroetype whole people. Surely there are faithful individuals hidden within every division, or sect, or scism forced by man.


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That is because sins against the spirit of God are not forgiven, for just as transgression were not forgiven when the angel, who was the spirit of God, lead the Israelites into their inheritance, sins are now not forgiven as the chosen of God are being lead into our inheritance, this is why blasphemies against the spirit of God are not forgiven. If you were to have the spirit of God, and you sinned, you will never be forgiven, and will probably die, just as Ananias and Sapphira died when they lied to spirit of God, for the spirit of God killed them. Even so, the Law of God commands, "you shall not misuse the name of Yehovah your God", as such, whoever speaks in the name of the trinity is profaning the name of God, because he is exchanging the name of God for a phrase of titles being used as a name that serves a lie, thus profaning the name of God, thus breaking the command to honor the name of God.


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Yeshua is the messiah, and is also God, for he has been appointed by the Father to be the Master of all heaven and earth and thus be "God", as the representation of God in creation.
And what about the Holy Spirit?


And what about the Holy Spirit?

The spirit of God is an angel that takes the form of spirit, which is the form of wind, and is sent into the earth to inhabit the body of a believer, to guide him, comfort him, give him power to perform signs and miracles, and most importantly, to free him from sin and be perfected inwardly. To each believer baptized with the Spirit is given one spirit of God, hence "the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets". The spirit of God is also Master, whom believers serve while the spirit of God dwells inside the body, for the spirit of God will issue commands to the believer that the believer must also obey, "go here", "go there", "say this", "say that".

Right Divider

Body part
The chosen people of God. The elect. That includes both Jew and Gentile. There is nothing about the tribes of Israel. My goodness, wrong divider, you are just screwed up in your understanding of God's word. May God open your utterly blind eyes.
1 Peter 1:1-2
[1]This letter is from Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ.I am writing to God’s chosen people who are living as foreigners in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.
[2]God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ.May God give you more and more grace and peace.
Your selective and biased view of the Bible is your man-centered opinion. I believe ALL of it!

The "foreigners" that Peter is writing to are the SAME ones that James is writing to.

James 1:1 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

Keep your head buried in your opinions if you like, but I believe God and His Word.


New member
Do you even understand what "I am" means? It is an affirmation of existence, which is why he said, before Abraham was, I am, because he was affirming his own existence before the existence of Abraham. This is not so difficult to understand. Everything else is I said about angels being spirits of God is also true.
"I am" means that all which exists, exists by God's command. Jesus very clearly declares that he is the Creator...he is God. The Jews knew this was Jesus claim and they picked up stones to kill him. You would do the same thing.


New member
I do not know Joseph Smith, and neither do I know you, and neither am I being lead by demons. I know Yeshua, and I know God, and I have spoken truthfully about the scriptures. It is because you lack understanding that you reject everything I'm saying because the truth is not in you, but rather, you have been deceived by the lies taught in your churches. You are also stubborn and refuse to come to understanding.

You are a cultist. Be gone. You follow Joe Smith and his pagan ways.


New member
Your selective and biased view of the Bible is your man-centered opinion. I believe ALL of it!

The "foreigners" that Peter is writing to are the SAME ones that James is writing to.

James 1:1 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

Keep your head buried in your opinions if you like, but I believe God and His Word.
Both are writing to the chosen people of God. The elect who are the true Israel of God. God is clear. You are wrong. Be gone.


"I am" means that all which exists, exists by God's command. Jesus very clearly declares that he is the Creator...he is God. The Jews knew this was Jesus claim and they picked up stones to kill him. You would do the same thing.

"I AM" does not mean that, for before even languages existed for commands to even exist, God "EXISTED". You have made your own definition of I AM that is not what is conveyed by the meaning of that phrase, TO EXIST, which is what Christ conveyed when he said I AM, that he existed before Abraham existed. Why is it so difficult to understand this simple truth?


You are a cultist. Be gone. You follow Joe Smith and his pagan ways.

I already told you that I do not know Joseph Smith, you have are falsely accusing me of what I am not. You, however, are a follower of the Antichrist, for the teaching of the trinity is a lie promulgated by the catholic church by him who sits in the Roman seat of authority, the pope, who is the Antichrist.


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Yeshua is the messiah, and is also God, for he has been appointed by the Father to be the Master of all heaven and earth and thus be "God", as the representation of God in creation.

So is Christ the one true God? or is He another God?

The spirit of God is an angel that takes the form of spirit, which is the form of wind, and is sent into the earth to inhabit the body of a believer, to guide him, comfort him, give him power to perform signs and miracles, and most importantly, to free him from sin and be perfected inwardly. To each believer baptized with the Spirit is given one spirit of God, hence "the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets". The spirit of God is also Master, whom believers serve while the spirit of God dwells inside the body, for the spirit of God will issue commands to the believer that the believer must also obey, "go here", "go there", "say this", "say that".

So the Holy Spirit is not God?


New member
"I AM" does not mean that, for before even languages existed for commands to even exist, God "EXISTED". You have made your own definition of I AM that is not what is conveyed by the meaning of that phrase, TO EXIST, which is what Christ conveyed when he said I AM, that he existed before Abraham existed. Why is it so difficult to understand this simple truth?
"I am" refers to the Creator God. Pretzel all you want, it still refers to the Creator God. Jesus is God. Deny it all you wish, you'll be wrong.


New member
Indeed Elohim is plural, but not because there is in any way "three" to support the lie you believe in, but because God engendered many sons in heavenly places, Christ, as his firstborn son, and then also many angels, that are all called "God", because to be a son is to be a representation of God, to be like God, hence "Elohim", which refers not just to the Father, but also the representation.
I already told you that I do not know Joseph Smith, you have are falsely accusing me of what I am not. You, however, are a follower of the Antichrist, for the teaching of the trinity is a lie promulgated by the catholic church by him who sits in the Roman seat of authority, the pope, who is the Antichrist.
Your own words show you are bowing at the feet of Joseph Smith. You are a cult member. Keep drinking the Kool-aid of heresy. God may one day break you down to nothing to cause your repentance. If not, try enjoy your short life because you will spend eternity in hell. I do not wish it upon you, but at present your path is hellbound. The elect will never be fooled like you are.