Paul: "If Christ be not raised your faith is in vain and you are still in your sins"

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No you may not cause you're guilty of lying

The biggest problem with Calvinism is that it makes God an unjust, unmerciful sinner.

Who can trust in a tyrant God that condemns billions to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam, which was not their fault?


The biggest problem with Calvinism is that it makes God an unjust, unmerciful sinner.

Who can trust in a tyrant God that condemns billions to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam, which was not their fault?
Calvinist can't blame God cause God didn't have to do anything to unbelievers. The unbelievers did it to themselves. That means we got it right and you got it wrong. You're doing the wrong things yourself. Can't blame God for your actions. Calvinists knows the unbelievers are doing it to themselves. All mankind fell and been unable. God didn't make them unable. All God did was save the believers. He left the unbelievers alone in thier own sinful state. The Calvinist knows God passes over the goats. God didn't have to do any thing. The goats did it to themselves. You don't know Calvinism. You got it wrong. It's been explained to you before but you're stuck in seventh day Adventist theology.


New member
The biggest problem with Calvinism is that it makes God an unjust, unmerciful sinner.

Who can trust in a tyrant God that condemns billions to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam, which was not their fault?

Absolutely. Calvinists are the Sadducees or liberal wing of our day.


New member
Calvinist can't blame God cause God didn't have to do anything to unbelievers. The unbelievers did it to themselves. That means we got it right and you got it wrong. You're doing the wrong things yourself. Can't blame God for your actions. Calvinists knows the unbelievers are doing it to themselves. All mankind fell and been unable. God didn't make them unable. All God did was save the believers. He left the unbelievers alone in thier own sinful state. The Calvinist knows God passes over the goats. God didn't have to do any thing. The goats did it to themselves. You don't know Calvinism. You got it wrong. It's been explained to you before but you're stuck in seventh day Adventist theology.

All aspects of Calvinism have a double aspect whether or not you are willing to admit it is another story. If God could have saved the lost but chose not to for whatever reason they are lost because of his inaction not because they are sinners. You admit that he can save some but for some unknown reason he cannot or will not save all. Under Calvinism the saved are saved because of God and the lost are lost because of God. There is no free will so how can you at heart deny this? You're a fraud and a huckster who pawns off Josef Mengele as the creator of the universe.


New member
Calvinist can't blame God cause God didn't have to do anything to unbelievers. The unbelievers did it to themselves. That means we got it right and you got it wrong. You're doing the wrong things yourself. Can't blame God for your actions. Calvinists knows the unbelievers are doing it to themselves. All mankind fell and been unable. God didn't make them unable. All God did was save the believers. He left the unbelievers alone in thier own sinful state. The Calvinist knows God passes over the goats. God didn't have to do any thing. The goats did it to themselves. You don't know Calvinism. You got it wrong. It's been explained to you before but you're stuck in seventh day Adventist theology.

Are you a compatibilist?


New member
All aspects of Calvinism have a double aspect whether or not you are willing to admit it is another story. If God could have saved the lost but chose not to for whatever reason they are lost because of his inaction not because they are sinners. You admit that he can save some but for some unknown reason he cannot or will not save all. Under Calvinism the saved are saved because of God and the lost are lost because of God. There is no free will so how can you at heart deny this? You're a fraud and a huckster who pawns off Josef Mengele as the creator of the universe.

It is the same as Adam and Eve in Genesis 3.

GOD: Don't eat of the fruit of that tree or you will die.

What did Adam and Eve do? They did exactly the contrary of what the Lord told them to do. They did eat and they died immediately.

What was the reason that they gave for being disobedient? It is your fault God.

ADAM: The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
TRANSLATION: If you, God, had not given me the woman, I would not have eaten; therefore, it is your fault God that I did what I did.

EVE: The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
TRANSLATION: The serpent that you created, she beguiled me, had you, God, not created this serpent, I would not eaten; therefore, it is your fault God that I did what I did.

GOD: I will provide a way to get you guys out of the mess you got yourselves in. If you follow my way, you will be saved if not you will be lost eternally.

There is no record in the Bible that Adam and Eve ever made it right with the Lord.


