Paul's gospel was a mystery!


New member
is not the same as Christ dying for the ungodly (Romans 5:6 KJV)/enemies (Romans 5:10 KJV). It's not the same as the due time message of the man Christ Jesus giving Himself a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV)!

Good point. Jesus only died for the sins of all the world, no one else.

Calvinists also believe that Jesus only died for some people, but not everyone.

There is evidently quite a few of you on TOL.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Good point. Jesus only died for the sins of all the world, no one else.

Not sure I understand what you mean, 'Jesus only' ?

Is this statement the same? "Jesus died for the sins of all the world"? I do not understand what other group was left out?


TOL Subscriber
Good point. Jesus only died for the sins of all the world, no one else.

Calvinists also believe that Jesus only died for some people, but not everyone.

There is evidently quite a few of you on TOL.
I don't think John 1:29 KJV passage is about the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, in comparison, of His arrival.

I am not one who believes the man Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom for only some, but for all, but it was a due time message surrounded in mystery (2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV, 1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV, Ephesians 3:1-9 KJV) that came much later!

Eagles Wings

New member
So you claim to not be depraved, but declare yourself sinless?

Good luck with that . . .

View attachment 24786

Heard a great sermon today from Angus Stewart. He said so much of the church today is okay with depravity (original sin), but not total depravity. We still have that little bit of possibility that we can save ourselves. This doctrine is key for understanding that God is the only source of grace for salvation, not man, and yet most are not willing to spend time studying this deeply.


New member
Not sure I understand what you mean, 'Jesus only' ?

Is this statement the same? "Jesus died for the sins of all the world"? I do not understand what other group was left out?

The group heir promotes.


TOL Subscriber
Nice cherry pick, from one of the books you think holds all the weight, from a Bible version which you feel best upholds your views :rolleyes:

I don't even need to refute MADism, it refutes itself.
I believe all of the Bible is for our learning, but it's not all to us or about us. It means what it says as it says it and to whom. I do not cherry pick. That would be an accusation that could be railed against someone who chooses one verse over another that appears to contradict it rather than someone who recognizes that to reconcile it, one would need to know who is being addressed and the context in which it is written. You are more likely a cherry picker than I.


TOL Subscriber
Coming from someone who rejects even communion, which has been universally practiced as a command of the church since the beginning of Christianity, those words don't affect me much. It's not the KJV, it's YOU.

:mock: KJV-only


TOL Subscriber
And I defend my Christian brothers and sisters when they are unnecessarily treated wrongly.

My warning had nothing to do with me or my beliefs.
Right. It was a direct threat.

It is sickening to witness MAD disrespect and hatefulness shown to Christ's dear children, day after day. God will only permit so much of it before He intercedes on behalf of His own.
:chuckle: Eagles Wings is the one who was over the top in objection (out of nowhere) of my use of numskull which is a variant spelling of numbskull. And you threatened me over my response. Get over yourself.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The group heir promotes.

So, Jesus died for the sins of all the world. all those are saved, even those who think Jesus was merely a man, just a profit and did not rise from the dead? They get saved too? No faith in Jesus, not Grace from the Holy Spirit?

This is the problem, God has a way to save His people, Israel, even thought they are not believers. besides, any of the Jewish faith who believe in Christ, confess openly and are given Grace, do not have to suffer tribulation.

Too many persons here do not understand Scripture, yet all seem to think they do?


TOL Subscriber
Heard a great sermon today from Angus Stewart. He said so much of the church today is okay with depravity (original sin), but not total depravity. We still have that little bit of possibility that we can save ourselves.

So true, but that "little bit of possibility" infers a little bit of inner virtue is left over from the fall. ("Pelagianism")

But the first Adam totally corrupted the human nature, and left his offspring without any ability or capacity to save themselves (ala Cain). But God promised He would remedy this curse and provide a Seed (Savior) by His grace. Genesis 3:15 is the first teaching of the new Covenant of Grace that would restore souls from the condemnation for breaching the original Covenant of Works (Law).

This doctrine is key for understanding that God is the only source of grace for salvation, not man, and yet most are not willing to spend time studying this deeply.

Amen. You are absolutely right and God bless Rev. Stewart for boldly preaching and reminding of this Truth.

Almost every theological error or heresy stems from lack of understanding or rejection of the doctrine of Total Depravity.

I believe warning sinners of their depraved condition is the first proclamation of the Gospel message of grace.

Eagles Wings

New member

Right. It was a direct threat.

:chuckle: Eagles Wings is the one who was over the top in objection (out of nowhere) of my use of numskull which is a variant spelling of numbskull. And you threatened me over my response. Get over yourself.
Hardly over the top, heir. I'd be good to make amends and promise not to "swoop" in to correct grammar and spelling. I don't need to do that.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nang is old and has always gone a bit hyper over her theology, as of disagreement is a personal attack. She is basically a harmless old lady who gets too bent out of shape when anyone, as she perceives, is 'attacking' her beliefs.

This Calvinist droid Nag is a real downer, bummer, barbituate.