Paul's gospel was a mystery!


TOL Subscriber
Nang is old and has always gone a bit hyper over her theology, as of disagreement is a personal attack. She is basically a harmless old lady who gets too bent out of shape when anyone, as she perceives, is 'attacking' her beliefs.
How old she is or how young someone else is, is irrelevant. Her friend took issue with something I said and I responded only to have Nang threatening me for responding. I'm sure nothing will be done about it because she was quick to cover her tracks and people keep making excuses for her.


TOL Subscriber
Nice cherry pick, from one of the books you think holds all the weight, from a Bible version which you feel best upholds your views :rolleyes:

I don't even need to refute MADism, it refutes itself.
You cannot show Christ dying for the sins of the ungodly without the revelation of Jesus Christ to Paul! And now you take issue with the KJB. You are your own worst enemy!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How old she is or how young someone else is, is irrelevant. Her friend took issue with something I said and I responded only to have Nang threatening me for responding. I'm sure nothing will be done about it because she was quick to cover her tracks and people keep making excuses for her.

I hardly ever defend her, and Sherman might see it different than I see it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Nice cherry pick, from one of the books you think holds all the weight, from a Bible version which you feel best upholds your views :rolleyes:

I don't even need to refute MADism, it refutes itself.

You are not saying anything. The 'cherry picking' accusation has become a cliche!


You cannot show Christ dying for the sins of the ungodly without the revelation of Jesus Christ to Paul! And now you take issue with the KJB. You are your own worst enemy!

Coming from someone who rejects even communion, which has been universally practiced as a command of the church since the beginning of Christianity, those words don't affect me much. It's not the KJV, it's YOU.

:mock: KJV-only


TOL Subscriber

She is feisty!

And I defend my Christian brothers and sisters when they are unnecessarily treated wrongly.

My warning had nothing to do with me or my beliefs.

It is sickening to witness MAD disrespect and hatefulness shown to Christ's dear children, day after day. God will only permit so much of it before He intercedes on behalf of His own.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And I defend my Christian brothers and sisters when they are unnecessarily treated wrongly.

My warning had nothing to do with me or my beliefs.

It is sickening to witness MAD disrespect and hatefulness shown to Christ's dear children, day after day. God will only permit so much of it before He intercedes on behalf of His own.
MAD people have disrespect, Calvinists have disrespect, everyone has disrespect. This is a theology forum, many disrespect other views. Yet there is no real need to defend anyone, beyond remitting theological rebuke on a web forum.


New member
You cannot show Christ dying for the sins of the ungodly without the revelation of Jesus Christ to Paul! And now you take issue with the KJB. You are your own worst enemy!

John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"​

Are you thinking the Jews did not understand the significance of a sacrificial lamb?

God's Truth

New member
Nang is old and has always gone a bit hyper over her theology, as of disagreement is a personal attack. She is basically a harmless old lady who gets too bent out of shape when anyone, as she perceives, is 'attacking' her beliefs.

That is so rude. You talk about her as being an old lady. As for her theology, if one preaches no works at all for salvation...nothing...then she has a better defense than you do.

However, we are saved by believing and obeying.

God's Truth

New member
Why did you not say that God has never sinned? Why did you leave it at God "doesn't have to" repent according to your twisted definition? Will you leave God a sinner according to your twisted definition or will you retract your definition that makes him a sinner in need of "stop the sins that you do"?

What don't you get about humans needing to repent of sins and God does not?


Well-known member
Good example of what I say to look for from MADists . . .

Their superiority attitude and condescending behavior towards others reveals a lot.

MADism is nothing more than a convenient theology for people who would like to be worldly and then assume into Heaven when the fruits of their indifference becomes realized.

It ought to be completely anathema, along with their pretentious attitude which really just nails the coffin.

How superioritizing and condescending!


TOL Subscriber
John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"​

Are you thinking the Jews did not understand the significance of a sacrificial lamb?
John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

is not the same as Christ dying for the ungodly (Romans 5:6 KJV)/enemies (Romans 5:10 KJV). It's not the same as the due time message of the man Christ Jesus giving Himself a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV)!