Paul's gospel was a mystery!


TOL Subscriber

Right. It was a direct threat.

:chuckle: Eagles Wings is the one who was over the top in objection (out of nowhere) of my use of numskull which is a variant spelling of numbskull. And you threatened me over my response. Get over yourself.

I did not threaten you, I gave you warning.

Which obviously you did not heed. You only react with paranoia . . .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nice cherry pick, from one of the books you think holds all the weight, from a Bible version which you feel best upholds your views :rolleyes:

I don't even need to refute MADism, it refutes itself.
Only a dishonest person would spam this "cherry picking" stumper/cliche. An honest woman/man would admit that everyone, w/o exception, "cherry picks" the commands, directives in the book-w/o exception.

But, then again, not many would claim that this Crucible slug was honest.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
And I defend my Christian brothers and sisters when they are unnecessarily treated wrongly.

My warning had nothing to do with me or my beliefs.

It is sickening to witness MAD disrespect and hatefulness shown to Christ's dear children, day after day. God will only permit so much of it before He intercedes on behalf of His own.

That labeling of GT as a "Christian sister," child of God, testifies to Nag being a perverter of the gospel of Christ(again), and a fellow child of the devil of GT.....The Cains stay together....

Eagles Wings

New member
Sure it was and it was meant to discredit me and it failed. The only thing it accomplished was to knock Nang off her rocker.
It was not over the top. It was meant to discredit you. It had nothing to do with Nang. If we can make amends, I'd like to get back to the discussion.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

You missed it, you demon-as usual.

"Covenant of grace....Gospel of the New Covenant...Covenant of Redemption"-Nag

No such thing in the book, you lush.

Sit down, you embarrassing drone.

God's Truth

New member
That labeling of GT as a "Christian sister," child of God, testifies to Nag being a perverter of the gospel of Christ(again), and a fellow child of the devil of GT.....The Cains stay together....

Nang is standing with not abusing others. You are verbally abusing others and that is not from God.

God's Truth

New member
You missed it, you demon-as usual.

"Covenant of grace....Gospel of the New Covenant...Covenant of Redemption"-Nag

No such thing in the book, you lush.

Sit down, you embarrassing drone.

Before I was saved, I could cap on you with verbal come backs that would beat your silly incessant remarks, but I am the temple of the Spirit of God, God is listening, and you are not worth having to confess over.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Before I was saved, I could cap on you with verbal come backs that would beat your silly incessant remarks, but I am the temple of the Spirit of God, God is listening, and you are not worth having to confess over.

You missed it, you demon-as usual.

"Covenant of grace....Gospel of the New Covenant...Covenant of Redemption"-Nag

No such thing in the book, you lush.

Sit down, you embarrassing drone.

No, the only "spirit" in you is the spirit of Jim Beam, devil child.

God's Truth

New member
2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Your demonic "version:"

2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of the new covenant of grace--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Your daddy the devil taught you well....


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"Everything Jesus says stands forever…. Jesus' words are for everyone.....We always have to obey God ...We always have to obey Jesus….........I obey all of Jesus' teachings....I follow all of Jesus teachings, exactly as he says…..Faith is obeying everything that Jesus says."”-God’sUNTruth


Only a dishonest person would spam this "cherry picking" stumper/cliche. An honest woman/man would admit that everyone, w/o exception, "cherry picks" the commands, directives in the book-w/o exception.

But, then again, not many would claim that this Crucible slug was honest.

'Cherry picking' is a fallacy of interpretation.

James says that faith without works is dead <> Paul says works mean nothing. If you cherry pick either one, you end up wrong. So there you go :wave:
~It's anything but a 'cliche', it's a means to root out false notions gathered from Scripture~