All aspects of Calvinism have a double aspect whether or not you are willing to admit it is another story. If God could have saved the lost but chose not to for whatever reason they are lost because of his inaction not because they are sinners. You admit that he can save some but for some unknown reason he cannot or will not save all. Under Calvinism the saved are saved because of God and the lost are lost because of God. There is no free will so how can you at heart deny this? You're a fraud and a huckster who pawns off Josef Mengele as the creator of the universe.
Calvinism isn't a fraud. It one of the best ways to describe why God knew his children and how they were saved. The arminians have it backwards. Backwards is as very very bad thing like driving on the freeway backwards. You hurt other people. The argument here is a timing argument. We all poke each other that the chicken came before the egg while others demand the egg came before the chicken. Deja vu is sort of a creepy thing but when we say we've been there before but it's not possible due to never physically being there. In other words, the elects may not pin point how they got saved but they just know they believe now. Folks here are into date setting on the exact day they made a commitment like filling out a entertainment club card to get a ticket to fantasy heaven. All I know is that the evidence points I'm a believer and yet you call me a fraud. You point fingers a lot to get out of your own sins. You're just as guilty being a sinner as I am but you boast more that me. I don't boast at all. No Calvinist boasts. We give God the credit in saving the elects and yet you want me to give you the credit. I don't think so.


New member
Calvinism isn't a fraud. It one of the best ways to describe why God knew his children and how they were saved. The arminians have it backwards. Backwards is as very very bad thing like driving on the freeway backwards. You hurt other people. The argument here is a timing argument. We all poke each other that the chicken came before the egg while others demand the egg came before the chicken. Deja vu is sort of a creepy thing but when we say we've been there before but it's not possible due to never physically being there. In other words, the elects may not pin point how they got saved but they just know they believe now. Folks here are into date setting on the exact day they made a commitment like filling out a entertainment club card to get a ticket to fantasy heaven. All I know is that the evidence points I'm a believer and yet you call me a fraud. You point fingers a lot to get out of your own sins. You're just as guilty being a sinner as I am but you boast more that me. I don't boast at all. No Calvinist boasts. We give God the credit in saving the elects and yet you want me to give you the credit. I don't think so.

You give God the credit for creating and ordaining sin. The bible declares that everything God created at inception was perfect. Sin is the fault of the creation not the creator. We are accountable and responsible for our lives. Calvinism denies personal responsibility.


You give God the credit for creating and ordaining sin. The bible declares that everything God created at inception was perfect. Sin is the fault of the creation not the creator. We are accountable and responsible for our lives. Calvinism denies personal responsibility.
Traditional Calvinism say we're accountable and responsible. Most antiCalvinist get there sources from uneducated people that don't know what they're talking about. Still, God is very much alive and very involved in our actions. You make god dead like you're on your own as in free free free godless will.


New member
Traditional Calvinism say we're accountable and responsible. Most antiCalvinist get there sources from uneducated people that don't know what they're talking about. Still, God is very much alive and very involved in our actions. You make god dead like you're on your own as in free free free godless will.

Calvinism is built on the premise of unconditional election and the absolute sovereignty of God. Why don't you refute that source! There is no such thing as personal responsibility if God is absolutely sovereign, they're not compatible.


Calvinism is built on the premise of unconditional election and the absolute sovereignty of God. Why don't you refute that source! There is no such thing as personal responsibility if God is absolutely sovereign, they're not compatible.
The Bible said were responsible and the Calvinist accepts that. You just don't like Calvinism. You'll find a way to fight. Why? You're jealous


No I don't like Calvinism and I never will. Just another elitist religious sect gone rogue.
We're good. Conservative Presbyterian and reformed Baptists teaches straight out of the Bible, alone. The Bible itself isn't rogue. Babble away. You're really fighting Jesus not us. That's dangerous and signs of unregenerates.

Brother Ducky

New member
Calvinism is built on the premise of unconditional election and the absolute sovereignty of God. Why don't you refute that source! There is no such thing as personal responsibility if God is absolutely sovereign, they're not compatible.

Don't forget Total Depravity!


Well-known member
Raised spiritually 1Cor 15:45, flesh and blood can't inherit the kingdom of light Matt 11:11 where the observable world is but a shadow of the multiplicity of Conscience life, "reflected in temporal states that can never enter the kingdom through outward doors of perception" Luke 17:20-21, time to click those heels Dorthy and look inside like Christ taught Galatians 1:12.


Raised spiritually 1Cor 15:45, flesh and blood can't inherit the kingdom of light Matt 11:11 where the observable world is but a shadow of the multiplicity of Conscience life, "reflected in temporal states that can never enter the kingdom through outward doors of perception" Luke 17:20-21, time to click those heels Dorthy and look inside like Christ taught Galatians 1:12.
Dust will there for us to make human mud pies when God opens the playground